Has anyone here mounted a flat screen tv to a plaster wall?

[quote name='Viva Las Vegas']Looking for some advice on doing this. Would hate to make the investment and have it crash in the middle of the night.[/QUOTE]Advice? You don't think the entire wall is plaster and lath, do you? Fasten it to the studs and it will be fine.
[quote name='Viva Las Vegas']That is the problem, no studs on the wall I want to attach it to. It will be between a 37"-42" tv.[/QUOTE]

No studs, only plaster? Sounds like a good time to put on a Kool-Aid man costume and have some fun.
I have my plasma TV hanging on a plaster wall. I was going to do it myself but I eventually bit the bullet and had Best Buy send someone in to do it. They eventually found the studs but it was more like trial and error and there are a few large holes in my wall directly behind the TV (that you can't see at all even if you look for them).

Their solution was kind of simple though - You pop a hole in the wall, run a snake until you hit something, make a mark on the snake where it stops moving. Measure the distance from the end of the snake to the mark and use that length to find the stud from the hole. It's been hanging for 2.5 years with no problems... I know you said there are no studs but there has to be something in there...
[quote name='Viva Las Vegas']That is the problem, no studs on the wall I want to attach it to. It will be between a 37"-42" tv.[/QUOTE]Resign yourself to either using a stand for it, moving it to one of the other walls in the room (one of them has to be load bearing I'd think) or tearing out the existing wall, putting studs in, and re-plastering.
Its hard to believe there are no studs in the wall. Id go down to home depot and pick up a stud finder for cheap, if youre REALLY cheap and have a good ear, you can ty knocking on the wall to hear where the studs are. I think theres supposed to be a stud every foot or so. good luck.
Thanks javeryh and everyone else. I've torn into the wall before for repairs but maybe I'll have to make a much bigger mess and see what I can find. Stud finders are pretty bad at locating studs in plaster walls.
[quote name='clumsychu']Its hard to believe there are no studs in the wall. Id go down to home depot and pick up a stud finder for cheap, if youre REALLY cheap and have a good ear, you can ty knocking on the wall to hear where the studs are. I think theres supposed to be a stud every foot or so. good luck.[/QUOTE]

every 16 inches ;)
[quote name='javeryh']I have my plasma TV hanging on a plaster wall. I was going to do it myself but I eventually bit the bullet and had Best Buy send someone in to do it. They eventually found the studs but it was more like trial and error and there are a few large holes in my wall directly behind the TV (that you can't see at all even if you look for them).

Their solution was kind of simple though - You pop a hole in the wall, run a snake until you hit something, make a mark on the snake where it stops moving. Measure the distance from the end of the snake to the mark and use that length to find the stud from the hole. It's been hanging for 2.5 years with no problems... I know you said there are no studs but there has to be something in there...[/QUOTE]

Did they at least try to use a stud finder before going with the poke holes into the wall method? That is crap work, IMO.
I would highly recommend sending your TV to my house. I will (at no cost to you) install it for you, on a wall I have with studs in it.
[quote name='onetrackmind']every 16 inches ;)[/QUOTE]Well, that varies depending on region and materials and whatnot, but yeah, if you find one, the next one shouldn't be too far away.
One would think there would have to be studs in your wall or sheeting would be buckling out. Just go along the wall and knock on it. Wherever it is quiet/solid you've found a place to nail and wherever it's loud/hollow, dont nail.
Hi I have a few years of construction under my belt. Is there a door jam or window near where your wanting to hang the tv? If so just measure 18" over and there should be a stud. As that is the standard for building houses. If not knock on the wall with something heavy, Ie hammer. Then when you find one measure 18" and you should find another. If you cant find one. Buy a studfinder. And if you still cant find one. Rip into it and find one. Hope that helps.
[quote name='jmcc']Resign yourself to either using a stand for it, moving it to one of the other walls in the room (one of them has to be load bearing I'd think) or tearing out the existing wall, putting studs in, and re-plastering.[/QUOTE]

I think jmcc's hit it on the money here. Unfortunately with the size of that TV you'll have to anchor it to something, which apparently there's nothing to do that. With a much, much smaller TV and depending on the thickness you could try some kind hollow wall anchors, but no way that'll hold a TV of that size.

I'd say simply purchase a stand for it. They make some that are very streamlined and designed to appear small and out of the way. There's even some that "simulate" a wall-mounted style I guess you'd say, but in my experience every one fo those seems to make the tilt one way or another after a little time.
[quote name='gregthomas77']No studs, only plaster? Sounds like a good time to put on a Kool-Aid man costume and have some fun.[/quote]

bread's done