Has anyone seen those florida girls beat up one girl?(A video inside)

I didn't see the original video and because of that I'm seeing nothing that would send her to the hospital so I have no idea whats going on.
Knowing juvie, if thats where they go... they will be either beat up themselves or raped. And if they are tried as adults, they'll get beat up at the very least.
i watched a fox news clip of this on the net. they made me mad.

"should the girls be tried as an adult"


Damn. Seriously...how do you get lured into someones house who doesnt like you. That really stupid. Also...if you are in someone house and they are beating you...you should probably try to run bitch not walk to the door casually. Another thing...if its not your house...start breaking some shit. Flail around as much as you can and kick holes in the wall...or something. At least they will get in trouble for that. This bitch has the worst fighting sense I have ever seen. They have already started punching you...why are you still trying reason with them? BITCH RUN! BREAK ALL KINDS OF SHIT AND RUN! There is a back door right? RUN BITCH. STOP THINKING AND START MAKING MOVES! I watched the entire vid. She spent A LOT of time standing around talking. You weigh like 100 pounds. She should have been running through the house knocking over everything in sight kicking a hole in that huge tv. She basically lured herself into the corner because she had plenty of room to run. No one was holding her down. She is basically allowing herself to be a victim. After you get punched 10 times you might one to throw one back dumbass. She stands there talking and allowing herself to get beat.

I might be jaded but I have seen 15,16,17 her old girls beat the fuck out of guys before. Coming from the ghetto I just hate weak girls like that. Bitch throw a punch, kick, throw a plate, cell phone, you have a pen in your pocket? Stab them with that. Do something other than just accept that your getting your ass kicked. I mean fuck! Watching that video just makes me mad at her for being such a pussy. I also kinda want to punch her parents for being such tools. Blaming youtube and Jackass? How about teaching your daughter not to go into houses by herself? Or if someone is trying to kill you DO SOMETHING OTHER THAN STAND IN A CORNER!

This is going to sound mean but I grew up in ghetto. I saw and was a part of many many fights. I witnessed 3 girls jump 1 and beat her with master locks. I have seen 3 21 year old completely stomp the shit out of a 15 year old boy and his girlfriend. I hate to say it...but I am kinda with destro on this one. In the ghetto people get shot,stabbed,beat to inches of their life all the time and no one really gives a shit. Hell I still remember seeing cops raid a house and slam a 15 year old on the car then smash his face into the ground. Things like this happen ALL THE TIME.

But that is no excuse. Those girls should be charged and put into jail for a long time. Also her parents should really think about how they raised her. Damn that bitch is stupid.
Full video anywhere?

If I was her, I would have just started breaking everything in the house. Knocking over those glass shelves, kicking a hole through the tv, and pissing on the couch.
Yeah its like 10 posts up.

The link that just has the puking emocon and the word disgusting.

[quote name='zewone']Full video anywhere?

If I was her, I would have just started breaking everything in the house. Knocking over those glass shelves, kicking a hole through the tv, and pissing on the couch.[/quote]

Yeah thats what I am saying. You watch the video and yeah it sucks they she is getting her ass kicked but you watch her literally do NOTHING to try to stop it. She stands up and walks slowly to the corner...and basically just stands there the rest of the time. You can see that there is a hall way right next to her....RUN BITCH! If they are going to beat your ass you might as well make them work for it. Its not your house...break everything in that bitch.

Its so hapless it pisses me off. I know 14 year olds that could have gotten out of that.
did they ever say what the reason was for them ganging up on her. last i heard they were cheerleaders or something but they never gave a full reason on the news. i hope they are all charged as adults.
[quote name='lokizz']did they ever say what the reason was for them ganging up on her. last i heard they were cheerleaders or something but they never gave a full reason on the news. i hope they are all charged as adults.[/quote]

Allegedly, the girl they beat up said something about one or some of the other girls on myspace.

The internet is serious business indeed.
I always know when I'm on CAG because a few people will invariably blame the victim no matter what the scenario is.

Anyway, they aren't being tried as adults? Pshh, if they were all black and from a poorer area 1) we wouldn't hear about it on the news and 2) they'd all get felonies. Look at what happened to the Jena Six (and their actions were almost justifiable, not some stupid MySpace bullshit).

Oh America, when will you learn?
[quote name='Soodmeg'] BITCH RUN! BREAK ALL KINDS OF SHIT AND RUN! There is a back door right? RUN BITCH. STOP THINKING AND START MAKING MOVES![/quote]

This topic is by no means amusing at all, but this is the funniest quote I've read in a while.:D
yea i really dont understand how with all of the random objects in that room, she did not try to pick up one and defend herself or try to get away.
[quote name='insertcleverthing']I always know when I'm on CAG because a few people will invariably blame the victim no matter what the scenario is.

Anyway, they aren't being tried as adults? Pshh, if they were all black and from a poorer area 1) we wouldn't hear about it on the news and 2) they'd all get felonies. Look at what happened to the Jena Six (and their actions were almost justifiable, not some stupid MySpace bullshit).

Oh America, when will you learn?[/quote]

Suck my balls bitch. I am not "blaming the victim" get off it. Christ your an idiot.

I dont blame her for anything....anyone can get jumped at any point in time but you have to ask a certain level of questions when things happen. But most of the time when people are "victims" its beacuse they are really really stupid. Its sucks she got beaten up is all I can say about what happened.

Its 2008 and she is 16 years old....how the fuck do you get lured into a house? They are obviously not your friends so why did you think you should go into a house by yourself.

2nd. Did you watch the video? Did you watch her walk into a corner and then stand there for 20 min getting punch in the face? They were not holding her down...nor were they actually really keeping her in the house. The fat one put her hand on the door lightly 2 times and that was it. She stood in the corner and tried to talk her way out of it for the longest time. She even had her god damn hands down by her waist. Can you at least put your fist up to protect your face?

Again. I dont blame her for anything....I am simply saying she is one of the dumbest fucking people alive and I hate her for being so stupid. I couldnt trust this chick to save our kids if something happened. Hell if the house was on fire what would she do? Walk to a corner and try to talk to it? Because her life is in danger there and thats exactly what she did.

I have seen younger kids do a lot more so dont tell me that 16 years old is to young to have thought of a better plan than stand in corner.

Its funny that if this story was about a 16 year old dying because they of their own stupidity we would be making fun of them non stop. Again....people get jumped every single day by more than 3 or more people. They get beaten way worse than she did and no one gives a flying shit. White girl gets smashed up and everyones like :whee: Whats going on with our youth. Youtube and Jackass are killing people.

If someone got mauled by a bear in the woods I wouldnt blame him. Hell anyone in the woods can get mauled by a bear. But I will have to ask why he thought it was a good idea to rub honey all over himself and dance in front of a cave.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Suck my balls bitch. I am not "blaming the victim" get off it. Christ your an idiot.

I dont blame her for anything....anyone can get jumped at any point in time but you have to ask a certain level of questions when things happen. But most of the time when people are "victims" its beacuse they are really really stupid. Its sucks she got beaten up is all I can say about what happened.

Its 2008 and she is 16 years old....how the fuck do you get lured into a house? They are obviously not your friends so why did you think you should go into a house by yourself.

2nd. Did you watch the video? Did you watch her walk into a corner and then stand there for 20 min getting punch in the face? They were not holding her down...nor were they actually really keeping her in the house. The fat one put her hand on the door lightly 2 times and that was it. She stood in the corner and tried to talk her way out of it for the longest time. She even had her god damn hands down by her waist. Can you at least put your fist up to protect your face?

Again. I dont blame her for anything....I am simply saying she is one of the dumbest fucking people alive and I hate her for being so stupid. I couldnt trust this chick to save our kids if something happened. Hell if the house was on fire what would she do? Walk to a corner and try to talk to it? Because her life is in danger there and thats exactly what she did.

I have seen younger kids do a lot more so dont tell me that 16 years old is to young to have thought of a better plan than stand in corner.

Its funny that if this story was about a 16 year old dying because they of their own stupidity we would be making fun of them non stop. Again....people get jumped every single day by more than 3 or more people. They get beaten way worse than she did and no one gives a flying shit. White girl gets smashed up and everyones like :whee: Whats going on with our youth. Youtube and Jackass are killing people.

If someone got mauled by a bear in the woods I wouldnt blame him. Hell anyone in the woods can get mauled by a bear. But I will have to ask why he thought it was a good idea to rub honey all over himself and dance in front of a cave.[/quote]

i argee with you to a certain extent. when she was in the corner near the door you see a glass case full of shit that in a pinch she could have used to beat the shit out of somebody. yeah she would have been swarmed on probably but itd be worth it if one of them got theirs.

but maybe shes not the kind of person who fights back. ive noticed that in kids today there seem to be odd extremes when it comes to behavior. some are either very passive or extremely violent. she could be one of the passive ones.

aside from that with how fucked up shit is with kids killing kids theres a good chance she was afraid for her life. in that situation why wouldnt you think theres a possiblity you could die hell im sure she wasnt expecting to get knocked out and then pummeled so you have that and she could still be somewhat dazed from the beating shes taken/taking and shes surrounded by girls and guys.

a beating isnt the worst that could have happened or could hapen to her whose to say she wasnt taken advantage of by the guys?

i think everyone is in agreement tht this shit is fucked up and everyone involved including he parents should be held accountable. but theres those of us who cant help but say damn man why didnt she fight back ? maybe she did at first since they say the tape was shot after she was intitially knocked out.

more than anything id liek to hear from her what all happened. once the jury hears her side of things theyre all fucked.
[quote name='Soodmeg']If you want you can also read the police report here.


Apparently she was not lured into the house as the first post said. She was staying there over spring break (how the hell do you pick what people to stay with?)....bah stop being lazy and read the pdf.[/quote]

thanks for posting the link this is the most complete picture of this story ive seen or read to date.
Originally Posted by Soodmeg

[quote name='shieryda']This topic is by no means amusing at all, but this is the funniest quote I've read in a while.:D[/quote]

Hahaha word. Soodmeg, you yell at the screen in horror movies, don't you? RUN BEEYOTCH, THAT NINJA GOT A KNIFE HE GONNA STAB YO ASS!!!
[quote name='insertcleverthing']Anyway, they aren't being tried as adults? Pshh, if they were all black and from a poorer area 1) we wouldn't hear about it on the news and 2) they'd all get felonies. Look at what happened to the Jena Six (and their actions were almost justifiable, not some stupid MySpace bullshit).

Oh America, when will you learn?[/quote]

Hey buddy, look up the case of Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian, then get back to me on how it feels to get knocked off your high horse.
Well, I don't know about transposing the situation to poor, African-American girls, but I am pretty confident that there's a layer of perversion to seeing relatively hot, underage girls fighting that gives this story some extra 'appeal'. I'm sure a lot of people were hoping the one girl would throw the victim down, and pin her by straddling her.

No 'projection' there. Ahem.
[quote name='camoor']Hey buddy, look up the case of Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian, then get back to me on how it feels to get knocked off your high horse.[/quote]
Wouldn't that strengthen my case being that 1) the perpetrators were black, 2) it wasn't widely covered, and 3) they got felonies? I'm missing your point. Anyway I have to go back to watching the local news where white girls are getting kidnapped and there are shark attacks happening. SHARKS!!!

EDIT: No one has been sentenced though they are seeking the death penalty, so there ya go.
[quote name='camoor']Hey buddy, look up the case of Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian, then get back to me on how it feels to get knocked off your high horse.[/quote]

Wow, I have never heard of that case before. Here's the wiki entry if you're too lazy to look. The victims were white and the attackers were black in this situation. The wiki entry doesn't mention it.


[quote name='insertcleverthing']Wouldn't that strengthen my case being that 1) the perpetrators were black, 2) it wasn't widely covered, and 3) they got felonies? I'm missing your point. Anyway I have to go back to watching the local news where white girls are getting kidnapped and there are shark attacks happening. SHARKS!!![/quote]

It strengthens his point because the victims were white and it wasn't covered. Which goes against your point that the media suggestive in reporting crimes that occur to people of certain income and race (being black in your example).
Ah, I see. Yes that example does then indeed work in that case.

However, it would think it's a tough position to argue that the mainstream media doesn't favor airtime toward crimes committed toward affluent, white people in general. I'm sure there is plenty of research out there on the subject and considering racial tensions in this country, is not farfetched in the slightest. However, my main point was that they weren't getting tried as adults. The Jena Six weren't as lucky.

Regardless, violence like this should be treated with disguest no matter the circumstance (I just wish our justice system felt the same way).
[quote name='insertcleverthing']Ah, I see. Yes that example does then indeed work in that case.

However, it would think it's a tough position to argue that the mainstream media doesn't favor airtime toward crimes committed toward affluent, white people in general. I'm sure there is plenty of research out there on the subject and considering racial tensions in this country, is not farfetched in the slightest. However, my main point was that they weren't getting tried as adults. The Jena Six weren't as lucky.

Regardless, violence like this should be treated with disguest no matter the circumstance (i just wish our justice system felt the same way).[/quote]

It's a matter of opinion, but I think the most shocking element of this case is the uploaded video evidence coupled with the assualting girls misconception that beating up on a peer would be a fun way to become celebrities. I mean that one girl is shouting "please watch out for my shelves" - WTF
[quote name='camoor']It's a matter of opinion, but I think the most shocking element of this case is the uploaded video evidence coupled with the assualting girls misconception that beating up on a peer would be a fun way to become celebrities. I mean that one girl is shouting "please watch out for my shelves" - WTF[/quote]
Agreed. She's actually more concerned for a piece of furniture than a living, breathing human being. Wow.
[quote name='insertcleverthing']Agreed. She's actually more concerned for a piece of furniture than a living, breathing human being. Wow.[/quote]

Any that furthers my point.....if she would have started breaking things around her maybe just maybe she wouldnt have been beatin so badly.

That might have cut her beating short if she broke something. Hell who knows but anything is better than just standing in a corner with your hands at your hips.

I also completely disagree. Low income cities do not get covered when things like this happen. And if they do its spun in a away that makes ghetto seem dangerous.

Why do you think people are afraid blacks? Because the news shows blacks in the ghetto beating each other. I live in Michigan and I know friends who wont step foot in Detroit for fear of being hurt by blacks because they are wait.

Ah well.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Any that furthers my point.....if she would have started breaking things around her maybe just maybe she wouldnt have been beatin so badly.

That might have cut her beating short if she broke something. Hell who knows but anything is better than just standing in a corner with your hands at your hips.

I also completely disagree. Low income cities do not get covered when things like this happen. And if they do its spun in a away that makes ghetto seem dangerous.

Why do you think people are afraid blacks? Because the news shows blacks in the ghetto beating each other. I live in Michigan and I know friends who wont step foot in Detroit for fear of being hurt by blacks because they are wait.

Ah well.[/quote]Those damn wait people.;)
[quote name='karkyco']Hmmm, in the break.com link there was no sound. At least for me. What the hell?[/QUOTE]
Turn your headphones up.

[quote name='Soodmeg'] Christ your an idiot.

Nobody's going to say it?
[quote name='Ugamer_X']Turn your headphones up.

Nobody's going to say it?[/quote]
I had to pick between that and "Wait people." I felt "wait people" was worse.:applause:
[quote name='Ugamer_X']Turn your headphones up.

My speakers were turned all the way up, the video's volume was set all the way up, and I tested against another video. For some reason there was no sound for me on the latest break video link. Odd.
[quote name='karkyco']My speakers were turned all the way up, the video's volume was set all the way up, and I tested against another video. For some reason there was no sound for me on the latest break video link. Odd.[/QUOTE]

Same thing happened to me the first time I played that video, but I thought my speaker volume was low. Now, it works.
[quote name='JolietJake']Those damn wait people.;)[/quote]

I see what you did thur!

Yay I noticed that also. But I have made it a habit to not fix spelling mistakes in and edit. For some reason I think that makes you look insecure. Meh what can you do?

Didnt you hear me...I grew up in the ghetto...I can barely spell my own name thanks to our schools.
[quote name='XxFuRy2Xx']I hope they don't get some wuss judge who doesn't like sending kids to jail, because they certainly belong there.[/quote]

Put them in the Army. So the people who went to fight in Iraq at 18 can still enjoy some of their twenties back home.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Low income cities do not get covered when things like this happen. And if they do its spun in a away that makes ghetto seem dangerous.

Why do you think people are afraid blacks? Because the news shows blacks in the ghetto beating each other.[/quote]

So wait - the media doesn't show beatings when they happen in the ghetto, then they sometimes show it, then they show it to the point that people are afraid of black people? Geez, make up your mind already.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Put them in the Army. So the people who went to fight in Iraq at 18 can still enjoy some of their twenties back home.[/quote]

Actually that's becoming a big problem. Gangs are sending members into the military to get trained in marksmanship and tactics - it makes the gangbangers more effective, disciplined, and lethal.

They had this one piece on the news where a Cali gang setup a classic crossfire ambush on the police.
[quote name='camoor']Actually that's becoming a big problem. Gangs are sending members into the military to get trained in marksmanship and tactics - it makes the gangbangers more effective, disciplined, and lethal.

They had this one piece on the news where a Cali gang setup a classic crossfire ambush on the police.[/quote]
Yeah they say there are MS13 and blood/crypt tags all over Iraq. How weird is that?
I watched it for a few seconds, but I had to turn it off. Video game violence is fun and all, but real violence really gets to me, and I can't even watch it.

It amazes me how people can have such little regard for other people. Why do people suck so much?
bread's done