Has Rockstar gone too far with 'Bully'?

[quote name='jam3582']If you really wanna see something controversial you guys should check out the trailor to Prey here http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=6394&type=mov .

awesome game but there is a certain part in there revolving children so if you are offended easily I wouldnt check it out . All others feel free and check it out its looks hot.[/QUOTE]

I think I saw the part in question. Do you mean when the little girl gets possessed towards the middle of the trailer? That wasn't bad at all compared to decades of horror films that show kids as some of the most evil beings around.
[quote name='Apossum']I seriously don't see the problem.....I've read articles about this game....your nuts Scrubking-- it's gonna be rated teen, it's gonna be in good humor, and this is the mildest R* game yet.[/QUOTE]

Some people seem to be taking previews as gospel. Last time I checked a lot of the stuff reported to be in San Andreas wasn't there. A lot of the quotes from R* devs turned out to be lies.

Anyway, if it does get a T rating it's probably cause of the lack of GTA gore and guns, but that doesn't mean that you won't go around beating the crap out of kids for fun - which is the point of this thread.
OK, I'm not going to touch the whole argument about how much kids are affected here. I will, however, express my disgust for how these games exhibit a total lack of creativity, ingenuity, imagination, and everything else that makes the Human race wonderful.

OK, so you want violence, fine. There's always room for villains... but where are the heroes? Where's the just cause worth fighting for? If you win this Bully game, you think you're a fucking hero? No. You're a thug. There are few things more despicable.

I don't understand how anyone could possibly be better off for playing a game with no human value whatsoever. Ah, I hear you protesting already... fine. Is it inspiring? God, I hope not. Uplifting? Though it may be fun (in the same way that caffeine "gives you energy"), it doesn't nurture that which uplifts us. Beautiful? Don't think so. But the all important question: Is it art? Yes, in the same way that bondage-rape-scat porn is art. And as such, we're too late in trying to ban it.

I simply wish that game developers like Rockstar would reach for better subject matter next time they kick off a brainstorming session. Or better yet... make their OWN subject matter. Take us into new worlds, and use these insanely powerful machines to show us something we've never imagined. That's why we play games isn't it? To escape? It's not much of an escape from real life when I can turn on the 11:00 news and see the same scenes, or go to any playground to see a kid geting picked on.

To Rockstar (and the others dabbling on the same canvas): Aim higher. You're masters with your medium, but your subjects are tasteless. If you can bring such amazing gameplay to *that* kind of material, imagine what you could do if you invented your own. Personally, I'd love to see it, and I'd probably buy it the day it shipped.
[quote name='Scrubking']Some people seem to be taking previews as gospel. Last time I checked a lot of the stuff reported to be in San Andreas wasn't there. A lot of the quotes from R* devs turned out to be lies.

Anyway, if it does get a T rating it's probably cause of the lack of GTA gore and guns, but that doesn't mean that you won't go around beating the crap out of kids for fun - which is the point of this thread.[/QUOTE]

that makes no sense...why would they lie about the feel of the game and the ESRB rating?

Sorry, but you sound like a dumb senator trying to get a game banned-- "go around beating the crap out of kids for fun"--- yeah, that's the WHOLE game. Btw, the main character is a teen too...and you are at a boarding school-- you don't beat up 8 year olds dude. You do a lot of stuff...think of it as Grand Theft Boarding School-- but without crazy violence, maybe a couple fist fights and Pranks instead of jobs.
[quote name='Apossum']that makes no sense...why would they lie about the feel of the game and the ESRB rating?

Sorry, but you sound like a dumb senator trying to get a game banned-- "go around beating the crap out of kids for fun"--- yeah, that's the WHOLE game. Btw, the main character is a teen too...and you are at a boarding school-- you don't beat up 8 year olds dude. You do a lot of stuff...think of it as Grand Theft Boarding School-- but without crazy violence, maybe a couple fist fights and Pranks instead of jobs.[/QUOTE]

Your the one who sounds dumb. " you don't beat up on other kids ALL the time just SOME of the time." Beating up kids only 25% of the time doesn't make it suddenly fine. WTF?

And they may not lie outright, but they will say things that end up being not true when the game is finished. This is common in the gaming industry and should be common knowledge.
I'm in favor of all games that push boundaries... I may not play them all but I have nothing against their existance...
[quote name='Scrubking']Of course the 'rapist' would be worse, but it looks like that is the direction R* is headed. They seem adamant on pushing the limits, and apparently love getting sued.

And how do I make it sound worse than it is? Beating up kids IS what the game is about. You play as a kid in school who goes around starting fights and flushing other kids heads down the toilet for fun.[/QUOTE]

You must have been the nerd in school all your life and prolly had most of this shit happen to you before. That is the only way I could see someone taking offense to a GAME!!!! well besides a soccer mom and all.
OK, I'm not going to touch the whole argument about how much kids are affected here. I will, however, express my disgust for how these games exhibit a total lack of creativity, ingenuity, imagination, and everything else that makes the Human race wonderful.

OK, so you want violence, fine. There's always room for villains... but where are the heroes? Where's the just cause worth fighting for? If you win this Bully game, you think you're a fucking hero? No. You're a thug. There are few things more despicable.

I don't understand how anyone could possibly be better off for playing a game with no human value whatsoever. Ah, I hear you protesting already... fine. Is it inspiring? God, I hope not. Uplifting? Though it may be fun (in the same way that caffeine "gives you energy"), it doesn't nurture that which uplifts us. Beautiful? Don't think so. But the all important question: Is it art? Yes, in the same way that bondage-rape-scat porn is art. And as such, we're too late in trying to ban it.

I simply wish that game developers like Rockstar would reach for better subject matter next time they kick off a brainstorming session. Or better yet... make their OWN subject matter. Take us into new worlds, and use these insanely powerful machines to show us something we've never imagined. That's why we play games isn't it? To escape? It's not much of an escape from real life when I can turn on the 11:00 news and see the same scenes, or go to any playground to see a kid geting picked on.

To Rockstar (and the others dabbling on the same canvas): Aim higher. You're masters with your medium, but your subjects are tasteless. If you can bring such amazing gameplay to *that* kind of material, imagine what you could do if you invented your own. Personally, I'd love to see it, and I'd probably buy it the day it shipped.
Wow, people that make a big stink about this game obviously have not seen some worse games that get released, take Battle Raper for instance. Personally I think being a school bully in a video game is better than running around beating up chicks and raping them...
[quote name='DMFunk']Wow, people that make a big stink about this game obviously have not seen some worse games that get released, take Battle Raper for instance. Personally I think being a school bully in a video game is better than running around beating up chicks and raping them...[/QUOTE]Yeah, you're right, that's probably a lot worse. I'm not singling anything out, but the camel's back is seriously weakening. If I hadn't seen those other games, I would probably dismiss this one more readily. It's the sheer volume of tastelessness that's got my tongue wagging.
[quote name='Scrubking']fuck it it's only a game!!!

Let's make a game called the pedophile where you get to go around and rape little kids for the fun of it. ITS ONLY A GAME!!!


When they make that game we'll talk. Until then curb the overblown comparisons. You posted an opinion and get all bent out of shape when people have a different one. Did you expect everyone to come in here and say, "oh yeah scrub, you are right. this game is whacked and shouldn't be published!!" Well, newsflash, you don't represent everyone on this board.

Bully doesn't even come close to your pedophile example. Even though I am with TSD in saying there isn't much that offends me, there is definitely a "line" in what should and shouldn't be in a video game, but Bully clearly does not cross it IMHO. Yours is different, fine.

I also like your response to those who have said that beating up kids isn't the only point of the game....."You rely too much on previews, there was stuff not in SA that was supposed to be!" So I guess you've got the specs to the complete and finished game and everything that will be part of it? If so, then great...you are more informed than everyone else. If not, maybe you are relying too much on previews yourself! Where is your information coming from and why is it so much more credible than everyone elses? If you've got insider knowledge, than I stand corrected and consider myself owned. ;)

It is just a game. I remember when Manhunt came out there were people complaining that they felt evil playing the game. WTF!?!?!? Get over yourself and recognize what the fuck you are doing. You are playing a game for christ's sake! The people who can't separate fiction from reality are the problem. Not the games in most cases.
[quote name='chickenhawk']When they make that game we'll talk. Until then curb the overblown comparisons. You posted an opinion and get all bent out of shape when people have a different one. Did you expect everyone to come in here and say, "oh yeah scrub, you are right. this game is whacked and shouldn't be published!!" Well, newsflash, you don't represent everyone on this board.

Bully doesn't even come close to your pedophile example. Even though I am with TSD in saying there isn't much that offends me, there is definitely a "line" in what should and shouldn't be in a video game, but Bully clearly does not cross it IMHO. Yours is different, fine.

I also like your response to those who have said that beating up kids isn't the only point of the game....."You rely too much on previews, there was stuff not in SA that was supposed to be!" So I guess you've got the specs to the complete and finished game and everything that will be part of it? If so, then great...you are more informed than everyone else. If not, maybe you are relying too much on previews yourself! Where is your information coming from and why is it so much more credible than everyone elses? If you've got insider knowledge, than I stand corrected and consider myself owned. ;)

It is just a game. I remember when Manhunt came out there were people complaining that they felt evil playing the game. WTF!?!?!? Get over yourself and recognize what the fuck you are doing. You are playing a game for christ's sake! The people who can't separate fiction from reality are the problem. Not the games in most cases.[/QUOTE]

:::Input applaude smiley here if I knew how:::
When they make that game we'll talk. Until then curb the overblown comparisons.

So we should wait until the pedophile game is made to complain about the direction games are going? Great plan. :roll:

You posted an opinion and get all bent out of shape when people have a different one. Did you expect everyone to come in here and say, "oh yeah scrub, you are right. this game is whacked and shouldn't be published!!" Well, newsflash, you don't represent everyone on this board.
Once again someone gets all wacked out and pulls something out of left field. Where the hell did you get this from? On what do you base this crap? How did your wack mind deduct that I think that I represent any amount of people on this board?

Bully doesn't even come close to your pedophile example.
No shit! It's a point that people like you consistantly fail to understand. The point that if this game is made what the hell is next? Only worse things.

Where is your information coming from and why is it so much more credible than everyone elses?
I have never spoken as to the details of the game like esrb ratings or amount of time you will spend beating on kids. I only speak about the general idea of the game - being a bully that beats on kids.

It is just a game. I remember when Manhunt came out there were people complaining that they felt evil playing the game. WTF!?!?!? Get over yourself and recognize what the you are doing.
What am I doing? Voicing my opinion that a game about beating on kids isn't a good idea for a game. And I'll take manhunt over this game any day. Killing and mutilating adults is fine in my book - kids should be left alone.

And once again your "it's a game" defense. It doesn't mean anything so stop saying it. You yourself said that there is a line so don't act like being a game justifies everything. You are contradicting yourself.
I hate Rockstar. They create tech demos that sell for retards who feel edgy but really just have bad taste for games in bad taste.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']I hate Rockstar. They create tech demos that sell for retards who feel edgy but really just have bad taste for games in bad taste.[/QUOTE]

Awesome, I guess thats me.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']I hate Rockstar. They create tech demos that sell for retards who feel edgy but really just have bad taste for games in bad taste.[/QUOTE]
The only game from the company that I can see meeting that description is Manhunt.

What games are you talking about, then? GTA? That's definitely not a tech demo.
Rockstar's looking to go that extra step and make even more money. I think it's pointless. They'll continue pushing the envelope because they're greedy.

"No no no, we need something riskier..."
"How about we say shit TWICE?"
"Oh my god, that is brilliant!"
[quote name='Scrubking']
Once again someone gets all wacked out and pulls something out of left field. Where the hell did you get this from? On what do you base this crap? How did your wack mind deduct that I think that I represent any amount of people on this board? [/QUOTE]

The fact that you disregard all arguments that go against your opinion, that's where. The "it's just a game" argument doesn't mean anything? Why not? It is not reality. If as an adult, I can put aside the fact that I killing people in Manhunt, a responsible teenager (or whoever this game is geared towards) should be able to do the same for Bully. I don't understand why killing is OK if it's an adult, but some teenagers fighting is not.

[quote name='Scrubking']
No shit! It's a point that people like you consistantly fail to understand. The point that if this game is made what the hell is next? Only worse things.[/QUOTE]

But you make it sound like the pedophile game is the next step, which obviously it is not. I personally don't think this is that huge a step in pushing the envelope of what is allowed. You appreantly do, however, which is fine.

[quote name='Scrubking']
What am I doing? Voicing my opinion that a game about beating on kids isn't a good idea for a game. And I'll take manhunt over this game any day. Killing and mutilating adults is fine in my book - kids should be left alone.[/QUOTE]

To clarify, my "get over yourself" comment was not directed to you. It was in response to the people I was referring to about playing Manhunt and feeling evil. And by the way, the kids in Bully don't appear to be getting killed and mutilated. Others have mentioned that there is no blood or gore involved with Bully and it's done in jest. If this was Manhunt but with kids, I'd likely agree with you.

[quote name='Scrubking']
And once again your "it's a game" defense. It doesn't mean anything so stop saying it. You yourself said that there is a line so don't act like being a game justifies everything. You are contradicting yourself.[/QUOTE]

Again, why doesn't it mean anything? Being a game does not justify everything, but you can go alot farther in a game and in movies than you can in real life IMHO. I don't think I am contradciting myself at all.
Wouldn't it be interesting if Bully actually became GTA3: Schoolyard Challenge? You could wander around your local grade school and randomly assault school children, jack teacher and student cars, swat classmates with baseball bats, beat up kids for their lunch money, etc. just like the adults in GTA.

Then all the GTA3 fans could argue it's the gameplay (not the volatile subject matter) that they care about and brag about how it's a PS2 exclusive.
[quote name='Scrubking']fuck it it's only a game!!! Let's make a game called the pedophile where you get to go around and rape little kids for the fun of it. ITS ONLY A GAME!!![/QUOTE]

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that you can not use minors in pornography (it violates their rights). However, *fake* depiction of minors having sex, like in a cartoon, is *not* illegal. It's protected by free speech.

Yes I know, you think it's disgusting. Fine. But you have NO RIGHT to dictate your morals to other people. What do you think you are? A dictator?

I fail to see how this game is any worse content-wise than GTA, Doom, Halo, etc where people get shot up all the time.
[quote name='dopa345']Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the premise of the Bully was that you're the one picked on by bullies/teachers and you're just trying to get back at them in a sort of Home Alone/Problem Child kind of way. [/QUOTE]

this is what i heard too....

EDIT: according to these 2 articles, we are correct:


"Everyone has tales of merciless torment from their days on the playground. Rockstar Games, maker of the Grand Theft Auto franchise and one of Take-Two Interactive's publishing labels, is spinning its own schoolyard yarn, but this tale will give gamers a chance to get a little virtual revenge."



"[font=Arial,Helvetica]As a troublesome schoolboy, you'll laugh and cringe as you stand up to bullies, get picked on by teachers, play pranks on malicious kids, win or lose the girl, and ultimately learn to navigate the obstacles of the fictitious reform school, Bullworth Academy."

the game sounds very interesting to me. i'd buy it if i could get it through a cheap trade in deal or possibly rent it :)
Another Rockstar quote about the game:

"Bully takes the Rockstar tradition of groundbreaking, innovative, original gameplay and humorous TONGUE-IN-CHEEK storytelling to an entirely new setting: the schoolyard. Bully is the brutally funny debut title from Rockstar Vancouver and is expected to hit retail shelves in October 2005."
[quote name='the3rdkey']Has the porn industry gone to far with porn?[/QUOTE]

I think so... why's every skit have to have anal in it? I'm ok with anal, but not every skit.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']I think so... why's every skit have to have anal in it? I'm ok with anal, but not every skit.[/QUOTE]

:lol: I couldnt agree more. I could live without any anal in porn.
[quote name='chickenhawk']:lol: I couldnt agree more. I could live without any anal in porn.[/QUOTE]

I couldn't. There's nothing quite like watching some slut take it in the ass and then lick it clean. :D
[quote name='pimpinc333']You must have been the nerd in school all your life and prolly had most of this shit happen to you before. That is the only way I could see someone taking offense to a GAME!!!! well besides a soccer mom and all.[/QUOTE]

That's what I'm thinking too, this is such a random one-off complaint.

Has the porn industry gone to far with porn?

See- THAT'S a great question.

I could do without double penetration...that shits just not sexy in the least. and the whole fetish arena is strange-- but the most disturbing part is that people buy weird stuff like "Midgets in Bondage that Urinate on Parakeets 4"
[quote name='Scrubking']but kid on kid violence, GTA style, with no real point is questionable.[/QUOTE]

Well at least you know what you are talking about.

Oh wait, you don't. Since there is no "GTA style" violence in the game. But I love how you grasped desperately at sound bites for the sake of sensationalism.

In the future, you might want to research something before you open your mouth and look like an ignorant fool.

Just trying to help.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I've got a site for you, Scrub, so you can voice your opinions to someone who will really get behind your case.[/QUOTE]

Frisky made a funny. Ill give you some respect for that one. Good shit.
I am trying to protect our freedoms. How so? When the next Columbine happens and the perpetrators are proven to be copycatters of adult-rated violent entertainment, then the government, driven by parental concern, really will contract freedom for all Americans. Safety will trump freedom.

Anything’s possible with Commander Cuckoo-Bananas in charge!
[quote name='doraemonkerpal']this is what i heard too....

EDIT: according to these 2 articles, we are correct:


"Everyone has tales of merciless torment from their days on the playground. Rockstar Games, maker of the Grand Theft Auto franchise and one of Take-Two Interactive's publishing labels, is spinning its own schoolyard yarn, but this tale will give gamers a chance to get a little virtual revenge."



"[font=Arial,Helvetica]As a troublesome schoolboy, you'll laugh and cringe as you stand up to bullies, get picked on by teachers, play pranks on malicious kids, win or lose the girl, and ultimately learn to navigate the obstacles of the fictitious reform school, Bullworth Academy."

the game sounds very interesting to me. i'd buy it if i could get it through a cheap trade in deal or possibly rent it :)

after reading the the new PSM mag and their article on Bully....you are the Bully picking on students/teachers/anybody.....the "little virtual revenge" can be taken the wrong way....they dont mean that the character in the game gets to get a little revenge on others in the game....they mean that everyone has had a childhood bully and in this game, the player can switch sides and BE the bully....which can then give you a little bit of revenge...somehow
[quote name='Mookyjooky']I think so... why's every skit have to have anal in it? I'm ok with anal, but not every skit.[/QUOTE]

actually, the world could use just a little more anal :lol:
(and less cumshots:nottalking: doing it is one thing, but seeing someone else do it is another)

"what the world...needs now
is anal....sweet anal
it's the only thing...
that there's just...
too little of...
what the world...needs now
is anal...sweet anal
no not just for some...
but for everyone"
I was trying to read your "anal sweet anal" song (I don't know how to quote it) to the tune of the Cracker song (What the world needs now?) but it wasn't making any sense.

I probably thought about that too much.
bread's done