have 10 x360 / 10 TV setup. looking for cheap way to get 8 to 10 copies of games


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I have 10 xbox 360s on 10 tvs and I like to have a good game selection when I throw down. so far I've picked up enough copies of these, mostly from the gamestop buy 1 get one half off sale a while back.

edit: added notes about games we have run

pure (this one does not have system link which kind of sucks but I'm getting around that. I and my brother have the family plan so 8 xbl gold accounts. so just need 2 friends to bring one and I'm good to go. we're
definitely running this next party)
nba live 2k9
ghost recon advanced warfighter 1
gears 2 (staple for now, until gears 3)
pgr 3 (works well)
pgr 4 (this worked well too, gives people the choice of cars or bikes and arcade type controls are fairly easy)
rainbow six vegas
the darkness
quake 4
bionic commando (played this for an hour or two and it worked well, we ran deathmatch, next time I want to try CTF or some other team gametype)
cod MW 1 (this was ok but with just 5 on 5 the maps seem pretty large)
left 4 dead (staple, perfect for 4 on 4)
left 4 dead 2 (same as above. the zombies are more powerful in this one though, games go pretty fast)
stuntman ignition
forza 2
splinter cell double agent (3 vs 3 mode is pretty cool, has a bit of a learning curve though, will run again)
timeshift (5 vs 5 was ok but pales compared to gears or l4d, and I still have a fair number of other FPS to try out so probably won't ever run this again)
dark sector
condemned 2 (3 vs 3 is interesting. one team is criminals hiding evidence and using melee weapons, other team is cops hunting them down and finding evidence. good for some laughs and pretty fun)
burnout revenge (6 player max)
halo reach (10 player)
crackdown 2 (4 player co-op)

I'm considering split/second, and blur to have some crazy racers instead of run of the mill racers, although I do enjoy the pgr series. I can run lan or xbox live games with this setup. so my question is can anyone think of any other cheap games that would be good to give some variety to my collection and where to get them?

gamestop when they have a good sale has really been the only option I can come up with, other than the occasional ebay seller with a bunch of copies of something for cheap, which is hard to search for as far as I know, I wish there was an easy way to find sellers selling multiple copies of games. If someone knows a way I'd like to hear it.

as it is I have not run all the games I have, but I like to have at least a few new games to try out each time I get enough people out, and if I can get 8-10 copies (most games seem to support just 8) of a decent game for $60 or less I usually get it.

edit: added some games to the list. top of the list I need to try out when I get people out are shadowrun, pure, nba live 2k9
edtt: added some games.
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no one? I guess it is pretty rare where anyone else would be looking to buy 8-10 copies of a game, but I am also curious if anyone has any suggestions for games they have played on xbox live with around that many players. if it works where everyone is on their own xbox and players are all over the place it will probably work with players in the same room.

team games that work 5 vs 5 would be ideal as that's how I have it setup. 5 in one room and 5 in another room across the hall.
you might check into Shadowrun.... it was released pretty early in the 360's life and was almost exclusively designed for multiplayer. from what I understand, the online community dried up but if you're providing the players I suppose that wouldn't matter. You can get it cheep these days. (8 dollars a copy on amazon).

another good suggestion is an XBLA downloadable game called Bloody Good Time. It's very much akin to The Ship if you ever played that and is wicked funny when played with friends. Its only $5 on XBLA... meaning you could get it for all 10 of your consoles for an easy $50.

The transformers games (both revenge of the fallen and war for cybertron) have really fun multiplayer and can be gotten reasonably cheap now too.

Also, Quantam of Solace is very cheap now too and is very much like CoD4 but with James Bond stuff in it. ($7.85 here)

oh! and one of MY personal favorites: Lost Planet Colonies Edition (MUST BE colonies edition for multiplayer) can be had for as cheap as $1.86 a copy (used). giant mechs, big alien bugs, great weapons, what more could you want? :)

hope this helps you find something new/different, enjoy!
xbla games would be perfect because they are actually cheaper than you think if you have multiple consoles. when you buy it the gamertag and console both get it, so I could run 10 player of that game for $25. I'll check it out and that makes me think there are probably other cool games to run that I can get cheap on XBLA.

drat, I atually have shadowrun and forgot to put it in my list. we have yet to run it though, but that one is at the top of the list for next time.

I think lost planet colonies is a good idea, I'll keep my eye out for a deal on that.

I'll look into the transformers and bond games. I'm hoping gamestop has another good used game sale sometime soon.

thanks for the suggestions!
it's my house. here are some pictures.







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I saw you mentioned Burnout Revenge. Maybe check out Burnout Paradise instead? 8 player free roam online would be pretty awesome with 8 people all in the same room.

Also, I both envy your setup and pity your electric bill. That house looks freakin awesome.
I'm not really big on halo but might try it, one of the cheaper versions. burnout revenge is only 6 player but I think it's the better game. It seems paradise is cheaper though. either game would work.

I only turn on everything when I have people out. if it's just me I just turn on what I want to use, so the power bill is not bad. I need to go out and watch the meter when I have everything on though just to see what I'm pulling, i'm sure it's crazy.

a game I just thought about that I need to get 8 of, red dead redemption, when it's a little cheaper.
We used to have a great time on Live playing free roam on GTA4. We'd have as many people get on a bus as possible then have other people drive around cars and try to take out the bus, but anyway, I'm sure that would be perfect for some free roam drunken nights.
Wow thanks for the photos, that is awesome. The cabinets in there are sweet, you must have a huge house especially with the Sega GT cab.

My follow up question is.. Where do you live and can we be friends and can I come over? :lol:
I definitely suggest getting Blur for this setup. It supports up to 20 people (online; not sure about LAN) and it's basically PGR + Mario Kart. Very fun game.
If you have 10 TVs and 10 Xboxes, then why is price so much a concern for games? At any price they should be dirt cheap in comparison to what was spent already... :roll:
[quote name='RedRingOfDeath']If you have 10 TVs and 10 Xboxes, then why is price so much a concern for games? At any price they should be dirt cheap in comparison to what was spent already... :roll:[/QUOTE]

This is some stupid reasoning. If you bought a $200,000 house, then why is price such a concern for video games? Might as well drop $60 on every new video game since you know, it's dirt cheap in comparison to what you already spent. GTFO out of the thread.
I like to get games I can run and maximize the multiplayer or run 10 of if it can do more for $60 or less, so basically the price of one new game. I don't buy a lot of new games and of course I don't do that for the setup. I don't care about being cutting edge. trust me when I say you can have fun playing pretty much anything with this setup, even if it's not the greatest game, because you have so many people right there playing it at the same time, that counts for a lot. if you mix in a little alcohol it's even better. The setup only really gets used to it's full potential a few times a year so it's not worth hundreds of dollars to run a single game, especially when I can wait a year or two and pay $60-$80 for 8 to 10 copies. I could rent but that's a pain too, unless it is an A++ title and it has been out a few months, it's not easy to find that many copies for rent where I live. so i rely on gamestop sales and the occasional ebay seller who has lots of copies of something for cheap. I was just hoping to get some more ideas with this thread.

$500-$600 for 8-10 copies of some new game is not dirt cheap in comparison. I could buy 5 xbox 360s for that. It's also likely, with the variety I have, that some games will only be played for an hour or two, and if it's not that great it might never be played again, I don't care when I pick up a ton of copies cheap, but would if I spend hundreds of dollars for just a few hours of play.

GTA is a good idea, and I'm keeping an eye out for blur when it gets cheap enough.

this setup really isn't that expensive. with that wal mart deal I picked up 5 of the new 4 gig x360s. it was the system, extra controller and $50 gc for $200. if you count the gc and dump the extra controller and 3 month xbox live card that cut the system alone to around $120 or so. so X 10 is $1200. only a few hundred more than I spent for that Super GT twin alone. so then you have to get tvs. you can get 720p, 32 inch tvs these days for under $300, probably $250 if you look around. so X 10 that is $2500. I probably spent a grand on games but who knows if I'll even play them all. so add a couple hundred there and you're talking 4k, that ain't bad, well you need some tv stands and whatnot but I just used whatever I could find for the most part.

I'm into the arcade scene a bit and hear a lot of talk about pinball, I'm not really into pinball but people drop more than 4k on one machine. I'd rather have the 10 tv / 10 x360 setup any day.

plus it is awesome for college football, you can easily find 5 games on pretty much all day during the season. march madness is great too. the first two days are back to back games on 4 screens.

so yeah, back to the point, the setup is fairly expensive but what makes it awesome is the games, if you are willing to stay a bit behind the curve, are cheap.
somehow I misssed that amazon link for lost planet colonies edition. the seller has 5 copies so at first I thought I had a bargain, but amazon charges a flat rate per, so 5 copies were $7.50 + $20 shipping. not bad, that puts 10 copies at around $60 if I could find 5 more, but it's annoying they don't reduce shipping if you buy multiple games from the same seller.
found 10 copies of nba 2k9 for $40 shipped on amazon, so that's a go.

also picked up 10 of ghost recon advanced warfighter on gamestop for $30

picked up 10 of Pure for around $40

I live in Richmond, VA. if anyone is close by and interested to come out the next time I have a party PM me.
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[quote name='tcleary']found 10 copies of nba 2k9 for $40 shipped on amazon, so that's a go.

also picked up 10 of ghost recon advanced warfighter on gamestop for $30

picked up 10 of Pure for around $40

I live in Richmond, VA. if anyone is close by and interested to come out the next time I have a party PM me.[/QUOTE]

That set up is just awesome....That its multiplayer heaven
that is awesome.
It would be bad ass to live near you and be friends, a friend of mine and myself brew our own beer.
good beer + massive gaming = great night :)
[quote name='UjnHunter']Split/Second is definitely a good choice! Also... can we be friends? ;)[/QUOTE]

yeah man just move out to Richmond, VA.

as for the red rings, I've had a few. I am done dealing with the old style xbox 360 and I think I'm done with used systems, especially when I can catch deals like that walmart one that brought the cost of a new system down to a little over $100. I have a few spare consoles now though so a few would have to red ring to mess up a party.

I hope the new ones hold out, but most of the consoles only get used every once in a while so they should last.

newest project I'm working on is getting an xbox 360 hooked up to my Mortal Kombat cabinet and controls so I can run the new MK on it. it's a little weird running the game in 4:3 instead of widescreen but it works. It just puts the camera further away so the characters are smaller, but it plays the same. I have the video/audio so far, now I'm just waiting on a guy to hack some controllers so I can interface that with the arcade stick/buttons.
My friends and I used to do something similar to this in the original XBox days with Halo/Halo 2. I used to host, only thing was, I'd have friends bring their systems, copies of the games, and I would just scrounge up the TVs. We'd usually manage about 5-6 TV's, but put 2 people per. Not quite as roomy, but still the same amount of fun. XBox Live being what it is made everyone too lazy to leave the house now, as much as I attempt to get them over now. Any reason you didn't just find out which games your friends have the most total copies of and splitting the difference? Saves you from having stacks and stacks of the same title. At least with us, no one minded in the slightest in bringing a copy of the game in our day. Either way I love the setup :applause:

Some cheaper game suggestions: Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Battlefield Modern Combat, Battlefield Bad Company, Forza 3, Bioshock 2, The Orange Box(Team Fortress 2), Unreal Tournament 3, NHL '08-'11(whatever you can find 10 of cheaply), any FIFA game, arcade games: Bomberman Live, Battlefield 1943, Vigilante 8, Snoopy Flying Ace.
i dont think this guy can be married, or his wife is one hell of an understanding lady. talk about man cave tho...
Believe it or not, many women like games too. And parties. My wife isn't much of a gamer, but she would still kill to have a setup like that.
Gah! You're living my dream, man! Grats on the awesome setup!

I know you're not a Halo fan, but I'd suggest getting Halo ODST. It's almost $15 on Amazon. And the second disc has all of the Halo 3 multiplayer that you really need for your setup. Heck, even Halo 1 or 2 might work fine since they are backwards compatible. I certainly enjoyed the Halo LAN parties I went to back in the day.

Bioshock 2 is only $11 on Amazon currently. The game is probably going to be clearanced soon enough. The multiplayer is kind of amusing because you get use plasmid in addition to weapons. The only issue I really have with the multiplayer is that the animations aren't as detailed or as smooth as the single player game. It's a different engine. It really reminds of me old-school PC games from back in the day.

I think Far Cry 2 could be fun (although I haven't seen it cheap recently). Haven't actually played the multiplayer myself, but the map editor looked cool.

I'd also suggest looking into XBLA games. Perfect Dark, Castle Crashers, and those other old school 2D beat 'em ups have always been big hits whenever I have friends over.
thanks for the suggestions. I'm thinking about picking up a few games that work well with a smaller group. so far I think crackdown 2 and borderlands fit the bill. I think both of those have 4p co-op. I want something interesting for when I only have a few friends out. any other 4-5 player suggestions?

cod: black ops zombies is good, I might pick up a few more copies of that when it's cheap

horde in gears 2 is good but i've played a lot of that.
picked up a few games at the gohastings sale. now i can run

burnout revenge (6 player)
halo reach (10 player)

also picked up 4 of crackdown 2 during the gamestop sale.
Mad props. This has to be the coolest setup I have seen. You are the man! I am sure your friends love coming over and playing. You should do porno night over there too and invite only chicks. Atleast thats what I would try to pull off. lol...

Coolest setup ever. Period!
[quote name='tcleary']thanks for the suggestions. I'm thinking about picking up a few games that work well with a smaller group. so far I think crackdown 2 and borderlands fit the bill. I think both of those have 4p co-op. I want something interesting for when I only have a few friends out. any other 4-5 player suggestions?[/QUOTE]

Borderlands would be great for 4 player. You can buy 1 copy of the newer GOTY edition that has the DLC on disc and 3 copies of the plain original version and just use the disc to install the expansions on all the Xboxes.
bread's done