have any of you guys dropped out of college or not go to college after hs??


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I wondered if any of you cheapass gamers did go to college and ended up dropping out or quitting it to go to work instead because you're not sure what you want and think college is a waste of time?

because i'm in a situation like this and not sure what i should do.. I already got my Associates degree in computers and is beginning my bachelors degree.. i've worked co-op and some job til i just recently started bachelor this fall and somewhat having second thoughts.

I hope i'm not alone on thing and hopefully someone would suggest something to me.
I was in a similar situation, finished my Associaates and just had no desire to finish college. I then took a 4-year "vacation" in the Marines. I was more than happy to finish college once I got released. I'd say give it a break, college will always be there.

BTW, benefits for veterans in IL are not to be denied.
I went to college for a semester. Decided I'd rather work and party. So I dropped out. Now I realize had stupid that decision was and now I signed up again and I start in Jan. Go to school.
I'm just about finished. I've struggled the whole way and had to fight to care. But I'm just a couple of weeks away from being done with it. Do it, two years in college FLY by. Just hang in there.
School is a better choice when you're young but if you wait too long it becomes a burden. I'll probably go back to school once I've got enough to pay for it (only have 1 more year to finish)
[quote name='Death2Sanity']I'm just about finished. I've struggled the whole way and had to fight to care. But I'm just a couple of weeks away from being done with it. Do it, two years in college FLY by. Just hang in there.[/quote]

where are you going to school?

I am at Wake Tech. right now, and if I finish school here I am probably going to go to NCSU
No, but sometimes I really really wish I could. I'm certain that by the time I finish my degree I will have absolutely no interest in using it. Hell, I have no interest in using it now, but I have to do something.
If you are in a situation where your parents are paying for your school/room/board while you work towards the bachelor's degree I think you'd be pretty foolish to turn that down.

If you are paying your own way I still say it's definitely worth it to get that degree, but I wouldn't say you'd be insane to look at other options. But it doesn't sound like you have a real other option, it's just that school seems lame at the moment. Try to stick it out.
I dropped my English 2 class. Mainly because that woman was crazy and expected way too much out of me at 9AM. I have no regrets dropping it, I'll just take it with another teacher next semester or something.
[quote name='CaseyRyback'][quote name='Death2Sanity']I'm just about finished. I've struggled the whole way and had to fight to care. But I'm just a couple of weeks away from being done with it. Do it, two years in college FLY by. Just hang in there.[/quote]

where are you going to school?

I am at Wake Tech. right now, and if I finish school here I am probably going to go to NCSU[/quote]

I go to NCSU.

I'm a Sophomore currently, and i'm still undeclared. I really don't know what I want to do with my life, but i'm sticking with it. I CERTAINLY don't want to work retail forever, so i'm going to do SOMETHING, and that definately involves me staying in school.
[quote name='spyhunterk19']FINISH COLLEGE! HELL, GET YOUR MASTERS!!!! JUST DO IT[/quote]

seconded. It took a while,( and i have just a few student loans to pay off) but to be educated is a great accomplisment. I have my master's degree and have toyed with the idea for a while now to try to do for the Doctorate---but the 'youthful enthusiasm' isn't really there for it now.
[quote name='spyhunterk19']FINISH COLLEGE! HELL, GET YOUR MASTERS!!!! JUST DO IT[/quote]

Yes. There's nothing more valuable in the long term than your education. I went through 21 years of school (grades K-12, 5 years of college and three years of law school) and it was totally worth it because I make a shitload of money now.
i dropped out of college four times. yeah. sad. now i'm back in (#5!!), and about to finish. then i'm going to grad school...hope to get my PhD. I know - radical turnaround. sometimes you just have to be "ready" to actually go through with it.
I'm at the State University of NY in Stonybrook... I have no clue what I'm doing, and my grades are lackluster.

School is the place to be if you want a decent paying job someday, that you don't have to work at forever.
It depends.. do you want to be one of the losers at the call center and have to worry about your job getting shipped to India at the drop of a hat, or do you want a better job in the industry that's less likely to be outsourced.

I've yet to see anyone with less than a BS get hired to anything beyond a call center recently.
If you're not sure what you want to do, then stay in school until you figure out what it is you want to do. You can always take classes in other majors to see if you'd want to switch.
[quote name='Ronz'][quote name='CaseyRyback'][quote name='Death2Sanity']I'm just about finished. I've struggled the whole way and had to fight to care. But I'm just a couple of weeks away from being done with it. Do it, two years in college FLY by. Just hang in there.[/quote]

where are you going to school?

I am at Wake Tech. right now, and if I finish school here I am probably going to go to NCSU[/quote]

I go to NCSU.

I'm a Sophomore currently, and i'm still undeclared. I really don't know what I want to do with my life, but i'm sticking with it. I CERTAINLY don't want to work retail forever, so i'm going to do SOMETHING, and that definately involves me staying in school.[/quote]

Got a secret to tell ya: a lot adults (myself included) STILL don't know what to do w/ their lives but in my case, I'm working so I can get back in and finish my last year of school (will probably take me about another 6 months before I go back. Most of my friends work in the corporate sector but feel unfulfilled. I even had one friend who was making 50 big ones working for PeopleSoft before he quit to be a dancer (not stripping). Now he heads a large international dance organization. He's been in the 2nd Matrix movie, has been in music videos for Chingy, Sarah Conner (not the same one that the T800 was after), a few others and has toured w/ Justin Timberlake. I fucking hate him :lol:
[quote name='CaseyRyback'][quote name='Death2Sanity']I'm just about finished. I've struggled the whole way and had to fight to care. But I'm just a couple of weeks away from being done with it. Do it, two years in college FLY by. Just hang in there.[/quote]

where are you going to school?

I am at Wake Tech. right now, and if I finish school here I am probably going to go to NCSU[/quote]

I'm at NCSU right now. I love the place. Especially the free basketball tickets.
Here's the deal. If you want a decent job then you need that dipolma. However, its really a shame because people like you that don't want to be in school won't learn anything anyway.

People that are going to school just for the piece of paper get in the way of the serious students and waste their professors' time.

So if you care about yourself then go to college. If you care about everyone else then don't go to college.

Why is it such a big deal though? You already have 2 years. So you only need 2 more years. That's nothing.
finish school, u'll probally wind up regretting it for the rest of ur life if u dont. i have a friend who dropped out of hs (most he got thru was gr. 8 didnt even finish 9), its been 4 years now and hes trying to finish hs and save up for college. he tried to just drop hs and do A+ certification or something and it didnt work out, a few other things didnt either and so he wound up loosing a few years of his life and trying to start back from where he left off again, only its much much harder this time.

just finish ur education, i know the example isnt exactly the same since u have an associates but its almost the same if u go looking for a job now u most likely wont b able to find one u like or even pays decent.

it may b hard but u'll b a lot better off if u just put up with it for a few more years.
I dropeed out of design school after one semester.

I then lied about having experience (I realy new nothing about the profession) and got a job that would normaly require a degree.

Now I'm on my fourth year at the job...

MORAL: Lying gets you everywere!
Just tough it out. A lot of my friends from high school "took a year off" before going to college. That was almost three years ago, and not one has done a goddamned thing since, except say, "I'm gonna go back next semester" every semester. Nobody I've known that dropped out of school has ever gone back.
One of my friends dropped out this semester, and he thinks it's great. He's got way more money than any of us, and he only has to do 40 hours of "work" a week. The problem is, in two or three years the rest of us are going to be long gone, and he'll be a slob by comparison.

I know how you feel, though--about every other week I just throw my hands in the air and say, "Screw it, I'm done." It's incredibly stressful--balancing projects and homework with studying for exams, and doing all of this around your work schedule while trying to make it to most of your classes. Oh yeah, and then you have to do those little things like eating and going to the bathroom. Most college-age people are dealing with all sorts of personal problems, as well.
There isn't room for everything, that's for sure. I just cut out sleep and almost all of my gaming time. :wink:

Anyway, here's some advice I got from my manager at one of my shitty summer jobs: "Don't f*** around in college. Work hard now, and keep it together. You've got the rest of your life to have fun, and that way you'll be able to afford it."
A little harsh, but it's something that's been in the back of my head ever since.
I would say go back to school. I skipped college so I could serve my country for 6 years but I am out now and planning on using my GI bill starting this spring!
Don't drop out of college, you'll just wind up back there in a few more years and your credits might be worthless by then. At the very least pull of a general education major.
finish college = supports gaming habit. or any other habit you want.

here's one for Gamers:

GameCube = $99
PSTwo = $149
XBox = $149
College Degree = Priceless

Enabling you to buy all the games you want. :D
My first semester at university, I skipped a month of class and wound up dropping everything. I'm currently going to community college. Does that count?
If you're not completely sure with what you want to do with your life a college degree or degrees gives you more options in the future. On the other hand if you're a bright person and think you can start your own company at a young age, go for that. If you do either of these you'll be "ahead of the game".
[quote name='Ledhed']My first semester at university, I skipped a month of class and wound up dropping everything. I'm currently going to community college. Does that count?[/quote]

It counts as college, even if it takes you a little bit longer to get your degree its much better than dropping out. Personally I wish I'd gone to CC before college since my first 2 years are a big blur.
[quote name='zionoverfire'][quote name='Ledhed']My first semester at university, I skipped a month of class and wound up dropping everything. I'm currently going to community college. Does that count?[/quote]

It counts as college, even if it takes you a little bit longer to get your degree its much better than dropping out. Personally I wish I'd gone to CC before college since my first 2 years are a big blur.[/quote]

Yeah, I know. I just sit in awe thinking of the fact that I wasted an entire semester. But it was for the best. I love the CC I'm at currently, and the Univ. I was at upped their tuition by %33 last year. So right now, I'm where I should be, and should have been right of of HS.
[quote name='Death2Sanity'][quote name='CaseyRyback'][quote name='Death2Sanity']I'm just about finished. I've struggled the whole way and had to fight to care. But I'm just a couple of weeks away from being done with it. Do it, two years in college FLY by. Just hang in there.[/quote]

where are you going to school?

I am at Wake Tech. right now, and if I finish school here I am probably going to go to NCSU[/quote]

I'm at NCSU right now. I love the place. Especially the free basketball tickets.[/quote]

Wow, lots of NC CAGers. I will start NCSU next fall, probably will study Civil Engineering. I currently have my BA in English, but it isn't getting me very far.
I'm pretty much in the opposite side of things. I'll be in school for like 7-10 more years due to undergrad and grad school (haven't decided on whether I'm going to go after a doctorate). This is all in Biochem engineering, which is considered the hardest major on campus, so yay for me...
I'm taking a year off after I graduate HS. I know a friend of mine who went to college on a football scholorship and he ended up dropping out. He came back and was working at Taco Bell now he's in the Navy for 6 years. He wishes he went to community college first. Which is what I'm going to do before I go to a auto tech school or something else.
Before I committed any serious money on a loan, I went to Ivy Tech which is a Technical College and took a couple of courses that I paid out of pocket for $250 a piece I think, afterwards I decided that I just wasn't ready to commit full time. In my field of work now I run into a lot of people who went to college and work nowhere in the field they studied in, just because the demand isn't there. Of course its no good for them because now they are working 2 jobs to pay off that $40,000 school loan. Frankly I think its highway robbery what they are doing to us young people in the world to charge us that much for education is a little unreasonable. Anywho, last I checked a BS in Computer Sciences in this field at its highest paying level is about $3000 yearly less than I am making so I am saying f*ck college for the moment. I am going to work on my certifications now anyways, MCSE baby here I come.
I think you should stay away from college. I mean, how can Wal*mart offer me every day low prices if they can't find bums with no education to hire for 7.15 and hour?
I went to college for a degree in Music Technology (recording degree)...but since I didn't get a lot of music theory during high school, I ended up about 2years behind since I didn't get a 'C' or better in music theory (had to wait for that semester's class to roll around again to retake).

But during that time, my buddies and I began a band (and luckilly we were all in the same degree program) we ended up recording 2 self produced albums at school and to make a long story short - ended up getting a recording contract with a small national record label and put out 2 albums (you can actually find out stuff on Amazon and other places).

Anyways...I eneded dropping out of college, I was too far outside of my degree path, jobs, the band, etc... got in the way.

That was almost 10years ago.

But my love for computers helped me out a ton, and landed a few gigs, which ultimatly landed me where I am now - doing web design/development for one of the nations largest flexible packaging manufacturers. Been there for close to 5 years now and I'm making good money.

Sometimes I wonder if a college degree is worth it. So many of my friends that have degrees are not working in the field of their studies, or even have a steady job. Sure some of them are doing alright but it took them a while.

It comes down to experience, desire, and who-you-know sometimes.

Best of luck. It's not and easy desision...if you got what it takes and have a few good "ins" at some businesses or have a notion to go it on your own...go for it!
[quote name='Ledhed'][quote name='zionoverfire'][quote name='Ledhed']My first semester at university, I skipped a month of class and wound up dropping everything. I'm currently going to community college. Does that count?[/quote]

It counts as college, even if it takes you a little bit longer to get your degree its much better than dropping out. Personally I wish I'd gone to CC before college since my first 2 years are a big blur.[/quote]

Yeah, I know. I just sit in awe thinking of the fact that I wasted an entire semester. But it was for the best. I love the CC I'm at currently, and the Univ. I was at upped their tuition by %33 last year. So right now, I'm where I should be, and should have been right of of HS.[/quote]

Well, up until you see that half of your classes to transfer to a University.
Be careful with your class selections, lest you feel like playing catch-up when you do decide to move on to a University.
Go to school. Get your BS or BA. If you decide that it is not in the field you want you can get another job in another field. I have many co-workers that are working in IT that have BS in Sociology, Psychology and other degrees.

It is much harder to go back to school once you drop out and get a job and bills and such. People with 4 year college degrees on average make twice as much as those who do not.
[quote name='Indiana']Go to school. Get your BS or BA. If you decide that it is not in the field you want you can get another job in another field. I have many co-workers that are working in IT that have BS in Sociology, Psychology and other degrees.

It is much harder to go back to school once you drop out and get a job and bills and such. People with 4 year college degrees on average make twice as much as those who do not.[/quote]

It's bad isn't it? Having an actual BS in CS, or a business degree with a concentration in IT really makes you feel overqualified.
I'm just about done my first semester at UMBC. I have mediocre grades and I don't really know why I'm here. I don't have a major... I took general classes (english 100a, phil 101, russian 101, math 106). I have no guidance or direction...

I was a "troubled" kid. I got in trouble with the law a bunch and apparently now I'm in the process of reform. My rents are paying for school and I don't really enjoy working a minimum wage job (right now I'm making 7.50$ 2 days a week at Applebee's though) so I guess I should finish school. I don't understand Math too well so I guess I can't take computer science or anything... I'm thinking of maybe Information Systems for a major or Business. I don't know... I'm so confused, I need a hug for the first time in my life I am worthless! (SF UR anyone?) :)
[quote name='ZeroSupporT']Anywho, last I checked a BS in Computer Sciences in this field at its highest paying level is about $3000 yearly less than I am making so I am saying f*ck college for the moment. I am going to work on my certifications now anyways, MCSE baby here I come.[/quote]

IT is the only white collar field with the "I don't need no book learnin', I'll just get certified in 24 hours!" attitude. Its no wonder computers crash so often.
I can see how it'd be tempting not to go after high school. But that time is going to pass anyway. You might as well come out with a degree or two.

I'm graduating a semester early (actually in about 2 weeks!) and I'm starting graduate school in January with the extra time I've gained. It's a really exciting time for me!

So yeah, go to school! You can't do much without a bachelor's these days.
Do it. I get my bachelors in just three weeks and that time flew by. Yes it was hard but it went by quickly and at least I know that I have lots of doors open to me thanks to my degree.
[quote name='Morrigan Lover'][quote name='ZeroSupporT']Anywho, last I checked a BS in Computer Sciences in this field at its highest paying level is about $3000 yearly less than I am making so I am saying f*ck college for the moment. I am going to work on my certifications now anyways, MCSE baby here I come.[/quote]

IT is the only white collar field with the "I don't need no book learnin', I'll just get certified in 24 hours!" attitude. Its no wonder computers crash so often.[/quote]

BS in Computer Sciences in this field
CS is like ECE, CE, and EE.. the degree applies to so many fields it's not even funny. Sure, if you compare a helpdesk job to other jobs, it's not going to look pretty.
I dropped out of college once but finished it in another college. Now I'm getting my master degree.
bread's done