have you beat any wii games yet?

Finished Red Steel (although my percentage says 86%). Still working on Monkey Ball, Zelda, Splinter Cell, and Trauma Center (as well as my VC games).
Me and my boyfriend beat Marvel: Ultimate Alliance in easy mode, but were chastised that we neglected to do a bunch of the side missions. So we are going back to beat it again in normal mode to unlock Silver Surfer, as well as completing the comic missions as they come up.
He is about 1/2 way through Zelda.
DBZ:BT2 I've put probably 50 hours into this game and I'm only 79% of the way through story mode. I'll probably finish it before the week is over though.
yeah i beat zelda the day after thanksgiving. im pretty far in trauma center but I might return it to gamefly so i can try metal slug.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Rayman, but that's hardly a challenge. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Ditto. Had the single player beat with 100% of the minigames on Nov 22nd or so (so within a few days of launch).

I waited to play Zelda until this last weekend when my component cables arrived. With the amount my kids keep pushing me to play it, I suspect I will get through that by the end of the year for sure, despite the slow progress (with my 7 year-old doing about half the playing - fortunately my 4 year-old is content watching). Elebits will put a crimp in that plan this week though ;). But I'll probably end up finishing both of those by New Year's.
Rayman, but yeah nothing much of a challenge. I'll get to unlocking the bonus' eventually. I beat Trauma Center on easy and medium mode and I'm about halfway done on hard mode.

I really hope I beat Zelda before Christmas, only because I want a few games for Christmas...and.. it'd be easier to get around with not having the ever so huge huge Zelda on my shoulder ;)

BTW: Trauma Center = worth beating it multiple times
Zelda, in about 38 hours. I'm saving the extras in that game for a game drought.

I'm making my way through Red Steel, about a 1/3 of the way through I figure. Those who have played it:
The last cutscene is telling me to get the special sword after the plane leaves with the girl. 1/3 a fair guess to length?

Excite Truck, I unlocked Super Excite last night. I've been playing that one a lot lately, not sure why. Of course, having felt like I was going to die last night and still not feeling well today, I'm probably not going to play much. As I don't think either Red Steel or Excite Truck would do good things for my perpetual nausea. ;)

I beat Sonic, Donkey Kong (WOW! ;) ) and am making tracks in Bonk of the VC. Mario 64, Gunstar, and Super Star Soldier still await some attention.

You know, the plan of releasing the VC games carefully in addition to Wii games is becoming more and more genius in my book. Keep people playing your system even where there are no AAA releases hitting.
Sadly, no. I'm about 20% of the way through Rayman, Red Steel, and Trauma Center, and Zelda (maybe 30% on this one). Give or take. With any luck I'll finish Zelda by the end of the year.
Just Rayman for me. I've only played that and Zelda at this point. I'm 25 hours into Zelda and I'm just on the 4th dungeon there, so plenty of time left on that one.
The only game I have beaten so far is Zelda. Which took me around 32-35 hours. As of right now I'm playing Trauma Center on and off so it'll probably take me a few months to beat the game.
So far I've put somewhere between 15-20 hours into Zelda and I've just completed the third temple. My vacation starts next week, so I should be able to give it some more attention and get through it by Christmas. I'm through with Rayman's solo mode and playing MP on ocassion. I have Red Steel on the way from an auction on Ebay and picking up Elebits tomorrow, so my Wii needs are met (for now.!
everytime i sit down to try and finish rayman or trauman center i end up playing excite truck coz' its the disc thats always in my wii......then a few hours later i'm too tired to start another game. Excite truck is soo addicting....been taking up most of my time and having customize music really adds to the fun factor.
Yeah, uh, no. I'm working on Rayman, Trauma Center and Zelda all at once, but Zelda gets little to no attention because I dont have time to sit down and play for a good chunk of time- the others are just pick-up-and-play.

But my last final is on Friday... I'm hoping to get Zelda about 1/3 of the way done by Xmas.
Nothing yet.

*LoZ:TP - 20 hours in and just started the 3rd dungeon (moving very slow b/c I refuse help from a FAQ/strat guide)
*Wii Sports - Got just 3 silvers in training (no golds yet) and not a pro in any sport yet
*CoD3 - Only on the 4th mission
*SMB:BB - Completed only 2 of the 10 levels
*Excite Truck - unlocked Super Excite difficulty, but only 2 'S' ranks in that mode so far.

Too many games to play and Castlevania:poR is taking me away from my Wii!
finished rayman last night. A little dissapointing. But it trades well ;)
I beat the eight main worlds in SMB:BB and have gotten perfects on three of eight of them, meaning in order to get the two secret levels I have to get all perfects. Not sure I'll ever do that...

Red Steel, I just got the
double-handed downward slash, the time-stopping technique, and I earned three guns in the shooting range. I'm at a dojo now with a swordsman and a dojo-full of gun-toting baddies. The dude with the autoshottie gets me every time!
So I think that's about 40-50% in. Man, I wish you learned the special techniques earlier in the game. It seems so shallow without them.

Beat two worlds in Gunstar Heroes with a friend before we died. Tossing eachother's characters around is fucking great.

Can't wait to get Zelda and maybe Excite Truck for Christmas!
i'm about half way in red steel i think. i don't really know. that game is getting buggy the further you get into it....
Beat Excite Truck's Super Excite mode last night. Not sure I have the time, talent, or desire to get all S ranks on those tracks. But the last track in Super Excite mode is awesome :)
bread's done