Have you ever wrote your local rep and if so about what?

[quote name='Msut77']It is so rare to meet such an honest Bush voting Republican.[/QUOTE]
1. I didn't vote Bush

2. I'm a registered Libertarian, not Repubican
[quote name='dsister']1. I didn't vote Bush

2. I'm a registered Libertarian, not Repubican[/QUOTE]

I take back the honest part.
[quote name='Msut77']I take back the honest part.[/QUOTE]

Well, I'm only 19, so I couldn't vote for Bush if I wanted to. I would have voted for him over Gore, maybe not Kerry, but that's besides the point
[quote name='dsister']Well, I'm only 19, so I couldn't vote for Bush if I wanted to. I would have voted for him over Gore, maybe not Kerry, but that's besides the point[/QUOTE]
My apologies. I didn't know you were still in the naive tugging it to Rand phase.
[quote name='dsister']Same as me for Obamacare. I don't use it as a derogatory term. It depends on how the person uses it...

I hate when people generalise. So as such he got a cheap sarcastic comment :D[/QUOTE]

You miss a major point here. If its actively in my mind I dont use teabagger because I know despite the fact that you people chose that name first it apparently now bugs you. Will you do the same for Obamacare now and try not to use it? Second point is that its hard to believe you do not mean it as a derogatory, when people say "Obamacare" its generally spit out of their mouth like poison. Its very hard to believe that you just picked it up from others and dislike the health care bill...yet mean no negative when you call it that.
[quote name='MSI Magus']You miss a major point here. If its actively in my mind I dont use teabagger because I know despite the fact that you people chose that name first it apparently now bugs you. Will you do the same for Obamacare now and try not to use it? Second point is that its hard to believe you do not mean it as a derogatory, when people say "Obamacare" its generally spit out of their mouth like poison. Its very hard to believe that you just picked it up from others and dislike the health care bill...yet mean no negative when you call it that.[/QUOTE]

It doesn't bug me. I just found it funny that you got on me for using the term "Obamacare" then you went and posted a quote using "teabagger". I'll still use the word "obamacare" since again it is convenient and people from all over the world will know what it is referring too. Saying Obamacare will immediately distinguish what I'm talking about, whereas saying health care reform can possibly pertain to something going on in their country.

Plus apparently it annoys liberals, so it has that going for it :p. And btw, I picked it up from the internet way before I heard the term in real life. From forums actually.

Edit: Going back, he didn't. My bad
In other words your a typical American who regardless of being on the left or right chalks up an excuse from their partisan name calling and childish actions.

You say your 19 and that means your at the point in your life where over the next 6 years or so you are going to make the decisions that decide who you are the rest of your life most likely. You can chose to think critically, question everyone and after hearing all the facts come up with your own answer. Or you can continue on the path your currently on and just swallow whatever your party of choice and the other elders in your life(like your pastor)spoon feed you.

Either way I will drop this since I know I cant convince you of anything at this point in time. I am just tossing out a little nugget and saying the internet is not the place to pick up lingo nor political beliefs and now is the time to learn to think for yourself.
[quote name='MSI Magus']In other words your a typical American who regardless of being on the left or right chalks up an excuse from their partisan name calling and childish actions.

You say your 19 and that means your at the point in your life where over the next 6 years or so you are going to make the decisions that decide who you are the rest of your life most likely. You can chose to think critically, question everyone and after hearing all the facts come up with your own answer. Or you can continue on the path your currently on and just swallow whatever your party of choice and the other elders in your life(like your pastor)spoon feed you.

Either way I will drop this since I know I cant convince you of anything at this point in time. I am just tossing out a little nugget and saying the internet is not the place to pick up lingo nor political beliefs and now is the time to learn to think for yourself.[/QUOTE]
What childish actions are you talking about? There's only one person in this thread who is making childish generalizations.

I find it funny that you guys have heard my position on one issue and push me into a group. And I don't go to church, so I don't have a pastor...
[quote name='dsister']What childish actions are you talking about? There's only one person in this thread who is making childish generalizations.

I find it funny that you guys have heard my position on one issue and push me into a group. And I don't go to church, so I don't have a pastor...[/QUOTE]

You said that teabagger bugs you so I said sorry that I try not to use that when I activly think about it. I in return explain to you that Obamacare is a divisive term that accomplishes nothing but angering people. In response you reply eh it pisses off liberals and people know what I mean so I will keep using it.

Again that proves that you are not interested in having an adult conversation nor really debating the issues. You have decided what you believe in is right regardless of what anyone else could ever say and as a result you have the right to just piss the other side off.

That sir is childish. Sorry that you cant recognize it, but as I said dont feel bad 98% of people in the world do the same as you and dont feel bad about it.
I could have sworn we already had the "Obamacare" terminology debate on this forum.

Remember, IRHari uses the term "Obamacare" on these forums. So anything you say about people who say "Obamacare", you're saying about IRHari as well.
[quote name='MSI Magus']You said that teabagger bugs you so I said sorry that I try not to use that when I activly think about it. I in return explain to you that Obamacare is a divisive term that accomplishes nothing but angering people. In response you reply eh it pisses off liberals and people know what I mean so I will keep using it.[/QUOTE]
I never said it bugged me, in fact I said the opposite in my last post. The whole annoying the liberals thing was a joke, I know from now on that I shouldn't joke if I talk to you. Is there a liberal friendly term besides "health care reform" that I can use? Something that easily distinguishes it?

[quote name='MSI Magus']Again that proves that you are not interested in having an adult conversation nor really debating the issues. You have decided what you believe in is right regardless of what anyone else could ever say and as a result you have the right to just piss the other side off.[/QUOTE]Are you really going to go here? Let's go back to your great mature response to my second post.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Where do you live? Sounds like a place where people actually read the facts. Might just move there.[/QUOTE]
This is a great start to an adult conversation. Saying that the opposition to a bill doesn't read the facts. Let me come up with an adult response, "Liberals rather have everything handed to them instead of actually working towards something". Is this the kind of adult response you wanted? Instead it devolved into a senseless discussion on the name. You didn't at any point ask as to why I didn't care for the bill or try to discuss why you didn't like it.

If you had a coherent, reality-based reason to be against healthcare reform you would be the first conservative in the country.
[quote name='Msut77']dsis,

If you had a coherent, reality-based reason to be against healthcare reform you would be the first conservative in the country.[/QUOTE]

I don't think the government should force individuals to purchase anything. In fact a couple of federal judges even say it's unconstitutional. Yes, it would be great if everyone could afford health insurance, but I guess that's why we have free clinics.
[quote name='dsister']I don't think the government should force individuals to purchase anything.[/quote]

So you would be ok with a universal healthcare system funded entirely through taxation?

Calling money spent on healthcare a premium is the dealbreaker here?

but I guess that's why we have free clinics.

Not good enough.
[quote name='Msut77']So you would be ok with a universal healthcare system funded entirely through taxation?

Calling money spent on healthcare a premium is the dealbreaker here?

Not good enough.[/QUOTE]

No, that would still be doing the exact same thing. Just with different wording. The smaller the government the better =)

I should also say that I'm a fan of the Fair Tax
[quote name='dsister']No, that would still be doing the exact same thing. Just with different wording.[/quote]
So you claim the government doesn't (rather shouldn't) have the power to force you to buy something, now apparently you are claiming what exactly? The government doesn't have the power to tax and spend it on something?

Or was it just a thin rationalization?

I should also say that I'm a fan of the Fair Tax

I bet.
[quote name='Msut77']So you claim the government doesn't (rather shouldn't) have the power to force you to buy something, now apparently you are claiming what exactly? The government doesn't have the power to tax and spend it on something?

Or was it just a thin rationalization?

I bet.[/QUOTE]

Maybe that the government should operate within its role.
[quote name='UncleBob'] I could have sworn we already had the "Obamacare" terminology debate on this forum.

Remember, IRHari uses the term "Obamacare" on these forums. So anything you say about people who say "Obamacare", you're saying about IRHari as well.[/QUOTE]

I also watch a metric fukcton of FOX News, and I'll admit that's rubbed off on me.
If only it were really a choice between paying for and or paying for other people's health care. You're stuck paying for it regardless, the only question is do you want to pay more or less for it.

Its necessary here for you to square not paying for prisoner's health care with the 8th amendment. Granted, the Roberts' Court might actually give that one to you.

If you cannot square that, but you dont want the government involved with the health care of private citizens (e.g. repealing the law signed under Reagan to force any hospital that takes Medicare/caid for anything to not decline emergency care regardless of circumstance), you're suggesting that there is some efficiency involved in having everyone steal a dollar to receive free health care.
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[quote name='IRHari']I also watch a metric fukcton of FOX News, and I'll admit that's rubbed off on me.[/QUOTE]

You need to stop that. It can't be good for your health.
I wrote an email to my state governor's office outlining a specific problem with Medicaid that led to my patient being denied his seizure medication for over a week. I did get emailed back a nice, canned form letter response..... over a month later.
[quote name='UncleBob'] You need to stop that. It can't be good for your health.[/QUOTE]

I was talking to one of my colleagues, telling her how surprised I was that a huge majority of people opposed the bill. She said uh no, its about 50/50, and some of the 50% opposed don't like it because it isn't liberal enough.

Guess where I heard the narrative that a huge majority opposed the bill.
Goes back to how questions are asked in polls. Half the time the questions are phrased in a way that guarantees skewed results.
[quote name='Msut77']I have a feeling dsister is going go to be curiously absent from this thread from now on.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Msut77']So you claim the government doesn't (rather shouldn't) have the power to force you to buy something, now apparently you are claiming what exactly? The government doesn't have the power to tax and spend it on something?

Or was it just a thin rationalization?

You do know what a Libertarian is right? The fact that I support fair tax should say how small I want the government. I can see why people would want it, i just don't think it should be up to the government to provide it, or force us to get it.

[quote name='Msut77']I have a feeling dsister is going go to be curiously absent from this thread from now on.[/QUOTE]
Sorry, I don't like leaving a discussion halfway through, but since 6:30 Friday, I have only been home for 7 hours, 6 of those I was asleep
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']If only it were really a choice between paying for and or paying for other people's health care. You're stuck paying for it regardless, the only question is do you want to pay more or less for it.

Its necessary here for you to square not paying for prisoner's health care with the 8th amendment. Granted, the Roberts' Court might actually give that one to you.

If you cannot square that, but you dont want the government involved with the health care of private citizens (e.g. repealing the law signed under Reagan to force any hospital that takes Medicare/caid for anything to not decline emergency care regardless of circumstance), you're suggesting that there is some efficiency involved in having everyone steal a dollar to receive free health care.[/QUOTE]

And with the health care reform well will all be paying more.

What do you mean by "square"? Healthcare for prisoners isn't really something I like, but it's wrong to just let them rot there without being able to help themselves. Same with Medicaid, Medicare for senior citizens too old to work, and people too retarded to work.
Other countries have universal health care which covers everyone for much less than we spend. Why would you be against that?
[quote name='Msut77']Other countries have universal health care which covers everyone for much less than we spend. Why would you be against that?[/QUOTE]
Against, of course. Its not about the cost, its about the role of government. Even it works, you cant do it because its not their job.

Alternatively: Sure it works in practice, but what about in theory?
[quote name='Msut77']Other countries have universal health care which covers everyone for much less than we spend. Why would you be against that?[/QUOTE]

Like Dr. Kart said. IMO it isn't the government's job to provide it. I don't care what other countries are doing.
Well we only have two choices that I know of, and letting health insurance companies run things isn't working out so well. But then I guess there is the throw them to the wolves solution too.
[quote name='dsister']Like Dr. Kart said.[/quote]

Pretty sure he is using sarcasm.

IMO it isn't the government's job to provide it.

Asserting what you feel ad nauseum is great and all. At times you kinda go through the motions of having an argument but then you never quite make it.

I don't care what other countries are doing.

Not good enough.
I dunno if anyone else pointed this out yet, but...

You have written = good grammar
You wrote = good grammar
You have wrote = bad grammar
[quote name='Msut77']Pretty sure he is using sarcasm.

Asserting what you feel ad nauseum is great and all. At times you kinda go through the motions of having an argument but then you never quite make it.

Not good enough.

1. cool

2. How is this an argument? I stated why I wrote my congressman. Then from what I saw you threw a hissy fit because I didn't agree with you... I haven't tried to persuade you of anything...

3. Cool
[quote name='dsister'] you threw a hissy fit because I didn't agree with you.[/quote]

You disagree with me because of stupid and more or less dishonest reasons.

It isn't a hissy fit to point that out.

I haven't tried to persuade you of anything.

Does it bother you that the things you believe have zero rational thought behind them?
If you care about policy at all, your ideology has to produce something that at least appears to be a functioning civilization.

You yourself noted that even though you dont much like it, we cant let prisoners or seniors "rot", though I take that to mean they must be taken care of even if theres no profit to be made from it independent of government and the free market system would basically let those people die in the streets. So already you recognize that reality and your ideology have some issues. Stating your ideology with no real world solutions is not particularly useful.

I recently heard an argument between two people on the topic of mininum wage. It went something like this:

A) The government has no business dictating wages, it should be decided by the free market
B) What if the market decides that its ok to pay you $2 an hour, or some wage that you cannot live on.
A) I dont care, I want the free market to decide.
rinse and repeat.
bread's done