HAWKEN "Alpha 2" Code


10 (100%)
I got an alpha code, then they sent another email with a new code because some people claimed theirs weren't working.
MAKE ME LAUGH hardest and this code is yours.

Judging will be at 9pm tonight, 9/22.
Good luck!
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Police arrested two kids yesterday, one was drinking battery acid, the other was eating fireworks. They charged one - and let the other one off.
Borrowed from Kotaku

-"Here's what I really want to ask the folks at EA: Forget the Madden curse. What the hell happened to the guy on your golf game?"
What do you get when you cross a dyslexic, agnostic, and an insomniac?

You get a person who stays up all night wondering if there is a dog.
A Guy walks into a bar he sees a Jar full of money,he ask the bartender what the jar of money is all about. Bartender responds "You put money into the jar and if you complete 3 tasks you win all the money in the jar. The guy asks what are the three tasks. The Bartender says First task is to knock out that big buff biker guy in the back of the bar. 2nd is I got a wattriler in the backyard with a bad tooth so you gotta yank out the bad tooth. And the 3rd and final task is I got a 90 year old grandmother up stairs who hasent been fucked in years you gotta go up stairs and fucker her. The guy has a couple of beers and puts money in the jar. He walks over to the buff biker guy and knocks him flatout. The guy heads outside where the dog is you first hear barking and growiling then you start to hear whining. The guy comes back into the bar and says Wheres the old lady with the bad tooth
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Why hasn't Smokey the bear ever had a wife?

Because everytime his lady gets hot he hits her over the head with a shovel and tries to bury her with dirt.
What’s the difference between Call of Duty and a restaurant?

A restaurant usually has a good host and servers that work.
[quote name='Mr.Sybok']2nd is I got a wattriler in the backyard with a bad tooth so you gotta yank out the bad tooth.[/QUOTE]

This guy should win just for the way he spelled "Rottweiler."
A guy walks into a psychologist's office wearing nothing but shorts made out of plastic wrap... so the psychologist says to him, "Well, I can clearly see you're nuts".
Walt Kowalski: Oh, I've got one. A Mexican, a Jew, and a colored guy go into a bar. The bartender looks up and says, "Get the fuck out of here."
bread's done