HD-DVD LIVES! New title, "Smokers" Available for Pre-Order

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6 (100%)
This is not a "deal" per say but to those who have an HD-DVD player and are looking to add to that collection, here is your chance!

MCB Entertainment is releasing one of their upcoming features, Smokers, on the HD-DVD format.

Price is $30 shipped, but hey it's a new HD-DVD. The first 100 pre-orders also get a special thanks credit as well as a free mp3 from the director's band.


More info on Smokers, direct from the director;

I am the director of Smokers. A friend of mine this discussion to my attention so I thought I would clear a few things up:
- Our site is under construction, but we had to make parts of it accessible despite being unfinished because an article about the HD-DVD release with a link was being printed. A link to an under construction message with a pay pal button would have been allot more "shady". You can stop back later in the week when we are more presentable, or go to IMDB for more details about our films.

- The price is directly related to the cost of making fully packaged, professionally manufactured HD-DVD's. As a couple people mentioned another indie film Deadlands 2 was recently released on the format. Those were burned discs with computer printed labels and covers that had a higher price tag than Smokers does. I know this because I bought a copy. I am not knocking their movie in any way, I just want to clarify the difference between the releases.

- This is a very limited set that comes with alot of exclusive stuff some of which isn't even listed yet on the site. It is intended for fans of the HD-DVD format and collectors. For everyone else there will be a standard DVD you will be able to pick up at most stores.
Thank you guys for taking the time to read this.

- These are not HD-DVD R's but professionally replicated discs. It is being manufactured in the US. I can't speak for the makers of Deadlands 2 or explain their situation. In my own experience it was difficult to find a plant, but we did. It is also expensive to go this route, but I want to deliver the best product possible. Again I can't answer for another filmmaker or company.

- Manufacturing and shipping begins as soon as the 100th order is received. The first 100 people receive a "Special Thanks" credit in the film so it couldn't have already been manufactured.

- Those trailers are old promo trailers that were put together as a demo for investors. They are NOT official trailers.

- Also the "Family Friendly" version is NOT the TiVo version of the film. It is a special feature that is exclusive to the HD-DVD release. Smokers has allot of nudity, but is not pornographic. The TiVo version edits the nudity for a TV-14 rating. Think the VH1 cut of Showgirls. That was made specifically for TiVo and I have no intention of releasing anywhere else at this point. With two versions of the film the unedited is the "Director's Cut".
Thanks again!

- Also Smokers is not just a collection of random clips. That said don't expect hard hitting reporting either. This is a comedic documentary meant to entertain that is assembled like a drive-in or grindhouse presentation complete with cartoons at the beginning and an intermission. It is hosted by Debbie D of JT Petty's S&Man.

- These are fully packaged, professionally manufactured HD-DVD's with the appropriate cases and inserts.

- The first 100 pre-orders will receive a "Special Thanks" credit, so the disc will be pressed and shipped as soon as the first 100 orders are processed.

- I did not make Deadlands 2. I don't know why it took them so long, or why they were made with HD-DVD R's. I bought a copy as soon as the they began taking orders, so I am in the same boat as everyone else there.
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this is far from a cheap ass gamer deal but I really don't get why people are so upset that hd-dvds are still being made. so what?
[quote name='Demolition Man']Seeing that vinyl LPs are still being made to this very day its not a dead format. Its not small niche indie stuff that's getting released either. Most major albums from the major studios are getting LP releases these days.[/QUOTE]

This HD-DVD is being made so I guess it's not a dead format either.

But Typical Guy is right, who gives a shit. Don't want it? Don't buy it.
[quote name='opterasis']This HD-DVD is being made so I guess it's not a dead format either.[/QUOTE]

Well in the mainstream HD-DVD is dead. Vinyl on the other hand many record stores and even Best Buy are selling them. Big difference. Its not that I hate HD-DVD. Trust me I was one of CAG's biggest HD-DVD fanboys during the format war. When the war ended and Blu won I realized as much as I love HD-DVD... its time to move on.
[quote name='Deadpool']Same here. I need to do some digging!:bomb:[/QUOTE]
Do you remember any info from your Paypal transaction? I can't remember anything from it, and I dug through it searching for it.
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']Do you remember any info from your Paypal transaction? I can't remember anything from it, and I dug through it searching for it.[/QUOTE]

I want to say that it's this: Oct 10, 2009 Payment To Zachary Keller Completed ... -$36.35 USD but i'm really not sure. I can't find any email about it and don't remember the web site! Damn!
One obscure release doesn't mean HD DVD isn't dead as a viable format. However, since this site is about great deals, HD DVD is a great alternative if you want to get the best quality HD for cheap (as good as BD on some releases, better on some others, not as good on some), at least for the titles that were released in the format. I have over 100 movies on HD DVD, along with an Onkyo DV-H805 (rebranded Toshiba HD-XA2), Toshiba HD-A2, and an LG combo BD/HD DVD PC drive. I've spent about $230 on everything, after carefully buying lots of movies, or movie/player combos, and selling off extra stuff I either already had or didn't want. There's no way I'd be able to get the Blu-ray versions for $2 a movie.
[quote name='SilverBulletKY']The girl shaking her boobs sold me[/QUOTE]

LMAO! That's awesome, the first time we watched that back after putting it together we could not stop laughing!

Thanks for the support, we have gotten a good amount of orders so far in these first few days.

Keep spreading the word around as the sooner we get to 100 pre-order's the sooner we go to pressing!
[quote name='Deadpool']I want to say that it's this: Oct 10, 2009 Payment To Zachary Keller Completed ... -$36.35 USD but i'm really not sure. I can't find any email about it and don't remember the web site! Damn![/QUOTE]
Email [email protected] Right now, Alex is checking into my order using my name and address.
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']Ordered it. Can my special thanks be listed as Friend of Sonic? That would be rad. People would be like, who's that Friend of Sonic guy?[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the support! PM me the name you have on your payment, and I will send it to me editor that you want to be listed as "friend of sonic." I don't see that being a problem, lol.
Director of Smokers here again. Just wanted to give you guys an update. The pre-orders are moving along quickly. I'll be posting a counter which will be updated daily this weekend of the remaining orders before we hit the 100 mark and go to press. There will also be an update about additional bonus material.
[quote name='mcb']Director of Smokers here again. Just wanted to give you guys an update. The pre-orders are moving along quickly. I'll be posting a counter which will be updated daily this weekend of the remaining orders before we hit the 100 mark and go to press. There will also be an update about additional bonus material.[/QUOTE]

Dam you, you made me speed up my order. I was going to order on saturday but I wanted to be in the credits. :)
[quote name='Deadpool']Damn i can't order till Friday. I hope i can get in on the creds![/QUOTE]

I think you will still be good, there are some slots left.

[quote name='ryosnk']Dam you, you made me speed up my order. I was going to order on saturday but I wanted to be in the credits. :)[/QUOTE]

Haha! Well you are in, you will see your name at the end of the flick! Thanks again, and spread the word, the faster we get to 100 the faster we get these pressed and into your hands!
Less than 50 copies remain of the first 100 which when sold will mark the end of "Special Thanks" credits and the beginning of pressing/shipping. We will still be accepting orders after that, but you will not receive a credit. Additional features including a digital copy have been posted.
Less than 40 copies remain! Get those pre-orders in to be included in the credits!

Tell your friends and anyone who may be interested in purchasing the HD DVD.

We are more than halfway to going to pressing in just over a week!
Just an update for those who are waiting on the movie to go to pressing. We have LESS than 20 left, after we are done processing a few more orders we received we will be within the teens.

Keep telling your friends, and anyone else who may be interested in a new HD DVD!
Nice, I JUST got my copy of Deadlands 2 from Anthem after I emailed them. Took freakin' forever, and I wouldn't have ever seen it if I didn't email them. Hope your operation goes a little smoother!
Just wanted everyone to know that we have hit 100 Pre-orders! We are getting ready for print now, and will keep you all updated as things progress. Thanks again to everyone who has helped to support this project.
I think it's poor he's been logged in this morning and undoubtedly throughout the time since his last post, but he has neglected to check his own thread where he advertised his movie.
I Pm'ed him today so hopefully he response to my pm or this thread. Friends of sonic were we the only one's who bought one?
[quote name='phishphreak77']well, 'house of the devil' was released in the fall on VHS, so you can argue that this HD-DVD isn't that big of a deal.[/QUOTE]
That was bundled with the DVD and was put on VHS for the 70s-80s old school horror "look", it was a throw back.

The reason behind bundling it on a VHS was justified especially for horror fans, this is just retarded putting it on HD-DVD and overpricing the crap out of it.

movie is destined to fail
Hey guys,

I apologize for neglecting this thread, I promise from here on out to go ahead and post each day anytime you guys have questions. Please do not send e-mail's to the one shrike has posted, as it is a personal account. Please send all e-mail to [email protected]. I had checked this thread not too long ago and saw no action going on. I should have posted some updates over these last few weeks and apologize for not doing so. I have recently just moved into a new place, and started a new job while finishing up college. ENOUGH with the excuses though and let's move on to what's going on with the movie!


There was apparently a small issue with the discs, but I just got off the phone with the plant owner and he has taken care of it. I'm not 100% surprised we hit some sort of snag given how rare this type of release is (and all the issues faced by the DL2 guys), but it has been handled quickly and I should have a estimated shipping date tomorrow. As of now I'm very optimistic about future HD DVD projects. Thanks again for all the support and check back tomorrow!

Basic rough time line:
One last round of QC is being done to confirm there are no issues that we may have missed. After that the final press of the discs we will be shipping out to you guys will take about a week to complete. Accounting for weekends when the plant is closed we are probably looking at just a few weeks before the first copies are being sent out. Digital extras will be coming shortly. I will post the email address we will be using for that tomorrow so you guys can keep an eye out for that stuff in the coming days.

The email for the digital extras will be [email protected] which will be going active very soon!

We are moving ahead quite strongly, and things should be ready in the very near future, we again thank you for all of the support in helping us make this project come to life. Please PM me with any questions you may have, I promise though from here on out I will be checking this thread on a daily basis. If you do not see me answer something in one day PM me and I will get on asap!

(These are all straight from the director of the film)
Hey guys,

The director generally posts a lot on highdefdigest with updates, from here on out I will post whatever he does on here for you all to see.

"A liitle slow going due to tech issues, but all is moving ahead. I'll be away filming and recording on and off over the next week or two, so if you have any direct questions or comments send them to my facebook. I will update you here with any big news.

This has been a long an difficult process but as we are just waiting on the finished discs now, and haven't faced any huge setbacks, I see no reason not to do it again in the futrure. I fully expect Weed of the Living Dead to follow Smokers on the format."

-MCB on highdefdigest
[quote name='Davestation']You know, I have enough HD-DVD's, can I get this in Beta Max?[/QUOTE]

Maybe we can release a commentary track on 8-Track too.
[quote name='spidamatrix']

This has been a long an difficult process but as we are just waiting on the finished discs now, and haven't faced any huge setbacks, I see no reason not to do it again in the futrure. I fully expect Weed of the Living Dead to follow Smokers on the format."

-MCB on highdefdigest[/QUOTE]

I don't know what the hell Weed of the Living Dead is, but I want it on bluray!
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