Hello from Gogamer


Official Representative
Hey CAGs,

My name's Michael and I'm writing from my desk at Gogamer.com. Just flitting through the fora, we've noticed a lot of discussion, good and bad, pertaining to Gogamer, so we're officially stepping in to take your questions and feedback.

I may not be aware of all relevant threads, so don't hesitate to PM me with your feedback. BTW, If you have something negative to say, please be rhetorically creative!

Now, since this is the deals section, I suppose I should close my entree with today's Madness. I'm not really here as a solicitor, per se, but mods let me know if posting deals in an official capacity is errant from CAG guidelines :)

good time to get COD: World at War, imo.

Grip-it $3.90* - *After Coupon code - GRIP-IT $ 3.90
NAOS 3200 $49.90* - *After Coupon code - NAOS32 $ 49.90
X-Tatic SP Headset $59.90* - *After Coupon code - XTATIC $ 59.90
PC Police Simulator (I) $ 31.90
PS3 Fallout Vegas $ 49.90
Xbox 360 Fallout Vegas $ 49.90
PS3 Enslaved $ 49.90
Xbox 360 Enslaved $ 49.90
PS3 Medal of Honor Limited Edition $ 51.90
Xbox 360 Medal of Honor Limited Edition $ 51.90
PC Medal of Honor Limited Edition $ 49.90
PC Civilization V $ 41.90
PC Call of Duty World at War $ 17.90
PC Hidden & Dangerous 2 $ 0.90
PC Two Worlds $ 0.90
PC Crystal Key 2 $ 0.90
PC Neverend $ 0.90
PC Jericho $ 0.90
PC Mercenaries 2 $ 1.90
PC Warhammer Dawn of War GOTY $ 1.90
PC Dark Horizon (I) $ 1.90
PC Legendary $ 2.90
PC Velvet Assassin $ 2.90
PC CivCity Rome $ 2.90
PC Raven Squad $ 3.90
PC Stalker Clear Skies $ 3.90
PC Painkiller Black $ 3.90
PC Trine $ 3.90
PC Call of Duty Deluxe (I) $ 4.90
PS3 Fuel (I) $7.90 – Limit 1
Xbox 360 Supreme Commander $ 9.90
Xbox 360 Blood Bowl $9.90 – Limit 1
Xbox 360 Timeshift $7.90 – Limit 1
Xbox 360 Star Wars Clone Wars $9.90 – limit 1

[quote name='callmewoof']This is the first time I've ever checked out gogamer. Always saw it mentioned, never bothered to check. Good price (IMO) on CIV 5, and if I hadn't just bought it, I'd have gotten it from you guys.

More to the point, its nice to see your company on a more personal level and I'll be stopping by regularly now to check your stuff. Thanks for taking interest in the community![/QUOTE]

I love Gogamer.
Been buying from them for a LONG time - since 2002.

Some things I love about Gogamer...

1. They get European/UK Imports (In English!) of games that sometimes don't even get a release in the USA, such as...
Silverfall: Earth Awakening (Atari was USA publisher; wasn't interested in it here);
Sacred 2: Ice & Blood expansion (not released in USA due to publishing quarrels b/t CDV and Deep Silver);
and Sacred 2: Gold Edition (includes Ice & Blood - which didn't get a USA release);

2. They get Uncensored Euro/UK versions that don't get a USA release here...
see The Witcher or Fahrenheit (AKA Indigo Prophecy in USA).
[SIDE NOTE: A Patch from Witcher's site can turn USA versions of Witcher: Original or Enhanced Edition into Uncut Edition]
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[quote name='Green Card200']They have Clive Barker's Jericho for $4 shipped. Is the game worth playing? It seemed to get mediocre reviews but I do like horror games.[/QUOTE]

I paid $10 for that, long time ago - when Circuit City had a big sale on All games $20 or less were half off.
In short - I thought it was worth $10.

I thought it was underrated myself.
It was good and very solid - and yeah, that's about it.

Story and technical performance were my complaints on the game.
Loved the switching b/t character b/c they had their own abilities aspect.
Hello Mike ,

I bought little big planet from you guys and last month i went to game stop to sell it and they denied the game they said its region free .i was like ..so...They were like from where you bought it ,it can`t be sold in retail .Just want to mention it as there are many gamers who sell /exchange their game after done ,if its region free ,be careful
[quote name='pythoncancer']Hello Mike ,

I bought little big planet from you guys and last month i went to game stop to sell it and they denied the game they said its region free .i was like ..so...They were like from where you bought it ,it can`t be sold in retail .Just want to mention it as there are many gamers who sell /exchange their game after done ,if its region free ,be careful[/QUOTE]

That explanation doesn't even make sense and those people at Gamestop didn't even give you the correct explanation.

If it's the same LBP I'm thinking of that you purchased from them, you actually got the UK version, which depending on which Gamestop you bring it to, they might have the presence of mind to check which version you were trading it and say no since they technically are not supposed to take in import games, but some GS employees still do as long as it is region free, which pretty much voids that explanation that employee was even trying to give you.

And as many have mentioned in the past, GoGamer does sell a lot of UK/EU versions of games, so if you were looking to trade them in eventually, you may not be able to since it's not the US/CAN version of the game.
[quote name='pythoncancer']Hello Mike ,

I bought little big planet from you guys and last month i went to game stop to sell it and they denied the game they said its region free .i was like ..so...They were like from where you bought it ,it can`t be sold in retail .Just want to mention it as there are many gamers who sell /exchange their game after done ,if its region free ,be careful[/QUOTE]

Question? Did GoGamer.com at any point notify you or make you aware that the game you were purchasing was Region Free?

I wonder if GoGamer.com is doing this to other customers and how many ?

What are they hiding or why ?
[quote name='MrYouTube']Question? Did GoGamer.com at any point notify you or make you aware that the game you were purchasing was Region Free?

I wonder if GoGamer.com is doing this to other customers and how many ?

What are they hiding or why ?[/QUOTE]

Ok, at first it just seemed like you were just trying to voice your opinion and was not on this crusade against GoGamer itself, but now you are just coming off as a jackass.

First off, I already explained in my post as to what that one poster was referring to, and when GoGamer sold the game, it was mentioned in the description and the title that it was indeed the UK version of the game, and when they were describing the details they also mentioned it was "region free" because, well, it is region free since PS3 games are not region coded so they were stating the fact it was region free for the benefit of the buyer.

If you have a personal problem with GoGamer, give your opinion, which you have done more than enough up to this point, and move on with it.

Trying to create a witch hunt when you clearly do NOT shop with GoGamer and therefore have absolutely no knowledge as to what products are even being offered and have absolutely no facts to try and back up your clear vendetta towards the company.

I personally don't do much shopping with GoGamer, and even though I have seen many of their deals in the past, I still choose to shop with other places like Amazon and Newegg, and that's that.

It's one thing to talk about bad experiences you have had with the company, or even give an opinion of why you personally don't shop there, but to try to create these fake controversies that you have no actual knowledge of facts to back up your argument, shows your ignorance on the subject matter at hand.

Are you a multi? Your posts look like they were a continuation from a previous account and you talk like you've been part of the community for awhile, and don't give me none of that "I just never made an account" bullshit.

Just go take your crusade somewhere else, or at least if you're going to start one, have some actual evidence to back of your claims, otherwise shut your mouth.
Squarehead - why don't you start a witchhunt to figure out the previous identify of MrYouTube?

it could be entertaining. :whee:

You guys and your free shipping. I want negative shipping. Top that!
My complaint:

Shipping Charges

They are generally too much to make it worth a purchase, as they nullify the great deals GoGamer offers on games.

I would purchase from GoGamer MUCH more often if their shipping and handling charges were more reasonable.
Shipping, Shipping, Shipping.

I've been tempted plenty but never bought anything because of shipping.
Need Free shipping when you spend X amount, or cheaper combined shipping.
Yep, I guess I'm going to echo the other comments. It all comes down to shipping. You guys are in a difficult space, competing with digital distribution on the low end and the big mega retailers on the high end.

I must say though, that I've bought games from GoGamer in the past and have always had a great experience. I do appreciate what you do.
[quote name='MrYouTube']Question? Did GoGamer.com at any point notify you or make you aware that the game you were purchasing was Region Free?

I wonder if GoGamer.com is doing this to other customers and how many ?

What are they hiding or why ?[/QUOTE]

Don't pursue this, Mr. YouTube, or you'll end up just like the others.:twisted:
Enough with the shipping comments. I think he gets it.

I like free shipping too, but I can live with a nominal charge for low-priced items (Amazon charges for
[quote name='gantt']

Personally, I'd rather not see GoGamer go head to head with Amazon, Newegg, etc on the current AAA titles. For one, I suspect it would be very hard for them to be successful given the scale advantage of those retailers.


This is a particularly poignant fact, and an excellent point. The feedback so far is clear, but how we respond is not. We can't beat them at that game. I am personally digging into our shipping data to find ways to improve, but shipping is not our marketing solution.

Gantt, I appreciate your other points, as well. Are you a fan of project management or charts, perchance?

And to everyone, your time and feedback are critical and, on behalf of Gogamer, I thank you. Believe me, you have already provoked discussion in the GG team.
[quote name='gantt']Enough with the shipping comments. I think he gets it.

Haha that's all this thread is going to be until he can get us free shipping and/or free shipping promo code. We are CAG we can save more then $5 anywhere so why would we go for good deals turned mediocre because of shipping??

Anyways I like you guys alot! Bought tons of games off of you through ebay and I can see where your stance on shipping comes from. I personally won tons of auctions where you could not have made any money because you listed as free shipping. Also on the same note I noticed very few of your auctions have free shipping anymore :bomb:

Also it would be great to see more retro games and gaming systems on your ebay auctions...... you are asking for feedback on your other business practices as well correct?
[quote name='VideoGamesIzFun']

Haha that's all this thread is going to be until he can get us free shipping and/or free shipping promo code.....

....you are asking for feedback on your other business practices as well correct?[/QUOTE]

Yep, I came prepared for the shipping stuff. It's been beaten to death, but I guess that's part of learning just how big of a deal it is. Ya'll're (I'm coining that contraction) bigger cheapasses than I expected, though.

And yes, all feedback pertinent to the GG brand is welcome.
[quote name='Squarehard']They should really just raise the price of everything by $3 and then offer free shipping on everything.[/QUOTE]

Hehe! :)
At this point I'm pretty sure even the ghost of the dead horse has gotten a severe enough beating with the whole 'shipping shipping shipping!' comments. Complaints? Don't really have any personally, I've always been satisfied. But for some ideas...

PC games are your forte, but I've always liked those rare occasions when you guys do cheap console/handheld (especially handhelds) games. It's surprisingly competitive and I've gotten a number of games from those sales. I'd like some more cheap console or handhelds a bit more often, and you guys know better than I at how quick those things sell out, so maybe that's something to look into?

The biggest issue with a lot of the sales you guys have is that games repeat themselves. Now I don't know how good the sales are for some of these things, but I got Prey from you guys some 2 years ago for sub $5 (I think $3), and it's STILL in there in the same sales. Regularly. Painkiller, the same. Maelstorm you literally *gave* to people who made an order once, nevermind the amount of times I've seen it for a penny. Yet Jade Empire doesn't show up again that frequently, and in the re-release of Planescape: Torment, it was never (maybe one I missed?) in a Madness sale. Then again that sold out on its own so hey. I don't know if it's a matter of you guys have like 10 shelves of these things and each sale knocks off a couple rows, or if it's a matter of you guys just can't seem to get rid of the remaining supply you have. Now I've bought plenty of these cheap games, especially when you guys were with an Adventure sale going on, but it's something I can't help but have my eyes glaze over occasionally when I see another Madness: The games I'm interested in are in your bargain bins, and I can name 10 off the top of my head that regularly appear.

The pattern that something like Nox has is pretty interesting - every couple months to a half year it pops up, but then goes away again. Not suggesting to do that with every game, it's a pain in the ass, but I'm sure it's not alone; just some variety, tweaks, or themes can make each of the sales more interesting for the consumer. It never should make somebody go "I've seen most of this sale 10/12 times now," but sometimes it feels that way. You know the supply of stuff better than I, and if you mix it up (without losing any that actually *do* sell), it can help generate some interest - each sale feels like it's more fresh, so you're bound to get more people checking it out.

But hey, that's from a cheapass who's gunning for the games you're trying to get rid of, not your main supply of revenue I'm sure!
[quote name='Bronson-Lee']

1. This is like watching a car, a train, a helicopter, and a space shuttle crash into the same thing at the same time.

2. What you're doing now is the equivalent of "I know you are, but what am I?"

3. Your sarcastic response didn't help your case, so now you're asking for numbers, which was exactly what I did first: press you for proof.

4. You don't have it, so the burden of proof is now on me to provide hard financial data?

5. To be blunt, that's not how it works.

6. The Microsoft store can't offer free shipping because implementing such a policy involves an astronomical restructuring of their entire business model, website, and handling of orders, all for, like I said before, a miniscule uptick in sales.

7. The people who whinge about free shipping don't actually buy anything. They're the vocal minority.[/QUOTE]

1. You don't get tired of the sarcasm comments, do you?

2. WTF?

3. I gave you 2 links to hoovers that has the financial info to both amazon and deed discount. That's more than what you have done besides providing your comments with no data whatsoever "but I ran an online store" "I believe customer service will win customers, blah, blah , blah" and no data to back it up.

4. I am not the one being all cocky saying how you ran a store and had worked with e-tailers.

5. How does it work then? You are the one that owns an online store, I am sure that as an owner of a small business, you should collect data about your operations. Be a big boy and share that. I never ran an online store so I can't provide data, you can share your info with the gogamer representative.

6. FYI, Microsoft has plenty of resources to implement free shipping at their store. You are talking about a company that lost BILLIONS with the original XBOX and more BILLIONS with the repairs of faulty 360s. If deed discount can do it (a company with revenues of 117 million annually) then why cant Microsoft do it? Because of astronomical restructuring? Wow, you know they hire some of the brightest people on earth, right?

7. How do you know that? Is that your assumption or did you do research (quantitative analysis) to come to that conclusion?
So, I've seen GoGamer carry European titles before, and have purchased them myself (Civ IV complete and Rise of the Argonauts Xbox 360). My question is will you stock titles such as The Last Window that are Europe-exclusive for sale in the US? They've got it at Play-Asia, but I really don't want to wait 2 weeks for shipping.
[quote name='Squarehard']They should really just raise the price of everything by $3 and then offer free shipping on everything.[/QUOTE]

That's all that's gonna happen. People love "FREE SHIPPING" because it's a bottom line price. There's no such thing as free anything.
[quote name='oasisboy']
3. I gave you 2 links to hoovers that has the financial info to both amazon and deed discount. That's more than what you have done besides providing your comments with no data whatsoever "but I ran an online store" "I believe customer service will win customers, blah, blah , blah" and no data to back it up.

6. FYI, Microsoft has plenty of resources to implement free shipping at their store. You are talking about a company that lost BILLIONS with the original XBOX and more BILLIONS with the repairs of faulty 360s. If deed discount can do it (a company with revenues of 117 million annually) then why cant Microsoft do it? Because of astronomical restructuring? Wow, you know they hire some of the brightest people on earth, right?

Skipped the other points because they're just repeat points and you attempting to call one's experiences into question, which is amusing, to say the least.

Giving me 2 links to Hoovers doesn't really bolster any of your claims. Amazon's one of the biggest companies in the world; you can get their financial info anywhere. For god's sake, Hoovers even has a free trial; if you really want business information, it's not hard to get it. Stop waving that flag, it's not giving you any sort of advantage here. It's a good start, but you took the ball too far.

For what I'm assuming is the 3rd, 4th, or 5th time, it is a matter of scale. Microsoft has very specific ideals when it comes to their online storefront; every large corporation does. They took the hit on the repairs of faulty 360s with the quickness in the name of customer satisfaction, so the principle is there for offering some form of solid shipping, but since it A; wasn't built into the company's core business values, and B; is not gaining significant negative PR due to their lack of it, they will not take that hit to satisfy the consumer.

As an aside, Microsoft does hire some of the brightest minds in the world, but not all of them work on web development for the Microsoft Store. The people that do have way more valuable things to do with their time than implement an archaic money-sink.

If you want to discuss this more, take it to PM's. This horse is dead.
[quote name='Bronson-Lee']

If you want to discuss this more, take it to PM's. This horse is dead.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for providing data to back up your claims about online stores and shipping (yes, this is sarcasm, which you know very well). My Hoovers links might have been public data but that's more than what you contributed besides your "personal experience".

The horse is dead. We finally agree on something. Time to move on.
[quote name='Mike@Gogamer']Don't pursue this, Mr. YouTube, or you'll end up just like the others.:twisted:[/QUOTE]

*runs and hides*
Never used your site, but have heard good things. Please clean up your OP and color code so you can make this a helpful ongoing deals thread, particularly when BF hits.
Tried gogamer once for LBP international version. They did a bait switch saying it was sold out offering me the us for MSRP. Said no thanks and never looked again. First impressions are everything.
[quote name='Mike@Gogamer']so we're officially stepping in to take your questions and feedback.[/QUOTE]

Awesome, while I've never had anything but good deals with you all I do have a question...

Anyhow, awhile back you all use to add a free* game to your orders, ether known or unknown, but have since done away with it... Any chance it coming back?

* Granted I've never gotten an amazing game via this but it was always interesting to see what it was as it was often a game I hadn't heard of before.

If you can't afford free shipping, at least consider limited-time free shipping codes for special promotions. Possible?
[quote name='daminion']Yea it's fun. It's not really a horror (as in scary) game. It's typical Clive Barker story & gory (for the engine) graphics.

Decent squad based tactics shooter. For $4 you can't go wrong.[/QUOTE]

I gave it a shot. Thanks for the reply.
[quote name='Mike@Gogamer']Yep, I came prepared for the shipping stuff. It's been beaten to death, but I guess that's part of learning just how big of a deal it is. Ya'll're (I'm coining that contraction) bigger cheapasses than I expected, though.

And yes, all feedback pertinent to the GG brand is welcome.[/QUOTE]

My two cents is this... Like it or not, there is a value to saving yourself time having to travel to a retailer and such. In my case, just I travel 45 minutes to a decent retailer. Shipping is worth something, as long as Gogamer has a fair price on something I want. I don't care to see prices rise, so shipping costs can be hidden.
Okay... I have feedback which does not involve free shipping.

I do not like the layout of your website. IMO it's just a little bit too busy and it just feels like a page full of banners. I don't know if I am the only one but I pretty much just tune out half of the page as "noise" and just go click on your Madness specials or search for whatever I'm looking for specifically. To be fair, the layout is very reminiscent of the GameStop site (maybe that is what it is modeled after) but I don't particularly like their site either for many reasons.

Sites I do like layout-wise would include GOG, Impulse and Steam (in more or less that order). You could also look at layouts similar to Adobe or iTunes (but adapted for your business).
I have one complaint, I bought a game from you guys, it was like 8.90 plus shipping.
I received it and even got a nice grip it thingy for my controller (thank you)
but you guys turn around the day I recieved it had the same game for like 3.90 or 2.90 I was a little ticked it dropped 5 or 6 bucks within a few days.. I know buyer beware, but i would had bought 2 at the 2nd price(for a friend)

Instead I bought it from steam during their summer sale for the same price and gifted it...
[quote name='rollntider']I have one complaint, I bought a game from you guys, it was like 8.90 plus shipping.
I received it and even got a nice grip it thingy for my controller (thank you)
but you guys turn around the day I recieved it had the same game for like 3.90 or 2.90 I was a little ticked it dropped 5 or 6 bucks within a few days.. I know buyer beware, but i would had bought 2 at the 2nd price(for a friend)

Instead I bought it from steam during their summer sale for the same price and gifted it...[/QUOTE]

So your suggestion is some sort of price change grace period, if it changes in 5-7 days after purchase some sort of adjustment or recompense would be requested?
[quote name='rollntider']I have one complaint, I bought a game from you guys, it was like 8.90 plus shipping.
I received it and even got a nice grip it thingy for my controller (thank you)
but you guys turn around the day I recieved it had the same game for like 3.90 or 2.90 I was a little ticked it dropped 5 or 6 bucks within a few days.. I know buyer beware, but i would had bought 2 at the 2nd price(for a friend)

Instead I bought it from steam during their summer sale for the same price and gifted it...[/QUOTE]

Ouch. I feel for you.

From the standpoint of policy, there's really nothing we can do for you in that scenario. Prices would never drop if we had to refund prior purchases for the difference, which Im sure you understand.

However, we always welcome you to call Simon at customer service. If you're unsatisfied, we will usually try to work something out with you. There are obviously limits to what we can do, but Simon is totally cool and reasonable so it's worth the call when you're feeling down about your purchase.

Also, when you buy from Gogamer, all your dreams come true.
[quote name='Mike@Gogamer']Ouch. I feel for you.

From the standpoint of policy, there's really nothing we can do for you in that scenario. Prices would never drop if we had to refund prior purchases for the difference, which Im sure you understand.

However, we always welcome you to call Simon at customer service. If you're unsatisfied, we will usually try to work something out with you. There are obviously limits to what we can do, but Simon is totally cool and reasonable so it's worth the call when you're feeling down about your purchase.

Also, when you buy from Gogamer, all your dreams come true.[/QUOTE]

Even the bad ones?
[quote name='oasisboy']Thank you for providing data to back up your claims about online stores and shipping (yes, this is sarcasm, which you know very well). My Hoovers links might have been public data but that's more than what you contributed besides your "personal experience". [/QUOTE]

I realize you seem to have finished your vocalizing on why GoGamer "isn't creative enough", but I never once saw you provide GoGamer data that supports that they are comparable to Deep Discount, or for that matter anyone else, in a numbers/revenue-sense. I saw you explain "they're both trying to make a name for themselves" (which is every company) and I saw you command Bronson to go "do his homework" on GoGamer volume, but then he would be fulfilling your own argument. That burden is on you, as he'd said. With respect, to condemn a company for lack of creativity, you need more to stand on.

I don't know any such data for them, so I can't speak to the viability of free shipping without changing anything else. I would think they're close to a margin, though, selling a $60 new release for $50 on day 1.

I simply wanted to explain to you what I saw as a fallacy in your argument, so that perhaps you understand why he or anyone else were butting heads with your perspective. You were trying to bring up Amazon and Deep Discount, and their FS policy, and the whole argument is about GoGamer, for which there hasn't been a single digit of data to cement any such argument about free shipping. You were repeatedly comparing the apple and orange of Amazon and Deep Discount, via Hoover, but GoGamer is a pear in such a comparison sans said data...Does that make sense?

Mike, what do you think about doing some sort of "every third order/game is free shipping" or the likes? It would promote volume and return business, and you could still (on paper, sans exploitations) get 67% of your shipping income? Could some sort of offset (rather, profit) occur in something of that nature? I think either that or a threshold, a la $25 or $40 for Free Shipping, could spur enough of a compensation for a change in such a model.
[quote name='BWS1982']

Mike, what do you think about doing some sort of "every third order/game is free shipping" or the likes? It would promote volume and return business, and you could still (on paper, sans exploitations) get 67% of your shipping income? Could some sort of offset (rather, profit) occur in something of that nature? I think either that or a threshold, a la $25 or $40 for Free Shipping, could spur enough of a compensation for a change in such a model.[/QUOTE]

Good question, and very much to the point of the whole problem. The fact is whatever we don't charge the customer, we have to pay ourselves. Assuming our sales volume/mix doesn't change significantly, this is unaffordable.

On the other hand, if net profit increases, ceteris paribus, lower shipping rates become affordable. This increase may result from a change in sales mix effecting a higher average margin or an increase in total sales (at a comparable margin). Since the former is not a practical avenue, we're left with more profit from more sales (and enough to do better than breaking even after free shipping)--

--which brings us to the problem of demand. For a firm our size, no meaningful demand function can be devised to predict how sales will respond to lower $shipping; ergo, one concludes that whatever reduction we afford in shipping has to be in exchange for increased sales (which existentially presupposes increased demand, obviating the demand function altogether), and thence that a "reward program" of some kind is the best bet. Just dropping the shipping and waiting for the world to love Gogamer again is basically playing Russion Roulette. 'Doesn't fly in the conference room.

Some discount matrix options, like free shipping with $25 purchase, can also be ruled out (or just aren't as simple as they seem). Consider that there's a positive relationship between order price and shipping weight/#packages. It happens that the ratio of average margin to shipping cost decreases as order price increases; i.e., shipping costs grow faster than total margin. In short, giving away shipping on a $1.90 game loses us money, and giving away shipping on a $50 purchase of. say. a keyboard, may also lose us money.

Continuing the discussion, rolling shipping fees into nominal prices remains an option; however, being CAGS, you all know the online shopper is savvy, does the math, and knows when he/she is really getting a deal. Recouperating the cost of free shipping by redistributing it to other shipping methods also seems attractive before you consider that revenue on alternative methods will decrease as customers overwhelmingly opt for free shipping. Compensating results in unreasonably high costs on paid shipping methods, perpetuating the problem.

But I guess the bottom line is that it's all in the math. I can run my mouth all day, but none of it means anything without numbers. So you all know, I'm in the data collection/analysis phase of this process. I'm working on a statistical model that will enable us to test different promotions.

Go America.
An update on my order I put in yesterday morning, I had received my shipping notification by the time I got home from work the same day! Very impressive service Mike!
[quote name='INMATEofARKHAM']Awesome, while I've never had anything but good deals with you all I do have a question...

Anyhow, awhile back you all use to add a free* game to your orders, ether known or unknown, but have since done away with it... Any chance it coming back?

* Granted I've never gotten an amazing game via this but it was always interesting to see what it was as it was often a game I hadn't heard of before.[/QUOTE]

It's possible. It depends on how management felt about it.

I'll bring it up.
[quote name='eau']@GoGamer

If you can't afford free shipping, at least consider limited-time free shipping codes for special promotions. Possible?[/QUOTE]

This would be a good way to gauge reactions and gather data.
[quote name='skubish']Tried gogamer once for LBP international version. They did a bait switch saying it was sold out offering me the us for MSRP. Said no thanks and never looked again. First impressions are everything.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for coming to the site. You're absolutely right about first impressions, but I hope you'll give us another try.

As for your suspicion, I *GUARANTEE* we don't use any such tactics. If you're still incredulous, go ahead and PM me the details and I'll try to piece together what happened.
[quote name='gravel']An update on my order I put in yesterday morning, I had received my shipping notification by the time I got home from work the same day! Very impressive service Mike![/QUOTE]

Thanks for spreading a good rep. Props to Simon and the warehouse staff.

If the gods curse your order, you'll know who to go to.

[quote name='BWS1982']

1. I realize you seem to have finished your vocalizing on why GoGamer "isn't creative enough".

2. but I never once saw you provide GoGamer data that supports that they are comparable to Deep Discount, or for that matter anyone else, in a numbers/revenue-sense.

3. I saw you explain "they're both trying to make a name for themselves" (which is every company) and I saw you command Bronson to go "do his homework" on GoGamer volume, but then he would be fulfilling your own argument.

4. That burden is on you, as he'd said. With respect, to condemn a company for lack of creativity, you need more to stand on.

5. I don't know any such data for them, so I can't speak to the viability of free shipping without changing anything else.

6. I simply wanted to explain to you what I saw as a fallacy in your argument, so that perhaps you understand why he or anyone else were butting heads with your perspective.

7. You were trying to bring up Amazon and Deep Discount, and their FS policy, and the whole argument is about GoGamer, for which there hasn't been a single digit of data to cement any such argument about free shipping.

8. You were repeatedly comparing the apple and orange of Amazon and Deep Discount, via Hoover, but GoGamer is a pear in such a comparison sans said data...Does that make sense?


1. I had finished until you came along so lets get started.

2. I did provide data about amazon.com and deep discount where I provided annual revenue and number of employees. How am I supposed to gather relevant info if our friendly representative does not provide their info (because they are a private company not listed on Hoovers) What I provided was info of 2 companies that are in the same industry (online shopping). You can't judge me for not providing relevant data if I don't have a basis for a foundation.

3. I never told Bronson to get me data on "Go-gamer". Before making such accusations go back and read the whole exchange between us. Bronson was providing his point of view about free shipping based on his personal experience with his own online store. I asked him to provide data from his experience through his store. Go back and read.

4. You want me to write an essay about the lack of creativity when it comes to free shipping? I can tell you of several stores that are as small (based on my estimates) that offer free shipping (through special promotions) such as footballfanatics.com (who? yes, exactly). They offer free shipping through codes if you spend $50, $75, etc. They also have a point system where you get discounts on all their products based on how much you spend. That's what I mean by creativity.

5. So how do you expect me to provide "relevant" data then?

6. Please provide more detail on your argument, you need more to stand on.

7. What data would make you happy? I have all the time in the world for you. Can't provide you relevant data because I don't have access to the books (accounting) of gogamer.

8. The classic apples and oranges argument, you mean like wal-mart.com and amazon.com engaging in price wars over books and bonus gift cards? Can't compare them because one is a brick and mortar plus online and the other is online only, right?. Tell that to both companies and see what they say back to you.
[quote name='oasisboy']1. I had finished until you came along so lets get started.

2. I did provide data about amazon.com and deep discount where I provided annual revenue and number of employees. How am I supposed to gather relevant info if our friendly representative does not provide their info (because they are a private company not listed on Hoovers) What I provided was info of 2 companies that are in the same industry (online shopping). You can't judge me for not providing relevant data if I don't have a basis for a foundation.

3. I never told Bronson to get me data on "Go-gamer". Before making such accusations go back and read the whole exchange between us. Bronson was providing his point of view about free shipping based on his personal experience with his own online store. I asked him to provide data from his experience through his store. Go back and read.

4. You want me to write an essay about the lack of creativity when it comes to free shipping? I can tell you of several stores that are as small (based on my estimates) that offer free shipping (through special promotions) such as footballfanatics.com (who? yes, exactly). They offer free shipping through codes if you spend $50, $75, etc. They also have a point system where you get discounts on all their products based on how much you spend. That's what I mean by creativity.

5. So how do you expect me to provide "relevant" data then?

6. Please provide more detail on your argument, you need more to stand on.

7. What data would make you happy? I have all the time in the world for you. Can't provide you relevant data because I don't have access to the books (accounting) of gogamer.

8. The classic apples and oranges argument, you mean like wal-mart.com and amazon.com engaging in price wars over books and bonus gift cards? Can't compare them because one is a brick and mortar plus online and the other is online only, right?. Tell that to both companies and see what they say back to you.[/QUOTE]

I don't have time for circles, I've ran in enough lately. I stopped at "so let's get started" --take what I wrote, or leave it. The fact is I never saw any data from you. Good bye, I was trying to be helpful.
[quote name='BWS1982']I don't have time for circles, I've ran in enough lately. I stopped at "so let's get started" --take what I wrote, or leave it. The fact is I never saw any data from you. Good bye, I was trying to be helpful.[/QUOTE]

What data do you want? I am here to please. :lol:

I can't get gogamer data if that is what you want. Can't get it, can't help you. Stop demanding for impossible tasks. People like to complain but don't like it when people answer back.
Like we said, make the shipping free. You might feel you are taking a loss but it will actually drive sales through the roof, causing a major profit.
bread's done