help for a lightweight


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Hey GAG's i need some help.

Basically i am a major lightweight when it comes to alcohol and it gets kinda embarassing when i am out with the guys. Every Tuesday we go out for "2 dollar tuesday" and shoot pool and drink beer, which is a lot of fun, only i cannot seem to really hold my booze. i know that it helps to eat before hand but i was wondering if there were certain foods which were better than other foods, like that absorbed it better? also when would be the best time to eat before hand? 1 hour? less? more?

thanks for the help.
* Drink lots of water the same night you go out drinking.
* Everyone has different tolerances.
* Don't measure your manhood or 'coolness' by the amount of intoxicating substance you can consume.
If you get buzzed after two drinks, and they can hammer down ten, with the same amount of money they're buying 5 pitchers of Miller Lite, you can buy *real* beer.
Drink lots of Water
Eat something with lots of carbs (bread/pasta/rice)
Drink often to build up your tolerance

I'm not sure why you'd want to do this though.
First and foremost... be happy you're a lightweight. It's the CAG way to drink. But if you're looking to strech it out a bit, one of the better foods to eat before drinking is a nice sized sandwich. Footlong if you'd like.
Yeah, honestly, I don't see the issue. Your getting buzzed on 2 beers, that's great. You can either drink better stuff or drink really cheap. Why pay $20 when you get smashed for $4.

To avoid hangovers/other ailments, it helps to eat and drink water (tons). Also, I drink water while I'm drinking. Try to drink a few gulps for every drink you do, keeps you hydrated.

Overall, I wouldn't worry about it. In today's politically correct world, your not likely to get any benefits from really holding down your liquor.
Drink Guinness. Perfect sipping beer. Whenever your friends give you shit for not drinking as much, flash whatever new shit you bought with the money you saved.
[quote name='cochesecochese']Drink Guinness. Perfect sipping beer. Whenever your friends give you shit for not drinking as much, flash whatever new shit you bought with the money you saved.[/quote]

Actually thats a good suggestion cause then they'll think you're hardcore or into beer and as a lightweight it will probably take you an hour to put one of those down and they wont notice/care.
[quote name='dopa345']If you're Asian (like me) you're out of luck. It's a genetic thing.[/quote]

Not necessarily. Quite a few asians can hold their drink just fine. The only embarrassment comes from turning red entirely too easy, LONG before you're wasted. That's the result of asians generally lacking a certain enzyme for breaking down alchohol.

Of course, you could turn that to your advantage. Do things and blame it on the drink. Play poker and pretend your judgement is impaired.
Nothing absorbs alcohol better than a big ol' Steak. Eat a 16oz+ porterhouse before you go out and you'll be doing shots all night long.
My problem is I get sleepy after drinking and smoking so I just started drinking energy drinks and they help a lot. If your problem is puking then I don't know what to tell ya.
Thanks everyone for the advice... and i realize that being a lightweight is cheeper, but getting sick after 3 beers is WEAK. (granted i was on an empty stomach, but still no excuse) most of my friends are about the same size as me and they drink with about the same tolerance, i just tend to get sick quicker... so i guess that's not the same tolerance. as far as being a CAD (Cheap Ass Drinker) that's why i go on tuesdays $2 beer at the local pub :)
Getting sick and getting drunk/being a lightweight are really two different things. You may just not be able to metabolize alcohol well. My mom and my cousin can't drink more than a couple drinks without being nauseated (skipping right over any sort of buzz/drunkenness), and I occasionally experience similar.
[quote name='cochesecochese']Drink Guinness. Perfect sipping beer.[/QUOTE]

Right-o. I ducked in to post just that.

"Guinness: the beer that drinks like a meal."
[quote name='Vampyre611']Thanks everyone for the advice... and i realize that being a lightweight is cheeper, but getting sick after 3 beers is WEAK. (granted i was on an empty stomach, but still no excuse) most of my friends are about the same size as me and they drink with about the same tolerance, i just tend to get sick quicker... so i guess that's not the same tolerance. as far as being a CAD (Cheap Ass Drinker) that's why i go on tuesdays $2 beer at the local pub :)[/QUOTE]

Just sip on your beer. Just cause they want to pound away beer doesn't mean you have to. Eat some pasta, or a big sub before you go out.

[quote name='trq']Right-o. I ducked in to post just that.

"Guinness: the beer that drinks like a meal."[/QUOTE]

Most dark beers are so heavy because back in olden times, Dark beers were basically liquid bread to most people.
Depends on what you're drinking. Real beer won't make you sick, nor will it cause severe white guy insanity the same way that Miller Lite and other bottled urines will do.

Guiness, which is basically the best mass-produced beer you can get ingredient wise, will last a bit longer, won't get you out of your mind and tends to attract the ladies a bit due to it's implied sophistication. At a minimum you should drink nothing below Summit (although I'm currently boycotting them) or Sam Adams. Rogue is my minimum level of acceptance, other than the 24 pack of Grain Belt Premium that has to be purchased when low quality company is coming over.
I do have a problem with motion sickness so drinking tends to hit me a bit harder (you know when the vision starts to blur and "sway") as far as what we drink... we drink whats $2 things like "Kilt Lifters" and the like... Ruby and Dark ale's mostly. it's all weird bottled stuff.
[quote name='dopa345']If you're Asian (like me) you're out of luck. It's a genetic thing.[/QUOTE]

Hadn't heard that before. Learn something new about myself every day.

For me, i have be eating while drinking. That seems to help me.
How about this.

Stop trying to get hammered. At least you'd be different from the morons on this site who get hammered so often.
[quote name='levi333']Hadn't heard that before. Learn something new about myself every day.

For me, i have be eating while drinking. That seems to help me.[/QUOTE]

Acetylaldehyde dehydrogenase deficiency. I probably have none of it since after one gin and tonic, I'm out of commission.
i would say keep at it... its cool because of the cheapness being a leightweight, but i think the fun ends there... it is fun to go out drinkin with your buddies. and wouldnt you like to handle yourself with a lady after a few drinks? thought so... keep drinking, drinking till your so shitfaced it all tastes like water... then once youve got the tollerance stop and enjoy it... i would say about 1 beer or shot every 20 minutes anything quicker then that should put you on the floor, you need about 200 solid days of drinking (from my observarion) to really increase your tolerance. and at that rate you should be golden until weeee hours of the morning when the only people are awake are the horny girls that didnt drink that much to begin with.... reap what you sew.... lol good luck.

honestly if its a problem, then maybe you just shouldnt drink. they make wine coolers, and shmirnoff ice for a reason...
[quote name='Moxio']How about this.

Stop trying to get hammered. At least you'd be different from the morons on this site who get hammered so often.[/quote]
I don't try to get hammered. that's actually what i'm trying to avoid. i go out with my buddies and we play pool and drink beer, it's a social thing it's not a lets go get wasted thing. it's just good fun and since we are out for a few hours it's better if i don't end up throwing up. I hate to throw up and i'd like to avoid that whenever possible.

[quote name='D4rkN1ght']and at that rate you should be golden until weeee hours of the morning when the only people are awake are the horny girls that didnt drink that much to begin with.... reap what you sew.... lol good luck.

honestly if its a problem, then maybe you just shouldnt drink. they make wine coolers, and shmirnoff ice for a reason...[/quote]
I find your insinuations insulting. I am not out trying to "reap" anything, with "horny girls" and i never said i was having a problem, i was just looking for some tips from the more exerienced. I'm not going out parting or trying to be cool and definatly am not looking to "get laid" as they say.

To those of you who honestly offered advice, i thank you. I ate a good hardy meal (porkchops potatoes and bread) and was fine the whole night.
well done youngster!

And f you Moxio, just because some of us like to imbibe and you're a tea totalling legshaving mommy's boy, doesn't mean that we shouldn't be allowed to have our adult fun. Clutching a tit is fun, but only if it isn't one related to you.
[quote name='Maklershed']Drink lots of Water
Eat something with lots of carbs (bread/pasta/rice)
Drink often to build up your tolerance

I'm not sure why you'd want to do this though.[/QUOTE]

pasta wont help much at all. the bread is a good idea because it will soak up the alcohal like a sponge, meat is another good idea(meatball sandwich, meatloaf, whatever). And yeah water is a very good idea
[quote name='Vampyre611']

I find your insinuations insulting. I am not out trying to "reap" anything, with "horny girls" and i never said i was having a problem, i was just looking for some tips from the more exerienced. I'm not going out parting or trying to be cool and definatly am not looking to "get laid" as they say.

are you joking are you personally insulted... im so sorry..
[quote name='nasum']
Guiness, which is basically the best mass-produced beer you can get ingredient wise, will last a bit longer, won't get you out of your mind and tends to attract the ladies a bit due to it's implied sophistication.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='nasum']well done youngster!

And f you Moxio, just because some of us like to imbibe and you're a tea totalling legshaving mommy's boy, doesn't mean that we shouldn't be allowed to have our adult fun. Clutching a tit is fun, but only if it isn't one related to you.[/QUOTE]

"Tea totalling legshaving mommy's boy"!

You should be happy to be a lightweight. It sucks being able to drink a lot because you have to spend a ton more money and it does more damage to your body. When I drink with a friend we usually split a case or 30 pack.. definatly not healthy..
[quote name='Moxio']"Tea totalling legshaving mommy's boy"!

I know, I should have put a bit more work into it, but hey short notice ya know?

Cheers mate!
I'm confident that you'll drink your way through this problem, like generations of lightweights before you.

alcohol... the cause of, and solution to ALL of life's problems
bread's done