Help me decide my next game (RPG)


66 (100%)
So I've been craving a good, traditional-ish RPG for my PS Vita. I don't want to spend much ($20 max). I'm currently looking at two PSP games that are compatible with the PS Vita

I want something that has a fun combat system that does NOT require much grinding, or none at all. I don't want something that's going to take up 60+ hours for the main story either. NO SRPGs, I'm not looking for a strategy RPG right now. Graphics-wise, I want something that's PSP or better. I'm not really looking to dip down into the PSOne days, or anything like that.

So, please see the poll and help me decide. If you have other suggestions, I'm all ears :D

EDIT: if you vote, please leave a comment, if you don't mind, and let me know why you voted for X game.

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Never heard of Legend of Heroes, but I played Lunar a long time ago and liked it.

If you have never played a Star Ocean game, I recommend them as well.

Never heard of Legend of Heroes, but I played Lunar a long time ago and liked it.

If you have never played a Star Ocean game, I recommend them as well.
I tried Star Ocean: First Departure but just wasn't able to get into it. So far I'm leaning towards Legend of Heroes. A lot of solid reviews and sounds well-rounded compared to the older Lunar: Silver Star Harmony.

I think Trails in the Sky might be what you are craving for more so than Lunar. Even if Lunar is a classic, I think Trails will probably be more endearing in terms of storytelling/characters and better as a game (since Lunar sort of set the standard template for many JRPGs, so it will probably seem super generic nowadays, even if I liked it). That said, Trails has a crap ton of exposition, so be prepared to read if you don't mind the concept of it.

If you hungry for an action-RPG that is more short and sweet, I'd say Ys Seven is great for that (or just in general). But the appeal is more in gameplay than storytelling.

Like the previous poster said, Star Ocean stuff isn't bad recommendation either (I mean, I adore 2, but I don't think it holds up terribly well either.). 
Still, your options are a bit limited if you want stuff you can breeze through, because most (good) PSP RPGs/SRPGs are rather meaty (Then again, you could play stuff like Brave Story and Hexyz Force, which certainly aren't bad, but are also pretty forgettable in my opinion).
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I think Trails in the Sky might be what you are craving for more so than Lunar. Even if Lunar is a classic, I think Trails will probably be more endearing in terms of storytelling/characters and better as a game (since Lunar sort of set the standard template for many JRPGs, so it will probably seem super generic nowadays, even if I liked it). That said, Trails has a crap ton of exposition, so be prepared to read if you don't mind the concept of it.

If you hungry for an action-RPG that is more short and sweet, I'd say Ys Seven is great for that (or just in general). But the appeal is more in gameplay than storytelling.

Like the previous poster said, Star Ocean stuff isn't bad recommendation either (I mean, I adore 2, but I don't think it holds up terribly well either.).

Still, your options are a bit limited if you want stuff you can breeze through, because most (good) PSP RPGs/SRPGs are rather meaty (Then again, you could play stuff like Brave Story and Hexyz Force, which certainly aren't bad, but are also pretty forgettable in my opinion).
I'm not saying I want the game(s) to be easy or able to breeze through, but I also don't want something that's going to take 60+ hours just to get through the main story. Generally, those games have been grindfests and I hate needless grinding. I'll check out some reviews for Ys Seven :D

I'd cast my vote for Trails in the Sky. The visuals are only so-so (typical PSP graphics) but the music, writing and environment are all top notch.

It might take you more than 60 hours, but the game discourages grinding and has some of the most memorable, well-written characters I've ever encountered.

I cannot recommend this game enough. It is absolutely worth your time and money.
I'd cast my vote for Trails in the Sky. The visuals are only so-so (typical PSP graphics) but the music, writing and environment are all top notch.

It might take you more than 60 hours, but the game discourages grinding and has some of the most memorable, well-written characters I've ever encountered.

I cannot recommend this game enough. It is absolutely worth your time and money.
60 hours without having to grind sounds like a dream :p I have nothing against 60+ hours, I mean, really, i just want to enjoy a game without needing to "grind" out 10-20 hours in order to beat bosses or something silly. I mean, I put in over 85 hours into Persona 4 Golden, and VERY little of that was grinding. Maybe...5 hours max, but that was enjoyable because I was working on some fusions.

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60 hours without having to grind sounds like a dream :p I have nothing against 60+ hours, I mean, really, i just want to enjoy a game without needing to "grind" out 10-20 hours in order to beat bosses or something silly. I mean, I put in over 85 hours into Persona 4 Golden, and VERY little of that was grinding. Maybe...5 hours max, but that was enjoyable because I was working on some fusions.
The inability to grind is perhaps my biggest knock against the game. But grinding is very enjoyable for me... One of those zen things. Trails, though, just stops giving you worthwhile exp. once you hit a certain level in any given area.

Trails in the Sky does a fine job of keeping you appropriately leveled, which means battles require some degree of strategy. You can't just button mash your way to victory, even on battles against trash mobs.
Grinding is tedious and also makes the game not a game at all, just busy work. Grind until you win. Whoopee!
My thoughts exactly. Also, Sony just posted the PS Store blog update for this week and it doesn't look like any sales for these games, so...I'm going with The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky.

EDIT: I didn't really hear/see much as to why I should go with Lunar, yet it received 4 votes...just pointing that out :)

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My thoughts exactly. Also, Sony just posted the PS Store blog update for this week and it doesn't look like any sales for these games, so...I'm going with The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky.
You have chosen wisely. Give it a few hours to get going and you will be pleased as punch.
Silver Star Harmony is a crappy port/remake of the original.   Just hope that Vic Ireland can someday bring back Silver Star Story.

Wow, you guys were right, the beginning of those game is a slow (and a lot of text!) "Father" just boarded an airship...does that mean the game is finally going to begin? :p

EDIT: Why is it EVERYTIME a character is low on health the AI gang up on them? Seriously...this is getting frustrating, as is the lack of a map in certain area's.

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Wow, you guys were right, the beginning of those game is a slow (and a lot of text!) "Father" just boarded an airship...does that mean the game is finally going to begin? :p

EDIT: Why is it EVERYTIME a character is low on health the AI gang up on them? Seriously...this is getting frustrating, as is the lack of a map in certain area's.
Yeah. The opening few hours can be a bit of a slog. Just power through 'em.
Wow, you guys were right, the beginning of those game is a slow (and a lot of text!) "Father" just boarded an airship...does that mean the game is finally going to begin? :p

EDIT: Why is it EVERYTIME a character is low on health the AI gang up on them? Seriously...this is getting frustrating, as is the lack of a map in certain area's.
I remember that traveling was a bit hard to navigate early in because of very samey looking forests. Also, Pro Tip: For that reason I'd recommend avoid being a completionist with quests (they really aren't worth the backtracking that is sometimes required or the experience. And from I what read you don't get much transferring a "complete" save to the sequel).

Again, I must reiterate, there is a ton of exposition and really feels like playing a Visual Novel sometimes (especially near the end of the game). I'll be honest in saying a lot of the appeal of the game is actually in the writing, not so much the RPG part (which is perfectly fine, but sort of standard overall). So if you are raring to go into dungeons all of the time or killing monsters 24/7 and .... Trails in the Sky isn't really the game, because it loves talking. Seriously. Which I didn't mind at all, but still worth mentioning.

I do think Trails does technically require grinding early in, because of how the Orb(aments? It has been years since I played it.) work, even if it is more passive about it. Because if I remember correctly you will want to add orbaments that directly influence stats and purchasing/adding more slots requires different colored gems (and some gems are more rare than others and you need to farm them early in. I think red ones are sort of hard to get, but don't quote me on that), which might have a lot to do with why you feel your characters are so fragile right now. That and maybe not having a reliable healer.

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I'm finding the odd occasional *hidden* monsters under trees which I can't see, and then it turns out to be like 9 monsters on screen and they do enough damage that I die quickly (and then "run" upon retrying). Currently I'm trying to get enough sepith to buy another slot for Joshua (Estelle already has 2 opened). I can't remember off-hand which color is hardest to come by currently, but I'm 4 hours in and should be only a few more battles away from having enough I think.

For those of you keeping track at home, I just
completed the first question in place of the Cassius being away. It was the Perzel (sp?) Farm. I'm about to start my second job, probably tomorrow since it's 2:19 AM ;)

At this point, I can see things starting to get a bit easier, but not in a bad way. I'm starting to gather recipes, and ingredients are A LOT cheaper than buying the 150 or 200 HP things from the General Store. My biggest issue is Reviving Balm's. I could really stand to a recipe for that, or more Mira (money) so I can stock up before jobs. Currently, I have zero and 0 Mira to buy more...we'll see how things go :)

EDIT: I have no problem with a lot of story/reading IF it's a good story and a solid translation, which all signs point to yes for both so far. I'm not a huge dungeon crawler to be honest. The Diablo series was really the only game that caught my interest for those things, unless you count wandering the wasteland in Fallout 3 ;)

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Sometimes publishers have sales that aren't advertised in the post prior to the update, often it is for 3rd party games that are on sale but don't have an additional PS+ discount.

Sometimes publishers have sales that aren't advertised in the post prior to the update, often it is for 3rd party games that are on sale but don't have an additional PS+ discount.
I figured with how old this game is, I doubt it will be going on sale...unless there is an RPG-themed sale. But even then, I've already put 5+ hours into the game since buying it yesterday so I've gotten my $20 worth at this point.

EDIT: I would really like to see some Vita RPGs go on same (and be made) soon. While Legend of Heroes is fun so far, it definitely looks dated. Thank god for bilinear filtering.

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I'm a little over 12 hours into this and I'm having a hard time getting into it. I'm just not feeling the characters/story...very...lackluster? Live and learn I guess, though it feels like a waste of $20.

I'm a little over 12 hours into this and I'm having a hard time getting into it. I'm just not feeling the characters/story...very...lackluster? Live and learn I guess, though it feels like a waste of $20.
Oh boy. I don't think it's going to get much better for you, sadly. Those characters should have taken ahold of your heart strings by now!

Keep playing though, if you have nothing better to do. I've just got to believe that at some point you'll start enjoying yourself.
bread's done