Help me get rid of this stuff! FS/FT

Check my list for Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes and/or Viewtiful Joe.
Also interested in Tales of Symphonia and/or Ico from your "cousins" list.
Sweet. Yeah, I was just trying to see what I could do here right before I went for that. Thanks for the code, as I didn't know of any.

I heard they just unwrapped the new reprinted copies, but if mine's not complete, I'll just return it.
[quote name='Farny']Bumping is overrated.[/QUOTE]
You don't have to do it bitch. Don't make me give you a digital bitch slap. ;)
Nintendogs Chi is getting progressively lower. This is the bottom for me, as I need to make $20 after shipping. :)
[quote name='Farny']I don't know what you're talking about. You can't talk to me like that when your child is in my womb.[/QUOTE]
You said that "Bumping is overrated"

I simply said that you didn't have to do it being bumping your thread. Not like anyone is forcing you to.

Question me again and suffer the consequences...BITCH ASS n00b. ;)

And this my child in your womb shit...thats gonna have to stop. I dont know what the hell you are talking about. Say it again and face my FURY! :bomb:
Irony, my silly, dimwitted friend, was what was supposed to make the original post in question. Now buy Nintendogs, because it's SO FUN.

Oh, and:

my child in your womb shit
[quote name='Farny']Irony, my silly, dimwitted friend, was what was supposed to make the original post in question. Now buy Nintendogs, because it's SO FUN.

Oh, and:

my child in your womb shit[/QUOTE]

Dammit Farny. :bomb:

I told you not to talk about that kinda shit anymore. Don't make those gay remarks toward me just because your parents never hugged you. Oh and by you saying that my child is in your womb, are you implying that you are a girl?
Yes, that's a secret, though.

[Insert Edited Lesbian History, etc...CRAAAAWLING IN MY SKIIIN!]

This is where I end, because I'd not like my comments to affect future traders, or my trading skills, which are much better than yours.


[quote name='Farny']Yes, that's a secret, though.

[Insert Edited Lesbian History, etc...CRAAAAWLING IN MY SKIIIN!]

This is where I end, because I'd not like my comments to affect future traders, or my trading skills, which are much better than yours.


Haha...Good one Farn. If you say so. I would have to say that we are about the same, but I am older so I win. ;)
[quote name='Farny']I would also have to say that you need to take a writing seminar.[/QUOTE]

Just because you like to talk on AIM in complete sentences doesn't mean that everyone else has too. As long as you can understand what the other person is typing that's all that matters, doesn't have to look scholarly and have perfect sentence structure. You are the only person that I know that talks all professional like on AIM.

*Commences with the digital bitch-slapping*
Professional? Training yourself to do it habitually without even noticing it is what you should do. The transition from your AIMage to CAGage is funny.
Hey, I need to purchase or trade for a PSP game soon, really soon, as I want it here in time for Christmas.

I'm especially looking for Metal Gear Acid, Ridge Racer, and Wipeout Pure, but any decent or good title may interest me.

Thanks for looking, just let me know what you've got. My tradelist is in my signature.
Have Wipeout and/or MGA w/guide, interested in trading for We Love Katamari or working something out for Disgaea.
[quote name='Farny']I'm somewhat interested in Advance Wars: DS.[/QUOTE]

Sounds good to me. Let me know when you make up your mind.
Bump. I'm leaning more towards a sale if it's available to me. I just don't know of any games I'm really interested in now.
Sorry for not responding, I thought I had in a PM.

I didn't really see anything, and I think AC:WW is going to be pending soon.
bread's done