Help me identify these horror videos :D


53 (100%)
I've always wanted to know the names of these videos or shows, but could never find them out.

The first is something about a cop urinating on some African American's graveyard, to which his dead corpse lifts his hand out of the grave, and pulls him down. And then needles levitate and chase the cops.

The next movie is something about a kid who draws pictures, and when he crumples the picture, the guy he drew get's hurt.

The other one is about some kid who has an eyeball in the palm of his hand, and these little demon creatures come out from the giant hole in his backyard. And they spin some record backwards, and the song plays some demon message.

Yes, all these movies freaked me out when I was little :p
[quote name='Riyonuk']I've always wanted to know the names of these videos or shows, but could never find them out.

The first is something about a cop urinating on some African American's graveyard, to which his dead corpse lifts his hand out of the grave, and pulls him down. And then needles levitate and chase the cops.

The next movie is something about a kid who draws pictures, and when he crumples the picture, the guy he drew get's hurt.

The other one is about some kid who has an eyeball in the palm of his hand, and these little demon creatures come out from the giant hole in his backyard. And they spin some record backwards, and the song plays some demon message.

Yes, all these movies freaked me out when I was little :p[/QUOTE]

The one with the eyeball on the palm is The Gate. Great film.


The one about the drawing sounds familiar, but I don't remember.

As for the first film, doesn't ring a bell. Was it a black guy's grave or did he have an entire graveyard?
[quote name='Riyonuk']The first is something about a cop urinating on some African American's graveyard, to which his dead corpse lifts his hand out of the grave, and pulls him down. And then needles levitate and chase the cops.

The next movie is something about a kid who draws pictures, and when he crumples the picture, the guy he drew get's hurt.[/QUOTE]

These two sound like segments from Tales from the Hood - Rogue Cop Revelation, and Boys do get Bruised, respectively.
[quote name='infinitepez']These two sound like segments from Tales from the Hood - Rogue Cop Revelation, and Boys do get Bruised, respectively.[/QUOTE]

Yep, the first two are definitely from Tales From the Hood. The DVD is actually out of print at the moment, but there are tons of used copies floating around. Don't pay Amazon marketplace prices, you should be able to snag it for under $10.
And while we are on the subject of Identify these Horror flicks...I remember seeing one where there were worms or maggots, maybe even life mealworms, that lived beneath the skin. I remember this one scene where the worms would be digging out themselves from an open sore on the arm.
[quote name='lurknomore']And while we are on the subject of Identify these Horror flicks...I remember seeing one where there were worms or maggots, maybe even life mealworms, that lived beneath the skin. I remember this one scene where the worms would be digging out themselves from an open sore on the arm.[/quote]

sounds like it could possibly be John Carpenter's Body Bags. The 2nd story "Hair" with Stacy Keach. I could be wrong, but that rings a bell to me.
Also, if anyone has the "House Double Feature" VHS please put in House II and tell me if there is indeed a trailer for a sequel to Alex Winter's "Freaked" on there. It's bugged me for years and years and it's in my aunt's storage and I can't check for myself.
[quote name='Riyonuk']
The next movie is something about a kid who draws pictures, and when he crumples the picture, the guy he drew get's hurt.


The reminds me of a movie I saw when I was little, but can't remember. I just remember it was a kid (I forget if it was a boy or a girl) who would draw things, and then go to this house and the things would be there. Eventually, the kid would draw a person, but forget to draw legs, so there'd be a person there without legs; then, the kid draws a pair of legs for them, but when they go back there's just a random pair of legs standing in the house.

I don't know if it was the same movie or not...
[quote name='KABUKISTAR']The reminds me of a movie I saw when I was little, but can't remember. I just remember it was a kid (I forget if it was a boy or a girl) who would draw things, and then go to this house and the things would be there. Eventually, the kid would draw a person, but forget to draw legs, so there'd be a person there without legs; then, the kid draws a pair of legs for them, but when they go back there's just a random pair of legs standing in the house.

I don't know if it was the same movie or not...[/quote]

isnt that one of the twilight zone movie isnt there a girl with no mouth?
[quote name='KABUKISTAR']The reminds me of a movie I saw when I was little, but can't remember. I just remember it was a kid (I forget if it was a boy or a girl) who would draw things, and then go to this house and the things would be there. Eventually, the kid would draw a person, but forget to draw legs, so there'd be a person there without legs; then, the kid draws a pair of legs for them, but when they go back there's just a random pair of legs standing in the house.

I don't know if it was the same movie or not...[/quote]

there was an episode of Amazing Stories that was like that. a guy would cut out pictures of models from magazines and pour this chemical on them; the resultant "girl" would appear afterward, but he had to go thru all of these disgusting and scary "mishaps" before he got the formula right. when he finally did, the perfect girl ends up going off with his roommate. i loved that show!
Well after reading this I just have to ask the CAGs if they can name a movie I don't know the title of too.

This is going to sound strange but this is what it was. One day on TV years ago I caught the end of some movie and in the final scene there was a female cop in a bathroom with some guy sitting in the corner. The bathroom is covered in blood and the guy says something about the toilet bowl. The cop looks in and a hand comes out and strangles her. Then the credits rolled. Can someone please identify this for me? I must know what it was.
[quote name='VaultDweller13']Well after reading this I just have to ask the CAGs if they can name a movie I don't know the title of too.

This is going to sound strange but this is what it was. One day on TV years ago I caught the end of some movie and in the final scene there was a female cop in a bathroom with some guy sitting in the corner. The bathroom is covered in blood and the guy says something about the toilet bowl. The cop looks in and a hand comes out and strangles her. Then the credits rolled. Can someone please identify this for me? I must know what it was.[/quote]

I'm 99% sure you were watching the show "Monsters" (1988-1991).

The episode was called "The Moving Finger" from Season 3.
Holy crap "The Gate" looks awesome! Too bad the DVD is OOP. :(

I've got another horror movie I've always wondered about:

I remember seeing a movie about a family on a road trip in their RV/van. When they stop by an (abandoned?) church in a desert-like area, the son goes to pee on a bush and is attacked by some kind of werewolf/monster thing. The only other things I remember are the family hiding in the church(?) and the teenage daughter being in some kind of goofy 80's sex scene. :lol:

Anyone know what it is?
[quote name='Makaveli_The_Don']I'm 99% sure you were watching the show "Monsters" (1988-1991).

The episode was called "The Moving Finger" from Season 3.[/quote]

Thanks. I've been asking people about that scene for years and most people thought I was making it up.
[quote name='hero101']Was there a movie were cockroaches crawl in the skin or something? :whistle2:#[/quote]


That has been done tons of times in Movies & TV shows.

The first that comes to mind for me is Creepshow.
I remember The Gate. It scared the shit out of me when I was little.

However, it also provided me with some of the best inside jokes I've ever had. I died laughing at the end when the kid's house exploded and he came flying out the door, and me and my friend still to this day love to yell "You've been BAAAAD" at each other.
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[quote name='allyourblood']there was an episode of Amazing Stories that was like that. a guy would cut out pictures of models from magazines and pour this chemical on them; the resultant "girl" would appear afterward, but he had to go thru all of these disgusting and scary "mishaps" before he got the formula right. when he finally did, the perfect girl ends up going off with his roommate. i loved that show![/quote]
I don't think so. The one I remember, was definitely a kid doing the drawings.

I also think I remember a part where the kid drew an ice-cream machine, and then when they went to the house it was there.
[quote name='Gameboy415']Holy crap "The Gate" looks awesome! Too bad the DVD is OOP. :(

I've got another horror movie I've always wondered about:

I remember seeing a movie about a family on a road trip in their RV/van. When they stop by an (abandoned?) church in a desert-like area, the son goes to pee on a bush and is attacked by some kind of werewolf/monster thing. The only other things I remember are the family hiding in the church(?) and the teenage daughter being in some kind of goofy 80's sex scene. :lol:

Anyone know what it is?[/QUOTE]

Wow, The gate is OOP? I remember getting it from CC, maybe 2 years ago, for $5.

Oh, and that movie you mentioned seems vaguely familiar, but I'm drawing a blank.
Alright my turn. When I was little (back in the 80's) I saw a movie which was a collection of 4 short films. One of which was about 2 guys and 2 girls on a wooden raft in the middle of a lake where they were attacked by those black leech-like things. I remember one scene where they sucked one guy through the gap into the water. The last scene of the movie showed the last surviving guy swimming towards the shore. And when he finally reached land and thought he was safe, the black mass composed of leeches jumped out of the lake and the screen went black.
[quote name='Max Spider X']Alright my turn. When I was little (back in the 80's) I saw a movie which was a collection of 4 short films. One of which was about 2 guys and 2 girls on a wooden raft in the middle of a lake where they were attacked by those black leech-like things. I remember one scene where they sucked one guy through the gap into the water. The last scene of the movie showed the last surviving guy swimming towards the shore. And when he finally reached land and thought he was safe, the black mass composed of leeches jumped out of the lake and the screen went black.[/QUOTE]

I think that was the middle story in Creepshow 2.
[quote name='Max Spider X']Alright my turn. When I was little (back in the 80's) I saw a movie which was a collection of 4 short films. One of which was about 2 guys and 2 girls on a wooden raft in the middle of a lake where they were attacked by those black leech-like things. I remember one scene where they sucked one guy through the gap into the water. The last scene of the movie showed the last surviving guy swimming towards the shore. And when he finally reached land and thought he was safe, the black mass composed of leeches jumped out of the lake and the screen went black.[/quote]

That was Creepshow 2.
This is a cool thread, if y'all don't mind I will throw in a couple that I dont' know of but also that I saw as a kid.

The first one I remember had a fence on the cover of the original VHS release and it was about aliens. I remember in one scene the teacher of a class ate a live frog and that at the end they ended up in tunnels w/ police/army or something chasing the aliens maybe.

This is kinda non-horror disaster movie: and it may be a made-for-tv movie, but it was about an apartment building or something that sunk into the ground. At one point someone stuck inside opens a door and swings out into a huge open area. there are also fire people and stuff going to save everyone...

Another one is something where there is like some world or something underground...I know there was the one with the monsters starring Fred Savage where he chased them, but I'm thinking it was a different one where they weren't monsters or something...but I'm really sketchy on this one, I think I must have been around 3 or 4 when i saw it (so 1988 or so).

Anyways, all of these are from the 80's and have been bugging me for years.

Thanks all, if I notice one up here I remember I will let y'all know, just now I don't remember any of those titles.
[quote name='cdrober']This is a cool thread, if y'all don't mind I will throw in a couple that I dont' know of but also that I saw as a kid.

The first one I remember had a fence on the cover of the original VHS release and it was about aliens. I remember in one scene the teacher of a class ate a live frog and that at the end they ended up in tunnels w/ police/army or something chasing the aliens maybe.


I believe that one was Invaders From Mars (1986 version).
Alright I have one to ask of you.

This is from a long time ago when I was little, I can only remember 2 scenes.

First is this part with a little boy in bed and when he's trying to go to sleep a number of things happen in his room. I believe some tentacles come out from under his bed and a large buzzsaw comes out of his closet and start to close in on him. I want to say that he covers his ears and yells for it to go away and it does.

Another scene (hopefully im not mixing it up with another movie) has the same boy run out of his room and down the hall. He stops at a door and he might call out to his mom, not sure though. Anyways, the doors opens and there is a witch looking woman right in his face, it's done as a pop out scare. iirc

Sorry it isnt much to go on, just some random fragment of my childhood.
[quote name='Dr.Butcher']Alright I have one to ask of you.

This is from a long time ago when I was little, I can only remember 2 scenes.

First is this part with a little boy in bed and when he's trying to go to sleep a number of things happen in his room. I believe some tentacles come out from under his bed and a large buzzsaw comes out of his closet and start to close in on him. I want to say that he covers his ears and yells for it to go away and it does.

Another scene (hopefully im not mixing it up with another movie) has the same boy run out of his room and down the hall. He stops at a door and he might call out to his mom, not sure though. Anyways, the doors opens and there is a witch looking woman right in his face, it's done as a pop out scare. iirc

Sorry it isnt much to go on, just some random fragment of my childhood.[/quote]

That was an episode of Tales from the Darkside. Can't remember the name of the episode but scifi shows Darkside pretty often, I think I saw that episode 2 weeks ago actually.
Another one is something where there is like some world or something underground...I know there was the one with the monsters starring Fred Savage where he chased them, but I'm thinking it was a different one where they weren't monsters or something...but I'm really sketchy on this one, I think I must have been around 3 or 4 when i saw it (so 1988 or so).

That might be Clive Barkers Nightbreed.
Thanks you guys, those were the two movies I was thinking of! Strange though how much different things get after this long...ahh, memories.
[quote name='Dr.Butcher']Alright I have one to ask of you.

This is from a long time ago when I was little, I can only remember 2 scenes.

First is this part with a little boy in bed and when he's trying to go to sleep a number of things happen in his room. I believe some tentacles come out from under his bed and a large buzzsaw comes out of his closet and start to close in on him. I want to say that he covers his ears and yells for it to go away and it does.

Another scene (hopefully im not mixing it up with another movie) has the same boy run out of his room and down the hall. He stops at a door and he might call out to his mom, not sure though. Anyways, the doors opens and there is a witch looking woman right in his face, it's done as a pop out scare. iirc

Sorry it isnt much to go on, just some random fragment of my childhood.[/QUOTE]

"Tales from the Darkside"
Monsters in My Room (1985)
[quote name='cdrober']
Another one is something where there is like some world or something underground...I know there was the one with the monsters starring Fred Savage where he chased them, but I'm thinking it was a different one where they weren't monsters or something...but I'm really sketchy on this one, I think I must have been around 3 or 4 when i saw it (so 1988 or so).
Maybe you guys can help me out. i saw this movie in the 80's and am pretty sure that it was made in the 80's as well. all i can remember is there is a boy living in the woods, can't remember why he's there i think he was left by his parents or something happened to them. anyway i thinks there was also a guy after him who also lived in the woods, the kid was in a cave i think, he eventually taught himself to fish, and i think he set up traps to get the guy that was after him. and at the end i think he makes it out of the woods and is reunited with family.

i know its very little to go on, but thats all i seem to remember, i just know i liked the movie, and it has been driving me nuts for years that i cannot think of the name.

any help would be much appreciated
[quote name='Gameboy415']Holy crap "The Gate" looks awesome! Too bad the DVD is OOP. :(

I've got another horror movie I've always wondered about:

I remember seeing a movie about a family on a road trip in their RV/van. When they stop by an (abandoned?) church in a desert-like area, the son goes to pee on a bush and is attacked by some kind of werewolf/monster thing. The only other things I remember are the family hiding in the church(?) and the teenage daughter being in some kind of goofy 80's sex scene. :lol:

Anyone know what it is?[/QUOTE]

That sounds like it might be Troll 2. Do they move to the town of Nilbog?
Okay, I've been asking this question for years.

Back in the 80's I saw a horror film. It was about this kid and he falls into this hole and there are these creatures or something. They want to eat him but he makes a deal with them that he will trick people into falling into the hole if they let him go.

He does that and at the end his family moves away a young girl lives next door. She tells him she has something to show him and tricks him into falling into a hole with monsters.

I would love to find out if this was a movie or tv show. and which...
[quote name='Gameboy415']Holy crap "The Gate" looks awesome! Too bad the DVD is OOP. :(

I've got another horror movie I've always wondered about:

I remember seeing a movie about a family on a road trip in their RV/van. When they stop by an (abandoned?) church in a desert-like area, the son goes to pee on a bush and is attacked by some kind of werewolf/monster thing. The only other things I remember are the family hiding in the church(?) and the teenage daughter being in some kind of goofy 80's sex scene. :lol:

Anyone know what it is?[/quote]

that movie is definitely raw head rex...cheesy but entertaining
there is this movie where this kid and his sister are left home alone and their t.v gets possessed or something. they are watching a zombie movie on the t.v and the zombies come out of the t.v set and attack the neighborhood...the only other thing i remember is a zombie wearing a wedding dress.....i need the name of that movie...its driving me nuts.
[quote name='stiltzkin09']there is this movie where this kid and his sister are left home alone and their t.v gets possessed or something. they are watching a zombie movie on the t.v and the zombies come out of the t.v set and attack the neighborhood...the only other thing i remember is a zombie wearing a wedding dress.....i need the name of that movie...its driving me nuts.[/quote]

hmm a quick google search reveals this . Video dead, it even mentions the zombie bride you mentioned.
[quote name='wolverinefactor']Okay, I've been asking this question for years.

Back in the 80's I saw a horror film. It was about this kid and he falls into this hole and there are these creatures or something. They want to eat him but he makes a deal with them that he will trick people into falling into the hole if they let him go.

He does that and at the end his family moves away a young girl lives next door. She tells him she has something to show him and tricks him into falling into a hole with monsters.

I would love to find out if this was a movie or tv show. and which...[/quote]

I think your talking about a movie called The Pit(1981)

Summary - Twelve year-old Jamie Benjamin (Sammy Snyder) is a misunderstood lad. His classmates pick on him, his neighbors think he's weird and his parents ignore him. But now Jamie has a secret weapon: deep in the woods he has discovered a deep pit full of man-eating creatures he calls Trogs...and it isn't long before he gets an idea for getting revenge and feeding the Trogs in the process
[quote name='godzillad']Also, if anyone has the "House Double Feature" VHS please put in House II and tell me if there is indeed a trailer for a sequel to Alex Winter's "Freaked" on there. It's bugged me for years and years and it's in my aunt's storage and I can't check for myself.[/quote]

I remember loving Freaked when I was a kid. But now, it's kind of just eh...
Wow... you are the best. Did some looking and it is the one I'm thinking of, although I remember none of what is on imdb (the wheelchair bit is ringing a bell though). Thanks!

[quote name='willowmistfactor']I think your talking about a movie called The Pit(1981)

Summary - Twelve year-old Jamie Benjamin (Sammy Snyder) is a misunderstood lad. His classmates pick on him, his neighbors think he's weird and his parents ignore him. But now Jamie has a secret weapon: deep in the woods he has discovered a deep pit full of man-eating creatures he calls Trogs...and it isn't long before he gets an idea for getting revenge and feeding the Trogs in the process[/QUOTE]
bread's done