Help me remember the name of a 90s action movie.


CAG Veteran

So I remember this one scene but I can't for the life of me place the name of the film or even the principle actors (the scene, while memorable, only features generic bad guys and a generic middle-class dude who gets killed)

Anyway, the scene is as follows:

Early morning in a typical suburban neighborhood. The scene starts with a shot of a middle-aged man (possibly balding) in boxers and a tank-top, asleep in bed with his wife. The sound of a trashtruck's lift can be heard in the distance and he mutters something to the effect of "Trash? Damnit, they're an hour early." and his wife stirring but paying him no attention.

The man gets up to see a trash truck across the street. He fumbles to put on his bath-robe and glasses.

The scene switches to show the back of the trash truck. Two men in white jumpsuits and surgical masks with sun glasses are holding onto the back of a truck as it rolls down the street slowly. The camera switches to a long shot of the man's house from the perspective of the truck. The man can be seen frantically dragging a pair of trash cans to the curb before giving an exasperated look as the trash truck rolls off.

The man beguns to run after the truck calling out to them. They halt as he slows to a jog and comes to a stop behind the truck.

"Excuse me! I think you forgot my trash cans." he says.

The two trashmen look at eachother then reach into the back of the trash truck and each pulls out an SMG with a silencer. The man's body is riddled with bullets.

I do not recall if they put the body in the back or just leave him in the street to die.

I have a feeling it was Lethal Weapon 4 but I'm not sure.
Only thing I keep thinking of is Eraser. I'm pretty sure that's not it but that's all I can come up with at the moment.
I think that is Commando with Arnold Schwarzenegger. I believe that movie is from the mid to late 80's though. I just remember that the bad guys were taking out all of Schwarzenegger's retired commando unit.
Ah, thank you Titan!

I looked it up on youtube and found it. Commando is where the scene is from.

EDIT: So it looks like I subconciously replaced the garbage men with the outfits worn during the finale of "The Departed" and I accidentally injected logic and assumed that an assassination in broad daylight with a slow garbage truck would spur them to use silencers or some other means of not alerting the entire neighborhood. Silly me. =D
You bet. I used to have that movie on vhs when I was younger and remember all of the action was over the top like most 80's action movies. That garbage truck scene always stuck out in my mind too.
[quote name='themaster20000']This was Arnold's best bad movie.[/QUOTE]

I guess I never understood a good bad movie. To me if I like a movie its good. I never cared for its general perception.

I like hudson hawk. It makes me laugh and I find it entertaining despite the fact its universally hated. So I think its a good movie because I enjoy it.

I mean yes I love great films like dressed to kill, chinatown, 7 samurai, treasure of sierra madre, old boy, raiders of the lost ark and so on. But I like movies not considered good by most also like hudson hawk, freeway 2 confessions of a trick baby, ilsa she wolf of the ss, cobra and so on.
[quote name='gargus']I guess I never understood a good bad movie. To me if I like a movie its good. I never cared for its general perception.

I like hudson hawk. It makes me laugh and I find it entertaining despite the fact its universally hated. So I think its a good movie because I enjoy it.

I mean yes I love great films like dressed to kill, chinatown, 7 samurai, treasure of sierra madre, old boy, raiders of the lost ark and so on. But I like movies not considered good by most also like hudson hawk, freeway 2 confessions of a trick baby, ilsa she wolf of the ss, cobra and so on.[/QUOTE]

Hudson Hawk was one of those movies that people hated when it was first released but it has more of a cult following now. I think it's funny that Bruce Willis denies the movie, when there are movies he has made that were far worse. (Surrogates, The Whole Ten Yards)

Oh, and Commando is a fantastic movie. One of the best action flicks of all time.
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