The_Way_of _Peace

ok first off i bought it new from gamestop, but it did not come with a free trial card and it did not even have a seal on it. Should I return it?
second, i started a season then came back today and it was not there. my vip still said 1-0(only played one game) why cant i find my saved game.
third, when i went to start a new season cause i could not find old one, i turned fantasy draft OFF and customize leagues OFF but when i got past that screen it did the draft and the customize leagues. All of the things i put in ended up being opposites
Can anyone help and/or explain this to me?
Agreed with last post. ESPN is complete shit. ESPN is like a hot girl: Pretty on the outside, but a complete bitch when you start getting to know it.

Online has some pretty bad glitches, and Madden just feels better. Sure it was only 20 bucks, but you should have paid the 10 extra dollars and ordered Madden online somewhere. (Some specific sites have it for 30)
I thought I did answer your question. The game is shit. I had VIP problems and could never figure out why some wins did not count. I would take that turd back to Gamestop if I were you and get yor XBL card.
ESPN games did seem rushed this year, but ESPN NFL is incredibly good. I have Madden as well and switch between the two.

1) As far as I know, you're supposed to get a trial card.
2) Are you sure you saved it? The interface for ESPN games are so incredibly bad.
3) Haven't had that problem before.
Oh, manofpeace, too bad you're leaving the CAG NHL League. I think league games don't show up on your stats if that's what you mean. I thought the same thing as well.
I played over 200 hours of ESPN this year. Yes, some glitches, but madden had them too (especially online, yuk!) Never had a single VIP glitch of not giving me a win, etc. Only glitch of note was the clipping glitch. Kinda annoying but not a game killer.
Calling ESPN shit is flat out stupid. Its better than madden at some things, worse in others. NIETHER are "shit" I think this was the best year for console football to date. Both products were top notch but ESPN had a more agreeable price and was better for the manner in which I play so I chose it.
As far as the Xbox live card, I wouldnt waste the gas going back to GStop to get it. Now if you are going back anyway, fine, get it. If you arent going, ask politely for one and Im sure somebody will hook you up.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']Oh, manofpeace, too bad you're leaving the CAG NHL League. I think league games don't show up on your stats if that's what you mean. I thought the same thing as well.[/quote]

Yeah I know. It wasn't about the stats though, as I really don't care if it shows up on my overall stats. I'm just very tired of the cheating and glitching that takes place. I was pretty pissed off about it for awhile, but I have no hard feelings, especially for Thatstoobad, who I shouldn't have called a prick. I am thinking about joining the CAG Halo 2 clan, so maybe I'll see you in there.
[quote name='manofpeace20'][quote name='SteveMcQ']Oh, manofpeace, too bad you're leaving the CAG NHL League. I think league games don't show up on your stats if that's what you mean. I thought the same thing as well.[/quote]

Yeah I know. It wasn't about the stats though, as I really don't care if it shows up on my overall stats. I'm just very tired of the cheating and glitching that takes place. I was pretty pissed off about it for awhile, but I have no hard feelings, especially for Thatstoobad, who I shouldn't have called a prick. I am thinking about joining the CAG Halo 2 clan, so maybe I'll see you in there.[/quote]

We were just playin Halo onlline a few minutes ago. I got my ass kicked. God I suck.
bread's done