Help Selecting A MMORPG


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Alright I'm thinking of getting into a MMORPG soon and was wanting some suggestions. The top ones for me right now are Dark Age of Camelot, City of Heroes, World of Warcraft, and Everquest 2. If I could get some suggestions/opinions on these games and any others I'd appreciate it.

And I'm stuck with dial up right now so it would also be nice to know if I'd have any major problems playing any of these.
no idea about daoc, i also couldn't tell you if you'll have any drawbacks with a dial up connection

i play everquest 2 and love it, biggest drawback between that and wow is that eq2 has no player vs player at this time

looking at any pics, you can tell that wow has more cartoony graphics as opposed to eq2 more "realistic" looking

eq2 has a much better crafting system as opposed to wow from what i read

from what i read, wow gets better reviews than eq2
WoW is hands down the best MMO out right now. Ive played every single one include free ones via download and its soo much better that everything else.

/pizza :puke:
I've whittled it down to City of Heroes and Dark Age of Camelot right now. I'll probably get World of Warcraft down the road.

So any insight to those 2 would be nice.
If you're like feel like an idiot paying twice for one game...look into guild monthly payments. Also, if you pre-order soon, you can get in a beta-event to see whether you want to keep your pre-order.
Well, in case anyone cares, I ended up getting City of Heroes.

It wasn't as hard of a choice as I thought, due to the fact that they didn't have DAoC (just the new expansion).
i dont like playing MMOs, but I like making characters. In City of Heroes, I made this guy called "Gore-illa" This massive Gorilla with big G on his chest. He's also a chain smoker that speaks with a NY Accent. Catchphrase, "I'm gonna smokes youse guys!"

Then I made a guy who looked like Santa without the hat with a big C on his chest. I think I called him Captain Cancer. He has a tragic story of gaining his Super Powers through an accident while trying an experimental procedure to cure his Ass Cancer. It was great.

He gives you cancer, its a gift.
bread's done