Help some guy "win" a threesome.

[quote name='mykevermin']Next Wednesday.

She's clearly not sexually satisfied with him, thus the absurd wager (threesome versus tshirt). Then again, she looks like a trucker on three weeks of meth and no sleep or showering, so this is one of those scenarios where "threesome" isn't that erotic an idea.

Like this one:
or try this page:

Nothin' sexy about that noise.[/QUOTE]
That dude loves him some more cushion for the pushin'.

If you conservatively say he's getting 200 every five seconds (that's what i seem to be getting per refresh, which is less than 5 seconds, but, conservatively), that's 2400 a minute.

Which is 144,000 an hour.

Which is 3,456,000 a day.

MEaning he should reach his target at the latest, this time tomorrow.

Its gone up 1.2 million in the 7 hours since I first saw it to now. This dude is fucking set for this weekend, fuck next year.
[quote name='mykevermin']Next Wednesday.

She's clearly not sexually satisfied with him, thus the absurd wager (threesome versus tshirt). Then again, she looks like a trucker on three weeks of meth and no sleep or showering, so this is one of those scenarios where "threesome" isn't that erotic an idea.

Like this one:
or try this page:

Nothin' sexy about that noise.[/QUOTE]


Thats a Big Bitch.
The truth sorta comes out. Allegedly he has bandwidth issues. So he posted this. I think the sight got more popular then he thought so he thought it would be good for a buck.

Well, nobody seems to be clicking on the gamefly banner and bandwidth is going through the roof.
Instead I'm going to try a different approach to try and keep myself from going broke. I set up a paypal account under the
email address ******* If you want to send me a dollar or two, I would really appreciate it.
Hopefully, this will help me keep the site up.

April 5, 2006 8:30 PM - Getting lots of questions through email. To address some of them:
5) Yes, I get a dollar for everyone who signs up for a profile through Metrodate
[quote name='secretvampire']Probably a scheme to drive a lot of traffic to the site and get ad revenue. Next.[/QUOTE]

I'm starting to think you are right.
Yeah, he is mentioning some pay dating site an awful lot in his "updates" for it to be anything but a low-budget ad technique. The counter going up several hundred per immediate refresh is sketchy.

On the other hand, his girl does eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch, so that bitch would probably eat anything.

Its definatly not unquie users.I keep refresh and the counter keep going up.At this rate,he will be done by end of today or tomorrow mourning
[quote name='Zmonkay']A winner is him! too bad from what I can tell he doesn't actually have his third lined up yet[/QUOTE]

The sooner he takes the picture of that banshee down, the better off he'll be.
I refused to give him a hit until he had already gotten 2 mil.

He's screwed. Look at the "contract", it's null-and-void if she cheats on him. If she was half-sane, she'd be using this "bet" as a barometer for their relationship. If he really starts pressing the threesome, it would become apparant to her that this guy is in fact, a douchebag.

So, if she doesn't want to do it (and he tries to pull a bullshit legal move), then she can just go out and sleep with some dude to nullify it. The girl seems batty, and the guy is definately a gentleman and a scholar. It takes all kinds I guess.
[quote name='mykevermin']The sooner he takes the picture of that banshee down, the better off he'll be.[/quote]

Eh she probably looks okay in a normal picture, that one makes her look like an idiot.

You know she's going to cheat on him. At that time then he'll just dump her and have a nice sob story for the next girl to walk by
I found something slightly interesting. Look at the source code of of the original website. It has almost nothing in it. Instead, it gives a link to As well, on that website, it is easy enough to edit the counter. So someone could've 'helped' this guy a bit more than just hitting the site.
[quote name='evilmax17']I refused to give him a hit until he had already gotten 2 mil.

He's screwed. Look at the "contract", it's null-and-void if she cheats on him. If she was half-sane, she'd be using this "bet" as a barometer for their relationship. If he really starts pressing the threesome, it would become apparant to her that this guy is in fact, a douchebag.

So, if she doesn't want to do it (and he tries to pull a bullshit legal move), then she can just go out and sleep with some dude to nullify it. The girl seems batty, and the guy is definately a gentleman and a scholar. It takes all kinds I guess.[/QUOTE]

fuck that, to the victor goes the spoils.
[quote name='Roufuss']I ROFL'ed[/quote]
As did I, I don't even know why it was that funny, but I couldn't stop laughing.
That is just wrooong. The monkey was hotter.

I'd spank that monkey
or let it spank my monkey
or spank it while it spanked it's monkey
or spank my monkey while my monkey spanks me.
I can't access the boards anymore.... LOL I posted a looking for booty thread and then posted a nice asscock picture as myself...:

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