Hercules - The Legendary Journeys Season 1 $12 Shipped?


16 (100%)
Well, stores handle price drops differently. Retailers are often notifed of sceheduled price drops well in advance. So some stores might keep the item at the same price until the drop, and only then they'll drop the price. However, some sites, DDD being one of them, will list the item as a pre-order with the new, lower-price listed, and the date the drop is scheduled for as the release date. Now, I'm not sure if they'll ship it to you on the 26, when the price officially drops, or if they'll just ship it right now. I've heard both from different sources, so it could be different for different titles based on a lot of factors.

Nonetheless, that's an awesome price for an 8-disc set. I'm actually wagering it's some kind of error, because that seems WAY too low. Either way, it's an awesome price, and I can only hope you get in on it :)

Edit: On second thought, that price isn't actually that low. Some people are selling it for around the same price new on Amazon. Even so, still a great price for that much stuff in one package.

it might not be all 8 disc maybe they made he best jourenys into one single disc. I would wait before buying cause it dont say 8 DISC

then again maybe not amazon has it for 32 so it might be a major price drop if so i be all over this

OVERstoCK HAS tHIs right now for 14.56 shipped just ordered
I'm in! It would be worth $12 bucks just for the 5 original movies! If it's those plus 13 episodes, then that's even better!
Thanks OP. GREAT PRICE. I would have loved to wait for the 20% off sale, but the price might go back up by then. I picked it up too.
I just placed an order. The description for the DVD set indicated that it has all the episodes in season 1 AND it includes 5 movies. Seems like a good deal for $12.99.
My set just showed up yesterday. It's the full 8-disc set. It even has the Season One collector's coin in it. This was a great deal. Thanks, OP!
My fiance ordered it during the 20% off sale that just passed, so he got it for $9.59. It was a permanent price drop to the price it's at now.
Man this show was one of the hokiest shows ever....the production qualities were so cheap and the special effects were so bad, they're probably making a killing selling it at 12.99

I'm guessing Kevin Sorbo doesn't get a cut....is that guy still alive?
Hokie effects?!?! For its time, they were quite impressive. Granted they weren't ILM/WETA quality, but it worked for the content of the show.

I bought this set & for the price ya can't go wrong. 5 movies (though 1 is almost a throw away as it is flashbacks of the other 4 adventures) and 12 cool ass episodes that also star Xena on occasion...U could do a lot worse for your $$$.
[quote name='freestylenut'] 5 movies (though 1 is almost a throw away as it is flashbacks of the other 4 adventures) ...[/QUOTE]

I can deal with clip shows, but clip movies? What the hellfire?
Great deal for $12.

I can't remember, did Bruce Campbell start showing up during the first season, or did he appear in later seasons?
[quote name='mkelehan']I can deal with clip shows, but clip movies? What the hellfire?[/QUOTE]

The original "movies" were made for TV movies on the WB "Action Pack" or whatever it was called. They originally started putting up action movies and a few were made specifically for that. The first was meant as a standalone flick, but fan response was so good that more were commissioned, and towards they end they knew for a fact that it was going to get picked up as a series.

And of course, as soon as they picked it up as a series, they killed off or otherwise did away with the entire supporting cast of the movies to make it the kevin sorbo and iolis show.

The movies were really good, i didnt even realize they'd be included, awesome, should be at my local UPS store any day now!

Thanks OP! I'm considering picking up a few extra for stocking stuffers that will masquerade as christmas gifts ;)
[quote name='Josef']...I can't remember, did Bruce Campbell start showing up during the first season, or did he appear in later seasons?[/QUOTE]

No Brucey boy in the 1st season! :( Never followed the show season per season so I'm unsure when he DOES show up.
just got the season 1 deal in the mail. Its pretty good deal, too bad they dont have same deal with other seasons. Would like like to see Bruce Campbell and the guy who plays aries. Also, does anyone know that comedy episode where Kevin Sorbo is missing and they cant go on with show, the actors play the roles of producers and ect, then a couple of the guys hum the hercules song while in the urinal?

update: found a clip of the episode, its called "yes virginia, there is a hercules"

Price is now $ 9.59..

This is fucking incredible for a 8 disc box set, though I have no interest in this show whatsoever.
[quote name='EvilN8']Price is now $ 9.59..

This is fucking incredible for a 8 disc box set, though I have no interest in this show whatsoever.[/QUOTE]

I guess now I can't say no to this deal. Thanks!!
bread's done