heres to you, gamefaqs

.... how did you get that link.... you must be from teh gamefaq's you ghey fucker!!!

Thats the kind of responses youll get here.
thats ok, im not a social board-er, gamefaqs is great for certain niche games with a cult following, as well as the anime/manga - "other titles" board
[quote name='weimerwanger']thats ok, im not a social board-er, gamefaqs is great for certain niche games with a cult following, as well as the anime/manga - "other titles" board[/QUOTE]

Don't say I didn't warn ya.
[quote name='smellhasreturned']wow that guy must be like the dude from Road trip that wears the atari shirt.[/QUOTE]

DJ Qualls

For those who can't read it:

I was working with this new girl last night at my job. We really hit it off and we spent a lot of time talking together. Right before she leaves she askes me if I want to come over to her apartment to get drunk. I was a little surprised that she just asked me to do that. No one's ever asked me that before. After driving around in the dark at 1:00 a.m., I finally found her place. She had me drink some vodka and something else (I've never drank before so it was an experience for me). After about 30 minutes, I had quite a buzz (though I wasn't wasted). As I'm drinking my last sip, she takes her top of and askes me "If I like big breasts". I stared at her for a minute, trying to figure out if she just asked me what I thought she asked me. And thus sex ensued from that point.

She liked oral VERY much. I and enjoyed it myself (giving and receiving). And get this: she gave me her number telling me to call her whenever I wanted sex. She also told me to call her back at 9:00 p.m. tonight.

Life = good. Took my 22 years for it to happen, but it was well worth the wait.

Funny moments for those who don't realize it:

-Is 22 and has never been asked to get drunk
-Is 22 and lives at home (though that's not TOO bad if he lives near a college.. but judging from the other stuff, i'm guessing he doesn't)
-Doesn't realize that he had sex with a whore

//edit: and now he says he's in love

From: Psychology | Posted: 4/24/2005 9:20:49 PM | Message Detail
That's really depressing, but I guess you're right. She was the 1st one I had sex with so I guess I just associated love with her. I mean I do love her, I think, but you're probably right. Thank you.
I'm sure contracting an STD will be his first as well...

edit: Rereading my post again, it sounds like I'm saying that everyone has had a STD. o_O
[quote name='Socheata']I'm sure contracting an STD will be his first as well...

edit: Rereading my post again, it sounds like I'm saying that everyone has had a STD. o_O[/QUOTE]

Almost everyone does. 75% of the population carries HPV. Many without ever having symptoms.
I don't see why it's so funny to make fun of this guy. Everyone has different levels of social skills. I didn't drink until AFTER college, does that make me lame?? Yeah, he may fit the geek stereotype who lives at home, but everyone I know still lives at home, I'm one of the few who moved out.

And I was 22 before I moved out and still had a curfew....which is why I moved out ;)
[quote name='Socheata']I'm sure contracting an STD will be his first as well...

edit: Rereading my post again, it sounds like I'm saying that everyone has had a STD. o_O[/QUOTE]

Well, I'm fortunate that, although I've had sex, I'm still an STD virgin :lol:
This is gold.

From: Icy_Hot_Patch | Posted: 4/19/2005 5:44:29 PM | Message Detail
are you evr gonna call her

From: Psychology | Posted: 4/19/2005 6:08:08 PM | Message Detail
If she doesn't want to be my girlfriend, I probably won't.

From: Psychology | Posted: 4/24/2005 8:23:36 PM | Message Detail
For anyone still interested, I called her last night and then went over to her apartment. We watched a DVD in her room and slept together for about an hour. Afterwards, we ended up cuddling and talking for about 3 hours (as it turns out, I actually don't mind cuddling). I ended up leaving her apartment at 6:00 a.m and got home at 6:30. My parents were angry that I stayed out until the next morning. My mom won't even talk to me now. Were it not for them, I probably would have just went to sleep at her place (she asked me if I wanted to. Kinda felt embarrassed saying that my parents wouldn't allow me). An overall good time....until I got back home. I'm feeling weird because this girl is dominating most of my thoughts.

From: Psychology | Posted: 4/18/2005 7:36:19 AM | Message Detail
Well, my parents are kind of protective, so they didn't appreciate me staying out so late. And what is so non-believeable about this?

From: Psychology | Posted: 4/18/2005 7:46:24 AM | Message Detail
I never thought of her as a slut. After she finished she said she new she was going to **** me the minute she saw me. Don't know if that makes her a slut, but I'm cool with whatever she is.

From: Psychology | Posted: 4/18/2005 8:14:40 AM | Message Detail
She was thick, not fat. Have you ever seen Tina from Road Rules? She has that type body. She was Dominican, and had a great body (imo).


From: Psychology | Posted: 4/18/2005 8:18:13 AM | Message Detail
I did oral for about an hour, and we did it regularly for about 15-20 minutes. We talked for 2 hours afterwards, though. I'm calling her back tonight.

From: Psychology | Posted: 4/18/2005 8:31:14 AM | Message Detail
You want to know the weird thing about this.?Right before work, I bought a hentai DVD for later that night.

From: Uglybass | Posted: 4/18/2005 8:31:48 AM | Message Detail
Did you still watch it?

From: Psychology | Posted: 4/18/2005 8:32:52 AM | Message Detail
No, I didn't. I didn't really feel a need to. Especially, seeing as I can hook up with her again.


From: Lady_Tygry | Posted: 4/18/2005 8:51:53 AM | Message Detail
Weren't you the one whose parents walked in on him jerking off to a cartoon character?

From: Psychology | Posted: 4/18/2005 8:53:30 AM | Message Detail
^I never posted that on this board. Where'd you here that from?

Yeah, it happened once (my father). He wasn't all too happy about that.

From: Mathx | Posted: 4/18/2005 8:59:15 AM | Message Detail
I hope it wasn't an incest hentai...

...your dad walks in while the main character is doin his mother.

... I'd shoot myslef if that happened...

From: Psychology | Posted: 4/18/2005 8:59:25 AM | Message Detail

that's sound freaking awesome

From: Psychology | Posted: 4/18/2005 10:59:51 AM | Message Detail
Was I suppose to shower afterwards?

From: Psychology | Posted: 4/18/2005 9:27:33 PM | Message Detail
I called her at 10:00 p.m and she was on the other line with a friend of hers. She said she'd call me back after she was done tlaking to her. it's now 12:30 a.m. and she hasn't called me back yet.

I was hoping that sex would bring us closer but did she just forget about me? When I went to sleep this morning, I dreamed about the future of us together, and now she doesn't even has the courtesy to call me back. Hell, if went never see each other again, then it wasn't even worth it.

From: KerazReloaded | Posted: 4/18/2005 9:43:58 PM | Message Detail
So did you use a condom? I wouldn't trust a woman I barely know without being matter how hot she is.

And you actually believed you could have a future with her?

From: Psychology | Posted: 4/18/2005 9:53:33 PM | Message Detail
Yes, I did believe that. It's now 1:00 a.m and still no phone call. I don't know what to do. Yeah, I know I sound pathetic becuase I am. Maybe it was because no girl has ever found an interest in me before, but I grew a serious attachment to her and I did wish we could have a future together. She took my virginity, doens't that mean anything? C'mon, if you slep with someone, even on the night you met them, you should feel attached to them. It's obvious she doesn't feel the same way about me that I feel about her.

If this is what love and sex is all about, you can keep it. There's no way in hell I'll ever find another girl that will like me so much that she'll sleep with me on the 1st night, and then become my girlfriend. It's not worth it to go through this pain again. She has no idea how much she hurt me.

I'm glad I was able to experience sex at least once before I die.

You have no idea how hard I am laughing right now..

From: Psychology | Posted: 4/18/2005 10:05:46 PM | Message Detail
I was happy at 1st. After the actual event took place, we layed down in bed together and talked for about 1 1/2 hours. I got dressed and was about to leave. I said thank you and goodbye. She pulls me back and says that's not how you say goodbye. I was like "what do you mean?" and she pulled me in and made out with me.

Imagine a guy that spends every Friday and Saturday night in his room playing video games and watching anime/hentai. He's never kissed a girl, never went to his prom, has never done anything. He does this for 22 years. Then, one one random day in April, this girl walks into my life, starts talking to me all day, gives me alcohol, and sleeps with me. Afterwards, she lays naked in a bed tlaking to me and makes-out with me as I leave her house. Imagine how that is all maming me feel. Donm't you think I'd feel a little initial attachment? So imagine how I'd feel if the girl wanted nothing more to do with me?

That whore must've been desperate!

From: Psychology | Posted: 4/19/2005 6:22:53 AM | Message Detail
For anyone that still cares about my story, I got tired of waiting for a freaking response, so a drove to her apartment to talk to her and to find out just what the heck was going on with our situation.. After about an hour conversation, I told her to meet me at the eatery on campus in the morning (as it turns out, we go to the same school). She met me there and we talked for a bit over lunch. She asked me if I wanted to go to Springfest with her (musical concert). I told her to call me back tonight.

How's that for aggressiveness.

You rule, OP, for posting this.

From: Psychology | Posted: 4/19/2005 9:39:31 AM | Message Detail
Alright, yeah I guess you guys were right. I just saw her and it turns out that she just wanted me for sex and she doesn't want me a boyfriend. I was ****ing used. This isn't cool in my book. I had all of this hope and's all for nothing.

I have her number. Should I bother calling her again? What's all this bull about girls wanting relationships when I gave her the opportuntiy but she declined? wtf?!?!

Girls aren't worth all this trouble. I'm thinking I should continue being a loner like before. This sort of emotional crap isn't worth the effort.

[quote name='jaykrue']Well, I'm fortunate that, although I've had sex, I'm still an STD virgin :lol:[/QUOTE]

std free cag :D! sensing a new mushroom sig needs 2 be made for this..

im kinda glad for the guy..i mean..hooray, laid..but hopefully he wont get sick cus of it :\, it was his 1st after all..
[quote name='Scorch']etc. etc. etc.[/QUOTE]

Man, this kid's a loser. Probably never heard of f.u(k buddies (also know as fubu) or being in a FTF (friends that f.u(k) relationship (which *ahem* isn't a relationship... but it's fun calling it that :lol:) or 'Friends with Benefits'. What rock was this kid hiding under?
[quote name='greydemise']std free cag :D! sensing a new mushroom sig needs 2 be made for this..

im kinda glad for the guy..i mean..hooray, laid..but hopefully he wont get sick cus of it :\, it was his 1st after all..[/QUOTE]

Feel free to make that mushroom for me :bouncy:
[quote name='jaykrue']Feel free to make that mushroom for me :bouncy:[/QUOTE]

damn i want one now :(...*has no idea how 2 make the mushrooms*
[quote name='greydemise']damn i want one now :(...*has no idea how 2 make the mushrooms*[/QUOTE]

For a moment there, I thought you wanted an STD. X_X
[quote name='Socheata']For a moment there, I thought you wanted an STD. X_X[/QUOTE]

so he wants shrooms and an std....
[quote name='danny90044']so he wants shrooms and an std....[/QUOTE]

All the cool kids are getting them today.
While this story makes me laugh, it reminds me of the fact that I'm a free man and I haven't had a conjugal visit in 3 months...
whats funny about that. You should try reading the threads on Here is ane xample of a post there:

Whomever would suggest that women have just as hard a time of it in attracting & meeting men as men do women i'd have to call a wicked idiot.

I sincerely wish that the kind of morons who get away with saying those things would feel the burden of living as a man, specifically me, only then realizing what nauseatingly idiotic & ridiculously stupid statements they have made in response to things of which they knew nothing.

Idiot women.

Well, i don't get initial "signals", "signs", or "attention" from females, & every damned one of the chances i took at initiation with them has sorely failed, so, surely, all your advice couldn't apply here, now could it?

I'm very sorry, but there's only one thing to do if you're like me & can't attract women in any situation, regardless of what you do, where you go, how you smell, dress or act: BLOW YOUR FUKK'N HEAD OFF!-A-(+)-A!

AAhhhhh, there you go-------

A permanent solution to a PERMANENT PROBLEM!

Fukk all this!

or by the same 24 yo birgin poster:

'm shy/social phobic, & i don't think i am one bit selfish because of that.
People have treated me unpleasantly throughout my entire outdoor life, in addition to the fact that being socially phobic is an innate part of me. I don't think that my personality will ever change. More likely than not , the only time i will go out is after dark, as not to attract notice to myself. My physical appearance does not win me any respect, in fact the opposite, so i've always been very self conscious about it. I stay indoors most of the time. When i do go out, i'll walk in secluded areas, not on busy streets or around shopping malls. I can't make eye-contact with people when i walk the streets or ride public transportation, the reason being that i am paralyzed by social fear & don't want "start something" with some trigger-happy kat. I've been threatened at knife-point before, been jumped, headlocked, beaten the fuk down by thugs & street bullies etc. for no reason, so some of my timidity might be explainable. I've been pickpocketed/ extorted on the reg, as well as robbed on my way out stores.

Once, when the cops came around, a bunch of thugs dumped a whole load of shell casings on me, along with some loaded clips, resulting in my arrest & prosecution. Another time, some spanish kids beat the fuk out of me on a subway car & urinated on me, all for no reason other than that "i looked @#%$". Uncountable other incidents have happened to me, but you get the idea. I'm not a big guy, 5'11 at 145 pounds, but i look fat if i gain weight. I do have muscle, though. I've been told that i am quite strong, but i've seen no evidence of that when trying to wrestle with bullies & thugs.

I can, however, look at women more easily than i can men, the reason having to do with intimidation---i'm a puzzy. However, some chicks have snapped at me before, in public places, for glancing at them, calling me ugly & shyttface, & whatnot. Man, was that embarrassing! I wouldn't want to be caught glancin' at some kid that's got L.K. or CPS connections. The experiences that i have had with women have done nothing to allieviate my fear/shyness &, in fact, probably worsenned everthing.

In addition to this, i am an introvert & do not like being around people i have to keep talking to or trying to entertain, obviously winning no chicks.

The extent of my social phobia is such that i might not be able to travel to a doctor in order to save my life, at least not in the daylight.

Just about every fight i've ever gotten into has left me the one beaten, & the ones in which i wasn't beaten i certainly didn't win either. One push & i go flying like an empty cracker box. I do not make eye-contact with anyone on the streets, especially guys, every one of whom looks more physically dominant than i do, especially here in the city. If some kid intentionally steps on my shoes, or throws something at me, i cannot retaliate in any way, as my only defence is a 5'11, 140 pound weakling who is still overweight & needs to lose. I have no confidence in anything, because i can do nothing as well as anyone else.

I am slow-normal in intelligence, unattractive in appearance, & weak in physical strength. Now, shrinks have told me that this is only true because i choose to believe this about myself, but that is nonsense. As i see it, whatever i choose to believe about myself, i am going to be the same person with the same limitations & capacities as before. My traits & abilities will be largely unaffected by what i believe, positive or negative. So, i will remain a weak, inept & ineffectual being till my time to go. Thats how i view the situation.

What do i want from life? Well, i'd love to have as much as the next man. That is, the next man here, not in somolia.

So far, i have not been able to acheive most of the things that my peers have, especially regarding chicks.

It just seems that the next guy can attract women just by being himself; his presence, his eyes, his stare. Me? I only attract unprovoked attacks from young thugs, & verbally abusive rejections from the women i approach. The next guy, i assume, does not go through that, well, not if we're talkin' here about the majority.

Just let me live...

Another guy wrote:

just have not developed being smooth enough to talk to women and ask questions to carry on a converation.

So I fail to start a conversation and get to know them.

My reason for being shy is that I was not able to develop my social skills with women while growing up. I had a strict Asian upbringing where the parents will tell you to get an education first and girls/love will come later. So, if you don't practice, you'll never get good at it nor will you learn to develop a thick skin to women saying "NO" to you.

It's hard for me to imagine a woman being interested in me. To me it seems like the chance for success is so small that it is hard for me to take that initiative, because when the inevitable happens I just end up looking foolish.
This thread is sadly hilarious. Much thanks to Scorch for posting all those clips for us non game-faquers (that sounds wrong).
By the way, does anybody else think it's appropriate that the poster's moniker is "Psychology"?
Ha, that's great. I just tagged the topic with GameFox.

If you think that's something, though, you should see some of the shit that's posted in GameFAQs' LUE (Life, the Universe, and Everything... private board now) forum.
[quote name='Pershing']Another guy wrote: My reason for being shy is that I was not able to develop my social skills with women while growing up. I had a strict Asian upbringing where the parents will tell you to get an education first and girls/love will come later. So, if you don't practice, you'll never get good at it nor will you learn to develop a thick skin to women saying "NO" to you.

It's hard for me to imagine a woman being interested in me. To me it seems like the chance for success is so small that it is hard for me to take that initiative, because when the inevitable happens I just end up looking foolish.[/QUOTE]

This kid is useless. So what if he has a strict Asian background? I'm Asian and my parents' were strict as well but it never stopped me from gettin' some if I really wanted it. It's all about the attitude. This kid doesn't have a positive one and thus is doomed to fail before he even starts. It also sounds like he's unwilling to change. Well, that's the only way. Sucks to be him.
[quote name='Nirvanaguy777']Wow Ill never have a decent errection again.[/QUOTE]

That is a natural reaction to DLF. Hopefully this thread doesn't get to the general populace, or else it means the extinction of mankind.

Or the survival of mankind through DLF, which is infinitely worse.
Wow, wow. He totally acted like a chick when it all went down. He worked the perfect friends that fuck relationship and went and pissed all over it. I do remember a bit of attachment to the first girl i screwed but not to the degree of this guy
[quote name='Scorch']For those who can't read it:

Funny moments for those who don't realize it:

-Is 22 and has never been asked to get drunk
-Is 22 and lives at home (though that's not TOO bad if he lives near a college.. but judging from the other stuff, i'm guessing he doesn't)
-Doesn't realize that he had sex with a whore

//edit: and now he says he's in love[/QUOTE]

Most people haven't been asked to get drunk.
[quote name='smalien1']Most people haven't been asked to get drunk.[/QUOTE]

*Is confused* *Constantly asks people to get drunk*
[quote name='smalien1']Most people haven't been asked to get drunk.[/QUOTE]

You've never been asked to go out drinking with friends? I didn't specifically mean someone saying "Hey, do you want to get drunk?".. just out drinking.
[quote name='Scorch']You've never been asked to go out drinking with friends? I didn't specifically mean someone saying "Hey, do you want to get drunk?".. just out drinking.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, thats what confused me.
bread's done