Heroes Season 1 DVD + HD DVD - August 28th


102 (100%)
Took this from DVD Talk, who got it from TV Shows on DVD.

I didn't want to post this in the Heroes thread, or even go in there, because it's full of spoilers I assume (like the other long running tv show threads) and there has to be people, like me, that were waiting for the DVD to check it out all at once (that probably wouldn't go into the thread discussing the show since, well, they aren't watching it right now).

No Blu Ray release, I don't think, just DVD and HD DVD.

I can't wait!

It was also mentioned in the DVD Talk thread that the DVD will allow you to watch each story arc by itself, which has the fans in that thread excited, I don't know exactly what it means but yea, exciting!

I really wish we had a DVD thread for these types of things... I didn't want to put this in the DVD deal forum because, well, it's not a deal.
It's been an awesome season, and the thought of owning it on HD DVD excites me even more.

You could have kept it on the DVD Thread and just updated with deals when the DVD/HD DVD releases....That's what I do anyways.
[quote name='Graystone']Thats going to be fucking awesome. I might be picking up a 360 hd-dvd player when I buy my copy of that.[/quote]

Thats what i was thinking too :bomb:
If Children of Men and Heroes are going to be HDdvd only i cannot hold off any longer.
[quote name='browneyedgal68']It says it's coming out on that date on dvd, but where I read it was dvd and hd dvd. Didn't say only hd.[/quote]

NBC is NBC/Universal. Universal = Exclusive to HD DVD. So only DVD and HD DVD, no Blu Ray.
I love Hayden, haven't seen an episode of Heroes though..so...

This should be on Blu-Ray, why do they bother releasing anything on a format that's already dead?

With the PS3, and two $300 players, plus all the BIG titles coming out this year, there's no way in hell HD-DVD will survive.

So yeah, I love you Hayden, but you're not gracing my HDTV until you've gone Blu.
If I ever see a 360 HD DVD drive for less then $100 I'll pick it up because of Heroes S1, Battlestar Galactica S1 and Serenity.
Though I have all episodes downloaded and I usually am able to acquire them a couple hours after they air, I'm getting this first thing.
Just what I've been waiting for. I watched a couple episodes to know I like it, but stuck with 24 this season. The DVD should be great.
Eh, I'll wait until a DVD price drop or a blu-ray announcement. Certainly not picking up a hd-dvd player when I own a blu-ray player in the PS3, I don't care what they announce exclusive for it. Universal will give eventually, once they see it's a lost cause.
[quote name='sarausagi']This should be on Blu-Ray, why do they bother releasing anything on a format that's already dead?

With the PS3, and two $300 players, plus all the BIG titles coming out this year, there's no way in hell HD-DVD will survive. [/QUOTE]

Where are these $300 Blu-Ray players you speak of? And how exactly is HD-DVD already dead?
[quote name='sarausagi']I love Hayden, haven't seen an episode of Heroes though..so...

This should be on Blu-Ray, why do they bother releasing anything on a format that's already dead?

With the PS3, and two $300 players, plus all the BIG titles coming out this year, there's no way in hell HD-DVD will survive.

So yeah, I love you Hayden, but you're not gracing my HDTV until you've gone Blu.[/quote]
Already dead...:roll: :rofl: That's cute.

[quote name='Official HD DVD Newsletter'][FONT=Lucida Grande, Tahoma, sans-serif]HD DVD Turns one!

Hard to believe it's been a year since the first HD DVD players and movie titles were made available to eager consumers. Ah, how quickly they grow up.
[/FONT][FONT=Lucida Grande, Tahoma, sans-serif]

To celebrate, we announced last week that more than 100,000 dedicated HD DVD consumer electronics players have been sold in the United States — ahead of, ahem, the other high-definition format. Keep in mind that this doesn't include sales of HD DVD PC drives or sales of the Xbox 360 HD DVD Player — just the nifty devices that fit into your home theater cabinet. And by the time you read this, we'll have reached another milestone, with the one millionth HD DVD movie sold. Happy birthday indeed.

Ok, you ask, but what exactly does that mean?

Well, it means people are buying HD DVD players to watch movies. Seriously. Not because they want a game console, or because that newfangled PC has a drive included — it's because they've seen (or heard about) the quality of HD DVD and they want one of their own.

Stay with us here. We know there's been a lot of talk about "volume". Total volume of players, total volume of single title movies sold in a one-week period, expected volume of high-definition movie sales over the next 25 years, expected volume of movie sales pro-rated-against-every-Kevin-Bacon-movie ... in short, too much talk about volume.

Why THIS 100,000 volume number matters is because of its statistical simplicity. When you buy a dedicated HD DVD player, you're buying it to perform a single function. For the studios, you're the best customer — a true movie lover. And that's why the "attachment rate" for HD DVD movies to HD DVD players continues to trend much higher for the format over, ahem, you know who.

So you are happy because you just bought Smokin' Aces or put in your preorder for The Ultimate Matrix Trilogy, and the studios are happy because they don't have to guess if you'll buy a video game instead of a movie. See how that works?
And currently on Amazon.com...Planet Earth, which is a HD DVD box set that sells for $67+ is on the Top Ten Sellers list at number 6. That's a big achievement specially since its an expensive box set.
[quote name='sarausagi']I love Hayden, haven't seen an episode of Heroes though..so...

This should be on Blu-Ray, why do they bother releasing anything on a format that's already dead?

With the PS3, and two $300 players, plus all the BIG titles coming out this year, there's no way in hell HD-DVD will survive.

So yeah, I love you Hayden, but you're not gracing my HDTV until you've gone Blu.[/quote]

I didn't know brainwashing was one of Blu-rays features.
Heroes on HD-DVD......totally worth it.....definitely better than all the cheap BLU-Ray Movies I got with the coupons that came with PS3.......

Having both......I like the interface of the HD-DVD Addon of the 360 over the Blu-Ray on PS3....just more intuitive.

1st the Matrix Trilogy, then HEROES....then being able to hookup the HD-DVD Addon to my PC......Buying the HD-DVD addon for the 360 is a no-brainer if you love movies IMO.
Oh, god, don't tell me CAG is turning into AVS.

Why in the world would I invest in a format that is inferior right at the start? Why would I invest in a format that has no where near as much studio support? Why would I invest in a format that simply has not delivered, in any way? The $299 players are not out yet, but neither are the HD-DVD ones: the 360 HD-DVD add on does not count, otherwise a stand alone Blu Ray drive would count as well.

When I'm watching Spiderman 3, Finding Nemo, and Advent Children on Blu-Ray, you will all be counting your pennies, selling your HD-DVD players, and saving up for a BD player or a PS3. What matters right now is that Blu-Ray leads sales in b/m stores and over all online. What matters is now is that every single blockbuster released dual format up until now, the Blu Ray has sold more than the HD. And when IME, BD-J, the higher spec BD discs, the BD web content, and more and more updates are done via firmware to players, HD-DVD will look more in the past than plain old DVD.
[quote name='sarausagi']The $299 players are not out yet, but neither are the HD-DVD ones: the 360 HD-DVD add on does not count, otherwise a stand alone Blu Ray drive would count as well. [/quote]

I could've sworn I saw a HD-DVD player at costco for $329.99 but I could only find This one online for a hundred bucks more.

Either way, this format war is kinda stupid in my eyes. DVD is working just fine for me, not to mention I get everything on the cheap.
[quote name='sonderiaom']I could've sworn I saw a HD-DVD player at costco for $329.99 but I could only find This one online for a hundred bucks more.

Either way, this format war is kinda stupid in my eyes. DVD is working just fine for me, not to mention I get everything on the cheap.[/QUOTE]

Well, the HD-DVD players are practically $299 already. For example, the Toshiba is $499 and $399 at Circuit City and depending on the week you get anywhere from 2 to 6 HD-DVD movies for free. I've also seen the AD 1 clearance price for $300 at several stores..

However, clearance prices don't determine a trend, MSRP does. HD-DVD players for 360 have been seen as low as $70...but the MSRP is still $199. The AD1 was $199 on an adult website a few months ago, but the MSRP is STILL $499
[quote name='sarausagi']Oh, god, don't tell me CAG is turning into AVS.

Why in the world would I invest in a format that is inferior right at the start? Why would I invest in a format that has no where near as much studio support? Why would I invest in a format that simply has not delivered, in any way? The $299 players are not out yet, but neither are the HD-DVD ones: the 360 HD-DVD add on does not count, otherwise a stand alone Blu Ray drive would count as well.

When I'm watching Spiderman 3, Finding Nemo, and Advent Children on Blu-Ray, you will all be counting your pennies, selling your HD-DVD players, and saving up for a BD player or a PS3. What matters right now is that Blu-Ray leads sales in b/m stores and over all online. What matters is now is that every single blockbuster released dual format up until now, the Blu Ray has sold more than the HD. And when IME, BD-J, the higher spec BD discs, the BD web content, and more and more updates are done via firmware to players, HD-DVD will look more in the past than plain old DVD.[/quote]

The 360 add-on doesn't count? You making the rules? Aren't you watching your blu-rays on a PS3? Your entire argument is ridiculous. There are no $300 BD players right now, yet you list that as one of your selling points for the format. If I wanted a standalone HD-DVD player, I would pick up the Toshiba on amazon for $340. Blu-ray has more movies than HD-DVD right now, but the standard of films are much lower. Check out the reviews on dvdtalk.com. I have both a HD-DVD 360 add on player and PS3. I have 10 HD-DVDs and 0 blu-ray discs. The first blu-ray discs I will own will be Pirates of the Carribean. As someone else mentioned above, Planet Earth has sold far more on HD-DVD than Blu-ray on amazon. Go check it out yourself. I hope you enjoy waiting for all your firmware updates (btw, HD-DVD players have these too) for blu-ray to catch up to where HD-DVD is already.

I don't care who wins "the war." It will probably go on for quite a while. I'll be enjoying movies on HD-DVD for now and will eventually enjoy my blu-rays when they finally come out. But for you to arrogantly say that HD-DVD is already a dead format is completely unfounded. You will enjoy Hi-Def much more if you open your eyes.
[quote name='afroabdul']The 360 add-on doesn't count? You making the rules? Aren't you watching your blu-rays on a PS3? Your entire argument is ridiculous. There are no $300 BD players right now, yet you list that as one of your selling points for the format. If I wanted a standalone HD-DVD player, I would pick up the Toshiba on amazon for $340. Blu-ray has more movies than HD-DVD right now, but the standard of films are much lower. Check out the reviews on dvdtalk.com. I have both a HD-DVD 360 add on player and PS3. I have 10 HD-DVDs and 0 blu-ray discs. The first blu-ray discs I will own will be Pirates of the Carribean. As someone else mentioned above, Planet Earth has sold far more on HD-DVD than Blu-ray on amazon. Go check it out yourself. I hope you enjoy waiting for all your firmware updates (btw, HD-DVD players have these too) for blu-ray to catch up to where HD-DVD is already.

I don't care who wins "the war." It will probably go on for quite a while. I'll be enjoying movies on HD-DVD for now and will eventually enjoy my blu-rays when they finally come out. But for you to arrogantly say that HD-DVD is already a dead format is completely unfounded. You will enjoy Hi-Def much more if you open your eyes.[/QUOTE]

Where is HD-DVD that Blu Ray isn't? I can think of four places

Smaller media capacity [this is fact]

Inferior sound quality [the only case where HD beats Blu in sound is Warner discs]

Weak studio support [Warner and Universal are all you really got]

Lower total sales [this can't be argued]

And as for Planet Earth? Considering that there are more Blu-Rays in the top 1000, that every title BESIDES Planet Earth sells higher on Blu Ray, I don't know how you seriously think HD-DVD has the upside over Blu Ray. You also have to factor in that at least in the case of Planet Earth, the BD and DVD is readily available while the HD-DVD is virtually impossible to find.

Look, I was going to jump over to the HD side at one point: it has three movies that I love: Last Samurai, Batman Begins, and School of Rock. The minute I saw LS on Blu Ray and knowing Batman Begins and School of Rock are both going Blu, plus the sheer number of exclusives to Blu Ray, and the fact that many big titles are dual format, I'd be limiting myself extremely by going with HD-DVD.

If there is anything you guys need to be fighting, it's not Blu Ray, it's combo discs and TruHD! If anything is killing your format, it's wasted disc space on DVD compatibility and TruHD looming its big ugly head over you [TruHD is bad news for both Blu Ray and HD-DVD!]
I dont like Heroes at all. Its way to cheesy and the acting is way to bad.

I wish I could get into it like everyone else. But man, its just so horrible. I dont get why its getting so many ravid fans.

AND LOL at you guys trying to shove off the fact that Bluray is kicking HDVD's ass 2:1.
[quote name='sarausagi']Smaller media capacity [this is fact]

Inferior sound quality [the only case where HD beats Blu in sound is Warner discs]

Weak studio support [Warner and Universal are all you really got]

Lower total sales [this can't be argued] [/QUOTE]

1) Doesn't matter at the moment. Either the transfers are the same on duel-format release or the studios are using worse codecs that are bloating the filesize or even worse putting the movie on the disc twice to get around the no BR-J thing.

2) What? There's Dolby TrueHD.

3) Plus Weinstein, HBO and a bunch of little studios. These are studios that are actually supporting HD-DVD, not just releasing press releases saying they are.

4) Lower by 4,000 and that number wasn't taking in account the recent Planet Earth/Matrix sales.


If you think the format war is even close to being over (on either side), you are retarded. We still have a minimum of 2 years before we even start to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

[quote name='sarausagi']When I'm watching Spiderman 3, Finding Nemo, and Advent Children on Blu-Ray, you will all be counting your pennies, selling your HD-DVD players, and saving up for a BD player or a PS3. [/QUOTE]


I'll be watching Grindhouse, Hot Fuzz, Sin City 2, The Bourne Ultimatum, Band Of Brothers, Psycho and classic Universal monster movies.
Flaming is different from debating. K. THX.

p.s.: obviously some of us are buying or there wouldn't be a thread about it. Don't speak for everyone.
[quote name='shrike4242']Enough BR vs HD-DVD flaming. No thanks, we're not buying.[/QUOTE]

Did something get deleted or am I missing something? No where in the thread is there any flaming or debating except for linkin explaining why it wasn't coming to BluRay, with a reply of someone saying format wars suck.

Do you have any details on watching the individual threads? I don't understand how that could even work considering the complexity of the show. Each thread would span multiple discs, so wouldn't there be a lot of "To finish Niki/Jessica's story, insert disc #2?"
[quote name='rabidmonkeys']Did something get deleted or am I missing something? No where in the thread is there any flaming or debating except for linkin explaining why it wasn't coming to BluRay, with a reply of someone saying format wars suck.

Do you have any details on watching the individual threads? I don't understand how that could even work considering the complexity of the show. Each thread would span multiple discs, so wouldn't there be a lot of "To finish Niki/Jessica's story, insert disc #2?"[/quote]

Shrike deleted a couple posts.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Shrike deleted a couple posts.[/QUOTE]

Ahhh, I was wondering. I've been around here for a long ass time and that seemed uncharacteristic.

Back OT: We were talking about this at work, is it possible that due to space constraints that the thread viewing of storylines is only available on the HD DVD version? Because none of us can figure out any other feasible way that would work.
[quote name='rabidmonkeys']Ahhh, I was wondering. I've been around here for a long ass time and that seemed uncharacteristic.

Back OT: We were talking about this at work, is it possible that due to space constraints that the thread viewing of storylines is only available on the HD DVD version? Because none of us can figure out any other feasible way that would work.[/quote]
I would assume so. No official specs have been announced yet. I didn't even hear about the Storyline Arcs but I found this info on HighDefDigest.com

Extras planned for the HD DVD version include a newly-cleared 72-minute original pilot episode, which first debuted at San Diego's ComiCon early last year. The show's producers also hope to include additional extras exclusive to the next-gen release, disc space permitting.
bread's done