Heroes Season 1 - HD DVD $14.99 @ frys.com

Damn. Thanks for the heads up, but I can't do in store pick up-- says it's not available. 7.70 to ship this thing. Why do they insist on trying to make a slight profit on shipping? :/
Excellent deal, I also picked up Shaun of the Dead and The Bourne Supremacy for $5 each making all 3 about $33 shipped. I now have almost every HD DVD I want.
I realize that everybody on this site with an HD-DVD player probably already has it, but just in case, Serenity is down to $4.99. If you don't have it, you owe it to yourself...no...you owe it to humanity to add it to your order. Think of the children.

Some great prices in there. On stuff I already own.
Are these meant-for-US HD-DVDs? Because at my local Fry's, they brought in all the French-Canadian HD-DVDs to sell at clearance. Not that there's a bit of difference content-wise, but if you care about the cover asthetics of not having French words.
holy crap this is an amazing deal... if i didnt already have this i'd be all over it... the quality is AMAZING and this is identical in quality to the Blu-Ray version... i recommend this to everyone
[quote name='Darthjer']I realize that everybody on this site with an HD-DVD player probably already has it, but just in case, Serenity is down to $4.99. If you don't have it, you owe it to yourself...no...you owe it to humanity to add it to your order. Think of the children.

Some great prices in there. On stuff I already own.[/QUOTE]

Serenity sucks balls. I would say whoever made it didn't even watch firefly if it wasn't, um, the same guy. Characters are ALL wrong, he kills off people left and right for the hell of it, etc. It's like a kid who you tell that they can't play with something anymore, so they just destroy it. There is a VERY good reason there were co-writers on the show. Serenity is honestly one of the worst sequels/follow up projects/whatever in the history of film. I just can never understand how someone can like both. And seriously, if you don't like firefly, what the fuck is wrong with you? That said, after the debacle that was serenity, i've been scared to read his run on astonishing (especially since his runaways one sucked too). Finally started yesterday and I must admit, three issues in, not bad so far.
I picked up:
Bourne Identity
Bourne Supremacy
Shaun of the Dead
~$26 shipped.

I keep telling myself I'm not going to buy anymore HD DVDs, but then something like this comes along and I crack. At least I resisted the Heroes boxset, although I came quite close to getting it.
[quote name='mietha']Serenity sucks balls. I would say whoever made it didn't even watch firefly if it wasn't, um, the same guy. Characters are ALL wrong, he kills off people left and right for the hell of it, etc. It's like a kid who you tell that they can't play with something anymore, so they just destroy it. There is a VERY good reason there were co-writers on the show. Serenity is honestly one of the worst sequels/follow up projects/whatever in the history of film. I just can never understand how someone can like both. And seriously, if you don't like firefly, what the fuck is wrong with you? That said, after the debacle that was serenity, i've been scared to read his run on astonishing (especially since his runaways one sucked too). Finally started yesterday and I must admit, three issues in, not bad so far.[/quote]
I, along with Rotten Tomatoes http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/serenity/ , would beg to differ. As a fan of Firefly, I thought it was a great movie that served as a good continuation of the series.

PS It was written and directed by Joss Whedon, the creator of the series.

[quote name='okill']I have been wanting to see this show and never got around to it.

This is perfect.[/quote]
Season 1 of Heroes is some of the best television I've ever watched. It drags on for the first few episodes but when it gets going you'll be glad you have it on DVD so you don't have to wait weeks to see what happens next. Seasons 2 and 3 are a whole different story...
[quote name='mietha']Serenity sucks balls. I would say whoever made it didn't even watch firefly if it wasn't, um, the same guy. Characters are ALL wrong, he kills off people left and right for the hell of it, etc. It's like a kid who you tell that they can't play with something anymore, so they just destroy it. There is a VERY good reason there were co-writers on the show. Serenity is honestly one of the worst sequels/follow up projects/whatever in the history of film. I just can never understand how someone can like both. And seriously, if you don't like firefly, what the fuck is wrong with you? That said, after the debacle that was serenity, i've been scared to read his run on astonishing (especially since his runaways one sucked too). Finally started yesterday and I must admit, three issues in, not bad so far.[/quote]

I thought Firefly and Serenity were great. I've been waiting for a good deal on the heroes set and it looks like it's finally arrived.
i ordered mine, plus a saints row 2 t-shirt for 50 cents... and xbox 360 trasformers face plate.. al for 29 shipped
Wow, lucky me! I ordered this yesterday afternoon and it's scheduled to arrive today. Mine shipped from Ohio (I'm located in Indiana). I definitely did not expect to have this by the weekend, I need to keep this in mind for Frys, really can't beat one day shipping.
bread's done