Hi fellow CAGs, I do gamedev in my spare time, here are some free games!


I'm working on Steam title called "Rebirth" which has been a long term project of mine for a couple of years now, in my spare time off my full time job. During my time developing the game, I've taken to participating in game jams to try some ideas and just have fun working on something new. These two games are the result of such events. 

Both games were built in 48 hours or less but are meant to be fairly fun and good despite the short dev time.

They have both been highly rated and featured by different game publications, including Rock Paper Shotgun, Indie Statik, and Indie Game Magazine

These games are both free, consider them a gift to the community, I guess, a way of giving back some money other CAGS have saved me over my time on the site ;-)

I only ask that perhaps if you do enjoy them consider supporting my game dev endeavors by eventually purchasing my upcoming project, Rebirth, when it eventually releases on Steam in the near future, You can follow my game dev endeavors at my web site, Dead Man Walking Studios

My first game, which I created for the Asylum Game Jam 

The Unknown - Procedural Horror Maze game


The Unknown is a procedurally generated horror game made by a one-man team (me). Each playthrough is different and is only limited by the amount of content I could make in 48 hours, so I encourage you to play through it a few times to really see everything and get the full effect. It’s meant to be very replayable. Due to the nature of the game, sometimes you'll get an easier playthrough than others. The goal is to collected enough gold offerings to get past the obvious obstacle in your path. 

Download it here!

My second game, created for the recent Global Game Jam 14

Clumsy Wrex - (Try) to control a T-Rex and try NOT to level the whole city


A game where you physically control (or try to) a T-Rex who doesn't really mean to destroy your whole city, he’s just sort of clumsy.  It’s meant to fit the theme by offering things from a different perspective in disaster movies, so while you are rampaging through the city and sounding menacing, subtitles show that you're  really quite polite and non-violent.

Controls are physically simulated so you actually control the torso and arms of the T-Rex to try to remain upright AND walk to your destination. People have described it as such: 

"T-Rex twerking simulator 2014"

"QWOP meets Octodad"

"T-Rex breakdance simulator"

If you have a good laugh playing the game, it's accomplished it's job. Try not to take it too seriously ;-P

Ye olde download link, chaps. 

So I really hope you guys enjoy both of them and give me your feedback! I may create a new thread for them just so others on the forums see it, as I figure CAGs love free games, so why not!


Thanks for posting those links.  I will DL them when I get the chance.  I remember you posting about your game before and I was looking forward to it as a big horror game fan.  Congrats on getting greenlit as well!  Can't wait to see this game on Steam and be able to purchase it!

bread's done