Hole through UPC code?


I just got a couple PS2 games off eBay - both were "factory sealed" with the folded shrinkwrap and the little square peg/hanger plastic stickers on the back, sticker on the top of the game untouched, just a hole punched only thru the upc of the game insert.

Anyone know why? Were they promo copies? I don't think they were "destroyed" as the punch was only thru the paper game insert, not the case or anything.
Thanks, that's what I was thinking - although this person must have a LOT of "promo copies" for Mystic Heroes, they had a few for sale, and have sold quite a few copies of it over time.
There's some dude on Ebay, Cdsforapenny or something like that, he sells all promo copies of stuff for a few bucks a piece. If you do a bit of social engineering you can get promo copies of just about anything.

One tip for anyone that sees this. If you take the time to write a letter, in pencil, on notebook paper to a video game company's marketing staff, telling them how your Mom is too broke to buy you their hottest new game they WILL send you one for free. It may take a bit but it will happen.
I'm all for promo copies; that's in part how we can get such in-depth previews/reviews before the games/dvds even come out. And a lot of radio stations get their CD's like this too.
I've won a few via online contests also.
But isn't selling them, in most cases, technically 'illegal'? Maybe not illegal per se, but at least violating most of the 'reviewer code'? I know I've gotten some saying 'Not for sale' in place of a UPC code.
the "Not For Sale" label is for the businesses I believe. Disc included in console bundles also have a label on them "Not for Resale." On the private side I can sell it without a problem.

Here's something I just found from here, http://www.emsps.com/oldtools/lt.htm

NFR - See Not for Resale

Not for Resale - The manufacturer of the product asked the original purchaser not to resell the package. These are often sold to dealers so that the dealer may become familiar with the product. Licensing and support varies with the manufacturer. "Not for Resale," "NFR," "Promotional Sample Not for Resale" and "Reseller Demo" versions: These are complete, promotional copies of the software provided to computer resellers from the software manufacturer. These are generally not eligible for upgrades when they become available, and may not include tech support, if offered by the manufacturer. This evaluation software is identical in function and packaging to the retail software of the same version. They are not licensed for resale, and so no license for use transfers.
Either they are promo's or the person works for the company that made the game (or Sony, MS, or Nintendo for that matter). The legalities involved are a gray area but I'm sure if that is the case the person stands to lose his/her job.
When Kelloggs cereal had the first EeT and Ern Contest they realized people were returning the games to stores for store credit. The 2nd time they did the contest where all the prizes were Treasure Planet for PSX and PS2, all the prize copies had the hole punched through the UPC code as well. I still was able to sell mine on Half.com, I just mentioned it in the description.
I notice a lot of GBA games on e-bay that are described as "brand new, but not with a box" because they are "straight from the factory." I'm guessing that these are GBA promo cartridges. These should be identical to the normal cartridge; I believe there will just be a "Not For Resale" label on the cartridge itself. These end up in used game stores all the time - look at the used games in GameStop or EB or wherever and I'm sure you'll find a few GBA cartridges with a black marker covering up something - that something would be the "not for resale" logo.

Basically, these promo copies are what the retail outlets put in the GBAs that are on display. Same thing with music CD's; a store gets a bunch of promo copies with holes in the UPC... these are meant to be played over the PA system or put into the listening stations, just not re-sold. I get promo discs all the time at used CD places... great way to save money.
[quote name='BustaUppa']I notice a lot of GBA games on e-bay that are described as "brand new, but not with a box" because they are "straight from the factory." I'm guessing that these are GBA promo cartridges. These should be identical to the normal cartridge; I believe there will just be a "Not For Resale" label on the cartridge itself. These end up in used game stores all the time - look at the used games in GameStop or EB or wherever and I'm sure you'll find a few GBA cartridges with a black marker covering up something - that something would be the "not for resale" logo.

Actually these "Factory Fresh" carts that are seen on Ebay are pirate carts. They try to dupe you into believing that they are from a regular factory, and not their pirate sweatshop. If you notice, lots of these auctions are coming from SE Asia, which is a hotbed of piracy, be forewarned.

Im sorry nothing is "new" unless its still sealed and untouched with original box etc etc.

You see tons of NEW on ebay because its a easy and sneaky way to get a Hit on your listing.

Then you actually read the desctiption
"this is brand new only played once"
"this is brand new sorry no manual or box"
etc etc

a lot of those are in fact pirate copies too.

I just stay away from that junk.
[quote name='BustaUppa']I notice a lot of GBA games on e-bay that are described as "brand new, but not with a box" because they are "straight from the factory." I'm guessing that these are GBA promo cartridges. These should be identical to the normal cartridge; I believe there will just be a "Not For Resale" label on the cartridge itself. These end up in used game stores all the time - look at the used games in GameStop or EB or wherever and I'm sure you'll find a few GBA cartridges with a black marker covering up something - that something would be the "not for resale" logo.

Basically, these promo copies are what the retail outlets put in the GBAs that are on display. Same thing with music CD's; a store gets a bunch of promo copies with holes in the UPC... these are meant to be played over the PA system or put into the listening stations, just not re-sold. I get promo discs all the time at used CD places... great way to save money.[/quote]

Like BigDirty said, they are most likely pirate copies, or possibly someone who's taken them out of the box and stolen just the cartridges at the store. Unfortunately, the Asian pirates are so good at counterfeiting, it's hard to tell the difference. I would buy any GBx games off the Internet that doesn't come with a box and instructions.
[quote name='bradr'][quote name='BustaUppa']I notice a lot of GBA games on e-bay that are described as "brand new, but not with a box" because they are "straight from the factory." I'm guessing that these are GBA promo cartridges. These should be identical to the normal cartridge; I believe there will just be a "Not For Resale" label on the cartridge itself. These end up in used game stores all the time - look at the used games in GameStop or EB or wherever and I'm sure you'll find a few GBA cartridges with a black marker covering up something - that something would be the "not for resale" logo.

Basically, these promo copies are what the retail outlets put in the GBAs that are on display. Same thing with music CD's; a store gets a bunch of promo copies with holes in the UPC... these are meant to be played over the PA system or put into the listening stations, just not re-sold. I get promo discs all the time at used CD places... great way to save money.[/quote]

Like BigDirty said, they are most likely pirate copies, or possibly someone who's taken them out of the box and stolen just the cartridges at the store. Unfortunately, the Asian pirates are so good at counterfeiting, it's hard to tell the difference. I would not buy any GBx games off the Internet that doesn't come with a box and instructions.[/quote]
[quote name='bradr']
I would buy any GBx games off the Internet that doesn't come with a box and instructions.[/quote]

You mean you wouldn't, right?
Whoa dude that is messed up! I would have avoided those auctions myself, but thanks for correcting my assumption before it mislead anyone here!
[quote name='BigDirty']Actually these "Factory Fresh" carts that are seen on Ebay are pirate carts.[/quote]

Not always true. I lwork at a Gamestop in Louisville KY. We have an EA distribution center here. For a long time we were having the same lady bringing in tons of copies of EA game CDs and carts, never in the box. She even brought some of the games in a few days prior to the release date. But they were never in the box. The EA rep that came to talk to us informed us that the games were being stolen off the delivery truck. The games get pressed and are then sent to the distribution center for packaging. These people were stealing them off the truck, before they got packaged.

So the games could be real games, but stolen before they hit the packaging plant. They'd still be stolen though.
[quote name='JediSB'][quote name='BigDirty']Actually these "Factory Fresh" carts that are seen on Ebay are pirate carts.[/quote]

Not always true. I lwork at a Gamestop in Louisville KY. We have an EA distribution center here. For a long time we were having the same lady bringing in tons of copies of EA game CDs and carts, never in the box. She even brought some of the games in a few days prior to the release date. But they were never in the box. The EA rep that came to talk to us informed us that the games were being stolen off the delivery truck. The games get pressed and are then sent to the distribution center for packaging. These people were stealing them off the truck, before they got packaged.

So the games could be real games, but stolen before they hit the packaging plant. They'd still be stolen though.[/quote]

That's great to know that you guys were intentionally buying stollen merchandise! :shock: So did EA get all your stuff ceased by the FBI or Police? It is illegal to sell stollen merchandise.
[quote name='BigDirty']Actually these "Factory Fresh" carts that are seen on Ebay are pirate carts.[/quote]
[quote name='JediSB']
Not always true. I lwork at a Gamestop in Louisville KY. We have an EA distribution center here. For a long time we were having the same lady bringing in tons of copies of EA game CDs and carts, never in the box. She even brought some of the games in a few days prior to the release date. But they were never in the box. The EA rep that came to talk to us informed us that the games were being stolen off the delivery truck. The games get pressed and are then sent to the distribution center for packaging. These people were stealing them off the truck, before they got packaged.

So the games could be real games, but stolen before they hit the packaging plant. They'd still be stolen though.[/quote]

This is more of a rare, localized, instance. When you see that a cart is a "Factory Fresh" sans box/manual or with "folded" box, and a US version coming from SE Asia, there should be bells and alarms that they're pirated.

I'm not disputing the fact that some might be stolen, but that overwhelming majority, especially those coming from hidden pirate island, are pirate carts. But also if it was stolen, there might be the possibility of a legitimate picture as well.

(I had to throw in the simpsons reference)
[quote name='Indiana'][quote name='JediSB'][quote name='BigDirty']Actually these "Factory Fresh" carts that are seen on Ebay are pirate carts.[/quote]

Not always true. I work at a Gamestop in Louisville KY. We have an EA distribution center here. For a long time we were having the same lady bringing in tons of copies of EA game CDs and carts, never in the box. She even brought some of the games in a few days prior to the release date. But they were never in the box. The EA rep that came to talk to us informed us that the games were being stolen off the delivery truck. The games get pressed and are then sent to the distribution center for packaging. These people were stealing them off the truck, before they got packaged.

So the games could be real games, but stolen before they hit the packaging plant. They'd still be stolen though.[/quote]

That's great to know that you guys were intentionally buying stollen merchandise! :shock: So did EA get all your stuff ceased by the FBI or Police? It is illegal to sell stollen merchandise.[/quote]

No we weren't. We couldn't prove it. It was our word against hers. We suspected that was what was going on but couldn't prove it conclusively. But we notified EA immediately as soon as we grew suspicious. They didn't do anything about it for a long time. Almost a year, in fact. Even before EA came out, we wouldn't accept games that were being traded in prior to release date. But apparently other stores in the area were. When we refused to do so, the lady was stupid enough to show us a receipt from another store where she had just traded in another copy of the same game at a different place. Apparently she was hitting all the stores in town. It was after that that I contacted EA myself (I'm just a part-time Gamestop employee) through their headquarters, not the local distribution center management. And within a week, they had reps visiting us at the store.

It was only after EA finally came out to the store that we knew exactly what was happening. And shortly after that the lady stopped coming in with EA games. The EA rep didn't think the lady trading in the games worked for EA but knew someone that was getting them off the truck.

We let all of our area stores know what was going on and we won't accept trades from this woman anymore, although she has stopped coming in anyway.

Trust me, we hated every time the woman came in because we had a hunch what was going on, but until you can prove it there's nothing you can do. And EA apparently didn't care, as they waited almost a year before they did anything about it. There was no reason for EA to charge us with anything as we were the one's trying to help stop it. They were extremely grateful that we let them know what was going on.

The odd thing is that when they did come out we told them how long it had been going on. The guy from the local center said he wished we would have let them know sooner. The store manager told him she had contacted several people a the distribution center several times and nothing had been done. You should have seen the look on his face, embarrassed in front of his superiors. I'm glad it has come to an end though.
When I go to visit my friend at sony music. I get free cd's they all have a hole. He never has games.
bread's done