Holy crap, do stores even check systems anymore?


12 (100%)
Okay, it started yesterday when I went into Game Crazy to buy a used Xbox, since my old one skips FMVs & music. Get home to find it giving a "dirty disc" message on a brand new game(Family Guy). Take it back and exchange it for another, plays fine with Family Guy then starts giving dirty disc messages on other games that don't even have a scratch on them.

Then today I exchange it for a 3rd one which has a bad A/V port, cause it will display no sound. Took it up earlier today and had to argue to get my money back since I tried 3 times. The manager finally caved in after 5 minutes of arguing, but got pissy about it.

My question is, do stores even test the systems anymore?
[quote name='magiic']Apparently not lol[/quote]

Yeah, I don't think so. Cause the first one they gave me looked like they had spilled something on it. Then told me use some alchol on it to get rid of the stain.:wall: That should've raised a red flag right there, but figured if it worked that it would be worth the trouble to get rid of the stain.
[quote name='FunkyDoRight']It's called bad Karma. Have you screwed someone wife? Or Punched a baby recently?[/quote]
I'll have you know that my years of baby-punching have brought me nothing but good luck.
I find it funny that EB/Gamestop will reject your trade in on a PS2 especially if that little security seal that says void on it after peeling it back.. Even though more than half the used systems they sell either have a DRE or dont work at all....

Yeah I don't know why people even bother buying used from any of the used game retailers...

Save the trouble and look on craigs list or talk to friends im sure someone always has a system to sell at one time...
Yeah, that's what scares me about buying used consoles from stores. It seems like anyone can sell their broken console and leave some sucker to buy/deal with it. And now with Microsoft banning modded 360 consoles from Live, I feel sorry for anyone trying to buy a used 360 to play online and not being able to.

Those broken consoles are why I decided to buy a used GameCube on CAG. Should be getting it next week. Yay! Hopefully, I won't get screwed here.
I don't buy used consoles because they don't carry a warranty outside of the store's 30/90 exchange policy or whatever.
I'm afraid of this kind of stuff happening to me since I'm looking to buy a used Xbox in-store since I can't buy online.

I'm going to try Gamestop/EBgames and get the extended waranty for like $10 more, a little more expensive, but at least I'll have some sort of safety net.
I would never buy a used system from one of these stores. Ever. Period.

Now, systems that aren't sold new anymore, that's a bit tougher. I got lucky on my $100 used PSP that's had no problems, but it also was a local place that I trust.
I stick to local stores for used consoles. Aside from my $20 Dreamcast (Book & Music Exchange, Henderson, KY) that hates Shenmue, I haven't had any issues with stuff I've bought used.

But then again... the only other used console I've bought from a local store has been another Dreamcast.
The only system I ever traded in was my fat PS2. (For the slim; ended up paying nothing to "upgrade" to it with a deal on CAG.)

They didn't even hook it up to see if it worked. I was shocked.

Granted, it was in fantastic shape, but I even asked them if they were going to test it. I guess that's why I've never purchased a used console from a store like that.
If a system's current, I'll buy it new. But generally, chain stores don't check any games or systems. They look for superficial damage or obvious signs of neglect/suspect activity but that's about it.

I bought a used PSone for $10 at Gamestop only because it came with all the hookups and a PSone controller. The lid has problems staying shut but that's a small price to pay. I know a clerk there and he told me that other PSones have been returned in droves. Makes sense, half of them looked like previous owners baked brownies in the trays.
I brought an xbox into GameStop with the Microsoft replacement power coord (the one with buttons on it to reset/etc.) guy couldn't figure out how to work the power cable. No joke. Then, I show him how it works and explain "You do know this is the official microsoft cable they sent to people after the recall, right?" and he gave me this blank look (Note, this was in 07, not sometime shortly after recall) and then he turned it on, saw it loaded, and unplugged it. Not turn it off, not turn the cable off, just fuckING UNPLUGGED IT while everything was on. I wonder how they decide to hire people, I truly do. I also wonder how natural selection skips over these people.
I've seen systems that look like they hadn't been cleaned in forever, with variants on that theme that included:

ones filled with food crumbs
ones loaded with dust(sick part is, some of those still ran perfectly)

But, by far, the most disgusting one that I thankfully didn't have the displeasure of opening up to clean once getting it home:

one that had LIVE bugs in it

A friend of mine ended up with that fun contraption and took it back the next day, with several of the bugs in a jar for proof.

If I were not there and didn't see it myself, I wouldn't have believed him.

Either way, I kind of snicker at how untrained most of the GS employees are nowadays, when they hardly check systems or shut them down the wrong way. It makes me wish they would 1) hire real gamers at their stores and 2) pay those real gamers better and don't hold them to hyping up xyz game even if it completely blows.
I've had surprising good experience at GameStop with used system. A while back i purchased a xbox, took it home, and after a few days started getting dirty disc error.

I took it back to GameStop, however they didn't have any more used Xboxes, so they wented and opened a brand new xbox and gave me the console from that. That Xbox has been good ever since.
[quote name='Caliburn']half of them looked like previous owners baked brownies in the trays.[/QUOTE]

PROTIP: Those weren't brownies.
The only used system I ever got from EBgames was a dreamcast for 15$ it included all the plugs, 1 controller, and a VMU, I have had it for 2-3 years and it works great. I am pissed now though becuase they don't buy that stuff anymore and I would like to see Dreamcast things there more often. I also got 2 controllers for 99cents ea and a rumble pack for 2$ there =)
I bought my little sister a GC for her birthday. I'm really glad I decided to test it out before I wrapped it up. The damn think wouldn't read a single disk. I had also just spent half an hour getting all the dust out of it. =\ (Cleaning the lense didn't help)
Well, Game Crazy's district manager called me this morning. He first apologized for the problem and then explained that they're actually looking into that store. Apparently there's a lot of defects that come from that store. So I'm guessing he was hinting there might foul play at that store(tossing systems around, maybe?).

Then after explaining that, he then offered a $25 gift card for Game Crazy for the trouble due to having to swap 3 times only to get 3 busted systems. Which I accepted and guess I'll be getting within a week.

But here's the kicker, I go into another GC store today to try again. They get one out and actually hook it up and let it run Fifa 2005 for a couple of minutes. I explained to the employee that the other store never did that. He explained that they're supposed to "demo" it before selling, so that it will avoid headaches later. Which the one I bought from them today is working(so far). I think the problem might've been that the 3 defective one were from a 2002 manufacture date or something. I'm just glad I actually got a working one on the 4th time.

As for karma, nope, haven't done anything bad. Just been working a crapload of overtime.
I remember I traded in a first run Thompson drive XBOX nearly two years ago to EB. They didn't even check it, even though it was obviously tampered with. It worked, to a point, but they didn't even check it. I'm confident it would've passed their check, but there was no doubt it was a bad system.
[quote name='tangytangerine']Well, Game Crazy's district manager called me this morning. He first apologized for the problem and then explained that they're actually looking into that store. Apparently there's a lot of defects that come from that store. So I'm guessing he was hinting there might foul play at that store(tossing systems around, maybe?).

Then after explaining that, he then offered a $25 gift card for Game Crazy for the trouble due to having to swap 3 times only to get 3 busted systems. Which I accepted and guess I'll be getting within a week.

But here's the kicker, I go into another GC store today to try again. They get one out and actually hook it up and let it run Fifa 2005 for a couple of minutes. I explained to the employee that the other store never did that. He explained that they're supposed to "demo" it before selling, so that it will avoid headaches later. Which the one I bought from them today is working(so far). I think the problem might've been that the 3 defective one were from a 2002 manufacture date or something. I'm just glad I actually got a working one on the 4th time.

As for karma, nope, haven't done anything bad. Just been working a crapload of overtime.[/quote]
Actually you got good karama, getting a free 25$ gift card.... Actually that probably pays for gas xD
I've had AWESOME luck with used systems from yard sales (older systems), however I wouldn't trust buying a current system used. I would say the only systems you can trust to be working used are Gamecubes and stuff that is older. Buying a used xbox, ps2 or anything more current than that is just asking for trouble unless you are buying it from a close friend who has only had it for a little while and wants to get rid of it.

I have only had 2 systems not work for me, one is a sega master system which needs a custom chip replaced, trying to get it fixed and a broken sega genesis. Both were picked up for 5$ each and came with enough stuff to offset the 5$ even though the systems were broken. When shopping for systems only pay the price you would pay if a system is broken this way you never get dissapointed if it doesnt work.

Its a fact that people are not going to trade in working systems to game stores like gamecrazy or Ebgames, your better off shelling out the few extra $ to get a brand new system with a manufacturers warranty. Most people who trade in systems to these stores trade them in just before they are going to die or trade in systems with small problems in the hopes that the employees take them without checking them, which happens all too often.
[quote name='SaraAB']

Its a fact that people are not going to trade in working systems to game stores like gamecrazy or Ebgames, your better off shelling out the few extra $ to get a brand new system with a manufacturers warranty. Most people who trade in systems to these stores trade them in just before they are going to die or trade in systems with small problems in the hopes that the employees take them without checking them, which happens all too often.[/quote]

You mean like I traded in a disc scratching PS2 a while back to EB and just snickered while they tested it because I heard it making rings in their discs they use for testing? Or the PS2 with a dying laser, which I cleaned, that passed muster at another EB and I traded in 2-3 games with to get $100 in credit about 2 years ago?

I doubt I'm the only one who swaps in these messed up systems, but at least mine are CLEAN and not clogged with dust, bugs or other indiscriminate dirt of undetermined origin.

Only good part about buying one from EB/GS is that they do at least give you a 30/90 day refurb warranty on it, so you can play the HELL out of it for that long, take it back just when it's ending and get a different one. :lol:

As for buying new for some of these systems, the Xbox is no longer made and finding a NIB one is near impossible anymore, as even Kmart has long since been out of them in most places(except for those stores with cases crammed full of stuff from 1-2 or ever 3 gens ago).
[quote name='masterofdarkness']Actually you got good karama, getting a free 25$ gift card.... Actually that probably pays for gas xD[/quote]
Maybe my karma isn't as good as I thought. Didn't realize until I was cleaning out the bag the system came in yesterday that I wasn't using the controller they gave me(I was using the one I got w/ my first system). Hooked it up and it isn't working. Disconnected the breakaway part of the cable to see that it looked like it was damaged. Because the connectors looked like they were chewed up. I'll just take it up there sometime this week, since I got to swap out a bad Zelda: Collector's Edition anyway.

Oh, for those in my area. The one that has been selling items in questionable condition is the one in Middletown, OH.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']You mean like I traded in a disc scratching PS2 a while back to EB and just snickered while they tested it because I heard it making rings in their discs they use for testing? Or the PS2 with a dying laser, which I cleaned, that passed muster at another EB and I traded in 2-3 games with to get $100 in credit about 2 years ago?

I doubt I'm the only one who swaps in these messed up systems, but at least mine are CLEAN and not clogged with dust, bugs or other indiscriminate dirt of undetermined origin.

Only good part about buying one from EB/GS is that they do at least give you a 30/90 day refurb warranty on it, so you can play the HELL out of it for that long, take it back just when it's ending and get a different one. :lol:

As for buying new for some of these systems, the Xbox is no longer made and finding a NIB one is near impossible anymore, as even Kmart has long since been out of them in most places(except for those stores with cases crammed full of stuff from 1-2 or ever 3 gens ago).[/QUOTE]

Hmm I see nothing wrong with the practice of trading in non working consoles just before they die, the only thing I meant to say is if your on the buying end to watch your back with these stores because the likelyhood of getting something that works perfectly and will last more than 30 days is slim to none. But if the store accepts it for trade its all good because ultimately they are the ones who choose what to take and what to sell, they could refuse your trade if they wanted to. Maybe those rings you heard the system making is a bit of payback for all the times eb has sold you a used game as new or a severly stickered up or severly scratched game!

The clean consoles would actually put you in a good situation because they might look at it, see its clean and then just take it without even testing it.
[quote name='SaraAB']Hmm I see nothing wrong with the practice of trading in non working consoles just before they die, the only thing I meant to say is if your on the buying end to watch your back with these stores because the likelyhood of getting something that works perfectly and will last more than 30 days is slim to none. But if the store accepts it for trade its all good because ultimately they are the ones who choose what to take and what to sell, they could refuse your trade if they wanted to. Maybe those rings you heard the system making is a bit of payback for all the times eb has sold you a used game as new or a severly stickered up or severly scratched game!

The clean consoles would actually put you in a good situation because they might look at it, see its clean and then just take it without even testing it.[/quote]

LOL I rarely take a game from GS unless it's sealed(if I'm buying new) or I thoroughly check the disc(s) if I'm buying used, since I don't want the hassle of having to run back to XYZ store and getting a replacement only to find the replacement looking like ass too.

I think the last time I bought something from EB/GS was Silent Hill 3 about 4-5 months ago or more, but that has sat here collecting dust, since I still play the Xbox WAYYYYYY more.
The only time I've bought a used console at any Gamestop/Gamecrazy/EB Games is a used Gamecube a year or two after the console was out. It's still working great, although the controller it came with died after a few years.
Only time I've had problems with used hardware was with a PSP. First PSP they tried selling me had a shit load of problems with the screen where it looked like someone sat on it with the system in their backpocket. The real kicker? The thing was a Japanese model, so the UMD tray kept springing open with even the slightest gripping. Told them to take that shit back and give me a different one.

Second one would not power on. At all. Not even with it plugged in to recharge.

Third worked fine, though.
Used systems can be a pain in the ass to test for stores, namely PS2s. It's amazing how many used PS2s that we cleaned and laser adjusted came back to the indy store I worked at just because ONE game doesn't work for them. Usually it was San Andreas. It's not our fault SA and PS2s hate eachother.
I must have good luck or something. I've purchased a used PS2 slim, PSOne, Nintendo 64, GBA SP, GBA Micro, and two Dreamcasts from GS and/or EB and not a one of them has given me any trouble. Judging from this thread, I should count my blessings.

The worst used system I ever bought was a Genesis that was full of dead ladybugs. It worked, but only after some serious bug removal efforts.
[quote name='vicious7171']Used systems can be a pain in the ass to test for stores, namely PS2s. It's amazing how many used PS2s that we cleaned and laser adjusted came back to the indy store I worked at just because ONE game doesn't work for them. Usually it was San Andreas. It's not our fault SA and PS2s hate eachother.[/quote]

LOL With my 50001 model PS2, I had no problems playing San Andreas, but the blue bottom discs(ICO, Neo Contra, etc)were a royal PITA.

Matter of fact, anytime I bought a used PS2, I made sure the store had a blue bottom disc I could test on it before I ever thought of taking it home with me.

The blue discs seem to spin faster and cause the most problems for PS2s, since even my 'trial version' of MGS 2 that a GS gave me by accident(instead of the full version) caused a DRE on my one friends nephews system he was using since it was on a blue disc.

Second hardest type of disc for the systems to read are the gold bottomed dual layered ones, like God Of War comes on.

If publishers put games on ALL regular silver bottomed DVDs, I don't think there would've been many DRE problems but don't quote me on that.
[quote name='eaglebeak']I don't know if this is common knowledge, but while looking over Target's website I was surprised to see that they are selling used Xbox consoles. I'm not in the market for one, but I thought if some one else were looking for one, they might try there. They have to be better than GS or EB when it came to testing them to see if they work before they sold them.



I saw this before and just noticed the review, so far my impression is that they are about the same.

Another thing clicking on "description" tab of the target link on the used Xbox, what does burned in mean?
"All units are burned in and tested before shipment."
As far as blue bottom disc read errors go, you have to send in the PS2 to SCEA and they fix it for free. You only pay to have it shipped.
[quote name='davo1224']As far as blue bottom disc read errors go, you have to send in the PS2 to SCEA and they fix it for free. You only pay to have it shipped.[/quote]

I think they ended that deal a while ago, they did free repairs on DRE PS2s for a while, then they stopped I think.

And, to me, even paying to have it shipped would be a ripoff imo, since I would've paid X amount for the system already. Is it too much to ask that a system have a warranty beyond 90 days and actually last like many of my older systems did?
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I think they ended that deal a while ago, they did free repairs on DRE PS2s for a while, then they stopped I think.[/quote]

Yeah, they ended that during January '06. I know cause that what they told me one month after it ended and that it would cost $46 to replace it.
Yeah, I tried getting in on that with my 39001 PS2 in 05 or so, but my system was locking up on games, not getting the infamous DRE, so I wasn't even eligible for the free repairs. Damned thing got tripped over by a friends niece or the controller wire did anyway and it never worked right after that.

I had a couple before that, which again wouldn't have been eligible because they had video flickering problems, where the video would go on and off during gameplay. :whistle2:X

Ahhh well.....luckily, I know now how to fix many PS2 problems, so I don't even HAVE to send them to Sony.
bread's done