Holy Hell, I've Done Gone and Pissed Off Chiptune Nerds!


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Last year in Austin, there was a free chiptunes show (DATAPOP '09) for SXSW that featured Bit Shifter, Nullsleep, IAYD, Anamanaguchi, 8Bk OK, Graffiti Monsters, and Sievert. Being the geek that I am, I jumped at the chance to check out this particular brand of music as it was something that I was only kinda aware of. I didn't know any of the bands, but the flyer promised me free booze (which is, coincidentally, my favorite kind of hooch).

The day after the show, I typed up a wrap-up about the events that transpired the previous evening. I posted it on my Tumblr blog and didn't give it too much thought -- that is, until the comments and emails started to pour in. Read a bit of my original post for yourself:
"The second act was just a DJ who mixed several NES tunes while several flashing strobe lights and lasers went off behind him. That’s when I realized that I had inadvertently stumbled upon something that I never thought that I would be a part of…a Nerd Rave. I mean, what else do you call it when a large majority of kids there were slam-dancing along to “Song C” from Tetris?"

By the time the third act got on stage, we were ready to get out of the place. I would of loved to have stayed and watched the next four acts that they had lined up, but the venue had become packed tight with a considerable amount of people with low standards when it came to personal hygiene. With every new batch of dexters that entered, the stink became increasingly potent. By the time I made it outside, I was literally choking on a stankmosphere that could be best described as a mixture of Drakkar cologne and pepperoni and cheese Hot Pockets. Ick."
What is wrong with THAT?!



My write-up about the show wasn't an exaggeration. I've been at all day metal festivals and dealt with numerous foul stenches and moments of disgustingness at these shows because that type of environment is to be expected. This Datapop gig took place in an abandoned Salvation Army center, and the funk of forty consecutive hours of World of Warcraft was festering all around me, bitchslapping my poor little nostrils. I had to get out of there.

Believe it or not, this post actually insulted some people, but the best part is who it offended. The three hundred followers that I had at that time (not bragging, think of them like Twitter followers) were not voicing their anger towards my post. The people who were contacting me were strangers who landed at my site after Googling "Datapop Show Review" (my blog is still listed as the first hit). Geeks who would have loved to have been able to go to the show and were extremely jealous that I was there and didn't enjoy it!

Here's a comment left to me from velo:
"Hey dumbass, I mean, author. Sievert WAS the second act. Even I knew that. "A Nerd Rave" are you fucking kidding me? This is the absolute most bullshit review I've ever seen. You barely even covered the show! You complained about the smell of a ton of people. You must not get out much, I've been to plenty of shows where the smell was a mix of weed, puke, sweat, and rotting food, but the acts were amazing. Do the world a favor and never review a show again if you're going to tell us about the smell instead of the sound. I heard the show went great and after watching some videos, I believe it. You should have stayed for the other acts, I heard IAYD was killer."
I must make it a point to review more music shows based on their smell as opposed to being a conformist and write about such trivial things as sound.

Here's an email from Jake:
I loved this comment as I never claimed to be a journalist or professional reviewer ANYWHERE. In fact, I'm fully aware that my post had the same credibility of a LiveJournal blog written by fourteen year old, acne riddled fatty who uses a typing stick because his (or hers, to not be sexist) sausage fingers are incapable of hitting less than three keys at a time.


"IAYD gets carried off by his harem of dweebs while Shirtless McHairy Fistpump gazes on."

I found this unexpected hatred against my post to be a bit strange, but eventually the artists who performed at the show decided to give me their take on my post.

IAYD and his original comment in its entirety:
It's really quite unfortunate that you thought Sievert's songs were NES tunes, and the Tetris bit was (obviously) just a gag. His music was all original minus the skit involving a Tetris cart.

No, the speakers did not catch on fire, but the mains did blow out during a few sets. Maybe if you stuck around for the rest of the night you probably would've realized that the music being played wasn't video game music or video game remixes. What's even worse is your description of the night as a "nerd rave" and your assumption of Sievert being a DJ.

Next time you review a show, cover the sound instead of debunking the people who attended.
I love that opening line. "It's really quite unfortunate..."

Is it? Is it really??


I stood by my "nerd rave" branding in my response to IAYD, because I just thought it was funny. I understand the the long standing history and emotions that are invoked when using the dreaded n-word amongst people of the gaming culture but felt that my readers would know that I belong to that culture. How could I offend you? I AM ONE OF YOU!!

One year later, I still don't get why using the term "DJ" was considered a faux pas on my part.


"In case you were wondering, YES! That IS a Lifetime 4-Foot Folding Table. Get yours today!"

However, Sievert! was a class act all the way with his thoughts. He ended up just correcting me on a few facts, answered some questions, and defended/explained why people were so vehemently pissed at me:
"actually, other than the tetris song, the rest of the second set were original songs made on a program called Little Sound DJ for the Nintendo Gameboy."

"You should definitely check them out (Anamanaguchi and Graffiti Monsters) and see what you think. It sucks you missed 'em, but if you're not really into it its understandable.

As for people being pissed off, its mainly due to the fact that the chiptune scene/community/whatever-you-want-to-call-it gets a very good deal of misconceptions to the general public and a lot of them get tired of trying to correct the misunderstandings. For a lot of "chiptuners" the music actually isn't about video games, but more of how you can use old technologies to make music."
Thanks, Sievert! I understand that I was being a dick with my post, but it was only done for entertainment. I'm glad that you understood that I just didn't get into it and respected my view on the night.

Even though I didn't enjoy it that much, I've always felt like the jerk in this situation and wanted a chance to redeem myself. For this year's SXSW, there are TWO free Datapop shows happening, and I will take it upon myself to give it another try. Perhaps, I'll leave this time with a better feeling overall about the chiptune genre and hope the IAYD's geek squad don't put a hit out on me.

Original DATAPOP Review Post
My Response to People Slagging Me About DATAPOP Review Post



While at the Datapop show, I bought this shirt that I have NEVER worn. It was a limited edition Mundo shirt (based here out of Austin) and the tag is still on it. Leave a comment and I'll choose a winner randomly to receive it. It is a size L but looks like it could be a XL.

Click HERE to view larger image.
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There's probably plenty of things you don't know about yourself that make you a major asshole. Like most people.
i have a friend whos very big in the chiptune scene in NYC. some of the stuff she promotes is kinda cool. but i cant every see myself running out and buying the cds and listening to it in the car on a long drive, let alone going to an all day festival of it.
that was a funny story man but props to that guy from the second act for not being a dick and giving you some good info on what was what. if you do go to the next show go in disguise because the nerdly masses will be waiting to find you and kick your ass lol.
Shirt looks great.

You gonna be at SXSW this year? If so, you should totally write a column on my band. :D

Here is the schedule for all four days, but I most likely won't play the Guero's show.
They threw the gauntlet down, now it's your turn to pick it back up and punch them in their nerdy faces with it. Your mission should be to attend every nerd rave event within 2 hours of your home and write staggeringly critical reviews of them.

I'd like the shirt too.
[quote name='MIGGO']Yup. That does make me a major asshole.[/QUOTE]

That's all I have to do to be a major asshole?

All of those hurtful things I've said and the pictures I've photoshopped ... such a waste.

If only I had known, I would have used "would of".
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']
If only I had known, I would have used "would of".[/QUOTE]

Stop being such an upstanding gentleman, FoC. It's entirely proper and courteous.
Like all niche genres, the enthusiasts of it will be complete dicks if you say anything remotely negative about it. I'm a casual fan of the genre myself, and even I didn't know Chiptune artists were so vehemently against it being referred to as "video game music." Uh, well... I think the songs sounding like an 8-bit video game is the reason most people have any interest in the genre to begin with. At least, that's how I feel about it. It is a shame though that you didn't get to see/hear Anamanaguchi.

Where is RelentlessRolento at? :lol:
Well, you did write about something very nerdy, and the Internet is where nerds live. So the fact that you got their attention shouldn't be a surprise. Good luck with it the second time around!
I don't blame you for being pissed at the show. The smell of obsessive nerds is just ghastly. Living in LA air for 24 years is bad. Being in nerd stink for an hour has nothing on it. I've hiked through storm drains that smell better. It's even worse when you get hefty nerds moving around throwing their stink that's been rotting in their skin folds for weeks. God damn... :puke:
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Shirt looks great.

You gonna be at SXSW this year? If so, you should totally write a column on my band. :D

Here is the schedule for all four days, but I most likely won't play the Guero's show.[/QUOTE]

I live in Austin, so I'm sure that I'll be around for the free shows. Haven't paid for a wristband in the last five years while living here, I'm not starting now.

[quote name='Liquid 2']I don't know what your aim is in posting this, but I wouldn't say no to a tshirt.[/QUOTE]

Actually, I've been cleaning out my closet and selling clutter on Craigslist. I came across this shirt again and wanted to give it to someone who would actually wear it. No angle.
The funk smell is one of the reasons why I don't like concerts of any kind. I've found that smell at almost all of them.
[quote name='DarkSageRK']Worst thread I've read all day.

Edit: In for one shirt entry[/QUOTE]


At least you're an honest fucker.
[quote name='Ziv']The funk smell is one of the reasons why I don't like concerts of any kind. I've found that smell at almost all of them.[/QUOTE]

Concerts work like conventions, you must layer on massive amounts of deodorant, cologne and body spray to kill the scent of those around you.
Phish fans smell the worst. You'll know what I mean if they play a gig in your town.

Where's the best place to hide money from a Phish fan? Beneath the soap.

PS I don't want the shirt.
Read most of the post, but you never said whether you got drunk or not. At least the booze could have made it worth it. You should work more on creating better imagery. After hyping the booze, I want to know what kind of booze was there, etc. Unless of course I missed it in this post.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']i cant every see myself running out and buying the cds and listening to it in the car on a long drive, let alone going to an all day festival of it.[/QUOTE]

^This. I like some of Anamanaguchi's stuff, but it's best listened to shuffled with some real music so the sound doesn't get too grating on the ears. An all-day festival though? Holy hell, it's like an assault to your ears and nose, and probably eyes, and if the smell was bad enough, taste.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']Read most of the post, but you never said whether you got drunk or not. At least the booze could have made it worth it. You should work more on creating better imagery. After hyping the booze, I want to know what kind of booze was there, etc. Unless of course I missed it in this post.[/QUOTE]

The post was already long enough, and it didn't really seem the necessary to talk about the booze besides the fact that it lured me to the place. They handed out one drink ticket per person for a Dewar's and coke. These two chicks in front of me handed me their tickets because they didn't like Dewars, so I go boozed up for free pretty good.

[quote name='mtxbass1']I've never heard of any of this music, but your post intrigued me enough to go seek some out. Thanks OP.[/QUOTE]

Sievert! - Space Pirates Never Change
Bit Shifter - Hexadecimal Genome
[quote name='jbroush99']Song B from Tetris is so much better than Song C.[/QUOTE]

Agreed- song B in the best one of the lot. I have randomly complained about the lack of song B references to friends on occasion.

And now I want to go play tetris.
I wouldn't go into something like that expecting hygiene from the people that are stereotyped to attend these kinda events anyways. Oh, and count me in for the shirt!
[quote name='Koggit']i cannot imagine anyone being able to look decent in a shirt like that[/QUOTE]

Hence the reason why it's never been worn.

I'm sure that someone out there would appreciate it more than I would.
In the spirit of the Intarwebz, 'I can haz shurtz?'

I wrote an article about one of those video game symphony shows, no one cared, and that's actual musical scores. Most people went dressed up casual or better, though, some super nerds (I actually prefer the term geek) went tux and tails. Anyway, at least they showered, I think was the point I was getting at.
Man, people on the internet are too damn sensitive (referring to those who commented on your review, not people here). I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a nerd. I guess you aren't, either, based on that X-Men shirt. And, speaking of shirts... ;)
bread's done