
What do you guys think of the game? I think its very good. A nice mix of BFBC2 (vehicles + large maps), COD (gun customization + perks) , and KZ3 (drones) elements. Very interesting combo if you think about it in those terms.
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The in game battle point system is also another unique thing. After being totally disappointed with KZ3, crysis 2 (demo), and not really interested in bulletstorm, I was surprised to like the game considering I wasnt interested with it conceptually either a few months ago. I dont know, I think its pretty cool. Does anyone have it?
I'll be receiving the game from Amazon this week. What is your PSN id?

Any other CAGs want to set up a Homefront night?
Yeah I was wondering about the deficit of talk about this game on the PS3 board, and then you switch over to the 360 forum and it's brimming with posts.

Hopefully a fair amount of PS3 owning CAGs have, or are getting, the game.

My copy should arrive tomorrow.
Well, it should be on my doorstep today, so says the USPS. However the tracking info is really awkward.

Expected Delivery Date: March 22, 2011
Class: Package Services
Service(s): Delivery Confirmation™
Status: Shipment Accepted

Your shipment was accepted/picked up at 5:00 pm on March 19, 2011 in MEMPHIS, TN 38101 .

Detailed Results:

* Shipment Accepted, March 19, 2011, 5:00 pm, MEMPHIS, TN 38101
* Electronic Shipping Info Received, March 21, 2011
* Departed Shipping Partner Facility, March 18, 2011, 6:59 am, GRAND PRAIRIE, TX 75050

Looks like the USPS have employed a time machine or something. It leaves 03-18, then the shipping info is received 03-21 but it was accepted in Memphis on 03-19?

yeh i've been having lots of freezes and random glitchy play, got my copy yesterday, played on it about an hour, got alittle frustrated, so hopefully they will fix the issue soon, loving it so far.
And also you are right about xbox players on their forum talking about it but have not heard about it here on the ps3 forum. Even all of the folks at work who own 360 talked about it.
[quote name='frakingcylon615']And also you are right about xbox players on their forum talking about it but have not heard about it here on the ps3 forum. Even all of the folks at work who own 360 talked about it.[/QUOTE]
It did get lumped in the middle of some solid games, and Im sure with being put between KZ3 and Crysis2 and the bad reviews it seemed to be getting early on it was not high on a lot of lists. I actually sent my copy off to Amazon today for trade in credit.
yeah good point, gettin caught between kz3's graphics and move/3d support and crysis 2's "revolutionary" nanosuit, homefront didnt have much of a chance at good reviews, but its better than kz3 IMO and seems to be better than crysis 2 if the demo spoke anything of the final game.

i read today theres a patch to fix all glitches comin out this week. its a great game, the more you play, the better it actually gets. i found anyway.
[quote name='gindias']It did get lumped in the middle of some solid games, and Im sure with being put between KZ3 and Crysis2 and the bad reviews it seemed to be getting early on it was not high on a lot of lists. I actually sent my copy off to Amazon today for trade in credit.[/QUOTE]
what made u trade it? $35 right?
I received my copy yesterday afternoon. I put it in and played the single player for a bit. I wasn't feeling well, so I only played for about 20 minutes or so.

I can see what people are talking about when they complain about the graphics. They aren't the greatest, but they aren't the worst I've seen either. It isn't a "PS2 game" as we've heard over and over.

I didn't give myself time to get used to the controls, so I'll reserve all judgment until I get more game time in.
multiplayer is a blast. something new and very enjoyable! they did a great job handling all the perks, kill rewards, upgrades and add-ons. very fun imo
i agree, the thing that makes the game interesting and special is the way they handled the perks, drones, weapons, the extras besides the shooting, etc...

aerol i saw you on yesterday and hoped to catch a game with you, hope u feel better and ill see you today. and the graphics arent that bad, they are similar to bfbc2 which isnt terrible. thing to keep in mind is there is so much going on at the same time it would be impossible to have CoD graphics: large maps, vehicles, drones, 24-32 players, all at once, etc....
MP has 2 game modes: TDM and Ground control

Ground control: basically its like a mix between conquest and rush from bfbc2. conquest because you have to hold down an area until you capture it and take hold, rush because it moves in phases to different parts of the map. in other words its not like conquest because the whole map isnt open at once, and itsnot like rush because thhere is no bomb to set off. each team gets points to capture the area and it often shifts and goes back n forth to who holds the area. i find this mode to be great.

TDM: everyone knows what team deathmath is. first to reach 12000 pts wins.

the weaponry includes guns (duh), drones, and vehicles. drones and vehicles are bought from in game earned battle points. you get bp for killing or taking hold of areas in ground control, and you spend them during the match. you can buy things like flak jackets for extra armor (300 pts), personal uavs, order in bomb drops (800-1300 pts), and then of course the drones and vehicles.

vehicles: humvee (400 pts), light armor tank (1200? pts), heavy armor abrams tanks (2000), scout heli (2000), and apache (2800). everyone of course tries to save for the apache, but if a round needs a turn around, any vehicle is equipped with guns to help. the vehicles are a lil different from battlefield cuz u can man them and gun them at the same time.

drones: this is really cool and kinda like killzones bots. you have anti tank drones, assault drones, and spy plane marking drones. this gives your team advantages during battle. again, they are bought during the game. you operate them yourself though, so you must take cover before deploying drones. again, a lil different from kz because instead of just deploying a drone, u actually control it.

all in all, there are obviously a lot of battle options to choose from, and its all based on battle poitns, so the better you are, the more options you get.

perk system is different from others because you have 4-6 pts to buy perks with. they include perks for your soldier, for your vehicles, and for your drone. very broad and inclusive. very cool if u ask me.

the game is completely customizable to suit your likes and needs, which is what i like about it. a lot of players, a lot of things going on, many options. i disregaurd the critics (i havent played the SP campaign so im talkin about the mp only), and encourage anyone whos read the reviews with unfavorable comments to ignore them and check it out yourself. there is graphic loss due to how much is going on at once, and hardly any load time, but its still a great game.
[quote name='chrislisting']what made u trade it? $35 right?[/QUOTE]
I paid $32 shipped from the hastings screwup and that played into trading it in. The single player absolutely sucked, the AI had to be the worst I have ever played with. Lots of little things in the SP that bugged me too like the mystery grenades and sudden death syndrome that my guy seemed to suffer from. Not to mention I beat it on my first playthrough in under 4hrs, 2nd play was about 6hrs over two nights on a harder setting, but I was trying to get some trophies and that added to the time.

Multiplayer was pretty fun but just not worth keeping the game for if I could break even on a trade in. Maybe after they expand on the MP (more maps/modes) and fix the issues (lobby and random drops)a bit I might rebuy it. I already have BF2, Medal of Honor, KZ3 and now Crysis to keep my MP life busy and those games are all much better than this one in just about every aspect in my mind. It sucks though because I really wanted this game to be awesome, glad I got it 50% off.
theres a patch about to be relieased thatll fix all that: freezing, lobby server issues, recrod reset, party loading, everything. it should be out very soon. for 32 bucks i woulda held on to it man. i mean u broke even but unless u hated it i woulda kept it.

please tell us more about crysis 2 gameplay and what the multiplayer is like if you can
I haven't encountered a level reset or a hard freeze yet. I'm crossing my fingers that I don't encounter these issues.
[quote name='chrislisting']not a lot of people got this game hiuh? or too busy playin lol[/QUOTE]or trying to get into a game
Getting into a game is probably the hardest thing to do in this game. My has frozen three times trying to get into lobbies. When I do get into lobbies,it's either just me, or a couple people and the game won't start. No one joins so I have to quit and join again. Repeat this process. I haven't been able to play 1 match.
according to the website a patch should be issued shortly to fix all freeze, lobby, and party issues.

and the online is freakin excellent, totally underrated by all major review sites. thing is you have to (1) get used to/good at it and (2) give it a chance to find your best ability of play configuration. there is so much customization that it takes a while to see HOW you like to play, but once you do its so much fun. i actually like it more than battlefield now. BFBC2 is the only game that i can really say its similar to really.

a tip: dont wait in lobbies to play matches. back out right away if it says "Waiting for 3 players" or more. if its waiting for 1 or 2, youll begin shortly, but otherwise, back out and search for a new lobby and you should jump right into a match. i dont wait long at all by doing this.
[quote name='chrislisting']according to the website a patch should be issued shortly to fix all freeze, lobby, and party issues.

and the online is freakin excellent, totally underrated by all major review sites. thing is you have to (1) get used to/good at it and (2) give it a chance to find your best ability of play configuration. there is so much customization that it takes a while to see HOW you like to play, but once you do its so much fun. i actually like it more than battlefield now. BFBC2 is the only game that i can really say its similar to really.

a tip: dont wait in lobbies to play matches. back out right away if it says "Waiting for 3 players" or more. if its waiting for 1 or 2, youll begin shortly, but otherwise, back out and search for a new lobby and you should jump right into a match. i dont wait long at all by doing this.[/QUOTE]I did that for around an hour and I still couldn't get it. Hopefully they patch it soon!
They need to hurry up with the patch, this is just getting alittle bit frustrating by the moment, last nite actually i got to play a good decent matches but tonite is horrible.
I think a patch is essential. However, I think I read on the developer's forum that the long delays getting into games was caused by an insufficient amount of dedicated servers as well as some netcode issues.

The game is fun, but it's got a little way to go.
bread's done