Hour of Victory: Tour of Foreplay

I sent it back to shipwrack and I sent him a bad game from my collection. Good luck to the next sucker I mean luck person to play that game. I got to play some online and only could find people from France to play with. I cant believe the game didnt lag one bit with me playing with people from across the seas.

Add me to the list to any other tours.
[quote name='MikeydCT']I sent it back to shipwrack and I sent him a bad game from my collection. Good luck to the next sucker I mean luck person to play that game. I got to play some online and only could find people from France to play with. I cant believe the game didnt lag one bit with me playing with people from across the seas.

Add me to the list to any other tours.[/QUOTE]

Okay, it looks like I'm in charge of this thread while Ship is Wombating it up in NYC this weekend. Hour of Victory arrived safely this afternoon (along with some curtains from Pottery Barn :D) so I can send it out to the next person on the list. I think Ship's going to start another thread with just the destination photos. And yes, European gamers are allowed too!
[quote name='HotShotX']What's the status on this? Haven't heard anything in a while.


Game is with eliter1. I'll have a more detailed post up soon.
[quote name='shipwreck']Game is with eliter1. I'll have a more detailed post up soon.[/quote]

Yeah, I got the game today, my campus mail room lost it and couldn't find it. I played the game and so far so BAD. It is terrible. Possibly the worst game I have ever played. I was going to go to the beach and take a pic of the game there, but I am not sure since I have two finals Monday.
[quote name='eliter1']I played the game and so far so BAD. It is terrible. Possibly the worst game I have ever played.[/quote]

It has to be straight up broken to be worse than Sonic 2006.
Ok, I'm done with this POS. I played it and I HATE IT!! I was just going around killing everyone with a melee attack. I seemed to me invincible! But sometimes I was getting hit by magic bullets since there were no apparent enemies in sight. I could have played more but I have finals and my TV had to go.
Shipwreck, I dare you to play Sonic 2006. Having only played the demo for Hour of Victory, I think I can safely say that Sonic is by far much worse since an actual respected developer made it. It's really sad how it turned out since it could have been a decent game.
[quote name='Shady3011']Shipwreck, I dare you to play Sonic 2006. Having only played the demo for Hour of Victory, I think I can safely say that Sonic is by far much worse since an actual respected developer made it. It's really sad how it turned out since it could have been a decent game.[/quote]

I'm actually playing it now, it's not as bad as some might consider it, but GOD DAMN THE fuckING SUPER SPEED SECTIONS.

[quote name='HotShotX']I'm actually playing it now, it's not as bad as some might consider it, but GOD DAMN THE fuckING SUPER SPEED SECTIONS.


oh heck no.. that game sucks.. the graphics look worse then PS1 first gen and it has terrible controls.

oh yeah.. sign me up for this.. although i'm sure i'lm going to be far near the bottom of th elist.
[quote name='urzishra14']oh heck no.. that game sucks.. the graphics look worse then PS1 first gen and it has terrible controls.[/quote]

The cutscenes look nice though in game models look more like a first gen Xbox game than a 360 game. The controls are way more broken than you can possibly imagine.

Bah! I should just write a review for it. I'm hoping Unleashed will be a lot better though that shouldn't take much.

Also, where the game at, ship?
I just got the game today in the mail. Here's hoping my eyes dont fall out.

EDIT: Oh my god. After just watching the opening cutscene I see muddy graphics, bad lip synching, and mistakes in grammar, punctuation, and spelling in the subtitles. What have I gotten myself into? And why is the gun so big? It fills up half the fucking screen. And what's the point of being a sniper if you dont find ammo? And why would a sniper carry a grappling hook and why would he need one if there are ropes connected to roofs already? THIS GAME MAKES NO SENSE.
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[quote name='outlawmoogle']I just got the game today in the mail. Here's hoping my eyes dont fall out.

EDIT: Oh my god. After just watching the opening cutscene I see muddy graphics, bad lip synching, and mistakes in grammar, punctuation, and spelling in the subtitles. What have I gotten myself into? And why is the gun so big? It fills up half the fucking screen. And what's the point of being a sniper if you dont find ammo? And why would a sniper carry a grappling hook and why would he need one if there are ropes connected to roofs already? THIS GAME MAKES NO SENSE.[/QUOTE]

The point of the sniper is to be able to climb on roofs and make the game even more painful to play than the other two classes since you have less bullets and less health. But a hell of a grappling hook.
[quote name='outlawmoogle']I just got the game today in the mail. Here's hoping my eyes dont fall out.

EDIT: Oh my god. After just watching the opening cutscene I see muddy graphics, bad lip synching, and mistakes in grammar, punctuation, and spelling in the subtitles. What have I gotten myself into? And why is the gun so big? It fills up half the fucking screen. And what's the point of being a sniper if you dont find ammo? And why would a sniper carry a grappling hook and why would he need one if there are ropes connected to roofs already? THIS GAME MAKES NO SENSE.[/quote]

awesome, i look forward to the shittyness
Argh I hate this game. The stealth parts suck since the AI rarely notices you standing right in front of them. Your character wont reload the gun when it reaches 0 bullets unless you hit the trigger first, meaning you'll try to shoot at someone but will already be out of ammo. And what the hell is with this "stand still to heal" BS? Why can't it be like every other FPS and just heal as long as you aren't taking damage?
Wow, nearly 3 months into this and were only on the 3rd or so person? You gotta run a tighter ship around here, Shipwreck. :)

[quote name='HotShotX']Wow, nearly 3 months into this and were only on the 3rd or so person? You gotta run a tighter ship around here, Shipwreck. :)


Haha, yes I know. It was definitely my intention originally to just have whoever is finished with the game send it to the next person on the list, so maybe we can get that going now.

Hour of Victory in sunny Los Angeles (can you see the smog?). It's heading out to typeRJ tomorrow morning.
It was bound to happen. I had a feeling Hour of Victory would encroach on a big summer release. And I'm so right. It came today in the mail With two bonus strips of Super Mario stickers...thanks outlawmoogle! I'll leave one strip of the stickers in for the next person (LiK, I think).

And I'm dropping BF: Bad Company right now to play this (at the 2nd to last level on hard too!). Everyone who sees me on LIVE will probably be like "WTF?! BF:BC to Hour of Victory? Are you retarded?!"

I'm gonna start this today before SCIV hits tomorrow. We'll see where I'm at in a week. But I'm sure I'll be back on this thread to complain about something.
Ugh sorry for the delay. I just sent it out to LiK and he should have it by Thursday. Also sent my pics to Shipwreck.

I really tried to play a lot of this game but a few things:

-The tank level in the 2nd campaign mission SUCKS! And on Veteran, it's the most annoying level in the world. Even on Easy, I barely passed.
-Lost interest by the 3rd campaign. Very very generic game. Pretty easy up to this point besides that tank mission.
-Too many out of town trips prevented me from playing on the weekends.
-Huge storm and tornado warnings last Monday. I lost power from Monday night - Wednesday afternoon. Like I told LiK and Shipwreck: if the forces of nature won't let me play Hour of Victory, I dare not try again.

But the game is semi-enjoyable if you take it with a grain of salt. Or a few beers. Just don't take it seriously and it'll be frustratingly annoying fun...if that makes any sense.
[quote name='typeRJ']Ugh sorry for the delay. I just sent it out to LiK and he should have it by Thursday. Also sent my pics to Shipwreck.

I really tried to play a lot of this game but a few things:

-The tank level in the 2nd campaign mission SUCKS! And on Veteran, it's the most annoying level in the world. Even on Easy, I barely passed.
-Lost interest by the 3rd campaign. Very very generic game. Pretty easy up to this point besides that tank mission.
-Too many out of town trips prevented me from playing on the weekends.
-Huge storm and tornado warnings last Monday. I lost power from Monday night - Wednesday afternoon. Like I told LiK and Shipwreck: if the forces of nature won't let me play Hour of Victory, I dare not try again.

But the game is semi-enjoyable if you take it with a grain of salt. Or a few beers. Just don't take it seriously and it'll be frustratingly annoying fun...if that makes any sense.[/QUOTE]

Your pics are great. I'll get them up and arranged nicely with everyone else's tomorrow.
Im renting the game and going to boost online points for this so if the person with the game wants to join message me on live mikeydct
sorry, my fault. havent been in the mood to suffer through it yet. i'll be playing through it this weekend so i can get the Tour going again. i also need to take pics for the gallery but it's been raining every weekend so that wasn't done either.
Love the concept here, but alas, I have no 360. Now, if you had a crappy Wii game to pass around, I'd totally be in.
[quote name='HotShotX']Where is Hour of Victory currently? Wasn't I like, 5th in line?


still at my place. i'm gonna try to get through more of it this weekend. it's so shitty but the achievements are pretty easy. i'll try to play through it some more and send it to the next dude in the list, whoever it is.
[quote name='homeland']its a shame this didn't move as smoothly and fast as the avatar program.[/quote]

yea, sorry. i dont even know who's next on the list. i hope shippy comes back online soon.
bread's done