House party is back. Apply for two free PS3 Move controllers + more!

Maybe get a couple six foot heroes from Subway......and streamers....and during the middle of Singstar and them filming it, drop your pants for some Dick Slang meat propeller action.
[quote name='valo2027']Gonna put out the 15 foot bong if I win this one[/QUOTE]

Is that Billy Bong Thorton or Wesley Pipes?
[quote name='imamanwithaplan']yes, you do really have to host a party. i got in trouble for not hosting a party about a year ago. Dont apply if you dont plan to host[/QUOTE]
what happened to you?
I signed up... not sure if I want to win or not.. I normally sing in the car/shower.. I don't normally throw a party with people to show off my singing.. but damn it sucks being a CAG... I WANT MOVE TOO BAD!!!!!!!

Thanks OP! I signed up and would host a party. It'd be a great excuse to have some friends over and get some free PS stuff in the process!
I must be out of the loop... SingStar is a karaoke game, does the move controller act as a microphone? I can understand the EyeToy so that you show up on the screen, but are you supposed to wave your hands spastically dance with the move controller to play?

On a simpler note: if I get picked for this, I'm combining this with my Guy Fawkes party.
Signed up.

I have my friends over all the time anyway to play video games worst thing that could happen is we think the game sucks and we switch over to something else. I can throw the party but I can't control what my friends will think.
[quote name='digitaldragoon']I must be out of the loop... SingStar is a karaoke game, does the move controller act as a microphone? I can understand the EyeToy so that you show up on the screen, but are you supposed to wave your hands spastically dance with the move controller to play?

On a simpler note: if I get picked for this, I'm combining this with my Guy Fawkes party.[/QUOTE]
The set includes some Singstar Mics as well. I'm not sure how the Moves are used in the game though.
[quote name='doodofdoods']1st offenders just get a stern lecture from Slurms McKenzie.[/QUOTE]

*gasps* It's the original party worm!
I went through the whole survey, am willing to host a party, but when I got to the legal release and read it I decided not to. I didn't like that they can use your image, name, voice, etc., for any purpose that they want. I had a (possibly irrational) fear of a picture of me dancing appearing in a print ad for all the world to see. ;)
I signed up. If I get picked I'll host a party and have a blast. I have been wanting to have a karaoke party for a long time now. And there will be booze.
Im not a big fan of the idea that the "media" will come, for the simple fact that it would make it to where nobody would want to participate.
[quote name='lunasicc']Anyone remember what the legal agreement stated?[/QUOTE]
Your first-born is theirs, yada-yada-yada. ;)
I think the most objectionable part, to some, is the use of their image. If you agree to the terms, you have no input on how photos will be used. For me, this wouldn't be a problem because I'd have families with children at my party, so nothing really that embarrassing should occur at my home.
This of course is dependent on them sending a photographer or you choosing your own photos to send.
Hey i forgot to ask earlier , what if I end up hosting the party and no one can make it ?

and what do they mean by "the media" coming to my house ?
An old friend of mine did this and received it a week or two before it even came out. On top of that, he hasn't done the party thing and doesn't plan on doing it. Nothing has happened to him. I'm not telling people to NOT do the party thing. It's just if for some reason you can't, be it cause of your busy work schedule, or you have no friends. I don't think much will happen to you.
I got in on the PS Move house party last week. Since I was able to get 2 move controllers already, I'm gonna skip signing up for the singstar bundle.

Best of luck to the interested cags though~
Hey i forgot to ask earlier , what if I end up hosting the party and no one can make it ?

and what do they mean by "the media" coming to my house ?
[quote name='Byakurai']I got in on the PS Move house party last week. Since I was able to get 2 move controllers already, I'm gonna skip signing up for the singstar bundle.

Best of luck to the interested cags though~[/QUOTE]

Do you mind giving us a summary of what the process was like? Did they just send you the move package or did you have to do all sorts of other stuff to put together the party?
If by "party" you mean I'll take your free stuff, drink the coke, keep the Move controllers, and sell the Singstar stuff...

Yeah, I wouldn't mind throwing a party. :lol:

EDIT: By the way, where are all the witty tags? Come on, mods! :3
My wife and I throw parties every month or two, so if we have to throw a party for this, it wouldn't be too much trouble just to take a couple pictures of people playing with the move controllers and acting like they're enjoying the game.

If people are coming over to my house and annoying my neighbors, they will pose for pictures, whether they like it or not.
I signed up not sure how large of a party I can put together but I will at least make the effort out of good will. I think the programs are cool and I hope they continue them so I want to support the idea.
I have hosted a few of these before, they usually want invitations sent via email and the people usually confirm through the website (unless it has changed). Sometimes they want blogging or pictures posted online. They send pretty cool stuff most of the time, if you just want to get free stuff (which you do) and not do anything, you're screwing yourself as well as others.
What is the overall likelyhood of winning? I would assume from the responses that it isn't like hoping to win the lottery...
[quote name='fullcourt']What is the overall likelyhood of winning? I would assume from the responses that it isn't like hoping to win the lottery...[/QUOTE]

Yea is this more like a random winners thing or based on your little quiz/questinonary that we took? Anyone who has gotten in this, have you had tons of media background and thats why you were chosen?? thnx
bread's done