How are you guys Obtaining your 360 if Even

Even though you get a lot of stuff with the system, $400 is still too rich for my tastes. My options are:

1. Pepsi caps
2. Various other contests
3. Microsoft-employee relative snags one for me.
[quote name='Zoglog']Doesn't matter, as a moderater on a couple of forums you get tons of people breaking the rules all the time and it's a pain in the ass to keep moderating threads spamming these referral sites. I even had a guy tell me that they encouraged him to spam it everywhere. Spending a measly $340 to stand by my principles against pyramid scams seems like a small price to pay personally. I find the whole model disgusting and annoying. I hope somone shuts down this loophole that allows these crappy pyramid scams to become legal.

personally I think the whole system turns people into sleazy salesmen. now you have kids spamming boards and popular magazine sites with thier referral links instead of going out and getting a job and really earning that money to buy thier system. Pitiful.[/QUOTE]

While I understand your points, I also disagree with them. While you use the word "kids," you're referring to people who must have the capacity to use credit cards. I hope that I'm not soliciting people who are stealing their parents' cards, and I have both pity and disdain for those parents whose children might be using them with reckless abandon.

Second, there may be people spamming threads here and there. I won't argue that. Do you make it a regular habit to avoid engaging in activities that might constitute "forum spamming?" What else do you refrain from doing as a result? Do you stay away from eBay, or other resellers who post here? Some people consider that spam. It may be annoying to you, but not others; in the end, what is and is not spam is highly ambiguous.

Most of my points are merely rhetorical questions that point out how subjective your perspective is. You may have your points of view, but it isn't as if you somehow have impeccable scruples about things. The only question I would like a response to deals with the "legal loopholes" that allow pyramic schemes to exist. I'm not familiar with any prior laws seeking to outlaw such schemes, and I'm not familiar with the legal rationale for making them illegal. Perhaps you could enlighten me?
[quote name='mykevermin']While I understand your points, I also disagree with them. While you use the word "kids," you're referring to people who must have the capacity to use credit cards. I hope that I'm not soliciting people who are stealing their parents' cards, and I have both pity and disdain for those parents whose children might be using them with reckless abandon.

Second, there may be people spamming threads here and there. I won't argue that. Do you make it a regular habit to avoid engaging in activities that might constitute "forum spamming?" What else do you refrain from doing as a result? Do you stay away from eBay, or other resellers who post here? Some people consider that spam. It may be annoying to you, but not others; in the end, what is and is not spam is highly ambiguous.

Most of my points are merely rhetorical questions that point out how subjective your perspective is. You may have your points of view, but it isn't as if you somehow have impeccable scruples about things. The only question I would like a response to deals with the "legal loopholes" that allow pyramic schemes to exist. I'm not familiar with any prior laws seeking to outlaw such schemes, and I'm not familiar with the legal rationale for making them illegal. Perhaps you could enlighten me?[/QUOTE]

from the wikipedia "Although pyramid schemes have been declared illegal in many countries, they still persist in various forms. While schemes simply involving the blatant exchange of money have generally disappeared, many schemes persist that purportedly "sell" a product to mask the primary intention of simply enrolling new members; these are sometimes called "matrix schemes" or "multi-level marketing"."

So right now pyramid schemes are illegal in many different countries due to the principle that a majority of the people don't receive fullfillment on the promised item. That's how Gratis networks makes so much money because for every 1 person that has a 360 there are at least 8 people who DON'T. Sure you may have paid your referrers but i'm pretty sure you are a minority. The majority of people applying for this offers will spam thier friends/msg boards and wherever they can plug it in. And even if they do so only once, since so many people are doing it you end up with a whole army of spammers. For every 1 fullfilment you are potentially creating 8 spammers. Sure you might not have encouraged spamming directly but by supporting thier efforts you in turn are supporting thier cause.

Of course this is all ignoring the fact on what they potentially are doing with the vast amounts of personal information they are collecting.

There is a reason why Pyramid schemes are considered illegal since it prays on the unknowing like phishing or any other type of Scam. After all nothing in life is really free as they try to sell it. So as much as I am for saving money I don't think people should be using these methods to get luxury items for free.

Anyway this is an Xbox 360 forum so I don't really feel like discussing this since i'm more concerned about getting the damn console =p
bread's done