how are you supposed to deal with a broken heart?


8 (100%)
So today my girlfriend broke up with me. We've been dating for a year and a half. I'm 22 and I've never once found a girl I wanted to spend more than a month with until her. I know she felt the same way, she broke up with her boyfriend of two years for me. I've never dealt with this and I'm just crushed. A few months ago she asked if she could move in with me and I happily said yes. Now last night she broke up with me, an hour later she said she was stupid and came back and now today she made me go through this break up shit once again. Everything here is a constant reminder of her, I just can't handle this. I mean I moved my life around for her. I moved to this city to be with her because this is where she needed to be for her profession, I don't know a single person here except her. I haven't cried since i was little but today I have not stopped, this hurts far before I could ever imagine. I mean I thought this was the girl I was going to spend my life with, how the hell am I supposed to get over her? I don't know why I'm sitting on CAG typing this out I just don't know were else to go. I've never felt like this and as I'm on my 12th bear I just don't know. I've never been so lost in my life. If anyone can offer any insight on how you get over this shit I need it desperately.
Sorry to hear what you went through. I don't mean to be mean, but the fact that she ended a 2 year relationship to start one with you should have gave you a glimpse of the type of person she is. I just don't think that's healthy for someone to go from one relationship directly to a new one. All I can say is time will heal everything. I've been there. I'm still going through it somewhat. There's been days when I couldn't stop crying, and I thought the world was coming to an end. It's not. It just feels like that. Soon, you'll realize that you're stronger than that and you can move on. I know this probably won't be of much help, but it does get better. Trust me. :)
This is why 3D girls are way more trouble than they're worth.

I dunno. Just go to sleep. Drinking away your pain only makes it worse because alcohol's a depressant. :X
you just need some time off, going home for a little bit or hanging with some friends could help. Maybe hooking up with some random floozy might make you feel a little better too.
I know how you feel man, but time does heal everything. Try and keep busy, the less time there is to think of her the better. That's the best advise I can give, don't leave yourself with time to think. Act, and if you continue to do, it will end up helping you in one way or another.

Once agian, sorry to hear about your troubles mate.
Thanks to anyone that helped. I knew smartass comments were a coming but it's nice to see some people helping. I never thought I'd be in this situation and it fucking sucks so thanks to some people.
[quote name='exileinoblivion']Thanks to anyone that helped. I knew smartass comments were a coming but it's nice to see some people helping. I never thought I'd be in this situation and it fucking sucks so thanks to some people.[/quote]

Just take it in stride, I'd go play some games to be honest. Anything to take away thought. :) Like I said, don't let there be time to think about her.
[quote name='Trollsmeesh']Just take it in stride, I'd go play some games to be honest. Anything to take away thought. :) Like I said, don't let there be time to think about her.[/quote]

arent you 17? I dunno how much life advice someone who can't even grow a beard can give.
Not to be harsh, but if she just suddenly dropped you like that with no warning, she's probably already seeing someone else. Be prepared to find this out in the near future and decide now how you'll react when she inevitably tries to come back to you.
[quote name='pacifickarma']Not to be harsh, but if she just suddenly dropped you like that with no warning, she's probably already seeing someone else. Be prepared to find this out in the near future and decide now how you'll react when she inevitably tries to come back to you.[/QUOTE]

This. Wasn't trying to be an asshole when I said it.
[quote name='pacifickarma']Not to be harsh, but if she just suddenly dropped you like that with no warning, she's probably already seeing someone else. Be prepared to find this out in the near future and decide now how you'll react when she inevitably tries to come back to you.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='pacifickarma']Not to be harsh, but if she just suddenly dropped you like that with no warning, she's probably already seeing someone else. Be prepared to find this out in the near future and decide now how you'll react when she inevitably tries to come back to you.[/quote]

This as well, but dont get too hung up on her return, you'll just end up ruining future relationships. Move on plain and simple.
[quote name='exileinoblivion'] I know she felt the same way, she broke up with her boyfriend of two years for me. [/quote]
You never date the girl who breaks up with her current boyfriend to date you. Never.

[quote name='Ugamer_X']You never date the girl who breaks up with her current boyfriend to date you. Never.


Exactly. If she's willing to leave her boyfriend to be with you there's a great chance she'll be willing to leave you to be with the the next "you" that comes into her life.

That said, there's no easy way to get over a broken heart. You can try to drown away your sorrows with alcohol but that's only short term relief (at best) and can often make it even worse. You can try to play games or hanging out with others but it'll always be there, eating away in the back of your mind. Time is truly the only real way to get over someone but the amount of time needed varies greatly from person to person.

I feel sorry for what you're going through as does anyone else who's had their heart broken, it's truly no fun. Don't blame yourself, try to find a distraction, and you'll make it. The first few days/week is always the worst.

As Val Kilmer said in the vastly ignored movie Spartan:

"You're gonna take that fight to bed with you for a long time. You don't gotta do it all now."
[quote name='Scorch']First step.. gather up everything that reminds you of her and box it away or throw it out.[/quote]

Fire is also good.
[quote name='pacifickarma']Not to be harsh, but if she just suddenly dropped you like that with no warning, she's probably already seeing someone else. Be prepared to find this out in the near future and decide now how you'll react when she inevitably tries to come back to you.[/QUOTE]

let me be the 3rd or 4th person to say "THIS"

and yeah i agree with 1 of the people above me.....dont even let her comeback.

let your emotions hang out and when its, over pick yourself up again, chill with some mates or a mate you can really vent with back home...and you may feel a ton better.

oh yeah agreed with Scorch. Chuck her shit out or pack it ASAP! or you will never get over her.
Ive gone through this kind of crap as well. I got over it. One day months and months from now (probably more or less for you) youre gonna wake up in the morning and realize that life is good. youll get over her. until then listen to alot of these guys. im surprised. those are some good pointers. i feel your pain man
dont listen to any music you like. theres songs i still cant stand hearing because of a chick who i got hurt by. i hate creed to this day for that reason.

and yeah like they said if she left a guy for you then it was gonna happen sooner or later to you. you will get over it just find something to keep your mind occupied and to keep busy with. if that doesnt help find her sister or best friend and fuck the shit out of them.
[quote name='rockslasthope']Ive gone through this kind of crap as well. I got over it. One day months and months from now (probably more or less for you) youre gonna wake up in the morning and realize that life is good. youll get over her. until then listen to alot of these guys. im surprised. those are some good pointers. i feel your pain man[/QUOTE]


Definitely try and stay busy even though that might be hard not knowing anyone in the area. Don't sit around the house moping all the time, it'll drive you nuts.
You said you moved there for her. Do you have a job holding you down to that area? If not, is it feasible to move? Try moving back to your hometown or maybe even somewhere new... a clean slate, a new start. Go out and meet people and find that next girl. It sucks... we know. It'll continue to suck for quite a while. All you can do is take it in stride and try to keep your mind off of it until the memories just start to fade on their own. Depending on your attachment, that could take anywhere from a couple of days to many months. Just take things one day at a time. :cry:
Find a hobby to get your mind off of her. You already play games, so that's a start. Don't drown your sorrows in booze, because you'll have a broken heart and a hang-over to boot.

Meet some other people, join a club and don't, under any circumstances, take the ho back if she comes crawling back to you.

You're gonna get some harsh suggestions here, but the best thing to do is move the fuck on.

Also, don't take it out on the bears. They never did anything to you.
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Get as far away from her as you can. As everyone else has stated, girls who drop relationships to date somebody else are unstable as hell. It doesn't work. It may appear to be going perfect, but as an unstable person she could drop you at any second. Its better to phase these type of girls out of your life before you get stuck in an unstable relationship where you wonder everyday if she's gonna leave you.
You're 22, most people don't meet the person they'll spend their life with that early these days.

It's going to hurt for a while, best you can do is try to get away from her as best you can (minimize contacts, put away pictures etc. It will get better with time, you'll be over her and ready to date again and meet someone who's more right for you.
[quote name='WeaponX2099']Listen to some bee-gees. Especially Emotion. You'll like that.[/QUOTE]

+ "How Deep is Your Love?" = something not very good. And something I strongly recommend.
[quote name='mykevermin']
+ "How Deep is Your Love?" = something not very good. And something I strongly recommend.[/quote]

Good first songs to a break-up while singing drunkenly. But he won't last that long, because Jameson is strong as fuck.
Basically, find something else to put your mind at work like a hobby or family/friends. However, there's going to be times when you're alone and you can't avoid it, and it will hurt. One day you may feel better and a situation like that makes it come all back. You can't fight it with reason, you just have to let it pass. You'll get through it eventually and be a better man for it.
[quote name='WeaponX2099']Good first songs to a break-up while singing drunkenly. But he won't last that long, because Jameson is strong as fuck.[/QUOTE]

Jameson = break-up glue.
Man the fuck up. My fiance left in January after almost three years of living together. It's fine to mope for a week or two but pick yourself up, drink some, hook up with someone you shouldn't, and generally move the fuck on. Find a healthy hobby to distract yourself and by all means get out of the house every weekend whether you think it's gonna be a fun night or not.
lol, after seeing the Jameson, i thought i would see some saying 'Captain (Morgan) Orders'. i would suggest something , but all the good ideas have been posted already.
just a few comments:
Nothing hurts a girl more than seeing your a doing great.
Which will make her want to get back with you. But i would never take her back, if she breaks up with me, or i break up with her, i would never take her back, if she wants to get back. If i want to get back then i would only tell her once how i feel, and hope for the best.
okay dude... this is the only thing i recommend.

work out like a motherfucker. work all the fucking shit out until you are too exhausted to even think about it

secondly... it will take about 2-3 months of moping around (and it will hurt like hell)...but then one day you will suddenly wake up... and you wont care about her anymore
Put her picture on a punching bag

Play cod 4 think every player is her. Your game will improve.

Bang her friends

Take pictures of you banging her friends

bang her mom

take pictures of you banging her mom

One of these should help you out.
[quote name='billyrox']
work out like a motherfucker. work all the fucking shit out until you are too exhausted to even think about it

Good advice.
1) Jogging
2) Kick a punching bag
3) Bike riding
4) When your boss/rich friend offers to take you to the strip club...go.
After your explanation of her "yo-yo" act of dumping you, coming back, then dumping you again... I say have NO contact with her, at all. No texts, emails, phone calls nothing. Delete her #, change yours, delete any possible means of contact with her. It is tough to do, but it's sound advice. It's possible she has someone else because hey, at one point in time YOU were that someone else. Let her go through her own shit, issues and ups and downs. Just don't be there for her when she does. Get your own self together, do what is best for you, and do whatever you can to take your mind off of her. Random chicks and alcohol won't help...
bread's done