How BAD is Turok?


Is it worth $2 preplayed? Because the one on N64 seemed pretty fun.

What's everyone's gripe with it?
Just get it. It might be worth $2. It just has dated graphics, horrible clipping with the environment and weird walls made of plants that basically make the game very linear by limiting exploration. Enjoy. Oh, and keep in mind I was being overly nice to the game.
I don't think it's *that* bad. I've been playing FPS for years and it's definitely not the worst. The first few stages are probably the most boring, but the game really does pick up later in the game. Yes, the flying stages are as bad as people say, but the rest of the game really isn't all that horrible.
[quote name='batman2million']dun't waste ur 2 bucks on it..its not really worth it...[/quote]

I'm just curious as to exactly how much entertainment a video game must offer to be worthy of a lousy $2 investment, in your opinion. If only the cream of the crop (at $20, $30, $40 or even $50 a pop) is worth buying in your opinion, then I can't imagine your gaming dollars stretch very far. Sometimes an average or even below average game can be a good investment on a per cost basis, and since we're talking a complete game for a mere $2, your standards appear a bit high.
I tried to give the poor game a chance. I tried it thinking "It can't really be all that bad, can it?" Well I should have listened to what everybody was saying.

The thing is, I can't really even put my finger on what makes it so bad. I just really did not enjoy any of the time I spent with it.

For $2, I'd say go for it. If nothing else, you can have a good time making fun of it.
it's definately worth $2... (almost any game is). It's nowhere near as good as the N64 turok games, but it's very enjoyable later on in the game (the first few levels suck). I thoroughly enjoyed playing it, especially since I got it very cheap.
[quote name='MaxBiaggi3']I'm just curious as to exactly how much entertainment a video game must offer to be worthy of a lousy $2 investment, in your opinion. [/quote]

Keep in mind that a game costs time as well as money. If a game is really bad, I'm not going to want to play it even if it's free. Why waste your time on a bad game when you could be playing a good game instead?

And I haven't played Turok so I can't comment on it.
[quote name='Amanda the Red Mage']Keep in mind that a game costs time as well as money. If a game is really bad, I'm not going to want to play it even if it's free. Why waste your time on a bad game when you could be playing a good game instead?

And I haven't played Turok so I can't comment on it.[/quote]

Eh, the more games I have on my shelf the better. "Padding" for $2 isn't that bad!
I bought this game for $6-7 at the KB sale, and I really don't think its that bad, like WSB said. For $2 its a steal.

Get some buddies along and try the deathmatch/Turokmatch. Its not any good, but its funny as hell. It's 2 bucks for Cheapy's sake... you're paying for a gaming experience, not some life-changing miracle. For a unique experience, its worth it in my opinion.
i rented the game I thought it was a solid fps untill i got to the flying missions.........first flying mission and i shut it off and returned it.

first stage while linear arent all that bad overall i think the games down fall was that it seemed like they got the game 80% done then just released it
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']My question is, where are you finding this game for 2$ preplayed?[/quote]

And Gamecube was the version I meant. That's why I posted it here.
I tried to give the game a chance...but it wasn't a really thought out game. The games has long load times, bland game play, the analog controls sucks which makes the game harder than it should be...and the way the game saves between levels sucks, making it so that you have to repeat large parts of levels just to resume where you once left off.

I got sick of the game and haven't tried the I don't know if that's anygood. I don't even remember if it has multiplayer mode...haha...I haven't touched that game in years.
like most things in life, this can easily be solved using basic math.

a brand spankin' new $50 copy of ninja gaiden (or whatever high quality game you are itching to get your hands on) provides a certain amount of fun that we'll call X.

since Turok is only 1/25 of that price, then it only should have to provide 1/25 of that fun. so Turok = 1/25X. (you can also use this equation for any game, really. FFXI = 2X and so on...

so think of it this way. consider the best possible game you would spend $50 on. then divide that game by 25. would u still want to purchase, or even bother playing that game? no.

for example, approx 1/25 of ninja gaiden consists killing jerks on horses. now imagine if this were the entire game...THAT is what Turok is.
A response to the original question in a word: Very.
However, IMO, any game is worth $2. Except Pen Pen TriIceLon for the Dreamcast (which I stupidly purchased at one point)
[quote name='alongx']A response to the original question in a word: Very.
However, IMO, any game is worth $2. Except Pen Pen TriIceLon for the Dreamcast (which I stupidly purchased at one point)[/quote]

I paid 3 bucks (!) for it without manual or case. I played it like twice and put it away. Its a bad game, but not in the Turok sense of the word.
Its like HALO, but with a lot more variety and fun in singleplayer. The multiplayer sucks, though, and you can NOT customize the controls.

Overall, buy it, but its just a slightly above average shooter, like HALO.

And it has long loading times.
[quote name='Quackzilla']Its like HALO, but with a lot more variety and fun in singleplayer.


Overall, buy it, but its just a slightly above average shooter, like HALO.[/quote]

Biggest.Moron.EVER. :roll:
It's not hate, I was just voicing my opinion as well. But c'mon, you have to admit, anyone who puts Turok: Evolution over Halo is mentally deficient.
my question is... ur friend obviously doesnt like this game... y charge $2.. y not just GIVE it to u... just seems kinda retarded
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']It's not hate, I was just voicing my opinion as well. But c'mon, you have to admit, anyone who puts Turok: Evolution over Halo is mentally deficient.[/quote]

No, it's my opinion.

I don't like Halo because of the sup-par gameplay (the second half of the game is literally a copy and past job of about 20 rooms and hallways arranged differently, and all you fight are really dumb "zombies"). Also, the netcode is the worst I have seen since C&C Renegade.

Oh, and spoilers about the second half of Halo.
I have game for gamecube and it was good and I think it's really good.Then I got it for the x-box because the cd broke somehow anyway, it was avery good game like halo.
[quote name='P0ldy']Is it worth $2 preplayed? Because the one on N64 seemed pretty fun.

What's everyone's gripe with it?[/quote]

Can someone name something that's not worth $2? besides poop that is :D .

The game its self wasn't horrible, just mediocre. Horrible framerate, dated graphics and boring level designs come tgether to make a really boring sequal. For the rcord, I kinda liked the first 2 (especially the first stage in part 2), even though part 2 was basically un-playable without the expantion pack.
If you're talking about Turok Evolution, I wouldn't hesitate to pick up the game for $2 used. There's a lot worse out there. Evolution wasn't a terible game, but it really did nothing to advance the series forward. It still pretty much felt like the same game since 1997. It's frustrating, though when you die a lot and have to endure those long load times.

For $2, why not? It's cheaper than a rental, and you get to keep it as long as you like.
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