How Circuit City Ruined My Weekend - A long short story by billg

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[quote name='Brian9824']How would you resolve it? The employee's + manager both said the same thing and he refused to listen to it. Theres nothing they can do if he already has the answer he wants and refuses to listen to it. He is the one who wanted to speak to the DM because he didnt like the answer he got. What were they supposed to do, say No so he can come here and bitch about that?[/quote]

I'd have given him the DM's information. Let him complain himself out, if you know you're in the right. And then he could have refused to listen to him too.

There could be some part of this equation that we're missing. That the DM knows exactly what's happened and he just doesn't want to speak to the OP.
Except the DM probably doesnt want his info given out. I know where i work if people have complaints they have to follow the way the system works and leave a documented trail showing what they have done. If the DM's answered every call from an angry person they couldn't do any work. They have to go thru a weeding process eliminating complaints that are beneath his scope.

If not by the same logic the DM should be giving out the info to the CEO so he can call him at home and complain.

I'll also agree that a Moderator needs to remove this from the front page. I don't think CheapyD realized this guy was so wrong when he made this rant. It's embarrasing to CAG to have this on the front page
This is all your fault, I could definitely see this story flipped around, and everyone would have seen it from Lawrence, Frank, or Tim's perspective. Then you would of looked like the collassal idiot. Maybe I'll type it up when I get home from work.

Regardless, your "wit" that you insert to the story made it somewhat enjoyable, but it was clear it was a cheap ploy to rally the troops to your side. Your problem is that you see CC as one large entity. I clearly saw an HQ staff completely and at will give indidividual stores complete autonomy. You said the woman asked them to change their prices to the correct amount. ASKED THEM not told them ASKED THEM. I'm not even sure if your account of the Black Friday DS is even accurate.

In fine print you constantly see that stores have options to manage themselves. Frank the DM manages several CC's. Frank is paying for the CC name and HQ supplies them with everything they need. Portions of profits go back to HQ but every CC is not representative of the CC organization. It might appear that way, but management is smart enough to recognize the loop holes.

You wasted an enormous amount of time on nothing. Store 700 isn't going to replace staff. Why? Because Frank's team probably finished 5% ahead of sales, and it takes lots of money and time to fire someone. You know how hard it is to fire someone when they have positive stats.

Your going about this the completely wrong way. You see yourself as an individual, but your not recruiting others. Class Action lawsuits succeed because they find commonalities among the people. Your not looking for allies, your looking for pity and sympathy. Everyone on this site will shop at CC if they offer a game for cheap.

You need to find people who hate CC as much as you do. Or, you need to look at capitalism as a whole and dismantle the whole structural system. You have tunnel vision, and you need to start thinking about yourself as a consumer and why your in this whole situation. You make a choice to be a consumer in a capitalist society, and this is a result of that choice. Capitalism is competition. You have millions of retail stores out there. You just pick one.

No one has to budge. Businesses aren't under governmental control (Thank God, btw super biased opinion as a libertarian). They are not subject to a system of morals. They don't have to be in a free market. You have zero rights as a consumer. A good business will recognize this and then attempt to confuse you into thinking you do have them.

These points need to be discussed otherwise your argument is shit.

THX GG NO re son
[quote name='xrayzwei']To all of the guys that said they used to work in retail, talking about how wrong this guy is, and how he would have been an abandoned cutomer if he had come in your store: you're the problem. Everyone should expect a high level of customer service even on the busiest shopping day of the year. Many of the OTHER items customers buy that day are not sold at a loss like many doorbusters, so every customer is potential profit. I also worked in retail, and can say when I worked black friday in my stores, I bent over backwards for people and was successful in providing good customer service. billg's issues mostly stem from crappy service; regardless of pricing or sales or coupons.

As for everyone saying this store or that store is good or bad (or I would say many of you are saying 'company' or 'corporate'), it changes from location to location plain and simple. I recently had a very good experience at a CC lately with some issues similar to above, and will more than likely return to that store (Columbia, MO), but can't get over the service I get at my local BB.[/QUOTE]

You can not expect employees getting paid as little as they do to "bend over backwards" for you on black friday. Maybe where you live there is little traffic, but here there are over 1000 people lined up at Best Buy before they open and are packed full all day. Employees just do not have the time. The OP was asking for stuff above and beyond what is allowed on black friday, He wanted the DS for the sale price after the sale was over, and a substitution on a product that is out of stock which is not allowed either. Black Friday sales are first come first serve.

If you want to sleep in and come to the store later, be prepared for items to be out of stock or no longer on sale.
Good read. The anti CC attitude lately has probably helped it get to the front page... I remember not to long ago BB considered CAG as devil customers and there was a supposed boycott there as well... We can all see how long that truly lasted.

I will admit though they must have some HUGE shrink issues. This just happened to me on the week of 11/12/07:

I found a TV on sale at a store that was about 65 miles from me. Ordered it online while CC ran a 10% off TV's if ordered online, and picked up in store promo. I went to get it the next day, which when I left it was still showing in stock online at that store (after my purchase had been completed mind you).

I drove the 65 miles one way, got there and was checked out and told to pull my car out front... 30 minutes later I walked back in to get my $24 gift card and throw a complaint. Literally everyone was unsure why no one came to tell me they couldn't find the TV, and that their inventory was off. It must have been way off, as they still showed one beyond the one they sold me.

They did a quick look up and "special ordered" me one. It was going to be delivered free of charge to my house the following Tuesday. I waited until Tuesday afternoon and called to confirm, as well as suggest I meet them about 25 miles closer. I was at work, and it would save them some time. Needless to say the TV didn't come in.

My person asked to place me on hold while she called another store, that was about the same distance and showed it in stock. Shortly she came back and said I was all set to go get it. They had physically located the TV and put my name on it.

I waited 1 day, as I was not able to make it another 35 miles from my work that evening. Literally the next afternoon I made my way down there. They again told me to hold on why they searched for my TV. Shortly they came back and said they couldn't find it. I was beyond pissed at this point haven driven 125 miles the previous Saturday, and now driving 35 miles out of my way and looking at a 55-60 mile drive home empty handed.

The Store Manager came out quickly and apologized... just as they found the TV. My TV had been opened the day before (the day they had 'put my name on it') and put on display. It was also the wrong display as my TV was not even labeled correctly. Their excuse was that the store employee had misread the product number.

Quickly the store manager had said that I would get a '$50-$100' price adjustment for it being opened box. The other option was to buy one with a built in DVD player at a reduced price. I made my decision that since it had literally only been on the floor for 1 day that I would purchase that TV, and not risk it with a combo unit.

After 20 minutes or so with the check out person she started to get the price figured out. I was trying to help her, so I mentioned that now the price had dropped on their site by another $40 from what I paid (before coupon) and that I wanted to tell her as early as possible to avoid any problems. She claimed no problem, jumped online and verified the price had indeed dropped.

When it was all said and done they lowered my total price by $55. I was a bit confused initially as I thought I made it clear I wanted the $40 price adjustment. She claimed that it was there. I argued that $15 for an "open Box" item didn't match what the store manger told me. She claimed she does not control open box items and that after she reduced the price by $40 and then opened box it that it only showed the $15 savings.

Needless to say I was very unhappy. I now get to risk bringing the TV home without a box, as well as having a receipt that claims my item was 'open' and 'a potentially serviced' unit. This is not an issue for me, but if I decide to sell the item and upgrade at a later date I am sure it would reduce said resale value.

I get the TV and they quickly wrapped it in bubble tape. I seatbelt it into the car, and decide I had better call the first store and talk my Jamie who had been so helpful about the open box price.

In short she claimed that the $15 didn't seem sufficient, and that she didn't know fore sure but thought the discount would be bigger. I did go back to the store, and failed to get anywhere with my time.

The whole experience left a bad taste in my mouth. I am now approaching the 15 day mark (I have 30 days) and am probably going to be bringing the TV back.
[quote name='Brian9824']Except the DM probably doesnt want his info given out. I know where i work if people have complaints they have to follow the way the system works and leave a documented trail showing what they have done. If the DM's answered every call from an angry person they couldn't do any work. They have to go thru a weeding process eliminating complaints that are beneath his scope. [/quote]

I agree. I guess what I mean is that I'd contact the DM if it got to the point it's at now and let them decide whether or not they want to deal with it.

I also agree that this is ridiculous that this is on the front page.
Sad story, but I'm not surprised. Here's my own summarized account from 2006:

1) Black Friday Sony 50" HDTV Unadvertised special (from website): $1,079.99 instead of $1,999.99 retail, or $1,399.99 weekly special.

2) Showed up 12:30am, about #35 in line, print-out of online special in hand.

3) Approved for Circuit City Chase card in-store at 5:40am, scouted out in-store checkout for TV line while I was at it.

4) They let us in, complete chaos. A crowd of 30 more from the parking lot bum rush us as the doors open. I slip by on the inside right and beeline it to the TV line, in third place. Good thing, as each person took 10-15 minutes to check out and there was a hundred more behind me.

5) Unadvertised price doesn't ring up. Print-out ignored, same old story. I buy it anyway with hopes of getting it fixed later.

6) I go home, see it listed on the website. In fact, I can buy it right then for in-store pick-up at the $1,079.99 price. I call corporate. They are so happy to adjust my purchase price for me. By my second credit card statement it should be fixed.

7) Come January, it's still wrong. I call corporate. Oh, they're sorry. It'll be fixed now.

8) February, not fixed. I finally get someone with a clue at corporate that says the prior fixes were invalidated by the store manager. I need to go there to fix it.

9) I go in-store and explain what happened. They argue with each other about why I should be screwed, but logic prevails and they decide to fix it. I get a $220 plus tax credit on my card. TONS of relief.

10) Meanwhile Chase decided to reject my first credit payment I made online 7 days before the due date, giving me notice 14 days AFTER the due date. This would invalidate my 0% financing for 18 months and give my credit report its first black eye.

11) I resolved this over the phone with Chase and from then on I pay in-store by check.

I have done much better so far at Best Buy. They have their hiccups but their employees adhere to some pretty good policies and the people that have been there a while are pretty nice. I always take my CC and Target fliers to BB and price match there. Of course Amazon, NewEgg, and kick all their asses.
[quote name='Snake2715']Great article glad it made it to the front page. The anti CC attitude lately has probably helped it get there... I remember not to long ago BB considered CAG as devil customers and there was a supposed boycott there as well... We can all see how long that truly lasted.

I will admit though they must have some HUGE shrink issues. This just happened to me on the week of 11/12/07:

I found a TV on sale at a store that was about 65 miles from me. Ordered it online while CC ran a 10% off TV's if ordered online and picked up in store promo. I went to get it the next day, which when i left it was still showing in stock online at that store (after my purchase had been completed mind you).

I drove the 65 miles one way, got there and was checked out and told to pull my car out front... 30 minutes later I walked back in to get my $24 gift card and throw a complaint. Literally everyone was unsure why no one came to tell me they couldn't find the TV, and that their inventory was off.

They did a quick look up and "special ordered" me one. It was going to be delivered free of charge to my house the following Tuesday. I waited until Tuesday afternoon and called to confirm, as well as suggest I meet them about 25 miles closer as i was at work, and it would save them some time. Needless to say the TV didn't come in.

My person asked to place me on hold while she called another store, that was about the same distance and showed it in stock. Shortly she came back and said it was all set to go get it. They had physically located the TV and put my name on it.

I waited 1 day, as I was not able to make it another 35 miles from my work that evening. Literally the next afternoon I made my way down there. They again told me to hold on why they searched for my TV. Shortly they came back and said they couldn't find it. I was beyond pissed at this point haven driven 125 miles the previous Saturday, and no driving 35 miles out of my way and looking at a 55-60 mile drive home empty handed.

The Store Manager came out quickly and apologized... just as they found the TV. My TV had been opened the day before (the day they had 'put my name on it') and put on display. It was also the wrong display as my TV was not even labeled correctly. Their excuse was that the store employee had misread the product number.

Quickly the store manager had said that I would get a '$50-$100' price adjustment for it being opened box. I made my decision that it had literally only been on the floor for 1 day (there floor labels were even showing a 11/13/07 date (the day before I was there).

After 20 minutes or so with the check out person she started tog et the price figured out. I was trying to help her, so I mentioned that now the price had dropped on their site by another $40 from what I paid (before coupon) and that I wanted to tell her as early as possible to avoid any problems. She claimed no problem, jumped online and verified the price had indeed dropped.

When it was all said and done they lowered my total price by $55. I was a bit confused initially as I thought I made it clear i wanted the $40 price adjustment. She claimed that was there. I argued that $15 for an "open Box" item didn't match what the store manger told me. She claimed she does not control open box items and that after she reduced the price by $40 and then opened box it that it only showed the $15 savings.

Needless to say I was very unhappy. I now get to risk bringing the TV home without a box, as well as having a receipt that claims my item was 'open' and 'a potentially serviced' unit. This is not an issue for me, but if I decide to sell the item and upgrade I am sure it would reduce said resale value.

I get the TV and they quickly wrapped it in bubble tape. I seatbelt it into the car, and decide I had better call the first store and take my Jamie who had been so helpful about the open box price.

In short she claimed that the $15 didn't seem sufficient, and that she didn't know fore sure but thought the discount would be bigger. I did go back to the store, and failed to get anywhere with my time.[/quote]

Your comparing two totally different things though. Your problem is rightly justified.

His problem is going into a store during black friday sale and trying to get them to give him an offer that ended 6 hours ago and was listed what times it was good for on the front of the ad. You have a valid complaint, he was just being an ass.

and FYI for inventory on small items like thumb drives its so easy to misplace them. Just put them in a cart, walk around and decide you don't want em and put em down somewhere else. They arent sold so they show as being available but they arent on the shelf. Thats not the employee's fault as they can't find every piece of misplaced merchandise, its physically impossible.
I was at first all excited to read the article since it made it to the front page. I had visions of injustices and maybe even being thrown out of the store over a simple misunderstanding. But instead I read through a long drawn out bitch session from a snot nosed little brat who is upset he couldn't get his way and is now just whining to everyone he can find.

I have to start with you didn't wait at the front of the store! That's where he left you why the heck would you leave? I live in Canada and even I know how nuts the stores must have been how would he have been able to find you when you wonder off. Thats your own stupid fault.

You do know that you were buying sale items right? Not only sale items but the uber OMG sale items that everyone else wanted too right? No duh they aren't going to give you something else that isn't on sale. Guess what if a 40 inch TV was on sale but was sold out they wouldn't have given you a different 40 incher for your troubles.

Your dumbass coupon probably wouldn't have worked anyway SINCE THERE WAS A SALE! Man I wish you could have gotten the items just so you could have gotten to the till and then been told no. I would have loved to be a customer and I would have told you off.

I think everyone should have to work in retail for at least a year. Then they would be able to see what it's like on slow days when there is only one customer in the store and you are counting the tiles on the floor because there is nothing to do and you just don't notice the person right in front of you. They'd see what it's like to try and take a break when you've already been told you have to and are just heading to the back when a customer stops you with a list of questions a mile long that isn't even your department. They would see what its like when you are already helping someone else and some self-righteous jerk thinks their time is more important than the first person you're helping. They would be able to know what it's like on sale day, especially near the end of it, when your brain feels like it is oozing out of your ear and you chat with a friend for a minute or two since you don't see anyone looking for help and you want to try and keep your sanity. They would understand the feeling when a customer comes up to you and gets upset because something is sold out, as if you had something to do with it.

One final word on this. It's not the companies fault it sold out. Believe me everyone would be a lot happier if every items was always in stock where it should be but that doesn't happen. Sale items always sell out at good prices, deal with it.
I agree with all the people saying that billg is taking this out of hand.

-There is a specific sale for a DS, specifically stated as a doorbuster. OP did not arrive at store until at least after 5 p.m.
-The coupon specifically states restrictions. The only thing holding him back from purchasing certain items was because the total price did not hit his target price to use that coupon (also, the fact that some of the items he wanted would have contradicted the restrictions). If it were not for that coupon, the outcome would be different.
-Price adjusting isn't as simple for managers to just say "oh, ok, let me take money off this other product for you just because we don't have one. They have to exaplin the lost of money for a certain sale, and the reason stated previously is not the best of reasons. Also, this is a retail establishment, not ment for bargaining, which is what price adjusting is.
-It was black friday. There are so many people who pick things up, leave them in their carts, or put them back on the nearest shelf when they decide they don't want it. Employees cannot suddenly track down misplaced items. I doubt anyone would be able to find a misplaced package for a thumb drive among the mess of a black friday sale. At least the employee had the initiative and the sense to change the stock information.

But yes, some employees did mistreat you. In their defense though, they did make an attempt to help you. When you could not find a drive, the associate checked inventory, and did not simply say "Yes, we have them" and leave you be. He went to the back and checked. When they were not found, he came back and let you know. The only thing he could have done then, is to look through the entire store for misplaced drives, assuming they weren't stolen; which would have been an unreasonable request.
[quote name='Brian9824']Except the DM probably doesnt want his info given out.[/QUOTE]

Bullshit. Or, he doesn't need to be a DM.

Part of a DM's job is to handle complaints that can't be handled at the store level, and keep them from escalating further up the chain. Most times, when people refuse to hand out DM information, they know they've done something wrong.

The employees know that they handled it wrong, and they don't want the DM to have to chew their asses out. While the employees may have done everything right as far as price-matching policies go, they need a serious refresher course in how to be diplomatic with the customer.

I don't give retailers slack for Black Friday weekend, either. I understand people getting bent out of shape at the earliest convienence (and saw it myself, but when someone has a legitimate complaint, then the matter needs to be addressed like it's any other day. They should have looked online and saw the USB drive if it was still showing in-stock. If it was, the store manager has the authority to give him a $24 GC, making the purple drives basically the same price. This would have worked in everyone's favor: he gets some padding on his coupon, and the charity would have still gotten it's money.

Now, it's totally his fault for not reading the coupon or having the ability to realize when a sale was over. But should CC be absolved of having this poor service that I've seen first-hand, and so many others have? No. It's endemic to the company, it's like they train employees how to be absolute dicks. They constantly employ bait-and-switch marketing tactics, there's usually no employees to be found, and they constantly try to get out of selling you something for a price advertised.

I always thought that Best Buy was bad about PRP items and never being able to find anyone, but Circuit City as a whole has them beat by a mile.
You know, having been a store director for a retail outlet, I can honestly say that if any of my customers had ever been treated like this (and they were) I'd shit. The one time it did happen, the guy was fired on the spot.

OP knows what he's talking about, and this has long since stopped being about the items. It's about the lack of respect the customer has been given. Stores can't make themselves better if they don't know where they need to improve.. And they don't know where to improve if people don't speak up.

Half the people posting in this thread about "whine whine whine" have no idea what they're talking about, and have most likely never been on the other side of things. Being a retail employee sucks, but if you treat the customer like shit, you're going to get written up/fired. Stores are nothing without their customers. We're not paying to go in, but we're certainly paying their salaries by buying their inventory.

I respect billg's methods, and think he's doing the right thing. Hopefully corporate will come down even slightly on store 700, and things will change, but don't hold your breath. For those of you who think he's just whining though, I think you need to go get sodomized. Then you'll know what whining really is.
[quote name='rodeojones903']I can not believe this bitchfest made the front page.[/QUOTE]

Especially when the OP is in the wrong.

**FIXED** - Re-read Bill's OP, and instead of being pretty much in the wrong, he was fully in the wrong. Don't go to a store being unreasonable and expect them to cater to you.
Except what lack of respect in the store did he even mention? All he said was that they didn't have the thumb drives on the shelf and had no way of knowing where they were in the middle of black friday sale.

They stopped and took the time to check the back but the guy wasn't where he waited and he didn't have time to track him down in a busy store.

When he went back they refused to give him a promotional price that he wasnt entitled too. Don't see ANY mention of them being rude except possibly at the end when he didnt give out the DM's info.
[quote name='billg']t.

As it was soon time for me to make dinner, I finished my call. I then set out to continue to post this information in as many highly-visible places as I could. Indeed, this writing has gone up on several sites, been sent to the Better Business Bureau, and will find its way to the Attorney General's Office tomorrow. My girlfriend also advised gathering up as many corporate Circuit City e-mail addresses as I could find, and sending copies of my dilemma to them, so that a paper trail is established and hopefully someone with a conscience will get back to me. This will also be done tomorrow.

You know with your logic I'm surprised that you are not contacting the Department of Weights and Measures. Many consumers are aware that sales end on Saturday's and the manager even fixed the thumb drive issue for you as well. I understand that your upset with your experience, but the legality of the issue they did nothing wrong. From a customers relations point of view you got screwed though, they tried to make ammends with the flash drive and even did it after the sale.

I had an experience with Circuit City about a month ago. There ad had "Every PSP $9.99, Buy One Get One Free" I went to a store (Rosedale, MN) and picked out Pursuit of Happyness and Casino Royale. They both rang up for $19.99 and the cashier said "Ok sir, the total today is foing to be $41.81"

I told her no, the ad says all PSP movies $9.99, buy one get one free. So she said "Oh, okay" and took off Casino Royale and made it .01. "Your new total is going to be $20.96 please" "$20.96, how do you get that?" I replied "I gave you Casino Royale for free, and the other one is $19.99." she said. "Let me read your ad to you like your my 4 year old son to see if you get this this time" I read the ad to her and she did not like my demeaning way of doing it. She still was obliviouse to the term ALL PSP MOVIES $9.99. So I told her to get the Manager.

The manager came over and told me that only the $9.99 PSP movies where the deal. Than I showed him the word "ALL" in the ad. He than said it was only the ones shown, than I asked him to show me where in the ad this was. He than said it was a misprint, and that he could not honor the price. Than I told him that if he was not going to honor the price and I drove from Wisconsin to come here I was going to call the Department of Weights and Measures. At this time there was a guy by me speaking very loudley saying "Yo man, thats messed up, they aint giving that guy the ad price, jeeze" and he ended up leaving. I than told the Manager that we are arguing over a mere $10 and my pay scale is $23.96 an hour at work and I have spent more time on this than desired so I will take it up with higher authority than him. As I was walking towards the door he said "Ok, I'll honor the price this time." I than replied, "If you are aware of a typo in your ad, it is your responsibility to the consumer to place a correction on the front door or on the product."

Bottom line, to do the right thing takes a lot of time, and is not worth it. After all that my time was better spent doing other things. I have won every fight using logic. Circuit City owes you nothing at this point, the issue should have been resolved before the sale ended, and they even tried to honor a substitue at the sale price, after the sale.
[quote name='rodeojones903']I can not believe this bitchfest made the front page.[/quote]

I agree that this needs to be removed from the front page. I take pride in being a cheapassgamer but your sense of entitlement is rediculous. Demanding an item being sold for a benefit drive be reduced is beyond cheap, it borders on disgusting.

Last time I checked CC has the right to refuse service to anyone for whatever reason they want. Sounds like they made that decision rather just didn't get the hint.

Keep spinng your wheels on the phone, though. The story is entertaining...just not in the vein you probably intended it to be.
I feel your pain OP....but this is Circuit City, remember? The bastards shut down Speedy (we miss you man!).

I expect nothing from this store, so I'm only surprised when I get something good from them. I did get the great deals on all the James Bond box sets from them this weekend and I only buy loss leaders from them. They lose money on me and that is the way every CAG should approach this store. Based on the miserable looks of the employees at my CC (Williston, VT), I give the store 2 more years before they close up shop.

On the flip side we should be thankful CC exists....if they didn't we'd lose out on a lot of price matching opportunities and Best Buy would become an electronics monopoly and all the competitive great deals would most likely disappear.
I get frightened when I read your posts. It's like you read my mind...

[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']First off, shit happens with phone systems at times, so was it really that hard to go to the store to find out they were open? Second, the inventory systems for stores aren't always right, so it is possible that something listing as 'in stock' online may be sold out or near being sold out in store. Third, employees usually use the entrance/exit from the back room closest to where they find one after they're done looking for an item for someone.

If you moved(and you did), don't expect the employees to be psychic and know where you're standing in the store or search for you for 20-30 minutes. If they didn't see you waiting where you were when you asked about an item, chances are they assumed you LEFT and went back to doing their job. I know I would've if the customers I helped when I worked in retail weren't waiting right where I left them after looking for something for them.

Lastly, demanding that they price match a different item that wasn't on sale(and was part of a charity promo) was asinine to say the least. If they couldn't find the item for you that you wanted, you go to a different store. I know, I know, too much hassle, right?

And, as the employees already told you, some of those prices were for the Black Friday deals, so to expect them to honor the prices on Sunday when you came back to buy everything at once was also asking them to go outside their authority.

And, as others have said already, you would've probably been denied on the coupon as well, due to the items you wanted being on sale and the coupon NOT working on sale items.

So basically, all you did was get into a huff over phone problems, inventory problems and temporary price reductions not staying that way long enough to suit you. How much did you waste in time and gas and energy going back and forth with the managers and CSRs from CC corporate? Take it all as a lesson learned and don't shop there again.[/QUOTE]

I also agree with everyone else on this page that disagrees with the OP, etc. I know Cheapy/Speedy/CAGs hate CC and are looking for reasons to hurl poo at them, but this guy's tirade is just insane and makes *US* look bad. This is what a "devil customer" really is.
I think there's something darkly humorous about the fact that:

1) On your first trip if they did have the flash drive or would have changed the price of the flash drive, the DS bundle would have rung up at the higher price --> argument/righteous indignation (and witty post).

2) Even if he got them to price adjust the friday doorbuster special price on the DS bundle, they would not have taken the $40 of $200 coupon --> argument/righteous indignation (and witty post).

Basically as soon as you stepped in the store there was no way you were going to be satisfied and you were destined to write this post. The service (especially you having to call so many times and their attempts to ignore you) is still awful.
Let me get this straight.
1. Your mad because there was an error in CC's computer invintory. (I'll agree its anoying)
2. Since you couldn't get what you wanted at the price you wanted, you want them to take $25 off a similar product.
3. You want to be able to walk into a store after BF deals have ended and get the BF prices.

Yes CC has some of the dumbest people working there but I fail to understand why you think you should get all this special treatment due to an error in CC's invintory.

Some peoples other stories had much more valid complaints than the OP's.
This is why, regardless of the deal posted, I REFUSE to shop at any CC location. I won't even buy anything from them online. I usually pass them on the way to BB without a glance. The parking lot in front of the store is usually desolate as well.
I had a similar issue with CC on Black Friday.

I went to the store in Whitestone Queens NY and saw a bunch of DVDs marked down. My gf is a huge Charmed fan, and I saw Season 1 and 2 in the box marked at $8.99 each.

WOW what a deal... so I go and pay. I know, I saw it in the ad and it was advertised at $12.99, but the bin marked them at $8.99 instead. I even took pics with my phone. Got there to pay and guess what? They ring in at $12.99 each. $8 difference plus tax. I was a little heated.

I tell her its marked right there, and you can look at it. How am I wrong?

She would not pm it, and the manager would not pm it. I had enough.

I bought it, and immediately sent an email to corporate when I got home.

It is now Tuesday morning, with no response yet.

My problem with this is, it is advertised in the flyer at $12.99... but why is it in the $8.99 bin? NOT only is it in the $8.99 bin, it is on the printout for that bin priced at $8.99!!! So, they can't even say someone just tossed it in there. Its on the printout!

So I ask fellow CAGers... do I have a legit claim here?
[quote name='G-Nitro']

Circuit City has no criteria it seems when it hires people, as they obviously don't interview people prior, since it seems it goes like this... "Do you have the application filled out?" "Yes" "Oh I see you only have your name down. Perfect! You're hired."[/QUOTE]

Funny I think it was like 11 years ago when I applied for a job with them, they put me through this major test and questionar....testing my knowledge on computers and so on and then asking me all these questions like, Do you consider yourself to be in the top 5% and all these other stupid Do you consider yourself....questions. It was extremely confusing. Then 2 weeks later I get not one, but TWO cards in the mail (yes this was before emails) telling me that I didn't get the job. Wow now that's kind of sad and low. Usually when you don't get a job they just don't call you back but that store sent me a freaking post card TWICE.

I guess now all I have to do is fill out an application and I get the job with no stupid questions huh?

But of course, why would I want to work in a place that does this type of thing to people?
[quote name='jiggyteddy']I had a similar issue with CC on Black Friday.

I went to the store in Whitestone Queens NY and saw a bunch of DVDs marked down. My gf is a huge Charmed fan, and I saw Season 1 and 2 in the box marked at $8.99 each.

WOW what a deal... so I go and pay. I know, I saw it in the ad and it was advertised at $12.99, but the bin marked them at $8.99 instead. I even took pics with my phone. Got there to pay and guess what? They ring in at $12.99 each. $8 difference plus tax. I was a little heated.

I tell her its marked right there, and you can look at it. How am I wrong?

She would not pm it, and the manager would not pm it. I had enough.

I bought it, and immediately sent an email to corporate when I got home.

It is now Tuesday morning, with no response yet.

My problem with this is, it is advertised in the flyer at $12.99... but why is it in the $8.99 bin? NOT only is it in the $8.99 bin, it is on the printout for that bin priced at $8.99!!! So, they can't even say someone just tossed it in there. Its on the printout!

So I ask fellow CAGers... do I have a legit claim here?[/QUOTE]

Yea it was advertised in the store (did you see an expiration date on the flier?)
and they should have given it to you for that price. Heck on BF I picked up a cheap kids toy laptop for 15 instead of 20 because the flier said 15 instead of the ad's 20. They gave it to me for that price which was cool. Same with CompUSA a few years back... They had norton AV 2004 for like 40 bucks vs it's 50 bucks sale price, it ranged up 50, I told the cashier and manager, they went back , saw the undated tag and gave it to me for 40 or something. I forget. These things work in customers favors when its NOT date tagged.
i cringed so much reading your post billg
i havent shopped at Circuit City since they had paper slips on a wall so you can take to the cashier to then pick up your merch at a window around the back of the store...
but then again i think that might of been toys r us...
i think the last thing i ever at CC bought was Final Fantasy 2 on the SNES...
dont GET me started on THAT experience...
I use to be a store manager many years ago and I have to say that the way you where treated is really wrong to a certain degree. I never put to much faith in online store information becuase they at times are so inaccurate. What you should have done is purchase said item online and request instore pick up then from there you can asked to have your credit returned get all the other store items you wanted and then use your coupon to get your discount. I can honestly say that I never really do all my shopping at CC the last thing I ever bought from there was a TV which is pretty much all I ever buy there. It is messed up that this happen to you but if you ask me if CC doesnt want your business then dont give it to them. I understand to a degree that this is a matter of principle but sometimes its just better to let them stewn in there own ignorance and stupidity than be dragged into that whole debacle.
I read your story and it is unfortunate that you are having such difficulty. It has been my experience the best way to get results is to accept a paltry apology and when it arrives send it back to the same address with a letter announcing how woefully inadequate it is and a gift certificate is worthless because I will never shop there again. I have done this 3 times and every time I got contacted within a day by somebody high up who was able to satisfy my needs. There are some places where I have had so many problems I simply refuse to go there and won't be bothered to contact them and let them know how shitty they are. My personal boycott list.

I have to disagree with one thing you said though, the customer is not always right, it has been my experience that customers who believe that are generally always in the wrong and are usually dicks. As appears to be the case here. I have no love for CC but this is too much.
OP is in the wrong.

1. OP was late for the DS sale.
2. OP tried to take money from alzheimers charity's pocket
3. OP wanted to use a coupon he couldn't use because items were on sale.
4. OP wanted to use a coupon he couldn't use because consoles are excluded.

Other things...

did we really need an entire paragraph justifying your intended purchase of Mario Party at full MSRP? no wonder your post was so long

someone near the beginning of the thread said they waited in line from 9:45PM till store opening to save $15 on Mario Galaxy?? Seriously? Can I hire you to clean my apartment? Your time must not be worth much.

That's all :)
Let me sum it all up real easy for all of you:

STOP SHOPPING AT B&M STORES. "Customer Service" does not exist anymore.

You can find deals online for just as good, and you don't have to deal with all the garbage that's been listed here.
Eh, that sucks but you caused yourself more pain than you needed. Also, it is kinda your fualt for trying to get BF deals on Saturday. Heck I'm surprised they even have a Zela DS the next day.

You have to take these "deals" with a grain of salt at CC. They don't always seam to work out like you wish. I've had my bad experiences but honestly CC has been pretty good to me for the msot part. I've got more grief from Worst Buy to be honest.
CC is the worst store, they have great deals sometimes but good luck finding them in store. They are always sold out or never get it,. Thats why every CC store in this area has closed and the rest will soon. The only thing CC Is good for is an occasional Price Match. I don't bother with them other wise. Man you should have just said screw it it's CC, I'm not shopping here anymore. Your being stubborn, is saving a few dollars really worth all this? You will never get satisfaction from this all it will do is upset you more. Let it go.
everyone has their stories about horrible customer support....

in my marketing 300 class the professor once asked if we would ever go to an online dominated shopping expirence. i think so....because most of the time i'll order online and pay whatever then have to suffer w/these jokers in stores....
this is why circuit city has sales for brand new games on launch week. Because they just can't compete. Their customer service sucks major ass and they are never in stock. What use is a sale of your customers can't even purchase the item on sale? Circuit City, you're just terrible...
[quote name='smoger']

someone near the beginning of the thread said they waited in line from 9:45PM till store opening to save $15 on Mario Galaxy?? Seriously? Can I hire you to clean my apartment? Your time must not be worth much.

That's all :)[/quote]LOL it's so true. At some point my time is worth more than my money. That is ussualy about 1 hour per $20.
CC never has anything in stock that is in the ad. Ironically, I was actually able to get CoD 2 and Call of Juarez for $10 on Black Friday but during normal times of the year it is impossible to get anything since it's always OOS. Of course when an employee approached mme and asked if there was anything he could help me with and I asked where the Black Friday games were he had no idea so I had to find them myself, but at least they were cheap. I usually won't shop at CC because I have had so many bad experiences there. I have never really had an issue with BB but unless I need something right away, I will stick with Amazon.
[quote name='smoger']OP is in the wrong.

1. OP was late for the DS sale.
2. OP tried to take money from alzheimers charity's pocket
3. OP wanted to use a coupon he couldn't use because items were on sale.
4. OP wanted to use a coupon he couldn't use because consoles are excluded.

Other things...

did we really need an entire paragraph justifying your intended purchase of Mario Party at full MSRP? no wonder your post was so long

someone near the beginning of the thread said they waited in line from 9:45PM till store opening to save $15 on Mario Galaxy?? Seriously? Can I hire you to clean my apartment? Your time must not be worth much.

That's all :)[/quote]

Yo, that's the same feeling i got for the op as well... sorry to hear about your frustration, but apparently, you let your frustration ruined your Thanksgiving weekend.

Life is not fair, if you can't use the coupon, give it up! If they won't PM or adjustment, give it up! Life is too short for this kind of shit. CAG is CAG, try not to get obsessed with certain deals.

Hell, i think i want my 10 minutes back...
I agree CC sucks in "customer satisfaction" but even if you got the price marked down they wouldn't of taken the coupon (it excludes consoles.) :lol:

Time to get your stuff elsewhere, it's not worth all this hassle.
OP is in the wrong. Reading the terms and conditions of the coupon would have probably saved you the hassel. Timed sales are simply that.....they run from time A to time B, and if you're not there then, you're SOL.
[quote name='smoger']
someone near the beginning of the thread said they waited in line from 9:45PM till store opening to save $15 on Mario Galaxy?? Seriously? Can I hire you to clean my apartment? Your time must not be worth much.

That's all :)[/quote]

I had planned on buying other stuff besides just SMG but I was mad at them for not having the game that i left and spent my money else where. My time is worth money I had planned on buying a bunch od DVD's and other stuff but I didnt want them to get my money after all that so I just left.
Not that I'm trying to crap on billg's parade here, but it sure sounds like he was trying to score a deal at CC's expense. Demanding an expired sale price? Using a coupon on top of it?

I understand the argument about the thumb drive, that was CC's fault, but once they honored the sale price he should have just bought it and ended the ordeal. We've all been in similar situations where inventory says one thing, employees say another, and the consumer is SOL. We might get made, but life goes on.

Instead he tried the patience of the employees and excalated his unreasonable requests all the way up corporate. Which probably didn't make a bit of difference anyway, other than the store employees getting a good story about "that billig guy" trying to take advantage of the situation.

Here's some advice for him going forward - do a better job of planning (i.e., when sales start and end), and cash out your winnings early. Otherwise, like in your situation, you're left with nothing.
My goodness I wish I had 10 minutes back. Nothing here out of the ordinary but typical retail ineptitude.

The OP's only point was one that's been made many times before - many retail employees aren't paid enough to care and they aren't used to be being busy (losing track of customers, etc.). That's cool, we get it. Like we've gotten it 100x before in posts like this.

All this bunk about the OP not being able to put together the perfect storm of deals to get $40 off $200? It comes off as altogether whiny. Some testicular fortitude is what would keep most people from being abused like this.

As someone whose grandmother died last month from Alzheimers, I'm ecstatic to hear about the markdown he received on the purple Cruzer. Yes I realize the store eats the markdown, but you get my point.

It's very hard to empathize with this person, and I'm actually a little pissed.
[quote name='jrutz']Not that I'm trying to crap on billg's parade here, but it sure sounds like he was trying to score a deal at CC's expense. Demanding an expired sale price? Using a coupon on top of it?

I understand the argument about the thumb drive, that was CC's fault, but once they honored the sale price he should have just bought it and ended the ordeal. We've all been in similar situations where inventory says one thing, employees say another, and the consumer is SOL. We might get made, but life goes on.

Instead he tried the patience of the employees and excalated his unreasonable requests all the way up corporate. Which probably didn't make a bit of difference anyway, other than the store employees getting a good story about "that billig guy" trying to take advantage of the situation.

Here's some advice for him going forward - do a better job of planning (i.e., when sales start and end), and cash out your winnings early. Otherwise, like in your situation, you're left with nothing.[/quote]
Even then, he wouldn't of been able to get in on the deal since you can't use the coupon on those items. :lol:

You wasted not only your own time OP, but our time as well.
I have no updates right now, but just wanted to clarify a few things people are asking about (or have misconceptions about).

Regarding the discount on the Alzheimer's benefit thumb drive...

I asked management for either a discount on the 4GB (non-charity) thumb drive, or the 2GB charity thumb drive. Obviously I would've preferred a break on the 4GB drive. Management was the one who chose to discount the charity drive, not me. I'm not out to cheat Alzheimer's patients. I lived with my great-grandfather for a while in his last days when he was suffering with the disease. It ain't pretty.

Also, the 2GB non-charity drive was listed as in-stock at Store 700 on the site, on Saturday, for $15. That's why I went there. However, I could not add it to my cart, it was simply listed as "available in store only". I guess due to it being a special sale item. Who knows with CC.

Regarding the DS...

The DS was listed as 139.99 on the site *on Saturday* when I first went into the store. Check FW if you don't believe me, that's where I first heard about the deal. If it hadn't been 139.99 on Saturday, *I wouldn't have tried to buy it for 139.99 on Saturday*. Nor would I have unreasonably asked them to match a Black Friday price if it wasn't the same price when I was physically in the store on Saturday. I'm not insane.

Regarding the coupon...

Tim, the head honcho of Store 700, understood which coupon I was trying to use (I showed it to him) and offered no reservations about me applying it to my bundle of items, including the DS.

Just wanted to clear that up. Thank you all for your opinions on this matter, even those who disagree with me. I ask only that you stick to the facts regarding my situation.
I stopped reading after he didn't use the "In Store Pickup" option.
Something fishy about that.

All the people that say they hate Circuit City and Best Buy, I'd bet my house they are the first ads they reach for on Sunday morning.
To begin with, Yes. CC Sucks. Their POS system is incredibly slow and outdated, the practice of "scattering" the POS's all over the store fails miserably when it's busy, the employees are unhelpful, and the management usually tries to weasel out of deals any way they can.

I went to both Best Buy and CC on Black Friday. They were both very crowded. But Best Buy, to their credit, has this BF stuff down to a science. Lines were orderly and they moved constantly. All registers are up front, all were open, and there was one line feeding all of them so it moved at a steady pace. I got there 5 min before they opened at 5AM, waited in line to get in, picked up GRAW2 and Stuntman360, and paid, all in LESS than an hour.

Went to CC, which if anything was less crowded, and it was utter chaos. I was able to snag Call of Juarez and Red Steel, along with a 4GB Cruzer. Getting the merchandise was no problem. Looked around the store and picked one of the many lines near the scattered POS booths. We timed the cashier. It took an average of 5 min per person for her to check them out. She was constantly talking to them, fumbling around with the ad to argue prices with people, etc. The other lines weren't moving any quicker, but I wanted my deal, dammit. Nobody ever left our line but we all complained bitterly. It took me 1.5 hours just to get checked out! The worst part is the line would hardly move. We all knew we were stupid for not throwing our merchandise down and walking out but none of us did. Some people are suckers for bargains, myself included.

All that being said, I think the OP is totally going overboard. Anybody that expects good or speedy customer service on Black Friday weekend is crazy. There's no point in getting mad, just get what you can and forget about it. There's no way I'd try to argue about coupons or whatnot on that weekend. It's madness.
Wow, I would of picked up that thumbdrive... you have nothing now. And if you went to get the same items you would be spending $40.00 for what you could of bought for $15.00.
[quote name='Zimmy']I stopped reading after he didn't use the "In Store Pickup" option.

Yeah, worst case scenerio would be to get all the stuff at those prices, and then attempt to get them to re-ring for in store so you could use the coupon. You could always cancel.
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