How Circuit City Ruined My Weekend - A long short story by billg

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[quote name='sandman007']I can't agree with the OP when on the onset of this rant he said it was not about the money, but the principle and then he caved in for the right price. CC didn't apologize or felt remorse about the situation, they just silenced him. Nothing was really gained for the betterment of the consumer. CC didn't give any formal apology, they didn't really lose any significant amount of money, their reputation (or what's left of it) was already bad in the first place, and now they know that they can buy you off to silence you. The only thing different is that the OP is probably not welcomed at any CC near him and he got ridiculed for his overly aggressive tactics. Who really is the victor in this case?[/QUOTE]

Sadly, it wasnt even a right price, just a price from a few days ago.
LOL You guys think billg was a douchebag, try this guy on for size:

First, he wouldn't let the CC employee at the door check his receipt versus the contents of his bag, which is a semi normal policy I usually bow to at Best Buy and I understand that they do it for loss prevention measures typically.

So, he calls the police(using 911 on his cell phone) and then he refuses to show the police who show up his ID when asked for it. So, he gets arrested for failing to show ID or something.

I just think it's hilarious, since the poster of that tale could've forgone the call to the police and getting arrested for being a stubborn asshole if he had just let the associate go through with their loss prevention policy.

People are fuckin idiots though.
Yeah, that guy is an ass too. When he mentioned contacting the ACLU, I lost the infintesimal bit of sympathy I may have had for him.
After wasting a small portion of my life reading this drivel, I can only come to the conclusion that billg was intentionally going for CAG Villain of the Year the next time awards roll around. No other explanation is plausible.

[quote name='YoshiFan1']All that over a 2GB drive when CC has a 4GB drive for $14.99 today online and in store[/quote]


For real though, I can just see CC Corporate passing this incident on to their legal team to see if they can't cause Cheapy more problems because of it. If they wanted to, they could go after BillG in civil court for libel, malicious prosecution, harassment, etc. - they may not win or even really pursue it but they could give him hell for all the trouble they caused them.

Now THAT would be hilarious.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']LOL You guys think billg was a douchebag, try this guy on for size:

First, he wouldn't let the CC employee at the door check his receipt versus the contents of his bag, which is a semi normal policy I usually bow to at Best Buy and I understand that they do it for loss prevention measures typically.

So, he calls the police(using 911 on his cell phone) and then he refuses to show the police who show up his ID when asked for it. So, he gets arrested for failing to show ID or something.

I just think it's hilarious, since the poster of that tale could've forgone the call to the police and getting arrested for being a stubborn asshole if he had just let the associate go through with their loss prevention policy.

People are fuckin idiots though.[/quote]

Maybe...but you know what? This guy was entirely in the right. I'm not sure what his motivation is, I mean he may be some asswipe "social justice" activist who goes around initiating conflits like this, but there is no doubt in my mind that he will win whatever cases are brought against him or by him. If he is willing to take it far enough, and spend enough money on good lawyerin' that is. I've often wondered what would happen if I refused to show a retailer the contents of my bag, after I have paid for merchandise. After all, if I refused, what legal right do they have to forcibly examine my property (after I have paid for it)? Of course, if they did not randomly check bags then actual shoplifters would be greatly emboldened and steal more than they do already, so it never seemed like a battle worth fighting.

The officer was in the wrong, though, and will be proven wrong in court. You do NOT have to show proof of ID in America to exist. And it's important that this standard be maintained, or else we'll go from a nation where everything is legal unless prohibited to one where everything is prohibited unless specifically allowed. There is a great book called "The Abolition of Liberty" written by a right-wing British journalist named Peter Hitchens dealing with the possiblility of mandatory ID cards for UK citizens. I'm waaaaayyy off topic, and I'll stop here.
[quote name='YoshiFan1']All that over a 2GB drive when CC has a 4GB drive for $14.99 today online and in store[/QUOTE]

As karkyco said , "AHAHAHA BUUUUUUURN!!!"

I am going to order 2 of them. One for my daughter, one for me. I will use my Brother labelmaker to name my new 4GB drive. The name on the label will be "billg".
[quote name='Richard Longfellow']Maybe...but you know what? This guy was entirely in the right. I'm not sure what his motivation is, I mean he may be some asswipe "social justice" activist who goes around initiating conflits like this, but there is no doubt in my mind that he will win whatever cases are brought against him or by him. If he is willing to take it far enough, and spend enough money on good lawyerin' that is. I've often wondered what would happen if I refused to show a retailer the contents of my bag, after I have paid for merchandise. After all, if I refused, what legal right do they have to forcibly examine my property (after I have paid for it)? Of course, if they did not randomly check bags then actual shoplifters would be greatly emboldened and steal more than they do already, so it never seemed like a battle worth fighting.

The officer was in the wrong, though, and will be proven wrong in court. You do NOT have to show proof of ID in America to exist. And it's important that this standard be maintained, or else we'll go from a nation where everything is legal unless prohibited to one where everything is prohibited unless specifically allowed. There is a great book called "The Abolition of Liberty" written by a right-wing British journalist named Peter Hitchens dealing with the possiblility of mandatory ID cards for UK citizens. I'm waaaaayyy off topic, and I'll stop here.[/QUOTE]

I stopped showing my bags at the door a while ago. I just keep walking, if they ask, I tell them no thank you. Legally, you dont have to show them the contents of your bag, with the exception of places like BJ's and Sams, where you pay to be a member. Thats in the contract you sign when you join up.
[quote name='YoshiFan1']All that over a 2GB drive when CC has a 4GB drive for $14.99 today online and in store[/quote]

i think CC HQ created that deal for the sole purpose of spiting billg
[quote name='blaked569']i think CC HQ created that deal for the sole purpose of spiting billg[/QUOTE]

Ah yes, the billg sale of 2007. I believe it is an unadevertised sale.
[quote name='blaked569']i think CC HQ created that deal for the sole purpose of spiting billg[/quote]

well they've been holding closed-door meetings and training seminars about him for months

I have been in retail management for two years. Some of what you complain about it reasonable, but some of it is way off the wall.

"I used the website's store availability checker to see which store had the items I wanted. As luck would have it, Store 700 had all of them, and was not terribly far away from me."

Ok, you are planning your shopping on BLACK FRIDAY using an online availability checker that may not even be real time? Are you aware on black friday 100 units of an item may be sold out five minutes later?

This was your first mistake.

"Imagine my surprise when, on the Saturday after Black Friday, one of the busiest shopping days of the year, I reached a recording saying that Store 700 was closed."

Yes, imagine your surprise on what you realize to be the most busy day of the year you can't reach someone on the phone to check availability on items. So let's say you called and asked if this hot deal item was in stock. The employee checks and says YES. Five minutes later it's sold out. Based on your post when you come in an hour later you would probably be calling the district manager to complain.

While I agree they should still have been taking calls calling for availability on black friday is frankly moronic.

"Clearly, Store 700's inventory system, and their loss-prevention techniques, are woefully inept."

Or maybe considering the store was packed on what you admit to be the most busy day of the year for them it could have been in someone elses basket? Or are you the only one who wanted a flash drive that day?

How is that employee supposed to know? He did all he could - which was check the back room and check where they should be on the sales floor. Does he have magic powers that will tell him where else they could be? Or should he walk around and do a multi-hour search of the entire store just for you?

"Nick explained that he had been waiting up front for me, where we had first talked, but when he did not find me"

Again you seem to think CC employees have a magic ability to know where everything is at all times. If you are walking around the store do you really expect him to go hunt for you? If I was him I would have figured you LEFT. If you wanted his help so bad you should have waited where you knew he was going to meet you. Not walk around and then complain that he didn't search for you. Again, this is the busiest day of the year. OTHER PEOPLE wanted help. The world does not revolve around you.

"This brought about a manager named Brian. Brian was inexplicably wearing the unfortunate lime green shirt typically reserved for employees who work in the Firedog department, Circuit City's tech unit whose name means absolutely nothing, and was clearly chosen just because the domain name was available."

Do you think the fact that you constantly personally attack and insult the people you are trying to get to help you might be part of the reason they are so unwilling to do as you ask? Even if they aren't helping you correctly you have no right to personally attack them. If you have a complaint relating to business keep it related to business. The moment you go beyond that YOU are the one that stepped out of line.

"I began to fill with a blind rage"

Again, were you this unstable when dealing with these people? Do you think maybe that had something to do with the fact they didn't want to deal with you?

"By my sixth phone call to Store 700, I was not a happy man. I explained to the person who picked up that I had called six times"

Frankly after this I would have considred you dangerous and the next time you came in the store I would have called security and had them give you a no-trespass. (I.e. next time you come on our property it is tresspassing and we call the cops)

"Tim handed me a slip with the thumb drive, explaining that whoever rings me up would charge me the adjusted price if I presented the slip. This was great news. My long nightmare was finally at an end. I just had to gather up the other items I wanted and make my way to a register. I thanked Tim for his help and set about to hunt for the rest of my list."

This should have been the end of it. But then you pushed things again by wanting a price for something during a sale when you were not even in the store. It's like you WANTED the problems to continue.

"Realizing that I needed to speak to someone in a higher position of authority"

You know I have to deal with customers like this all the time. They can't accept what they are being told, so they figure if they keep crying to someone "above" the person they are talking to they eventually will get what they want. Calling and asking to speak to the CEO about your little price problem just goes to show that you think the world should just bend over to your every demand.

You were not given the best customer service. But then again you did nothing to make life easier on the people you dealt with and I would REALLY like to hear THEIR side of the story. I wonder just how reasonable and stable a person you came across.... and if things played out exactly as YOU say they did.

Even going by your story you were way out of line in several situations. Sometimes they were out of line - but you were not Jesus walking on water your self.

I know that CC is bad in some ways. They fire good employees and then hire people at lower wages. Frankly if people like you wouldn't shop there DESPITE knowing this maybe they would change. Instead you continue to want to do business with them. STOP DOING BUSINESS WITH CC. Maybe they will get the point.
[quote name='Levizk']What principle would that be exactly? He said this wasn't about money, but in the end all he did was settle for money. [/quote]

The only principle that comes to mind is that the customer is always right. Whether it was worth all the struggle is another case entirely. Otherwise, you're right, you got me on that one. Maybe I was just caught up in the struggle of the (CAG) consumer. :)
[quote name='Trek234']I have been in retail management for two years. Some of what you complain about it reasonable, but some of it is way off the wall.

"I used the website's store availability checker to see which store had the items I wanted. As luck would have it, Store 700 had all of them, and was not terribly far away from me."

Ok, you are planning your shopping on BLACK FRIDAY using an online availability checker that may not even be real time? Are you aware on black friday 100 units of an item may be sold out five minutes later?

This was your first mistake.

"Imagine my surprise when, on the Saturday after Black Friday, one of the busiest shopping days of the year, I reached a recording saying that Store 700 was closed."

Yes, imagine your surprise on what you realize to be the most busy day of the year you can't reach someone on the phone to check availability on items. So let's say you called and asked if this hot deal item was in stock. The employee checks and says YES. Five minutes later it's sold out. Based on your post when you come in an hour later you would probably be calling the district manager to complain.

While I agree they should still have been taking calls calling for availability on black friday is frankly moronic.


You realize that in what you quoted, he said he was there on Saturday, the day after Black Friday, right? In addition, you credit him with checking the inventory, and trying to call, but he was calling to double check, which you are always urged to do.

How many times have you heard this exchange?

Customer: "But it said online you had item XXX!"

Worker: "You should always call and double check."

Seriously, in fairness, and I do agree he did some things wrong(the coupon for example) he tried to do that. Not his fault that they cant deal with the phones.
[quote name='jza1218']You realize that in what you quoted, he said he was there on Saturday, the day after Black Friday, right?[/QUOTE]

The day after black friday is STILL incredibly busy. At my store we do almost as much business the day after.
[quote name='Trek234']The day after black friday is STILL incredibly busy. At my store we do almost as much business the day after.[/QUOTE]

I'm just saying, while it is busy, its not as busy as Black Friday, for a reason. And technically, BF is not the busiest shopping day of the year.
[quote name='jza1218']I'm just saying, while it is busy, its not as busy as Black Friday, for a reason. And technically, BF is not the busiest shopping day of the year.[/QUOTE]

Um, yes, it is.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']LOL You guys think billg was a douchebag, try this guy on for size:

First, he wouldn't let the CC employee at the door check his receipt versus the contents of his bag, which is a semi normal policy I usually bow to at Best Buy and I understand that they do it for loss prevention measures typically.

So, he calls the police(using 911 on his cell phone) and then he refuses to show the police who show up his ID when asked for it. So, he gets arrested for failing to show ID or something.

I just think it's hilarious, since the poster of that tale could've forgone the call to the police and getting arrested for being a stubborn asshole if he had just let the associate go through with their loss prevention policy.

People are fuckin idiots though.[/QUOTE]

Oh and to couter this, you should note that the charges were dropped, with the only stipulation being that he not sue the city.

Check this link out re: receipt checking
[quote name='Trek234']Oh wow good for you. Ok 2nd most busy day. Wow that makes a huge difference.[/QUOTE]

No need to get snippy.
[quote name='Heavy Hitter']Guys - save the barbs for who deserves them. The OP.[/QUOTE]

I'm not going to bash the OP but I think in the end, he came out looking foolish.
Not gonna lie dude but you sound like a little bitch... You could have easily found something besides a thumb drive to fill in that extra $14.99... Then you proceed to come on here and write an essay about a 40 minute wait at Circuit City. How long did this damn essay take you to write?

Grow a pair and move on. It was 15 fucking dollars. Geze...
I once went to Circuit City because they were offering free installation on car stereos and I needed a new one. I found the unit I wanted, confirmed it was in stock, and the Circuit City website even had a convenient program to tell you if that system would be compatible with your car. I found my exact make and model and was pleased to see that it was indeed compatible.

Only after I had paid for the stereo did they tell me installation would cost $80. For you see, while BASIC installation was free, my exact make and model of car (and no others) would require an "amplifier bypass," which costs $80 including special installation since he'd have to "run wires" the full length of my car. When I dared ask questions about this, the sales person became aggressive in demeanor and stance. Apparently the program on the website would determine whether or not a system could physically fit inside my car, not if it was actually compatible. When I explained that my car was large enough to fit most sound systems in the store (if you throw the speakers in the trunk), he had no explanation as to why such a useless program would be offered at all.

So I demanded my money back, finally got it, and drove 5 minutes down the street to a small family owned car stereo shop. They didn't have the exact model of stereo I wanted and I ended up paying more than I would have if I'd gotten actual free installation at Circuit City, but significantly less than it would've cost me with the "amplifier bypass." And, by the way, I watched them install the whole thing. No running wires, no ripping up the floor and doors, just a $5 harness. The most modification he had to do was scraping away some plastic with a box cutter so the stereo disc cover would open smoothly. He even colored over the white part where the plastic was cut with black marker so it blended nicely. No extra charge. :)

Circuit City is incredibly dishonest. There are stores where I have bad experiences, stay away for a while, then return, but not Circuit City. I will never do business with them because time and time again I've found that what they advertise is not what they sell, so any bargain they offer is nothing but a hoax.
So you got the 2 items at sales prices but couldn't use the $40 off coupon and didn't get the $10 they first offfered you.

Normal people

$40 coupon + $10 gift card =$50


Zip drive 40-15=$25
Zelda sysetm 165-140=$25

Even if you got everything for free thats NOT how you do things. What a waste of space.

Its ok to be thrify but man what a pain you had to be to everyone who had to deal with you. And all for nothing too!
Now you drag down the site too!! I'm sure there are some people here that use this site will never mention CAG in a CC just because of you.
So get this...

Store 700 didn't have any Zelda bundles, but a closer CC did, so I picked up the bundle I bought through corporate there.

While waiting in line, I noticed some dude to my right buying up a TON of 4GB drives. This didn't look normal, so I asked him how much he paid for them. He didn't tell me, but he did mention that CircuitCity had a price mistake on their website recently, and he picked up a bunch to resell on eBay. Apparently a bunch of Fatwalleters bought these things up yesterday, and he was one who was picking his up today.

He wouldn't say how much he paid, but I asked how much he wanted for the 4GB drive while I was waiting. He said 20 bucks. Considering how many teeth I had to pull to get a 2GB for around that price after tax, I said deal. My girlfriend had wanted the 2GB come Christmas, and now I got to give her a 4GB for nearly the same price. Awesome.


I haven't picked up the 2GB drive yet, since I wasn't at Store 700.

The 2GB drive that corporate offered me IS, as it turns out, a black one, not one of the purple charity ones. So since I love Christmas and the holiday spirit, I'm considering one of two options.

1. Be nice and let Circuit City, Tim, and everyone else keep the 2GB drive and put this matter to rest.


2. Purchase the drive for the negotiated price, then donate all proceeds from it's sale on eBay to charity.

I found the story quite entertaining and very well written. And i certainly do think it could be posted at CAG, as we are about shopping for games, right?

It is actually kinda amazing to me that people feel the thread should stop. If they don't like the thread, simply don't read it. And if you think it is hurting the CAG site, you should tell CheapyD, as i believe he edits the content of the front page. (Obviously CheapD doesn't think it is hurting, as i believe he has the skills to take it down, if necessary.)

Not one moderator has needed to stop this thread, and all the people who routinely call people names and tell others to stop posting are (surprize surprize) not moderators. If you want to limit peoples freedom of speech, post on AOL, where content is "supervised".
Want some French Cries to go with that Whaaa-Burger?
J/K, Nice follow throgh bro! Always stand for what is right untill the very end.....
[quote name='billg']Here is the number for Store 700: (215) 333-0412.

Or, if you'd like, call Circuit City's Corporate Office and tell them what you think:


Press 1, wait for prompt.
Press 1 again.
Dial extension 724666.
Choose "Phil Schoonover" - CEO
Leave message or ask to be transferred to your department of choice.

Digg this story on CAG.

Hi all. What follows is my admittedly lengthy account of a terrible experience, actually several terrible experiences, with Circuit City store 700. It is presented to you all as both a warning and a call for change. It is my hope that by posting this here, publicly, as well as in other formats, that the wrong I have experienced can be righted, and that others will not have to endure the madness that I did.

Chapter 1: Coupon Catalyst.

I decided to take advantage of a 40 off 200 coupon I received in the mail. I have recently moved, and the coupon was included as part of a welcome package from the Post Office. Circuit City sent this item to me, I assume in the hopes that I would spend 200 dollars in one of their stores. And that's exactly what I tried to do. That seems pretty simple. Why would a business try to stop me from giving them money?

However, the unprofessional attitude I have received from Circuit City while trying to give them my money leads me to believe that they are in business not to make money, but to torment me and me alone. I picture team meetings where the managers decide what methods would be most effective in denying me a sale, followed by the raucous recitation of bawdy and grammatically questionable Circuit City pep songs. I imagine the pep songs heavily feature the word "no". Perhaps you will reach a different conclusion. I would like to hear it.

I was hoping to use my 40 off 200 online, via, but soon discovered that I could only use it in-store. This would set in motion a series of events so unfathomable that even Wal-Mart would be appalled.

On Saturday, November 24, 2007, I went to to check the availability for a few items I was looking to purchase in-store. At 5PM on November 24, these were the prices listed for the items I wanted to purchase as gifts for Christmas:

1 Nintendogs or Zelda DS Bundle $139.99
1 Wii Nunchuk controller $19.99
1 2GB Cruzer thumb drive $14.99
1 Wii Mario Party 8 $49.99

I understand that Mario Party 8 at retail is not the most thrifty purchase. I simply wanted to fill out the last bit of my $200 requirement while checking off a gift for a relative at the same time. Mario Party 8 is a decent game with significant replayability, so I am willing to pay a little extra for it. It's kind of like paying extra money to an employee who has worked for you for years and who knows the business in and out. That type of employee would be more valuable than a neophyte who knows nothing, but is cheaper. Of course, as evidenced by their hiring (and firing) practices, we know that that kind of logic escapes Circuit City.

I used the website's store availability checker to see which store had the items I wanted. As luck would have it, Store 700 had all of them, and was not terribly far away from me.

Experience has taught me that it is often best to double-check on availability, so I called Store 700 to confirm that the items I wanted would be in-stock. Imagine my surprise when, on the Saturday after Black Friday, one of the busiest shopping days of the year, I reached a recording saying that Store 700 was closed. It was only 5PM, this made no sense. I called again and received the same recording. But there was no way this could be right. There must be some kind of error. I would imagine that Store 700 is losing thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars due to this error.

I went out into the cold November night and drove to Circuit City Store 700. The store was alive with much activity. Clearly, the phone system was incorrect.

Chapter 2: Cruzer Chaos.

I entered Store 700 and began to gather the items on my list. Unfortunately, I was unable to locate the Sandisk 2GB Cruzer thumb drive that the site had said was in-stock. I looked around for an associate to assist me. Most of the associates, those neophytes I mentioned earlier, were very busy. They were flirting with customers, talking on their cell phones, or chatting with each other about current events. After a few minutes, I found an associate who did not appear to be busy and asked him to help me find one of the Cruzer drives. He checked the store's inventory and showed me that the computer said that they had six in stock. He went off to find one in the back.

A short while later, the associate returned from the back empty-handed. "We don't have any", he replied. "Somebody must have stolen them, or we didn't receive a shipment or something." Clearly, Store 700's inventory system, and their loss-prevention techniques, are woefully inept.

I looked around for a suitable replacement drive and happily came across some other Sandisk 2GB Cruzer thumb drives, except these were purple instead of black. I asked the associate to scan it for me, and the price came up as $40, not $15. This did not make any sense to me. I asked if the associate could adjust the price to match that of the black one. He said he could not, as the purple thumb drive, though it is identical to the black drive except for color, was part of some type of Alzheimer's charity drive, and had to be purchased at full price.

At this point, I decided somebody higher up could better assist me, so I asked for a supervisor. A supervisor soon emerged and asked how he could help me. His name was Nick. Nick looked eager to say "no".

I explained my dilemma to Nick, that I had traveled out to Store 700 in the cold to purchase these items, and an item that was listed as in-stock was apparently not actually in-stock. I further explained that this could have been avoided with a phone call, but that the phone system stated the store was closed, so I had no one to confirm inventory with. I therefore requested, I think not unreasonably, that I needed to have this problem amended.

I asked Nick if he could adjust the price of the purple 2GB drive or shave a few dollars off of a 4GB drive. Nick said "no". Negotiation and customer satisfaction did not seem to be Nick's strong suits. He did offer to go into the back and search again for the thumb drives. I said that would be fine and followed him back.

I ended up waiting 20 minutes for Nick to emerge from the back. Finally growing impatient, I asked another employee to search the back for Nick, as I was worried he had either forgotten about me, or perhaps had become trapped beneath a pile of falling overpriced accessories. Five minutes later, the employee emerged from the back with Nick by his side. Nick appeared unharmed.

Nick explained that he had been waiting up front for me, where we had first talked, but when he did not find me, he went back to performing his supervisory duties. He then punctuated his statement by declaring that there were no thumb drives to be found, nor would any price adjustment be performed on any of the other available drives. What Nick may have lacked in negotiation, or customer satisfaction, or common sense, or the ability to locate a customer he was supposed to be assisting, he more than made up for in his enthusiasm to blame the victim. Rather than apologizing for my twenty minute wait or offering to make any kind of amends, he chastised me for not being in the area where we had stood before he checked in the back.

Nick must not have noticed me following him all the way to the back earlier, as I apparently possess a previously underutilized ninja tracking skill. Nick must also possess a similar skill, for I never saw him emerge from the back. Either this, or the Circuit City complex is designed not unlike the mansion in Clue.

Dissatisfied with Nick's complete lack of assistance, I requested to speak to a manager. This brought about a manager named Brian. Brian was inexplicably wearing the unfortunate lime green shirt typically reserved for employees who work in the Firedog department, Circuit City's tech unit whose name means absolutely nothing, and was clearly chosen just because the domain name was available.

What Brian manages is anybody's guess. He looked (and acted) more like a bouncer. One thing he definitely had under control was his joyless countenance, which was present from start to finish in our conversation.

Nick had already given his side of the story to Brian before I was able to speak to him. When I attempted to give my account of what happened, Brian made sure to interrupt and state that I wouldn't have had to wait 20 minutes if I had been where I was "supposed to be." I guess they have designated waiting areas in Store 700. If they do, they aren't marked properly, much like their price tags, some of which I saw hadn't been updated in two weeks.

Nick stood next to Brian during our conversation, like a child sicking his dad on another schoolboy who had upset him. Brian acted the role beautifully, again denying me any kind of price adjustment, compensation for my inconvenience, or any kind of sincere apology. Brian did state that he knew about the problem with the phone system and that it was "being looked into". He also said I could've gotten a hold of a live person by dialing 0 after the message said the store was closed. How I was supposed to know this beforehand, he did not say. He also stated that he was going to have the inventory corrected so that the website did not show any of the missing drives in-stock at the store. Considering that I was already in the store to buy the thumb drive did not appear to strike Brian as shutting the barn door after the horse was gone.

Having wasted 40 minutes of my life on this matter and received no resolution, I began to fill with a blind rage. Rather than take my chances fighting Brian, whose grim visage told of a man who has taken countless lives, I took the high road and left the store without incident, choosing instead to deal with this matter at the corporate level.

Chapter 3: Corporate Calamity.

It is telling that I have Circuit City's corporate number memorized. It is 1-800-THE-CITY. After various misleading prompts, wrong turns, and lengthy wait times, my call found its way to the Customer Service department. A woman answered who clearly is not from the United States, possessing an accent similar to the inhabitants of the Mauritius Islands, or some other wonderful place which I will never be able to visit in my lifetime.

I explained my case to corporate, who told me that if I wanted the matter resolved, I would have to take it to the store level, by speaking to the Director of Store 700 Operations named Lawrence.

I called Store 700, and upon receiving the "we are closed" message, I dialed 0 to reach the front desk. After about 10 rings, someone picked up, and I asked to speak to Lawrence. I was placed on hold. Two minutes later, the phone began ringing again. After a few rings, someone picked up, and then placed the phone back down. Was the silence I was hearing me being on hold again, or had they hung up? I had no way of knowing.

I called back a second time, and the exact same thing occurred. Placed on hold, waited two minutes, phone rang again, someone picked up and put the phone down.

This happened a third time.

And a fourth time.

And a fifth time.

By my sixth phone call to Store 700, I was not a happy man. I explained to the person who picked up that I had called six times, that I was not about to be placed on infinite hold, again, and that I needed to speak to Lawrence right away. This time, someone managed to find Lawrence expeditiously. We now had a chance to speak.

I explained everything that had happened to Lawrence, who actually apologized for the inconvenience I experienced. He stated, however, that he was of the same level of authority as Brian, and that there probably wasn't much he could do. He did state that if I had spoken to him instead of Brian, Lawrence would have cut me a discount on a comparable thumb drive. Lawrence told me that if I wanted to speak to somebody higher up, the man I needed to talk to was Tim. A short while later, I was on the phone with Tim.

I told my story for a fourth time to Tim, who apologized for the many errors which led us both here. I asked Tim why it was that Brian was not able to assist me in a price reduction, whereas Lawrence was able, even though they were at the same level. Tim did not have an explanation. Clearly, when Nick and Brian told me that they "couldn't" change the price, what they really meant was that they didn't want to.

I asked if Brian was a grinch of some sort. Tim confirmed that he was not. Tim stated that if I came into the store tomorrow, he would "take care" of me. Given the sorry shape Tim's store was in, I wasn't sure if I wanted him taking care of me, but I held out hope.

Chapter 4: Calendarial Conundrums.

On Sunday the 25th, I made my way back to the star-crossed Store 700. Tim, as luck would have it, was out to lunch when I arrived. This seemed to be in line with the organizational structure of the store itself. I headed out and grabbed a bite to eat, then returned.

Tim was now available. We chatted for a bit, then Tim walked me over to the thumb drive section. He grabbed one of the purple Alzheimer's charity thumb drives and manually overrode the price to match that of the black thumb drive, $15, perhaps figuring that they won't remember being shorted in a few days.

Tim handed me a slip with the thumb drive, explaining that whoever rings me up would charge me the adjusted price if I presented the slip. This was great news. My long nightmare was finally at an end. I just had to gather up the other items I wanted and make my way to a register. I thanked Tim for his help and set about to hunt for the rest of my list.

The Wii nunchuk and Mario Party 8 were easy enough to get, but the DS bundle had disappeared completely. I found an associate who explained that the bundles were in the back. He said he would get one for me, then rung up several customers. When there were no more customers, he directed me to the front of the store. Now at the front of the store, the associate rung up another customer. He then asked another associate to retrieve a list of some kind for him, and she went off to do so. The associate who was supposed to be helping me then walked off as well, leaving the list-bearing associate and I very confused. When the associate returned, he rung up another customer. As he went to ring up another customer, I asked him, "Why am I standing here?" He looked up at me with surprise, said, "Oh!", and then walked off and retrieved a Zelda DS bundle for me. He asked the former list-retrieving associate to ring up his customers, then led me to another register to complete our transaction.

I handed him my items, and he at first seemed confused by the slip for the 2GB Cruzer drive, but figured it out soon enough. He then rung up the Zelda DS bundle... which showed a price of $164.99.

I explained to the associate that the price was supposed to be $139.99. He said that was a special holiday price, and that the price had now changed. I asked him to get Tim. Tim soon reappeared on the scene and explained the same thing that the associate did. I told Tim that I wanted to purchase this item yesterday, but that the misunderstanding over the thumb drive prevented me from completing my transaction. Tim said the $139.99 was a special "five hour" price on Black Friday, that it was never $139.99 on Saturday, and that he would not honor the price today. Of course, this is blatantly contradictory to what was showing on Saturday, with Saturday's price even well-documented on this and other deal sites.

Tim would not budge on the DS bundle price. This put us at quite the impasse. I wanted to spend my money at Circuit City, using this godforsaken coupon they sent me, and Tim was not about to let that happen. He was going to abort this transaction come Hell or high water. My money, it would seem, is no good at Circuit City.

I asked Tim who he reported to. He refused to provide me with a name, simply stating that I was to call 1-800-THE-CITY, as he reports to corporate.

I left the store empty-handed once again, certain that I was in the right, but having absolutely nothing to show for it. When I returned home, I called the corporate line and filed a more detailed and amended complaint. The person I spoke with told me that she will escalate the claim, and that I can speak with a supervisor about the matter on Monday the 26th.

It shouldn't be so hard, doing what I try to do. I just want to buy some gifts for the holiday season without breaking the piggy bank. But Circuit City Store 700 sees absolutely no reason to let my generosity go unpunished. They cannot let a simple transaction go through, using the coupon that they sent to me.

Any other person would have given up long ago. They would have spent the extra $80 or so to get these items elsewhere and be done with it. But I still believe in something. I believe in myself, and I believe in fairness to the consumer. This stopped being about money long ago, and instead became about principle. I will see this transaction through to the very end. I will receive recompense for my inconvenience. I will demand a letter of apology from Nick, Brian, Lawrence, Tim, and anyone else at Store 700 or elsewhere who chooses to prevent me from taking part in American commerce.

I have no doubt that many CAGs will call me crazy, certainly long-winded, and probably a few other choice turns of phrase. But let it never be said that I gave up. Let it never be said that the customer isn't always right. And let it never be said that billg is not a Cheap Ass Gamer.

Update: 11/26

Chapter Five: Constant Cacophony.

I am making progress. I actually found a line where people speak English. It's the "Cool Line": 1-800-251-2665. I'm not sure why it's called the Cool Line. It sounds like I should be requesting Top 40 hits or something.

I was transferred to this number after a lengthy exchange with one of the outsourced workers from 1-800-THE-CITY. One of the workers had also said I should take up my complaint with the District Manager of Store 700, Frank. A new name at a new level! I was excited. I had just leveled up in real life.

I spoke to Britney on the Cool Line at extension 21917. I told my lengthy story to her, at the end of which she asked for clarification on a few points. Following this, Britney offered to send me a $10 gift card to make up for my troubles. Yes, ten whole dollars. Circuit City gave me more than that when All-Pro Basketball 2K8 was late on release day. But that's Circuit City for you, wildly incongruous corporate policies.

I informed Britney that this was woefully inadequate, indeed less than I had even spent in gas during my two trips to Store 700. The problem at hand wasn't about $10, it was about how my experiences with City Store 700 had been inexcusably frustrating, that my very basic needs as a customer were not being met at any level of the hierarchy, and that nobody in the entire chain of command had seen fit to sincerely apologize and make amends so that my initial purchase could go through.

Britney stated that there wasn't much else she could do. I told her that all I wanted to do was purchase the items as was intended, at the prices they were offered, utilizing the coupon Circuit City had willingly sent to me. Britney told me that she could not guarantee I would be able to have that simple request met. She offered to call the store and see what could be done.

I waited on hold for a few minutes, after which Britney came back on the line and said that the store was refusing to offer me any assistance in completing this purchase.

Britney and I discussed what options were available for me to see the transaction through. Britney told me that she had suggested that Store 700 mark the items as they were supposed to have been priced when I first attempted to purchase them, however, the store denied her request.

Realizing that I needed to speak to someone in a higher position of authority, I asked to speak to Britney's supervisor. Britney refused to transfer me, stating that she had offered a resolution with the $10 gift card, and that nothing more could be done. I again requested to speak to Britney's supervisor. Britney again steadfastly refused me this courtesy. I asked for contact information for the store's District Manager, Frank. Britney also refused to provide me with this information, saying I needed to ask the store directly. After another request to speak to her supervisor, Britney stated that we had nothing further to discuss and hung up on me.

I called Store 700 and asked for Frank. I was told that Frank was not in today. I requested Frank's contact information. The associate on the other end of the phone placed me on hold. After ten minutes, the conversation disconnected.

I called Store 700 several more times, this time being placed immediately on hold without anyone speaking to me.

After twenty more minutes of these calls, I finally spoke to someone and again requested Frank's contact information. The person said they would need to speak to Lawrence about that, whom you may recall I had spoken to a few days before.

Unfortunately, Lawrence never made it to the phone, instead relaying a royal edict that the store was refusing to give out Frank's contact information, and that I should call the Cool Line if I wanted to have it. You see how that works? The Cool Line tells me to call Store 700, Store 700 tells me to call the Cool Line. Circuit City: We can pass the buck like no one else!

I called the store again and asked to speak directly to Lawrence. After being on hold for five minutes, the associate said that Lawrence would call me back within half an hour. Half an hour later, my phone rang, but it was someone named Jose. Either Lawrence had suddenly gotten in touch with some long-forgotten Hispanic roots, or the buck was being passed yet again.

Jose said that Lawrence was very busy, but that he would be happy to help me. I again requested Frank's contact information. Jose said that he was not going to give that information out. I asked how exactly I was expected to speak to the District Manager if no one could give me his number. Jose did not offer any insight.

As it was soon time for me to make dinner, I finished my call. I then set out to continue to post this information in as many highly-visible places as I could. Indeed, this writing has gone up on several sites, been sent to the Better Business Bureau, and will find its way to the Attorney General's Office tomorrow. My girlfriend also advised gathering up as many corporate Circuit City e-mail addresses as I could find, and sending copies of my dilemma to them, so that a paper trail is established and hopefully someone with a conscience will get back to me. This will also be done tomorrow.

I want to thank everyone who has been supportive of me efforts. This whole experience has been very trying, and while I am certain that right will prevail in the end, it doesn't make getting there any easier. Oh well. It's still better than filling out rebates.

Update 11/27

Chapter 6: Corporate Calls.

I will post both in the thread, as well as update the Original Post when new information is made available to me, so please keep checking back.

Thanks again to everyone who has been sending their support through the posts and PMs. To those of you who are not on my side, that's fine, but please have the courtesy to throughly read the post you are railing against before making inaccurate claims. I am happy to defend my actions, or disagree with you about them, but please do not berate me for things I did not do. To clarify...

Regarding the discount on the Alzheimer's benefit thumb drive...

I asked management for either a discount on the 4GB (non-charity) thumb drive, or the 2GB charity thumb drive. Obviously I would've preferred a break on the 4GB drive. Management was the one who chose to discount the charity drive, not me. I'm not out to cheat Alzheimer's patients. I lived with my great-grandfather for a while in his last days when he was suffering with the disease. It ain't pretty.

Also, the 2GB non-charity drive was listed as in-stock at Store 700 on the site, on Saturday, for $15. That's why I went there. However, I could not add it to my cart, it was simply listed as "available in store only". I guess due to it being a special sale item. Who knows with CC.

Regarding the DS...

The DS was listed as 139.99 on the site *on Saturday*, when I first went into the store. Not Black Friday!

Check FW if you don't believe me, that's where I first heard about the deal. If it hadn't been 139.99 on Saturday, *I wouldn't have tried to buy it for 139.99 on Saturday*. Nor would I have unreasonably asked them to match a Black Friday price if it wasn't the same price when I was physically in the store on Saturday. I'm not insane.

Regarding the coupon...

Tim, the head honcho of Store 700, understood which coupon I was trying to use (I showed it to him) and offered no reservations about me applying it to my bundle of items, including the DS.

Finally, here is what happened today.

I placed another call to Store 700 to speak to Tim. Was told Tim was not in. I wonder if he's been stressed lately.

Some posters on here listed a few corporate e-mail addresses which would be great contacts to help get the message out. Unfortunately, the very brief letter I sent as a test message bounced right back from all of them. Would appreciate it if anyone could provide me with more up-to-date information.

I placed a call to Circuit City's HQ in Virginia (acquired from a corporate filing, and now listed at the top of the OP). Asked to speak to the CEO, Phil Schoonover. Was denied. I guess he was too busy driving the stock price down over 75% compared to last year. And shareholders don't even get to price match. :(

Was then transferred to Justin, a Customer Support Coordinator. Justin listened to my story, then said he would contact the store to see if they would grant price adjustments on the items in question. Finally, some small measure of progress!

I left my number with Justin and he confirmed it. However, I have not yet heard back from him. Furthermore, he did not appear to see much wrong with how I was treated as a customer, which has become the crux of this matter.

This story has popped up on a few other sites, as well as some people's blogs. This is much appreciated. Keep it coming! If you wish to reprint my tale, I ask only that you link directly back to CAG somewhere in the reprint, respect any republishing rights that CAG has over its content, and include the corporate contact information in the updated OP.

It has been brought to my attention that someone submitted this story to Digg. I don't know if I'm allowed to post the link here, but will do so now, with the reasonable understanding that those in charge will remove it if it is not appropriate to provide this link.

Clearly, Circuit City does not yet understand that customers will not stand for unjust treatment any longer. Failed rebates, botched sales, the COD3/4 fiasco, and the witch hunt for Speedy are just a few of the many problems CC has presented us in only the last few months.

I fear I will need to find someone in corporate with a little more pull and understanding, and generate some more noise, to take care of this problem. I hope I will get to speak to someone above Justin and have some pro-customer action taken by tomorrow to put an end to this nightmare.

This ends Wednesday, no matter what. I'm not going to let this drag on any longer. I'm tired of it, and I can only imagine how tired you all must be of it. I never expected this to take off like it has, but I guess that's the internet for you.

After Wednesday night, I go back to being boring old me. Either I get a resolution to my satisfaction, or I go home empty-handed once again. Wish me luck, and if you would be so kind, say a few words to those who can make a difference, because if it could happen to me, and it can happen to everyone else here who has posted a war story, it can happen to you.

Final update: 11/28/2007

Chapter Seven: Conclusive Compromise.

This afternoon, I received a call from Circuit City's corporate offices. Justin, the man in charge of customer care at HQ whom I spoke to yesterday, called me and was interested in settling this matter once and for all, as was I.

Justin informed me that he had spoken to Tim directly at Store 700 about my complaint, and that plans were now in place to have this matter corrected. Justin offered me the Nintendo DS bundle at the Saturday price of 139.99 and the thumb drive at the Saturday price of 14.99. After five days of feeling like I was tilting at windmills, it was nice to receive reassurance that I was not insane. Victory and validation had been sent to me from a white guy at a desk in Virginia.

THAT is going to be a fun trip to the store.

Justin remained firm that due to the finer points of the 40 off 200 coupon, that it should not be applied to my total purchase. I conceded that to him, then of course purchased the nunchuk and Mario Party 8 at Best Buy.

What upset me about our conversation was that while Justin understood my frustration about the pricing errors, he did not seem terribly concerned with the negative attitudes and interaction that came from his employees.

Thankfully, due to many others in this thread posting their stories of negative CC interactions, and in the process taking my small frustration onto a large arena, a lot more people now see how low the customer is truly viewed by Circuit City.

Seeing as how we're in the swing of the holiday shopping rush, and people are trying to decide where and where not to shop, I'd say that's a victory we have all achieved. Hundreds of people expressing their individual and collective displeasure against a company can in no way be good for its bottom line. Several people in this thread have already stated they are never shopping at CC again.

Finally, before I get too long winded (TOO LATE), I end with a telling quote from Justin. I mentioned that while I appreciated him handling my complaint, I told him that many other people online had expressed their problems, and that they should be taken care of as well. Just because I chose to escalate my concern did not lessen other people's problems. I said he would be doing himself and his company a great service by thoroughly checking out the concerns posted on this site.

"It's a site called Cheap - and, Justin, I'm not making this name up - it's called Cheap A-"

Justin interrupted me, stating, "Yes, I am QUITE familiar with the site you are referring to."

Good job, guys. Thanks to you, CheapyD is now known and feared even in the hallowed halls of Circuit City. That's a victory not just for me, but for all of us.[/quote]well it looks like after everything you've worked for you're getting the items you wanted. I don't agree with everything posted here. the store knew they did something wrong which is why they didn't give you the dm's#. You should have gone to another store or pick up a different item. in my opinion a DS is not worth it. I also think cc should have given you the item's free after everything you've gone through.:)
[quote name='billg']So get this...

Store 700 didn't have any Zelda bundles, but a closer CC did, so I picked up the bundle I bought through corporate there.

While waiting in line, I noticed some dude to my right buying up a TON of 4GB drives. This didn't look normal, so I asked him how much he paid for them. He didn't tell me, but he did mention that CircuitCity had a price mistake on their website recently, and he picked up a bunch to resell on eBay. Apparently a bunch of Fatwalleters bought these things up yesterday, and he was one who was picking his up today.

He wouldn't say how much he paid, but I asked how much he wanted for the 4GB drive while I was waiting. He said 20 bucks. Considering how many teeth I had to pull to get a 2GB for around that price after tax, I said deal. My girlfriend had wanted the 2GB come Christmas, and now I got to give her a 4GB for nearly the same price. Awesome.


I haven't picked up the 2GB drive yet, since I wasn't at Store 700.

The 2GB drive that corporate offered me IS, as it turns out, a black one, not one of the purple charity ones. So since I love Christmas and the holiday spirit, I'm considering one of two options.

1. Be nice and let Circuit City, Tim, and everyone else keep the 2GB drive and put this matter to rest.


2. Purchase the drive for the negotiated price, then donate all proceeds from it's sale on eBay to charity.


Oh my fucking god...after all this, now your asking for advice after most of us trashed you and your methods. Please just die already. your 15 minutes of internet fame is up. All I know is that if your actions cause CC to remember CAG and Speedy and they start up their little witch hunt again, it's going to be your fault.
Save your time, energy, and effort and just leave the 2 GB drive be. You have better (although you would have gotten in on the 4 GB deal yourself if you were reading your own thread earlier, if I recall some responses, and would have spent around $8 instead of $20).

If anything leave the 2 GB drive to the store and just donate what you would have spent on it to Child's Play or some other charity. Forget the auction, save time.
[quote name='Kapwanil']Save your time, energy, and effort and just leave the 2 GB drive be. You have better (although you would have gotten in on the 4 GB deal yourself if you were reading your own thread earlier, if I recall some responses, and would have spent around $8 instead of $20).

If anything leave the 2 GB drive to the store and just donate what you would have spent on it to Child's Play or some other charity. Forget the auction, save time.[/QUOTE]

You raise some valid points. I'll let it be then and call it a day.
Wow, this is a huge thread for such a small problem... I thought it was going to be something better what with being on the front page and all.

I've read MUCH worse stories on here and they didn't even get to the 5 page mark...

Anyway, congrats to the OP for getting what you want. It seems like it was a lot of wasted time on the phone and driving back and forth for a measly $15 though.
[quote name='billg']You raise some valid points. I'll let it be then and call it a day.[/QUOTE]

Good, then don't ever pull this shit again and post it here in a well written, yet overly dramatic thread.
Well done. Well done. :applause: I am glad to see there are still people out there fighting the good fight. Especially glad to see that I'm not the only one to press matters so savagely.

First, I had three favorite parts from what you wrote that actually made me bust out laughing. (and yes I read all of it plus the updates).

"Nick must not have noticed me following him all the way to the back earlier, as I apparently possess a previously underutilized ninja tracking skill. Nick must also possess a similar skill, for I never saw him emerge from the back. Either this, or the Circuit City complex is designed not unlike the mansion in Clue."

"He grabbed one of the purple Alzheimer's charity thumb drives and manually overrode the price to match that of the black thumb drive, $15, perhaps figuring that they won't remember being shorted in a few days."

"One of the workers had also said I should take up my complaint with the District Manager of Store 700, Frank. A new name at a new level! I was excited. I had just leveled up in real life."

With those great and hilarious things said, I would like to say that I actually had a brief (and when I say brief I mean brief) stint as a Circuit City employee. I worked there for all of 4 days. In one week's time I was given 3 days off and I was forced to take one day off due to the fact that the water at my local Circuit City apparently comes directly from Mexico. Who knew you could also get dysentery while shopping?

Anyways, in my time there I saw many horrible things. I was actually told that customers were important and then was told that customers don't know what they want and need to more or less be told. And should be treated like idiots. I did saw my share of stupid customers though... one dude attempted to pawn off a computer back to Circuit City because he failed at taking off Vista and loaded XP and didn't know how to find drivers... I think he thought that vista was old and XP was still new lol. He demanded a disc with drivers and giftcards and all sorts of nonsense for his own screw up.

The day before I decided to quit was one of the greatest overall experiences I've ever had at CC. We were wonderfully short handed that day... we had about 50+ customers with about 5 actual employee's on the floor. So the entire day was hell just trying to help out all the customers (yes I was actually a helpful CC employee, shocking I know). As the day progressed and we got closer to closing, we learned that the district manager was going to be coming in the next day so everything had to be spotless and we were going to have to stay "a little late." Everyone was fine with that and we continued to finish off our day.

About 30 - 45 minutes were left in the day before we had to close and then all of a sudden you hear an alarm go off. It's actually nothing new and usually happens since the cashiers tend to forget to demagnetize some of the items. Everyone continued to do their thing until our one and only manager finally walked back out onto the floor. Low and behold, someone apparently walked up to the television displays, unscrewed a 42" Sony LCD, unplugged it from the wall and walked out the fire escape. Which was very hard for me to not openly laugh about since the fire alarm sounded nothing like a fire alarm and gave no sense of urgency to leave the store as well as the brazen robbery of the television itself coupled with the ineptitude of CC's loss prevention.

With the loss of the television it made the night go by even worse. It was made especially worse since the District Manager was coming the next day and the only manager that was there was going to get in trouble and took his frustrations out on us. We were forced to stay two hours past our shifts without overtime pay to get everything "nice and neat" for the DM. And when I say that we were forced, we were forced. The doors were locked and we were actually held prisoner at the store unable to leave until the manager decided to unlock the doors and let us leave.

Well as you can see, any sane person would quit when you have that one day as an example and the ineptitude was everywhere. I asked one of my managers about training since I didn't know how sell an item to a customer or look anything up since the systems are so outdated (they're in freaking DOS!). And the greatest response ever, "you're training is your responsibility." Granted you're suppose to go and sit at a computer and "train." You never get an opportunity to not to mention you never know when you can. Plus the training system just sucks. CC also doesn't like to abide by state laws of mandatory breaks every two hours. I believe it's a national law but I'm not sure. I just know 100% it is in Washington.

I hope nobody ever shops at CC unless if they are the only place that carries something that you REAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLY want. And for god sake don't ever work there.

P.S. The whole Firedog thing is that they use to be a seperate company that CC had an agreement with and would "contract" work to and then CC bought them out so they try to sell that stuff as hard as possible. Which is funny since buying them out really hurt them and they still don't want to help out the customers as they should. Sorry for such a long response too... lol
After wasting a small portion of my life reading this drivel, I can only come to the conclusion that billg was intentionally going for CAG Villain of the Year the next time awards roll around. No other explanation is plausible.


He probably ranks down there with the likes of morganwebblover and help1. Unfortunately, i have a hunch this will end up being the thread of the year, and while i think billg will be nominiated, he wont win villain of the year. Sort of like how harrison ford gets nominated for a lot of oscars but never wins and is the best actor to have never won, billg will be the biggest jackass to never win.

[quote name='jza1218']I stopped showing my bags at the door a while ago. I just keep walking, if they ask, I tell them no thank you. Legally, you dont have to show them the contents of your bag, with the exception of places like BJ's and Sams, where you pay to be a member. Thats in the contract you sign when you join up.[/QUOTE]

you know, i have a funny story here, about a month ago, i was at ralphs supermarker(a chain of supermarkets here is california), i always ask for no bags. so i leave the store and begin packing up my car, the security dude asked if i had paid, i offered him my receipt, and he shrugged it off and didnt look at the receipt. About 2 minutes later, the security guy and a manager come running at me at top speed saying "HEY MISTER YOU NEED TO PAY FOR THOSE GROCERIES!" i was pretty amused so i just showed them my receipt

The manager said, "oh, well we asked all the cashiers if anyone had checked out with no bags, and no one said anything, i guess sometimes they forget when someone checks out with no bags." I thought this was pretty funny, this is socal and people waste a ton of shit, so I said "next time ask the bagboys". If i was really thinking i would have turned into an obnoxious asshole and tryed to pull some shit like the OP and call corporate and demand a gift card.
[quote name='honzoh']Harrison Ford = best actor to have never won an Oscar? what????[/quote]

He was HAN SOLO, INDIANA JONES and in Bladerunner!

Who was better than him in those movies?

[quote name='Trek234']Um, yes, it is.[/quote]

No it's not. The Saturday and Sunday before Christmas are the busiest. Also the and weekend after Christmas are right up there with Black Friday.
[quote name='billg']You raise some valid points. I'll let it be then and call it a day.[/quote]
I have some valid points too:

1. You suck at writing. Some of the forum members here seem to think you're the paragon of eloquence and comedic timing, simply because you throw in WOEFULLY big words here and there. However, ultimately it's quite TELLING that most of these instances seem forced.

2. You have no tact. You have pretty much squandered away any ingroup acceptance and sympathy that you might have had. I thought you might have been doing a smart thing by keeping silent for the most part, but your myriad updates (despite it being one day past Wednesday) prove otherwise.

3. You should probably kill yourself.
[quote name='blaked569']I have some valid points too:

1. You suck at writing. Some of the forum members here seem to think you're the paragon of eloquence and comedic timing, simply because you throw in WOEFULLY big words here and there. However, ultimately it's quite TELLING that most of these instances seem forced.

2. You have no tact. You have pretty much squandered away any ingroup acceptance and sympathy that you might have had. I thought you might have been doing a smart thing by keeping silent for the most part, but your myriad updates (despite it being one day past Wednesday) prove otherwise.

3. You should probably kill yourself.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='blaked569']I have some valid points too:

1. You suck at writing. Some of the forum members here seem to think you're the paragon of eloquence and comedic timing, simply because you throw in WOEFULLY big words here and there. However, ultimately it's quite TELLING that most of these instances seem forced.

2. You have no tact. You have pretty much squandered away any ingroup acceptance and sympathy that you might have had. I thought you might have been doing a smart thing by keeping silent for the most part, but your myriad updates (despite it being one day past Wednesday) prove otherwise.

3. You should probably kill yourself.[/quote]
Holy Shit that':applause:s funny

valid points or not - and you have both in your rant... Have you considered how many yrs. this has taken off your life expectency in terms of all the stress/heartache and getting all worked up.

You have to somehow @ one point factor this in - being constantly in 'bitch mode' will make you one sour person and life's quite short to frown :p

I used to be like you and eventually made peace that you cannot change the world single handedly DESPITE having valid points.

My advise to you (and I am sure I may catch some flack for this) is to simply move on - put this behind you instead of becoming the "Robin Hood" of the consumer and raging an all-on war on the retailers.

Despite being somewhat articulate in your approach I think you made a few of us crack up when you actually attempted to call the CEO of Circuit City over this.


PS: smoke a joint and enjoy some sex now and then.
[quote name='billg']So get this...

Store 700 didn't have any Zelda bundles, but a closer CC did, so I picked up the bundle I bought through corporate there.

While waiting in line, I noticed some dude to my right buying up a TON of 4GB drives. This didn't look normal, so I asked him how much he paid for them. He didn't tell me, but he did mention that CircuitCity had a price mistake on their website recently, and he picked up a bunch to resell on eBay. Apparently a bunch of Fatwalleters bought these things up yesterday, and he was one who was picking his up today.

He wouldn't say how much he paid, but I asked how much he wanted for the 4GB drive while I was waiting. He said 20 bucks. Considering how many teeth I had to pull to get a 2GB for around that price after tax, I said deal. My girlfriend had wanted the 2GB come Christmas, and now I got to give her a 4GB for nearly the same price. Awesome.


I haven't picked up the 2GB drive yet, since I wasn't at Store 700.

The 2GB drive that corporate offered me IS, as it turns out, a black one, not one of the purple charity ones. So since I love Christmas and the holiday spirit, I'm considering one of two options.

1. Be nice and let Circuit City, Tim, and everyone else keep the 2GB drive and put this matter to rest.


2. Purchase the drive for the negotiated price, then donate all proceeds from it's sale on eBay to charity.


Okay now after this last post I know for sure this whole story was some sort of bizarre trolling attempt. I don't think billG is in Philly at all - I think he's one of the now out of work WGA union members.
congrats on getting word out there and finally getting this matter resolved. Circuit City is a really shitty company overall. I worked there for about 3 months over 5 years ago, and the same issues of shitty customer service existed back then. On top of that, they don't treat their employees any better. Ever since I quit working there I have never set foot back inside another Circuit City Store, and never will. I would much rather pay more for the same product than give them my business. So again, Congratulations on your victory and resolution on this matter, I'm glad to hear those a**holes over at Circuit City know this site "quite" well :applause:
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