How do you make money in school?

12,000??! 12 years old? oh man you are so lucky. dont wanna think how many cans you had to sell:p. i do this one thing at this place that helps teenagers find something to do like gangsters and stuff and sometimes there's like AIDS classes and you attend it for a while and receive like 200 bucks for it. selling cans sound interesting though. some of my friends receive money form their parents and they take it for granted a lot. if only they knew *sigh*.
Drugs, Ciggarettes, Booze, Burned CD's may not be the most ethical thing to sell in school, but it will make you money the fastest (IF your good), but it also has the highest change of failing, you going to court, ruining life blah blah. Ive seen it happen to many of my friends, one is in court now, one just got out of some foster home and is back with his parents, one about a month and a half ago got sent to Millitary School (although he tells me there are more drugs there than our school).

Just dont do anything stupid like sell Cocaine and Heroin. Stick to weed.

NOTICE: Most of the aforemention stuff is illegal and should only be tried i you either really need money or are a pothead.

Guess which category i fall into.
LOL, funny you should mention duct tape wallets, I sold duct tape accessories including wallets, purses, wristbands, hats. I made a total of about $75 in profits ($3 a wallet, $6 a purse, $10 a hat... sold 1).

I made most of my money selling lighters. A HUGE success. I sold butane green flame torch lighters for $25 a person, or $15 for friends and $40 for freshman. I made a grnad total of $670 in 2 months! I still have some left over if anyone wants to start their own school business. The best part is, I got them in bulk for rediculously cheap.

Then if you want to go the illegal route, marijuana and paraphenalia are always good. I won't disclose how much I made IF I made any at all. I made literally hundreds of dollars selling computer programs and porno CD's. Mom caught me on the porno though so I had to stop.

A friend of mine made about $300 selling albums.

I've made maybe $200 over the past three years in doing homework and projects.

I am a reseller for my friends. They give me things to put up on eBay and pay me a little extra after it sells. The biggest included a motorboat ($2900) and a professional paintball package ($600).

Now that I've got a steady job, I do sidework at school for a little profit, not as much as I used to.

Email me for resources, tips, and hints, I'll be happy to help.
I was looking into this a little previously on my own but it all involved candy and gum. I have a feeling i am going to start on that but i don't want to stay on that too long. I am only in the 7th grade and have a lot going for me in the ways of eduacation (I take algebra instead of 7th grade math) so i can't do anything that i can get into a lot of trouble with so no porn or programs. And in the ways of video games or non-sugary food I don't want to tamper with. But i am into selling items (skilled with duct tape) and you said you made some off of that.

But i guess my main questions are:
1. What was the most trouble you got in and why?
2. Can you recall everything that you sold, and maybe prices?
3. Did you use a kind of advertising?
4. Did you encounter any snitches and what happened?
5. How did you have your parents let you buy this stuff? (keep in mind im only 13)
If you have the brains, tutor people.

I used to take *cash* $10-20/hour in high school and $25-35/hour in University teaching math, science, and english.
I applied for a tutoring position at my college, but apparently no one needs tutoring in VB and C#.:roll::lol:

I also applied for a lab monitor postion, but they don't need anyone right now. Shame too, you literally just sit there until someone asks for help with a computer. Not even supposed to help with homework, just if the computer freezes or something along those lines.
I read about a guy who ate lots of happy meals (or other kids meals, depending on who had the best toys) and eBayed the toys to pay for the meal.

I did web design my last two years at UGA but then that was before template monster and other overseas (India FTW) companies that just churned out websites for peanuts.
[quote name='basement man']I was looking into this a little previously on my own but it all involved candy and gum. I have a feeling i am going to start on that but i don't want to stay on that too long. I am only in the 7th grade and have a lot going for me in the ways of eduacation (I take algebra instead of 7th grade math) so i can't do anything that i can get into a lot of trouble with so no porn or programs. And in the ways of video games or non-sugary food I don't want to tamper with. But i am into selling items (skilled with duct tape) and you said you made some off of that.

But i guess my main questions are:
1. What was the most trouble you got in and why?
2. Can you recall everything that you sold, and maybe prices?
3. Did you use a kind of advertising?
4. Did you encounter any snitches and what happened?
5. How did you have your parents let you buy this stuff? (keep in mind im only 13)[/quote]

Do something you like. I had a little cousin as big into comic books as I am start his own library out of his bedroom. He ran out of $$$ from his allowance one summer to because he bought his own video game console but there were some comics he wanted. Then, he got a bright idea. He'd charge his friends who came over a $1 cover for all the comics they could read (soda & cookies included). This way, his poor comic book friends could read a lot of comics while saving most of their money and he was able to pull up some $$$ to fund his own comics. He was even able to replace the comics that got worn down since he made a decent amount of $$$ and started buying 2 copies of each comic (1 for his personal stash & one for reading). You could also sell your services around the neighborhood (presuming you live in a neighborhood safe enough for you to wander around) doing things like mowing lawns, pulling out weeds, shoveling snow, etc. If you were a bit older, I could recommend other things, but as it is, unless you're already a rich kid, there's not that many job opportunities for 13 yr olds.
[quote name='DRJ555']I used to sell gum. I would walk past Albertson's every day on my way to Jr. High and buy gum for like $.30 (or less I don't remember). Plus I used my five finger discount to lower my overhead. Then I would sell it all for $.50 each and make a nice profit. I made about $20 a day which was plenty for me.[/quote]

LOL...I love five finger discounting as a cost reducing strategy.

Reviewing the suggestions, if you want to go the legal route, the candy/soda method may be the best way to go, especially if you live in a state such as CA where the facists are already banning junk food on public school campuses.

This way you could fill the void when the vendors are forced out.

That or if you have time on the weekends, you could do what the ghetto youths do in NYC and elsewhere and sell candy at a crowded public area. Just don't try it on private property such as a mall...those bastards are worse than the mob and will kick your ass out if they can't get a cut.
I was also a Middle school/High school hustler

At first i sold pens and pencils, making 50 cents a pencil and 75 cents a pen, my mom worked for the County at the hospital and she managed all the warehouse orders at the time and she'd bring boxes of pens and pencils that were just lying around not doing anything...I had about 20 boxes filled with 500 pens and pencils each box. I SOLD THEM ALL!! I dont remember the profit, but i used the money i earned from that to buy more product to sell for my next hot item

CANDY!...everyone loves candy (Well...i dont,...except chocolate) When i was young...Every kid came out on halloween to grab Sacks and sacks of candy from all the generous people, i mean i would take 3 of those pillowcases from those BIG ONE's pillows and fill them all up the brim. (nowadays i barely see one kid dressed up, and even then its being escorted by their parents to each house in their SUV...WHERE HAS THE TRUST GONE!!! KIDS WANT CANDY PEOPLE ITS HALLOWEEEN FOR fuckSAKE!) all the candy i got was collected and never eaten...(Still dont like candy, too much sugar makes me naseous) and it was sold over the next couple of months at school where i made tons and tons of cash off of all the Latchkey kids.

Then it was books, then it was POKEMAN CARDS! hahaha...that craze was funny as shit, I never understood the big deal i would sell guys these cards at 10 bucks a pop, sell the more expensive (oooh shiney!) ones at 40 bucks and then steal them back later and resell them to the same guy or someone else....It was a goddamned goldmine!

Then another craze was the Yo-Yo's, that didnt do to well, but i made some decent dough off it SELLING NYLON STRING!...jezzus.

Then it was burned CD's, and those made a decent profit

Then it was Video games, and movies and now....I HAVE A JOB BITCHES!
[quote name='digioverload']Just get a job. You'll eventually need to get one anyway.[/quote]yeh,I have one and I work 80 hours a check even though I shouldn't since I'm still in school.She is a divorced mom and I pretty much started working because I wanted extra money and wanted to help her out with the atrocious bills my dad left.I don't know how I do it but I also have A's and B's.Yeah,my mom doesn't give me "prizes" for getting good grades except good job since that is all I she afford/can do.My inspiration of getting good grades is that I don't want to live how she did.I want to live good and not worry about taking care of kids until I'm 25/6.I also bought my own car(it's not the best car but hey,I have a car and am in High School) and buy my own stuff.The last thing she bought me was Metal Gear Solid Portable OPS in 2006 just week before I started working.Energy drinks for the win!!!!
[quote name='snakelda']yeh,I have one and I work 80 hours a check even though I shouldn't since I'm still in school.She is a divorced mom and I pretty much started working because I wanted extra money and wanted to help her out with the atrocious bills my dad left.I don't know how I do it but I also have A's and B's.Yeah,my mom doesn't give me "prizes" for getting good grades except good job since that is all I she afford/can do.My inspiration of getting good grades is that I don't want to live how she did.I want to live good and not worry about taking care of kids until I'm 25/6.I also bought my own car(it's not the best car but hey,I have a car and am in High School) and buy my own stuff.The last thing she bought me was Metal Gear Solid Portable OPS in 2006 just week before I started working.Energy drinks for the win!!!![/QUOTE]

Wow, good job man. Good to hear kids working and going to school successfully but let me tell you..I'm 26 and still couldn't imagine kids...don't rush it.
Let's see here's a few ideas
Get a paper route as mention back in the day when I had one worked about 6-7 hrs a week and made about $150 and when xmas came around I usually made about $200 extra in tips

Babysitting? If you live in an area with lots of kids and are trustworthy, hell you can make bank in the evenings. I think I charged something like $10 an hr back in the late 90s.

And now finishing up this degree I work as a fraternity advisor, work in a pc lab 24 hrs a week, blog on the side and Im about to start another blog soon. I just use the time at the lab to do my homework and blog.
Wow, nearly four year old thread...

I've actually gone through here and made a nice little list of people I'll never trade with due to shady business practices though, so good job bumping.
bread's done