How do you make Popcorn?

ninju D

I've been obsessed with popcorn lately. Ever since I saw a TV show that gave directions for a simple but effective way for popping your own. If given the chance I may not go back to the microwave kind.
Anyway, how do you make yours?

Edit: It was suggested that I add my home popping method. Here goes:

I saw this on Food TV, sorry I forget which show.

You will need:

Large Stainless steel Mixing bowl- you can get one at Target or Wally for about $6. DO NOT USE ANY BOWL OTHER THAN METAL FOR THIS EXPERIMENT!
Aluminum foil
Peanut Oil
Popcorn salt- This is different than regular table salt.

First, get your parents permission to use the stove.
Turn one of the larger burners on your stove to medium.
Put 1/2cup of popcorn, 3 tablespoons of oil, and salt to taste into the bowl.
Cover tightly with foil and poke about 10 or so small holes in the foil.
Grip edge of bowl with tongs and shake over heat. Popping will start in about 60-90 seconds.
Once the popping starts, shake faster. You don't want the popped stuff to burn.
Its very important to listen to the popping. The popping will start and stop little faster and more violently than its in your microwave. When it starts to slow down you are done.
make your own. You are all missing out if you buy microwave. It costs less in the long run, is healthier, tastes much better, and you are only sacrificing ~5 min extra in cook time and clean up. You can make as much or as little as you like and can flavor it exactly how you want it.

here's how i do it....

-In large sauce pan put in a small amount of canola oil to cover the bottom by 1/2 cm
-pour in enough newman yellow kernel pop corn (i get it in a jar) to fill the bottom 1 kernel high.
-Put on high heat. When the first kernel pops, cover with lid.
-Shake frequently until popping stops.
-pour into large popcorn bowl.
-then, quickly clean out the same sauce pan with a paper towel. Throw in 2 tbls of butter and melt.
-Spread evenly over popped corn and add popcorn salt to taste. (yes, popcorn salt is worth it. You should definitely get some**)

tips: don't burn the popcorn or butter. only buy yellow popping corn. you'll get better with knowing amounts of ingredients to add, it doesn't have to be precise. I like the flavor of canola oil but you can substitute vegetable oil. It's easier than it sounds.

Popcorn is like anything you put in the microwave-The homemade version is better; Also try to limit the crap you eat out of a bag!
Microwave popcorn is the devil. It only takes a couple minutes more to pop it yourself on the stove and it's so much better.
[quote name='rodeojones903']Microwave.

Movie theater popcorn with a Hershey bar is the best.[/quote]

microwave popcorn has some funky stuff in it very bad for you.
[quote name='tivo']make your own. You are all missing out if you buy microwave. It costs less in the long run, is healthier, tastes much better, and you are only sacrificing ~5 min extra in cook time and clean up. You can make as much or as little as you like and can flavor it exactly how you want it.

here's how i do it....

-In large sauce pan put in a small amount of canola oil to cover the bottom by 1/2 cm
-pour in enough newman yellow kernel pop corn (i get it in a jar) to fill the bottom 1 kernel high.
-Put on high heat. When the first kernel pops, cover with lid.
-Shake frequently until popping stops.
-pour into large popcorn bowl.
-then, quickly clean out the same sauce pan with a paper towel. Throw in 2 tbls of butter and melt.
-Spread evenly over popped corn and add popcorn salt to taste. (yes, popcorn salt is worth it. You should definitely get some**)

tips: don't burn the popcorn or butter. only buy yellow popping corn. you'll get better with knowing amounts of ingredients to add, it doesn't have to be precise. I like the flavor of canola oil but you can substitute vegetable oil. It's easier than it sounds.

Popcorn is like anything you put in the microwave-The homemade version is better; Also try to limit the crap you eat out of a bag![/quote]

thats the best way to do it an it tastes amazing everytime. just wish there was a way to make pringles yourself.
If I have the time or equipment to make it homemade. Then that is what I do, however it is almost always Microwave popcorn for me.
If I'm making a big batch, I do it on the stove. Wave it if it's just for me.

To the OP, if one of my parents is deceased, and the other lives in another state, can I give myself permission to use the stovetop?
Microwave. There was corn on the cob flavored microwave popcorn, that was the bomb but i guess they don't make that no more. I like mixing butter and kettle corn together cause they go over board with the butter which sometimes don't taste right.
bread's done