How do you roll with your Vita? Digital or Physical or Both?


262 (100%)
How are you guys buying games? Digitally, Physically, or a mixture of both? Personally I've been doing a mix, I'm kind of bummed I bought Hot Shots and MvsC3 physically since they are good all the time whenever games. Glad I have Lumines digitally though. I already beat Uncharted and it was nice to have it physically so I could re-sell it quickly.
yeah I'm still trying to figure out which games i want physically versus digitally. As i don't want to be stuck with a digital game that i would want to sell later down the road.

also i just got my ps vita on Monday, so right now I have no physical games in my library just yet. I've only purchases super stardust delta so far, and I also downloaded motorstorm RC. But I downloaded every demo game that the vita has to try, to see which games I might like. So far I like asphalt injection, sucks I missed the deal amazon had it for $19.99. :whistle2:( I also like hot shots golf, rayman, and my 8 year old son would love reality fighters. Now i need to figure out which to get physically and which ones to get digitally.
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I tend to buy all games that I want physical if they are available physically. I can usually get a better deal on physical games and I can always resell it. I still buy games like Mutant Blobs Attack that are only available digitally. If I get a good deal on PSN cards, I buy some retail games digitally if it makes a better deal coupled with the digital discount. I still factor in memory cards too because I only have an 8 gb card now.
A mix of both for me. If it's something I know I'll be playing for a long time, I'll go digital. If I'm unsure, or it's a one-time play through then retail it is.

Of course, as a CAG I'll always break these rules to go where the deals are.
I will probably go mostly physical since you can get good deals on them or buy them used but the downloads are always the same price just slightly under MSRP so unless they have some sales or there is a way to share games like on PS3 then will be like 90% physical
When there's a choice, I've found that it has been much cheaper to buy physical since that's the only way to get any sort of deal on the initial purchase and also gives me the option to resell in the future. Only digital copies I've bought are of PSP games that I want to be able to play on my Vita, or Vita games that are only available in digital format.

I may eventually convert some games from physical to digital if there is a good deal on the digital versions and I can recover some of the costs by reselling the physical version. But I'd only do this for games that have a lot of replay value (Lumines?, BlazBlue?). But since the cards are so small and I can fit 8 of them in my hard PDP Vita case (plus another in the Vita), the convenience of digital over physical is pretty small.

Plus, if you include the cost of the storage cards with the price of the digital games, that actually makes them even more expensive than the list price of the physical copies.

The only real advantage of digital over physical that I can see is that you can install the game on 2 devices at the same time (down from the 5 devices possible with PSP games until they changed everything to 2 devices). So if you have two Vitas in your household and you want to play PvP where your would need a copy of the game for both devices, that would reduce your cost by 50% compared to physical copies. But if you only have 1 Vita in your household, physical probably makes more sense.
Voted digital. Aiming to make my vita as grab and go as possible.
Got the 32 gig card so I can load everything up without worrying about media.
Funny, a couple of years ago I would have said physical only, but after using Steam for a couple of years I'm staring to appreciate the convienience of digital.
Plus with demos available for the bulk of the games I don't plan on buying anything before I have tried it and I usually never trade in games I like anymore anyway.
I mostly go physical because of the deals. I haven't paid MSRP for any game that i have got so far. Most i picked up most from $10-20 cheaper than MSRP.
[quote name='Tengaport']A mix of both for me. If it's something I know I'll be playing for a long time, I'll go digital. If I'm unsure, or it's a one-time play through then retail it is.

Of course, as a CAG I'll always break these rules to go where the deals are.[/QUOTE]


But prefer physical majority of the time.
The only games I ever plan on buying digital are ones that are only available digital.
So far I have purchased Tales from Space and Super Stardust.

But all games I own for the system are physical copies.
I have not paid full price for anything physical for the Vita so far including games, system and accessories.

But the two digital games I bought at full price which I find kind of odd.
90% digital. I like the convenience of not having to bring games with me (Lumines, HSG, etc). I always have a physical game loaded in the slot (usually one that I want to beat and Uncharted).

I really like the convenience of having digital PSP rpg's at my fingertips and can't wait to load up my PSone titles (hopefully soon!)
%100 physical. Only digital titles I will buy are the PSN exclusive ones. Unless Sony does crazy discounts for digital versions.
If there's a way to buy physical. Definitely physical. I don't have to worry about buying extra memory cards, I can always resell the game, and I also like something tangible to own.
Physical, 100%. Since I have a case that holds 24 games with the Vita, I'm not worried about carrying anything.

Plus, as others have mentioned... I, too, haven't paid retail for any of the 7 Vita games I own. I appreciate what Sony is doing by having the digital versions be cheaper, but it's still generally pretty easy to find even cheaper physical versions within a few weeks, if not less.

In addition to that, there's the memory card issue... I'd rather lug around multiple game cards that have to (eventually) deal with having to pick and choose what stays on the memory card. Even with a 32gb, the room will eventually run out, and I'd rather not have to deal with that problem by either being selective, or buying another overpriced memory card.

I understand the benefits of digital, but they still aren't enough to make me break from just sticking with physical versions of everything.
I'm way too much of a cheap bastard to consider paying anything more than about $25 fo a portable game. Only way to get the games for $25 or less is to get the physical versions used, or on some special sale. The digital versions just aren't going to go that cheap. $29.99 is probably as low as most digital versions will go (of the prime time games), so it's just not worth it.

Lately, I've been trying to find Vita games for less than $20.

(of course, Super Stardust Delta and Mutant Blobs are a different story. I'd rather pay $5 for them, but at $10 and $8, I can't complain too much)
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