How important is feedback/activeness to you for making trades?


9 (100%)
(Hope this is the right section for this)

I'm quite new to the site, and pretty much signed up to make a few trades as my income is rather low.

Thus far I haven't had the best of luck in trading so I was wondering....

How important is it to you to have someone with higher feedback/activeness before you're willing to trade with them?
I dont have the highest feedback but when I trade it gives me a quick guess if they are trustworthy and feedback is just a guide kind of. Like the above post you might have to ship pr send your stuff first because of no or little feedback. I had no problem sending my stuff first with cags who have been here awhile and had high feedback, but no matter what there is always a chance to get burned
Feedback content is mildly important -- I have an arbitrary threshold in my own mind for positive versus negative feedback, with big red flags that make me find someone else even if it's the only bad one there (like "never sent game").

The amount of feedback is unimportant as long as a) they follow the "lesser feedback ships first" rule and b) they use delivery confirmation. I had one trade go terribly awry due to the post office apparently absconding with the game I was receiving as part of the trade, and it took nearly a month to come to an agreement that it was gone, because there was no delivery confirmation and consequently no information as to when or where the item may have disappeared into the aether.

Activeness is the #2 thing I check after price or available games to trade. I find a deal I like, I check their "Last activity" time on their profile, and immediately close the page if it was any longer than seven days ago. Most of the people I seem to be finding haven't logged in for eight months or more.
Yeah I'm not so concerned with feedback; to be honest I wasn't sure how to even leave feedback (it is stupid simple) until after my first few trades/sales on this site.

I'm mostly concerned with how active the member is. Most scammers are lazy and stupid and I don't think they'd be willing to set up an account for years and actively post just to scam someone out of DLC or a used game.

The only time I'd be super particular is if I had a very rare or valuable item
Ok guys, thank you for your input. Hopefully having no feedback won't be a problem as everyone has to start somewhere, and I log in pretty much every day so activeness shouldn't be a problem.

I guess it's just my fault for trying to get a really hard to get game first. XD
well to me feedback is important. i follow the "lower feedback ships first rule" and i check their feedback. if they have negatives, depending on what they are, i wont deal with them. activeness isnt that important to me, as my feedback is high enough that im willing to risk trades... (within reason, im not here to trade consoles or 100's of dollars worth of stuff to one person because you never know what will happen)

i will offer a little advice though. you need to expand what youre looking for, Suikoden 2 isnt a big enough want list. the trading community isnt that big so the amount of people that have it would be very limited, and with that said, just because 1 person has it doesnt mean you will have anything they want. more wants will get you more action (most likely). also, you just posted your thread yesterday, so patience is a virtue. you cant expect a trade to just happen overnight, as i said the community (for trading) isnt huge, so finding people to trade with can take time, even with a bigger want list. also id recommend trying to deal with higher feedback people until you have a few trades done, just to be on the safer side. just be patient, and you will get the trades going, though if all you want is Suikoden 2 it could take a very long time ;)
[quote name='crzyjoeguy']i will offer a little advice though. you need to expand what youre looking for, Suikoden 2 isnt a big enough want list. the trading community isnt that big so the amount of people that have it would be very limited, and with that said, just because 1 person has it doesnt mean you will have anything they want. more wants will get you more action (most likely). also, you just posted your thread yesterday, so patience is a virtue. you cant expect a trade to just happen overnight, as i said the community (for trading) isnt huge, so finding people to trade with can take time, even with a bigger want list. also id recommend trying to deal with higher feedback people until you have a few trades done, just to be on the safer side. just be patient, and you will get the trades going, though if all you want is Suikoden 2 it could take a very long time ;)[/QUOTE]

Well, there are a few other things I want, games that would probably be pretty easy to get, but the reason I am focusing only on Suikoden 2 first is because my fiance and I own Suikoden 1, 3, 4, 5, and Tactics and we can't play 3, 4, 5, or Tactics until we are able to beat 2 as we like to play them in order. This is the main reason I want to make sure I get Suikoden 2 before moving on to other lesser valuable games. I'm very open to trading multiple games and cash just for this 1 game.

As for dealing with higher feedback people, that's going to be a bit difficult since I'm trying to get Suikoden 2 as when I looked at the list of people that had the game almost all of them were low feedback and in some cases 0. I understand it's going to be pretty difficult getting a game like this but it's very important I try to get it before going for other games as you see. I am more than willing to ship first if need be as well. I guess patience is something I will have to have though so thank you for your advice.
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