How important is it

How old are you? I live in LA and uh, you really are out of choices if you don't drive, unless you like bumming rides or having your parents take you everywhere. Doesn't make a ton of difference though until you're out of high school. I didn't have my license until after I graduated, it wasn't that bad.
Trust me driving is the Difference between getting a job and not getting a job along with a lot of other things. Get you Licnese ASAP. I mean it without them you are stuck living at home and working at the Mcdonalds done the street.
You need not only a car, but a nice one. A Lamborghini or Ferrari... at the very least, a Rolls Royce. Otherwise, you'll never get any girls. Everyone has one, they're just hidden away until needed. That's why you never see them.
As far as our society goes, transportation is a part of social status... for whatever reason.

As far as transportation goes, a car is a little important. It's a means of getting to work, school or where ever else you need to go.
[quote name='Graystone']Trust me driving is the Difference between getting a job and not getting a job along with a lot of other things. Get you Licnese ASAP. I mean it without them you are stuck living at home and working at the Mcdonalds done the street.[/QUOTE]

As opposed to working at the McDonald's one city over?

Getting a job because you have a car is only important if you want to get a job at a retail store out of the way. Otherwise, if it's an important enough job, chances are it's located near public transportation, such as a train or main thoroughfare where many busses frequent. Most people who work in Chicago use the trains.
If you live in San Francisco, Chicago or New York - Places where public transportation is superior than other cities- then driving a car is not important.

If you live anywhere else, then yeah...a set of wheels is important to your dating life.
Well I still don't have my license, and I'm 18. I took drivers ed and such way back when I was able to, but overslept on the day of my road test, and haven't bothered to reschedule it.

While in High School it didn't matter, although now I'm bumming a ride to college (NYIT is commuter) every day. But he's my friend so he doesn't care. And then when I transfer, it's pointless to have a car when you can walk to everywhere of importance.

So I figure I'll buy one when I become a college jr or sr. Until then, it's just not necessary, and an extravagance I can live without.
[quote name='capitalist_mao']Most people who work in Chicago use the trains.[/QUOTE]

Yeah. Not everyone lives in a bustling city.
well if ya want to sacrifice a little cash, buy an old beater for a car and get the liability insurance(thats the cheapest there is.) my first car was 500 bucks. it didn't turn heads, but i kept the damn thing clean in case a girl did want to go out. it got the job done.
[quote name='capitalist_mao']As opposed to working at the McDonald's one city over?

Getting a job because you have a car is only important if you want to get a job at a retail store out of the way. Otherwise, if it's an important enough job, chances are it's located near public transportation, such as a train or main thoroughfare where many busses frequent. Most people who work in Chicago use the trains.[/QUOTE]

My point was that taking the bus (only public trans in my city) is an inconveice. what if you want take a girl out. OP said he is 18, So that does not help when you want to take her out. You both standing for 45mins in the 2 degree weather waiting on the bus just to go out and eat at the Olive garden. Having a car is important in this day and age.
If his friend can drive or if he has easy access to public transportation, I don't think being able to drive is very important. But it will be a bit more awkward to ask someone out if you can't provide transportation. Might have to let the girl know ahead of time.
[quote name='Scorch']uhh.. very important unless you like asking your mom for a ride to the theatre or whereever..[/QUOTE]

That's always great when you're trying to get road head from your girlfriend. ;)
Well, where I live, to even get to the grocery store you need a car. It's that or call a taxi (expensive, probably 5 plus tip), walk (an hour or so) or ride a bike. So to do pretty much anything you need a car. That's true for new england, maybe other regions have good suburban and rural public transit systems, but nothing in RI, MA, VT, NH or ME.

Basically, unless you got a friend you can keep borrowing a car from (though you'd still need a license) or just get lucky (ie. girl is content to do all the driving, doesn't care, or figures "what the hell?" and then falls in love with you) you're not getting a date really. Also, kinda difficult to even meet people, since you can't get to college, club etc. without one.
Ya I feel me not having a car in high school kind of ruined me. I never really wanted to ask a girl out or anything cuz I couldn't drive her anywhere and it would feel ackward having my mom pick my date up and take us to the movies. So Not having a car really ruined the whole high school experience for me. Seriously.
Depends where you live and what you do. Typically if you live in a larger city with decent transportation you can get around pretty well without one.
If you're young (i.e. high school), then no (if you're really good, you can get pussy w/o it). If you're in a state college, a lil bit but still not as much later on since the campus will most likely have everything within walking distance. When you start working, hell yes. Can't impress a client if you can't get to your destination in a nice ride. The only instance the last situation would not be true is if you live in a downtown metro area like Chicago as trains will get you everywhere and the type of jobs downtown, all the 'client impressing' happens in a boardroom w/ a powerpoint presentation.
W/O a car they only pussy you can get is ugly pussy, and I ain't for that. I am after top of the line pussy, nothing less.
bread's done