How many hrs a week do you play games?


217 (100%)
Fess up how many hours do you invest and what games take up most of your time?

For me it's wow and ps2 games.
I usually only play on weekends unless an AMAZING game comes out, and most of the weekend play is on friday which I usually play on from 4/5- 12.
Normally I work 1 full time job and 1 part time job, plus have a family at home, so I'm lucky if I put in 12 hours/week. Currently, however, I'm on a 3-week hiatus from the part-time job, so I'm trying to put in about 30-40 hours/week to catch up on some backlog. And it's workin like a charm :lol: .

PS- Back in the days of high school/college I was putting in about 60 hours a week, easily. I would start at 10PM, end at 6AM. Go to school and sleep in classes all day, then go to practice, come home and do homework and start all over again. Man I miss those days.
Usually 7-14 hours a week depending on what is out. When a big game hits ( Crackdown, TESO ) I play as much as I possibly can anywhere from 4-5 hours a day.
Roughly 4 hours a week. Most of that being late Friday/Saturday night after getting from either partying or hanging with friends.
If PC counts, probably 15 hours a week. I'm addicted to DoD.

However, I barely play consoles at all and DS maybe 2 or 3 hours weekly (that is included in the 15).

DoD is really my main form of recreation that doesn't involve being social. Until I get bored of it... then I'll go back to consoles.
I used to play 4-8 hours a day, when I was in high school.. I'd say I average about 4 hours a week max nowadays.. when a good game comes out, like Mass Effect, i'll probably play 2-4 hours a day.
Well I just threw down 29 hours this weekend on Okami. Now that that's over I'd say 3 hours tops, until God of War 2, of course.
I play around 3 hrs a day, more when I don't have to go to work. Lately I have been putting more time in RE4 for the cube and playing Mercenaries mode in RE4. I did get the HC but I want higher scores and it has become addicting.
Right around 7-10 hours a week. I'm not really sure.

I used to be a fiend. I would play like 5 hours+ a day. Maybe even more... I'm not really sure. A lot, though.
2 hours per week day, and maybe 3 hours per day on the weekend.

I play alot of X360 online, mostly Far Cry Pred, BF2: MC, Rainbow Six Vegas. I'm hoping to pick up Dead Rising soon. Longer, singleplayer type games such as Oblivion require way to much time, but I could see myself jumping onto a 360 MMO game like Conan, Huxley, APB, a game I can build my character and take online.

[quote name='ch3zyp00fs']like an hour a week.... it sucks not having time.[/QUOTE]

Yep, I second that my friend.
Wow, some of these hours remind me of my high school and early college days when I could play 20+ hours a week.

Now, it's probably 10-15 hours of all entertainment items a week. So, if I'm going out with friends that week, it's less. If I'm online a bit more that week, then less. If something good was on tv that I taped, then it's less.
It seems like when there is no school (during summer/spring break/etc) I don't feel like playing games, but when there is school I can't stop myself from playing.

So basically anywhere from 5-15 hours a week during school and 5-10 a week when there is no school :lol:
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