How much soda do you drink?

It depends. A lot of the time I drink at most one or two glasses a day, but when I am studying or sometimes during long gaming sessions I can go through a lot of soda.
The only time I ever drink soda is when I'm at the movies. Water just doesn't feel right with a bag of popcorn.

Otherwise, I never drink soda. Its just empty calories...Its no good for you.
[quote name='IAmTheBiggestInuyashaFan']i drink at least 3 20 oz. bottles and then like 3 cans when i get home plus some from the 2 liter i have here as well. of course it is all mountain dew too.[/QUOTE]

Good bye kidneys, hope you like the stones....
I don't drink pop at all anymore. In the past four or five months I've probably had about 3-4 cans total.

Now... I used to drink pop savagely. I'd have a case a week -- and that was just at my house. So that there is 3-4 pops a day, just at home. Then you factor in going out to eat: I'd always get a pop with my meals; I go out to eat a lot, and I tend to get a lot of refills. Then whenever I'd go to a buddy's house, I'd always take pop they offered me. When we'd pick something up from a convenience/grocery store, I'd get pop.

I'd say I probably had like 5 a day. Maybe more.

Then I started running, trying to lose weight... I'm not big at all -- 160 pounds, but I wanted to get into shape. I realized pop had:
a) a lot of calories
b) no redeeming value

So I quit. Honestly, I don't really think it tastes all that great. It's not bad by any means, but I don't know how I drank it so much. It makes you feel shitty.

The biggest reason for me quitting was my teeth. Although I brushed my teeth more often than most, I've had a lot of dental health. Back when I had braces, I didn't brush properly, and the spot under the braces were just obliterated with decay (while the part above/below the braces were good/fine).

The only time I'll have it is when it's virtually inevitable: like someone else said, you don't get water to accompany your popcorn at a movie theater. I actually think anything that isn't carbonated sucks with popcorn...
One can a day. Most of the time is Brisk or Orange Cream during dinner. Lately, I've been drinking them more since the orange juice that I want isn't on sale
[quote name='Rozz']Yeah, eat and drink whatever you want and get diabeties.[/QUOTE]

I didn't say that I shovel food down my throat. I just don't worry about what I eat. I don't eat huge portions, and I don't care for sweets. I do actually try to balance my food intake. So I get all the food groups into my daily diet. Along with the multi-vitamins I take daily. I'm not going to eat the salad if I feel like roast chicken, and vegetables. you dig?
I get all the soda I can drink at work, but I either have one cup or I just drink water. I have so many other wonderful chances to load up on sugar, I hardly ever feel like wasting sugar intake on Barq's.
[quote name='xdl']You should try Fresca. Good stuff, I believe it has a bit of aspartame and natural flavor in it as a sugar replacement. I think its 0 calories etc, and it tastes awesome. Ive been trying to phase out coke and drink mostly fresca to maybe lose a couple pounds.[/quote]

i tried fresca when it first came out and i wasnt too impressed by it just seemd like a fany sprite to me lol. speaking of sprite that and crackers is good to eat when youre feeling sick like you want to puke or if youre coming off having the flu.

the kroger here in my town sells these sugar free fruit juices its like 40 calories a cup and its really good stuff. the problem ive always had with sugar free anything is i can always taste that nasty ass nutrasweet or fake sweetner taste and it lingers too long. but these juices( 3 of them in particular) are suprisingly free of that funky taste.

and like many of you aside from an occasional yearning ( nothing better than pizza and pepsi) i dont touch soda anymore. id also suggest to some of you drinking green tea from time to time especially when eating chinese food or greasy foods in general. it helps to break down the oils in the food and also helps it leave your body quickly and without the usual pains. the few times ill eat chinese i always have at least 2 or 3 cups of green tea and it hasnt failed me yet.
To answer the topic, 0-1 a month on average. I've been trying to cut back on all of the junk my body takes in, so when fast food was dropped, so were the fountain drinks, bottles, and cans.
[quote name='diaeresis']

Last year I started drinking carbonated water at the behest of my girlfriend[/QUOTE]

CAG life lesson #1

Never, ever do anything at the behest of your girlfriend. Especially if it involves carbonated beverages
[quote name='anomynous']how can anybody think soda's disgusting?[/quote]

Man, Im with you on that. I love the stuff. Trying to stop drinking it, but I crave it.
I don't drink "soda". I drink pop. ;)

I usually try to limit my intake to less than 1 can per day. Unless I'm boozing, then I like to have 2 or 3 with my Jack Daniels.
I stopped drinking soda for awhile now, but i'll have the occasional soda everyonce in awhile, maybe a total of two cans a month?
[quote name='Rozz']Depends on the day, more than one on the weekend though... hey, it's better than alcohol.[/quote]


I drink about 1 can a day at mid-day, only Diet, for the caffine kick. I dont drink coffee.
[quote name='CitizenB']I didn't say that I shovel food down my throat. I just don't worry about what I eat. I don't eat huge portions, and I don't care for sweets. I do actually try to balance my food intake. So I get all the food groups into my daily diet. Along with the multi-vitamins I take daily. I'm not going to eat the salad if I feel like roast chicken, and vegetables. you dig?[/quote]

Alright, but the way you worded it made you sound like some pig who stuffs his face with chocolate cakes, sodas, donuts, etc. and then makes his way to Wal Mart nightly to get some more junk ;)
I seriously cut back on sodas lately. I probably buy one or (sometimes) two 2-liters a week. They're usually of the "medium-strength" colas, as I put it, like Dr. Pepper, variety. However, when I have something of... eh, a certain ilk, say pizza, buritos, I will grab a can of cola and put it on ice. Mostly because I can't stand the taste of straight colas (RC, Pepsi, Coke) without ice anymore, mostly.
[quote name='Bathory']I drink sodas at BBQs...cuz it goes good with all that carne asada that I feast on..[/QUOTE]

I have one or two cans a day.

But then, I get quite a bit of exercise and I have a high metabolism.

I'm also a big fan of coffee, usually having 2-4 cups a day.
I used to drink soda on a regular basis until 2 or 3 years ago, when I dropped it completely. Just sugar and caffiene I don't think I need.
I can consume up to 4 liters a day. Seriously. It's pretty bad.

Then again, I can drink around 4 liters of water a day too.
I haven't had a drop of soda since December 10. For the two years pior to that I drank about a can a day on average. Prior to that I rarely had any - maybe a can a month on average, if that. I do not miss it at all though. Soda brings you down, IMO.
i drink three to four 20 oz sprites a day plus 2 big ass cups of sprite that are over 20 oz's each.... yea i drink alot of sprite
bread's done