How much would it cost to get a gaming capable Iphone?

MSI Magus

83 (100%)
I have no clue what the differences are between the different generations or types of Iphones nor if to download games I must subscribe to the monthly phone service or anything else. All I know about the Iphone is that every week I hear more and more gamers talking about it as a viable platform for gaming. So I am wondering if I decided to get an Iphone for the purpose of gaming how much would it cost me? I dont care about using it as a phone or anything else, all I care about is being able to download games to it and getting it as cheap as possible.
Well, first off, if you don't need the phone bit, get an iPod Touch. Secondly, I have an iPod Touch, and it is in no way, shape, or form a viable gaming platform. Sure, it's great for a quick round of solitaire while on a bus or in class, but nothing really more than that.
Anyone who says an iPhone/iPod is for gaming, belongs to either the looney bin of the apple cult, of Scientology. Do you believe... in aliens? Exactly. Get a PSP or something.
There are a few decent games on the App Store, but by and large it is full of shovel ware and clones of clones of clones. An iPod Touch is a better option if you just want the apps. Just keep in mind that if you buy a 1st Gen Touch you'll have to pay $10 for the 2.0 firmware.
[quote name='georox']Anyone who says an iPhone/iPod is for gaming, belongs to either the looney bin of the apple cult, of Scientology. Do you believe... in aliens? Exactly. Get a PSP or something.[/quote]

I'm going to have to agree on him.
See and I have heard every single week the guys on gamerswithjobs as well as a handfull of other gamers talk about Rolando or some other Ipod game that kept them so busy they hardly touched other games. I am skeptical about the Ipod as a gaming platform, but at the same time its piqued my interest hearing people I respect talk about how its got a lot of good games.
metal gear is coming to the iphone but im still weary on how that will turn out

i say get the ipod touch if you need a new mp3 player that does alot of stuff but dont getit for "gaming"
[quote name='s2k']metal gear is coming to the iphone but im still weary on how that will turn out

i say get the ipod touch if you need a new mp3 player that does alot of stuff but dont getit for "gaming"[/QUOTE]

What kind of price am I looking at though? No one has answered that yet.
From what I've seen, MGST is basically just pretty pictures of MGS4 that you can touch to shoot stuff. If you're an MGS fan, you'd be better off getting a PSP, as Portable Ops is actually a canonical part of the plot.

Keep in mind that both the DSi and the PSP have support for music, so there's no point also carrying around an iPod. The reason nobody's answered the price is probably because people don't actually care.
[quote name='MSI Magus']What kind of price am I looking at though? No one has answered that yet.[/quote]
$200+. Really, you could have looked that up yourself from Frankly though, for the price you're paying, you really are better off getting a Nintendo DS or a Sony PSP. I'd recommend getting the PSP, loading it with a custom firmware, and then playing NES and GBC games on it. That's what I do with mine.
when you think ipod think quick pick up games for those bathroom trips or to help you fall asleep at night... i do alot of the time managment games, also hidden object, and cards. field runners is a good one though at first i'd play that one for hours.
I wish more people agreed with this line of thinking.

I'm already sick and tired of my video game podcasts devoting time to this Iphone crap.

Oh well.
You can check the prices of Rolando and any other game or any other applications that might interest you through iTunes. So far they range from Free to about $14.99 or more. Keep in mind that 3.0 software is coming out in the Summer and if you buy an iPod Touch you will have to pay $9.95 for it (free for iPhone users like me).

This new software will allow for deeper gaming experiences (such as additional levels, etc) but it also comes with additional costs you will have to pay the developers for those extra goodies.

Sure the games are nothing compared to DS or PSP games in content, length and overall cost but if you are intrigued and price is not a factor to you, then this might be an extra gaming option for you.

My advice would be to wait until 3.0 software update comes out and check the new pricing structure for those apps you are interested in and see if the overall cost of getting the iPod Touch plus games (and remember possible additional pricing for extra features on the games you buy) is worth it to you.

Otherwise, spend your hard earned cash on DS or PSP games instead.
You don't need an iPhone for Apps Store games. Get an iPod Touch.

You're gonna want a current gen Touch, as the new 3.0 software coming in the summer will have features unavailable on first gen Touch models.

$200 for an Apple refurbished 8GB Current Gen iPod Touch here:

You could probably find one cheaper if you looked hard enough on Craigslist or eBay.

TBH though, the games on the iPhone/Touch stink. It's not worth getting one of these JUST for gaming.
i'd tend to agree with the general consensus of this thread.

I have an iPhone, and I play games on it, and enjoy them, but it's certainly not it's primary purpose. My psp and ds still get plenty of play time. That being said, I love my iphone, but I wouldn't recommend anyone buying it just to play games. For the cost of an iphone you can buy a ds and a psp.

Also Apple is notorious for not putting things on sale. Your best bet for a deal is a last gen model, or a refurb, and even that usually isn't that great of a deal.
1. I already own a PSP and a DS.
2. I wasnt saying I am going to run out and buy an iphone/Ipod touch just for gaming. I was inquring into the expense. Yes at $200 it seems like a stupid move. However whenever I can get one for say $100 it will be tempting.
I think of the iphone/itouch being a gaming device just as I do the Cellphone. They are great inbetweeners, but they aren't a gaming platform to expect quality even at 50% of the time.

Clones and shovelware really.

Sure there was a MGS and a FF one and maybe Ultima and some decent RTS game I forgot, but is it worth getting a 200 dollar device? even for 100?


(Honestly, if I was tempted by a certain game or two, I'd find a friend that has it and steal it from him for a few hours, since most of these games can't have any depth to them when compared to a DS/PSP game.)
[quote name='tankass']Funny how you stirred up the hornets nest of how much the Iphone is NOT a good gaming device.[/quote]

Not trying but when you compare to to real games, it's not.

That's like labeling solitaire and hearts as olympic sports.

Of the few that are of quality, the rest are just clones... can haz mor Elf bowling plz.

If it was serious, we'd see exclusives that do draw people in first, not because it's an afterthought. These are Phones/MP3 Players first.

I'm going to coin the phrase, casual play for even casual gamers.

All there is, is a touch interface, so it's even more gimmicky than the Wii. And I know everyone here tea-bags wii every chance for not getting anything but shovelware.

Wow, what a comparision... IPhone/Itouch = Wii without Apple making exclusives for it so it's even less.

Anyone remember NGage? Wasn't there a sequel too?

And Pocket PC gaming have been around for decades and that hasn't exploded into the game realm as a contender for DS/PSP.

This is sick popular cool factor hype thing driven on the kool-aid sheeple are running on.

:hot: ok, enough. Just really sick of hearing the Apple appliance as a contender when trying to compare the awesome titles to DS/PSP.

Looking at the Apple site... Top 10 games by popularity

Solitaire - Kittens [Holy crap, it's fucking solitaire]
Penguin Attack [java app for 5 yr olds]
What Show Was That From? [WTF, tv trivia?]
Basketball Match [ Concentration, like the board game?]
iPhonus Sudoku (demo) [Not even the freaking real game... and it's sudoku...]
Space Runner [Drug wars/Mob wars clone]
Master Brain [Based on a board game]
Game Set Match [Another Concentration game?]
Dots & Boxes [I played this when I was in First grade on paper no less]
Hi - Lo [THIS IS A GAME???]

And now here's the kicker... I'm not surprised by anything in that list... because it's as what I thought it would be. Clones and shovelware and what used to be boardgames.

And for the bonus round... I'm not against the Itouch or Iphone from becoming one that can compete with DS/PSP... but labeling it as one when it is clearly not... is stupid silly. They are games at the simplest form, but not to the quality and expectation as it is on the DS/PSP library.

I would break down as saying DS/PSP as portable consoles and the Iphone/Itouch as those $10 electronic game devices that sell in crappy stores like this one:
For me, it's only a viable gaming platform in the sense that I always have my phone with me and is good for the quick 5-10 minute games while I'm sitting around waiting for something. In no way does it come even close to the length or value of games that you see on the DS/PSP, nor does it pose any real threat as a pure gaming platform. For long trips, or times when I know I'm going to have long sessions of waiting, the DS/PSP would be my first go to device for games, otherwise my iPhone is available.

Just to reiterate what everyone else said, if you aren't interested in the phone portions, get an iPod touch. You can get a refurbished 8GB iPod Touch 1st gen right off the Apple store for $159 or a current gen refurbished ($199) if you're really that interested.
[quote name='BlueLobstah']For me, it's only a viable gaming platform in the sense that I always have my phone with me and is good for the quick 5-10 minute games while I'm sitting around waiting for something. In no way does it come even close to the length or value of games that you see on the DS/PSP, nor does it pose any real threat as a pure gaming platform. For long trips, or times when I know I'm going to have long sessions of waiting, the DS/PSP would be my first go to device for games, otherwise my iPhone is available.

Just to reiterate what everyone else said, if you aren't interested in the phone portions, get an iPod touch. You can get a refurbished 8GB iPod Touch 1st gen right off the Apple store for $159 or a current gen refurbished ($199) if you're really that interested.[/quote]

Totally agree.

I think that's what Nintendo was trying to do with the GBA Micro. Make it small enough that you'd have room for that plus your phone.

Really on the Pocket PC side, roms aplenty of everything. Not going to go into any more about that.

But I still say, fork over the money on somones iTouch for an hour as you host a football game or something, and play the game on that.

Unless one is looking for an MP3 player and everything else the appliance offers, I just can't see saying that a 'gamer' needs one.
I'm with the other guys on this one, and just pick up an Ipod Touch for the apps, unless you find yourself needing a brand-new phone too.

Since Apple has so much control over the price of their products, you'll be hard-pressed to find deals on anything with the apple symbol, unless your a student or something, and even then you only get a 10% discount at best.

Aside from Ebay, Craigslist, or people selling them, you'll also be hard-pressed into finding a deal on previous generation of apple products because retailers are told to return unsold stock in exchange for the new models, and most of the time they comply.

So my suggestion is to hit PriceGrabber or anything similiar to find them $10-$30 off, or hitting online "trading" sites and buy it off other consumers used.

Btw, from what I heard, a 1st generation iphone/touch is just as capable in running gaming apps as much as the current generation, so save some money and shoot for a 1st gen, unless you find a killer deal on a 2nd gen. I want an Iphone just so I could have a true mobile internet machine, and load stuff like Pandora for ad-free radio, and take advantage of a gps-enabled google maps and all it's add-ons. I would game on it too, but I don't touch either of my PSP or DS as it is, But, I'll pick up the occasional free game or any "killer gaming app" the Iphone have (either now or in the coming months, and I'm looking at you MSG for the Iphone!).

Oh yeah, that and I "want" to upgrade my old Motorola Slvr...
Oh, apparently the online AT&T store were selling the refurb 16gb 3G iphones for $200 and the 8gb one is for around $100, found here. Out of stock now, but feel free to check it out once in a while.
[quote name='rumarudrathas']I'm with the other guys on this one, and just pick up an Ipod Touch for the apps, unless you find yourself needing a brand-new phone too.

Since Apple has so much control over the price of their products, you'll be hard-pressed to find deals on anything with the apple symbol, unless your a student or something, and even then you only get a 10% discount at best.

Aside from Ebay, Craigslist, or people selling them, you'll also be hard-pressed into finding a deal on previous generation of apple products because retailers are told to return unsold stock in exchange for the new models, and most of the time they comply.

So my suggestion is to hit PriceGrabber or anything similiar to find them $10-$30 off, or hitting online "trading" sites and buy it off other consumers used.

Btw, from what I heard, a 1st generation iphone/touch is just as capable in running gaming apps as much as the current generation, so save some money and shoot for a 1st gen, unless you find a killer deal on a 2nd gen. I want an Iphone just so I could have a true mobile internet machine, and load stuff like Pandora for ad-free radio, and take advantage of a gps-enabled google maps and all it's add-ons. I would game on it too, but I don't touch either of my PSP or DS as it is, But, I'll pick up the occasional free game or any "killer gaming app" the Iphone have (either now or in the coming months, and I'm looking at you MSG for the Iphone!).

Oh yeah, that and I "want" to upgrade my old Motorola Slvr...[/QUOTE]

Actually the 2nd gen iPod Touch has a faster clocked processor, and that will provide better performance in games and apps, especially as time goes on and apps become more complex and subsequent hardware revisions contain faster yet processors.

The other change is that the 2nd gen has in it a bluetooth chip which will be enabled on the iPhone OS 3.0. There is some potential for cool uses for bluetooth (wireless sync with computer, app usage, etc) so I'd also say get the 2nd gen- or at least wait and see if the BT functionality develops into something good and get it then.
I have never owned an Apple protect, however the iTouch is the funnest little thing. It's great if you are looking for odd little minigames and aren't a hardcore gamer. However if you think it will be the next Gameboy, or want it to be, it's not. It is however like a free XBox Arcade, Wii Download thing. Just little crazy games that are free or cheap.

However Sims 3 is being made for it and that will cost you an insane ammount of money.
I sold my DS because the iPhone games quickly replaced it. I just used it on the bus/when I was waiting anyway. It's not like I'm going to kill my eyes playing mobile games when I can play something on an hdtv.

If you're a smart buyer, you can find plenty of games that are good. Rolando being one of them. I was skeptical until I really tried it.
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