How Nintendo has tricked us all with the Virtual Console

Nintendo makes great games and great systems but the Virtual Console is a complete waste of money. I can't imagine a scenario right now where I will download a game from there unless it is NEW.
I 100% disagree with this article. A "game is just a game"? Yeah, tell that to someone who is about to play Mario 64 and then Pinball for the NES. Could you argue that Pinball is overpriced? Yes. Could you argue that Mario 64 for $10 is ripping us off? No way.

Who wrote this article? The OP?
I completely agree that VC is overpriced, but the thing is, Ninty gets away with it because they are not just selling the games repackaged, but nostalgia, and honestly, I don't see myself buying any of the VC games with the same kind of motivation as current gen games, I have only gotten 2 VC games so far, SMB and Gunstar, and I haven't played them that much at all... they were honestly two moments of videogame nostalgic weakness, ahhh... hail luxury purchases.
A monetary value is subjective as hell. Would most people get the same amount or time worth of enjoyment from both Pinball and Mario 64? It's pretty clear that a longer, arguably 'better' game like Mario 64 is worth at least twice as what an original NES game is.

Now, if we want to make the argument that all the prices is general are too high, that is possible. Comparatively though, I feel like it is not a rip off.

Plus, looking at the argument the article makes: the price of the game when it was released should determine the VC price. If that was the case, Street Fighter 2 would be worth at LEAST $20 on the VC since it sold many places for as high as $100.
[quote name='Shion']I completely agree that VC is overpriced, [/quote]

How are they overpriced? Check ebay for the prices of what you would be paying for most of the games available. They are about spot on. Very few would be considered overpriced, especially when you factor in shipping.

And if you are going to say you can't gauge by ebay prices, then please inform me of where I can go to find these games as easily as I can on the VC.
[quote name='schuerm26']I 100% disagree with this article. A "game is just a game"? Yeah, tell that to someone who is about to play Mario 64 and then Pinball for the NES. Could you argue that Pinball is overpriced? Yes. Could you argue that Mario 64 for $10 is ripping us off? No way.

Who wrote this article? The OP?[/quote]

Yes, I wrote this article.

And I'm not arguing whether individual games are worth more than others. I'm arguing that N64 games shouldn't be priced higher than NES games.

Nintendo is basically selling us NES, SNES and N64 roms. Ask yourself and think how much cost is incurred by Nintendo for getting these games available to download. It ain't that much, so why should N64 games cost us more than NES games?
[quote name='schuerm26']How are they overpriced? Check ebay for the prices of what you would be paying for most of the games available. They are about spot on. Very few would be considered overpriced, especially when you factor in shipping.

And if you are going to say you can't gauge by ebay prices, then please inform me of where I can go to find these games as easily as I can on the VC.[/QUOTE]

You could easily argue that if I buy it on Ebay for the same price, I am getting at LEAST the physical cartridge that I can either sell back and make my money again or bring it to a friend's house to play there. You can do neither of these things with VC games making them worth less in many people's eyes.
I'm sorry, but the VC is totally a "if you don't want it, don't buy it" scenario.

If you want to pretend you don't know wtf you are doing for the sole purpose of bitching about a price that you know before purchasing a game, that is your own damn fault.

I think a lot of the anger regarding the VC comes from two kinds of people: 1) people who think the pricing sucks, and 2) zealot nerds who are harboring a lot of residual angst over their squashed dreams resulting from "the promises Nintendo made with the VC," which centers around the ideas that bounced tossed to and fro prior to the VC's full functionality being shown.

In other words, all these people who are up in arms about it from the second group - where the author clearly sits - had all these dreamy thoughts about the VC a priori, which included things like "it will have tools for indie development," or "it will spruce up the graphics," or "you'll be able to use characters from one game in another," or "it will include online multiplayer," or "it will harness the Wii's power to deliver 60 FPS," or "it's going to include (insert obscure game that dreamer can't live without apparently, even though it's totally subjective)." All of that was the work of lonely little boys on the internets, and while I'd kill for them to come true, that doesn't change the fact that Nintendo never rolled them out like delicious apples on the forbidden tree.

The pricing sucks. I haven't bought any because of the pricing. And it doesn't help that B&M stores - the only potential source of deals - are f*cking consumers with inflated prices (Best Buy sells the cards for 22.99, and I've seen them 29.99 at other places).

But you can't call this being "tricked." It's called being screwed with - there's a difference. And to justify this labeling with "Nintendo is in it for the money" is laughable. Of course they are. That was the whole damn idea of the VC to begin with - that it was a total cash grab.

There's every reason to be angry about the VC, but at no time is it being snuck under your eyes like contraband, unless you're just a damn fool that wants to piss and moan because you think that'll get mommy to make it all better.

Dumb article. It has the right idea but it presents it in about the worst way imaginable.
[quote name='schuerm26']And if you are going to say you can't gauge by ebay prices, then please inform me of where I can go to find these games as easily as I can on the VC.[/quote]

There are plenty of DVD sets out there which contain EVERY Nintendo game ever made. I've seen a 4 disc set that has every single NES, SNES and GB/GBC game from every single region. There are similar sets for just about everything if you dig around.
[quote name='javeryh']There are plenty of DVD sets out there which contain EVERY Nintendo game ever made. I've seen a 4 disc set that has every single NES, SNES and GB/GBC game from every single region. There are similar sets for just about everything if you dig around.[/QUOTE]

As a lawyer, you ought to know that such things aren't exactly on the level. Which makes me think you're just bustin' some chops for chop-a-bustin's sake.

It's basic economics to profit maximize. You set prices independent of cost. Obviously there are other factors such as perceived image/trustworthiness, and you can show Apple's fixed-price iTunes as an example.

Still, there are so few products that are set based on price that I don't understand how you expect Nintendo to be one of the ones to do it (especially with a fair monopoly on its own ROMs, outside of black markets).
Strell FTW!! I totally agree. It's not that I think the games are overpriced (which they are) but rather I've played these games to death and I am not spending one more penny on them so right now the VC totally blows for me. I wouldn't waste $1 on any of these games because they don't offer anything NEW.
[quote name='Strell']As a lawyer, you ought to know that such things aren't exactly on the level. Which makes me think you're just bustin' some chops for chop-a-bustin's sake.


Well... um, yeah I guess so... I have a lot of inner turmoil regarding roms and old IP that isn't really being used anymore. Basically I think our copyright laws need a complete overhaul because when they were originally drafted no one in their wildest dreams could have envisioned the internet and its impact. Now we are trying to shoehorn new laws into the existing framework and it just isn't working. I don't have the answers though and I do think that copyright holders deserve to get paid for their works of art but there has to be some sort of compromise. Morally I have no problem with it though because let's face it I'm a lawyer with little to no morals. ;)
I'm not sure why we're feeding the troll (worse that he didn't even identify himself as the writer in the OP, nice credibility for your journalism, NOT), but since it's feeding time where is it written that Nintendo has to charge the same for all VC games? Even more to the point, where does it say that you have to buy them? Even MORE to the point, where are people "tricked" about it? Do you enter your credit card and get charged and THEN get a bill for $5 more then you thought it was going to cost?? NO. Stupid article.

Last I looked Nintendo was in business to make money. If you don't want to pay for VC games, don't. If you disagree with the pricing don't buy them.

Nintendo ain't "tricking" anyone.
Eh, I guess it depends how much it is worth to you. Not having to hook my n64 up anymore to play my favorite mario game? Hell yes that is worth 10.00 to me. Key word being me there. You wont get a price change until the majority of consumers feel that these things are ovepriced. However, it doesn't look like that is going to change any time soon.

You have iTunes charging a huge amount for shows, 360 making you pay for horse armor, and now Nintendo wanting 5.00 for pinball.

How do we fight this as CAGs though? We look for deals! There will be deals on Wii points, just like I was able to get 80.00 worth of 360 points for 17.00.

Also, you need to remember the average consumer. They either sold their old systems, or never played them. To someone like my one friend who just got a Wii, 8.00 for Gunstar heros is an amazing deal. I think we here at CAG get so caught up in our cheapness, we expect everything to be a deal.
I love all of those people who say "XXXXXXX is in it for the money." Fill in the X's with any business--Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, McDonald's, Burger King, etc.

DUH. They're BUSINESSES, not non-profit charities. Their entire goal is to make money. Quit whining and get over it. If you don't like their products, DON'T BUY THEM. It's not like Nintendo is forcing VC games on the public by requiring consumers to purchase the VC games. They are offering a service to those who wish to take advantage of it.

If you don't like it, stop whining about it and just don't buy them.
[quote name='javeryh']Well... um, yeah I guess so... I have a lot of inner turmoil regarding roms and old IP that isn't really being used anymore. Basically I think our copyright laws need a complete overhaul because when they were originally drafted no one in their wildest dreams could have envisioned the internet and its impact. Now we are trying to shoehorn new laws into the existing framework and it just isn't working. I don't have the answers though and I do think that copyright holders deserve to get paid for their works of art but there has to be some sort of compromise. Morally I have no problem with it though because let's face it I'm a lawyer with little to no morals. ;)[/QUOTE]

Agreed, 'cuz it makes sense. I won't touch the morality aspects of the issue (let alone the legal ones), but there needs to be some updating to the archaic system we have in place regarding such things.

Until then, however, it's completely left up to personal opinion. I'm not here to stomp on someone else's feet with this issue, so I'll just resolve myself to whatever it is I think on it.

Hopefully we'll get an update that'll throw stuff into the public domain or clear the air in terms of legality.
I'm not so sure why everyone feels the games are so grossly overpriced. There are some things people don't think about:

Ease of Use:
I can get that Super Mario Bros. game for a quarter and it comes with Duck Hunt! This is true but you have to drag out and hook up your NES or buy one if you don't already have one that you have kept all these years. This isn't to say that there aren't people who still have their NES and 7 other consoles hooked up but there are some people who like to have everything in one little box or that got rid of their NES years ago.

The prices are bad in some situations and good in others. Getting Gunstar Heroes for $8 for someone who never owned the original is a good deal. I think other games would fall into this category like Super Mario RPG, Earthbound, and other rare or expensive games.

All games are worth more or less to different people. Some people would pay a premium price for Final Fantasy VII and others would tell you to get lost. So its hard to say the games aren't worth it.

Games we haven't played:
I'm sure almost every gamer knows there is a game out there they haven't played but always wanted to. I never played Super Metroid and I look forward to the opportunity to do so.

Slightly Updated:
I believe that Super Mario 64 looks a little smoother and runs in 480p. It isn't exactly an XBOX LIVE Arcade type of an upgrade but it is something. Same goes for the other games...480p.

So overall I think it might be something different to each person. I do hope they do look to do some original content in the future as well though. I would also like to see some unreleased games (Starfox 2 cough cough). The opportunities are limitless.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']You could easily argue that if I buy it on Ebay for the same price, I am getting at LEAST the physical cartridge that I can either sell back and make my money again or bring it to a friend's house to play there. You can do neither of these things with VC games making them worth less in many people's eyes.[/quote]

You may not get a physical cartridge, but you own the right to download the game on the Wii console your account is registered to as many times as you want. If your Wii died, and you had to replace it, as soon as you registered on a new Wii, you could download that game again.. If your cart died, you'd be out your game entirely.

So... I suppose it's a matter of perception, as far as the value goes.
Excuse me!!! Everyone in the business is in it for the MONEY... If you don't believe that M$ and Sony are not trying to get every dollar in your wallet, I've got a bridge in New York to sell ya. Nintendo is not tricking anyone. If anything it's providing something that the market wants. I would define "tricking" someone as failing to deliver what was promised. Not charging some high cost for something. Nintendo gives you exactly what you should expect. If you want to pay a premium for an old game, then that's what its worth to you. I wouldn't call it tricking you at all. We can argue that the fee is high, and that Nintendo should be nice and send us some freebies, but why should they? I'm sure that the Virtual Console is making bank. It cost almost nothing to operate, and shipping WiiCards to stores is cheap. Those games are "still" the intellectual property of Nintendo, and as such, they are free to do with them as they will. Even charge us exhorbent amounts of money to download and play them. If you don't like it, then go dig up your old console and the old cartridge, blow on the contacts and play it through and RF modulator. Nintendo hit on something when they started including NES games as hidden items in Animal Crossing. I say kudos to them for even bringing this welcome addition to the Wii. Besides, they are something that will get us through the post-Christmas software drought that is upon us.
Larger ROMs take more space to store and more bandwidth to deliver. Both of these cost money. Everyone forgets that. Sure, I would love the games to be cheaper, but I will only buy the ones that are worth it to me. Where else can I play Super Mario RPG hassle-free? The Emus and ROMs don't do that game justice. If you are nostalgic enough (or dumb enough) to buy the original Pinball or Baseball, then you are not being "tricked."
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']Yes, I wrote this article.

And I'm not arguing whether individual games are worth more than others. I'm arguing that N64 games shouldn't be priced higher than NES games.

Nintendo is basically selling us NES, SNES and N64 roms. Ask yourself and think how much cost is incurred by Nintendo for getting these games available to download. It ain't that much, so why should N64 games cost us more than NES games?[/QUOTE]

Last time I checked, cost doesn't really make a bit of difference here. These prices are driven by the market. How is it a rip-off when people feel they are getting a perceived value? I love your graphic in the blog too. What company doesn't want our money? This is as dumb as the folks think that Sony and Microsoft are more deserving of our money because they take a loss on the hardware. That is the most asinine reasoning I've ever heard.

The reason Nes and N64 games are priced differently are because of the perceived value difference. The market sees the N64 as a higher grade system and is therefore willing to pay more for the games. You're right in that the only way we can change the pricing is by not buying the games, and emailing Nintendo, but is it really worth it?

You don't want the games, or like the pricing then don't buy them. It's not like they are forcing you to buy them. Do I personally wish that the games were a little cheaper? Yeah, who doesn't want lower prices, but the Virtual Console isn't a rip off. A rip off is where you don't get value for your money. Last I checked there is value there. A rip off is a bait and switch. I could go on and on.

You kinda cover the whole market pricing thing, but you seem upset by a basic tenet of Capitalism. N64 games cost more because people are willing to pay more for them on the VC. That's about it.
[quote name='jkam']I never played Super Metroid[/quote]

NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I'm not sure if I'm jealous that you haven't played it yet because I wish I could play it again for the first time or if I think you should just turn in your gamer card right now. :D It is impossible not to love this game.

You make some good points though. If the game is new to you then it's probably worth the money if you are interested. The VC in its current state though is severely underwhelming, IMO.
Here is my $0.02.

I have bought two VC games so far: Mario 64 and Toe Jam and Earl. Like everyone else, I believe that the prices are a bit high for games that are 10+ years old and that many of us already own. All this means is that I probably won't spend $5 to replay LoZ, SMB, etc for the 20th time.

Honestly, I would opt to buy the VC version of TJ&E over a physical copy because my Genesis is packed away somewhere. Not having to have a Genesis, N64, NES, or whatever hooked up is worth the purchase to me.

Plus, the games just look crisp as hell. None of us remember either game looking as sharp as they do. I don't know if that is due to the component cables or us not remembering exactly what the games look like, but I think you can see a difference.

I know that any modern PC can emulate any of these games for free, but I can afford to spend $5 or $10 every so often, so it isn't a big deal.

Bottom line: Nintendo hasn't tricked us at all. If you don't want to spend $10 to replay Mario 64....don't.

Although demos would be damn nice.
i've only purchased one VC game and that was Mario 64. I only played it briefly in college on a friend's system. My son really enjoys it (he's 5). In fact it's probably his favorite game on the Wii.

I really don't have a problem with the overall pricing of the VC games. I grew up in the 80's but never owned a nintendo system until I bought a GC last year. $5 - $10 really isn't a lot to spend on something that will give me entertainment.

Anything more than $10 and I probably would hesitate though. However I can easily see myself spending $5 on a whim to buy something like Donkey Kong, just so my son and I can play some games from my childhood.

[quote name='Diskeater']Although demos would be damn nice.[/quote]
Couldn't agree more. Part of the reason I haven't purchased more is that I don't know what is good, and what is crap :)
[quote name='javeryh']NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I'm not sure if I'm jealous that you haven't played it yet because I wish I could play it again for the first time or if I think you should just turn in your gamer card right now. :D It is impossible not to love this game.

You make some good points though. If the game is new to you then it's probably worth the money if you are interested. The VC in its current state though is severely underwhelming, IMO.[/QUOTE]

HAHA believe me its not for a lack of wanting to play it. I had a Genesis back in the day and for the short time I had a SNES (don't have it anymore) the game seemed to elude me. So needless to say I am definitely looking foward to it.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']Yes, I wrote this article.

And I'm not arguing whether individual games are worth more than others. I'm arguing that N64 games shouldn't be priced higher than NES games.

Nintendo is basically selling us NES, SNES and N64 roms. Ask yourself and think how much cost is incurred by Nintendo for getting these games available to download. It ain't that much, so why should N64 games cost us more than NES games?[/quote]
Content cost vs production cost.

You're arguing the games are overpriced based solely on "production costs". That's not how economic makets work, FYI (at least not capitalistic ones....unless you espouse a switch to communist market economies).

You are paying based on the "value" of the content. By and large, the N64 games are larger, longer, richer gaming experiences. Certainly that is true of the content releaseed so far. Therefore, the "value" of the content is greater.

Based on your assertions (thet Nintendo should base thier pricing structure simply on the fact that production costs between briging the generational ROMS to market are similiar), you could just say that the big N should give the stuff away. Of course, that would be a naive' assertion, much like your original argument is.

They are not "ripping us off". They are charging what the market "values" their content at. Especially when content is "virtual", it's the only metric that really holds water.

Nintendo is in the game to make profits..that's certainly true...but, of course, as a corporation (a literal, legal entity), that should surprise no one. That's what a corporation is, literally, designed to do. You begrudge them profit soley based on your perception that the pricing structure is inflated, and then attempt to justify that perception after the fact. Better if you just refuse to buy the games at the prices listed. It will have drastically more effect than the diatribe you wrote.....provided you can get a few hundred thousand of your friends to join you.
I agree that Nintendo is not tricking anyone.

I'm in the "I want it, but will not pay that much for it" catagory.

I've only bought Mario 64, and $10 bucks is stretching it for me.
I mainly wanted to try the console out and this was the only game worth getting.

I do think the games are horribly overpriced.
I thought Sony would do the same thing and charge an arm and a leg for their PS1 games, but they're only $6 bucks, and I can split the cost with friends and share the game.

Tekken 5, a beautiful fighter, and cool game if you're into it was released yesterday and is only (roughly) $15 bucks. (game sharing works with that one too)

Sony did good. I will pass on Nintendo. Even if I got Wii points as a gift I'd be wary to spend them as it further supports that pricing structure.
[quote name='javeryh']Well... um, yeah I guess so... I have a lot of inner turmoil regarding roms and old IP that isn't really being used anymore. [/quote]

All well and good in a hypothetical...

But in this case, it's obvious Nintendo IS using the IP...or has plans to use it.
I love the convenience of the VC, but the games are overpriced. $10 for N64 games is ok I guess, but $8 for SNES and Genesis games is pushing it a bit, as is $5 for NES games.

I've bought 2 so far, Gunstar Heroes and SMB. Kind of wished I'd passed on SMB and waited/hoped for Super Mario Allstars, but I doubt that will ever come out when they can sell all the games individually for more money.
I love the Nintendo Wii more than any system and would stick up for it for anything except this. The Virtual console is complete bullshit. Maybe if they had online co-op and online vs. and stuff along with Goldeneye >_> then it'd be worth it, but they're ripping us the fuck off
[quote name='Tebunker']You're confusing economic cost and accounting cost. Accounting uses hard numbers and cost to create net porfit. Economics use what the market bears. Companies use a combination of both. Normally the accounting departement says that they need to make atleast .01 of profit to make anything worthwhile(obviously they want to make more than .01 but that's just a basic point that as long as something is profitable it will be greenlighted) and then companies judge the market as to where they feel they can price items to maximize profit.[/quote]


That's exactly the point I was trying to make...and you made much better in far fewer words.

Well, having never owned an N64 (I haven't had a Nintendo console since SNES, all Sony/MS since then), and not feeling like collecting more hardware (My wife already has an issue with the number of consoles in our living room), $10 seems like a halfway decent deal for me to finally play Mario64. Granted, I would prefer it to be cheaper, and I will not be buying a lot of VC games at these prices, but that is Nintendo's problem, not mine. I certainly don't see how anyone is being tricked here...ripped off, maybe, but not tricked.
[quote name='soyverde']Well, having never owned an N64 (I haven't had a Nintendo console since SNES, all Sony/MS since then), and not feeling like collecting more hardware (My wife already has an issue with the number of consoles in our living room), $10 seems like a halfway decent deal for me to finally play Mario64. Granted, I would prefer it to be cheaper, and I will not be buying a lot of VC games at these prices, but that is Nintendo's problem, not mine. I certainly don't see how anyone is being tricked here...ripped off, maybe, but not tricked.[/quote]

I felt the 64 games were almost a good deal until I saw the prices for the PSX games.
At ten bucks, I can deal with it.

But the lesser systems need a price drop. I want to download it, but until then, I'll play a rom. (this is rare as i rarely play NES games, in fact, the only time I play NES games is on my PSP in the car ((when I"m not driving)) )
[quote name='GrimNecroWizard']I love the Nintendo Wii more than any system and would stick up for it for anything except this. The Virtual console is complete bullshit. Maybe if they had online co-op and online vs. and stuff along with Goldeneye >_> then it'd be worth it, but they're ripping us the fuck off[/quote]

See, it's that term I object to.

They're not "ripping" anyone off. You know the costs, up front. It's either too expensive or it's not. That's not "ripping you off". It's simply charging more than you want to/are willing to/are able to pay. There's a difference, IMHO.

Are they overcharging? Maybe. IF they are, the market will pretty much tell them so...because they won't sell enough VC consoles to justify the effort expended to release them...and they'll likely make price corrections based on that. But, provided the titles sell well...It's hard to say they're "overcharging". They might be charging more than YOU want to spend....but provided they sell enough units to maximize their profits, they're doing exactly what any corporation would do.
Odd how they gave us emulated versions (with a case and disc even) for 4 Zelda games (2 NES and 2 N64) on the Cube for $20, with a free subscription to their crummy magazine thrown in too. ;)
[quote name='pilferk']See, it's that term I object to.

They're not "ripping" anyone off. You know the costs, up front. It's either too expensive or it's not. That's not "ripping you off". It's simply charging more than you want to/are willing to/are able to pay. There's a difference, IMHO.

That's just a semantics argument.

People commonly say "______ is a rip off" when it costs more than they personally think _______ is worth.

So I think it's a fine way to put it. Rip off doesn't have to be limited to fraud.
[quote name='redline']Odd how they gave us emulated versions (with a case and disc even) for 4 Zelda games (2 NES and 2 N64) on the Cube for $20, with a free subscription to their crummy magazine thrown in too. ;)[/quote]

Yeah, I still have that, so I'll pass on the VC Zelda games.

I should add that I don't feel ripped off, because I'm not paying for it.
I just feel the prices are unreasonable, and I hope they'll learn.
Sure, lots of people on this board are buying them, but what about the rest of America?

They might be, I wonder what the figures are.
[quote name='dmaul1114']That's just a semantics argument.


It sure is...which is what I said in my post. It's the term I object to.

I guess my difference is this:

If you say "The VC games are a rip off"....I'm generally OK, if slightly uncomfortable, with that use. I don't know that I agree, but at least you're being clear about what you mean.

If you say "Nintendo (they) are ripping people off"....while it is a semantic and minor difference....then I have a slight issue. Because Nintendo is not ripping (defrauding) anyone off. They are simply charging more than you're willing to pay for something which, FYI, isn't so uncommon.
yeah, some games are just over priced. but others arent. 10 bucks for mario 64 is a good deal, 8 bucks for toe jam and earl is a good deal. even the legend of zelda would cost you more than 5 bucks if you got it off ebay. so i dont think anyone is getting ripped off there. now pinball and baseball are a rip off for 5 bucks, but i dont think many people are downloading them.

i sold all my old game systems in favor of the VC, things get cluttered if i keep them hooked up, and its a pain to hook up and unhook them up otherwise. and ill tell you this, i recently tried playing toejam and earl with my brother on the genesis. the controller cords on that system are about 3 feet, so we had to sit VERY close to the tv and about halfway through the system was pulled too hard, fell and froze. i dont have to worry about that with the VC and its nice to sit back on the couch and play some TJ&E
I still think the Virtual Console should be based on incentives. Free downloads would be awarded if you register enough games. Or another way it could be handled if you play Twilight Princess through to the end you would get Ocarina of Time as a free download bonus.

5, 8, and 10 dollars is too much to spend on these games. Let's face it, I barely paid that much for games this past generation. I will only think about purchasing rare games I've never played like Earthbound or Super Mario RPG.

I have no interest in paying a premium for classics I already have on either the old console or a handheld rerelease. I'll get my old school fix through compilations like the SEGA collection which included over 20 good games for less than 20 bucks.
bread's done