How Nintendo has tricked us all with the Virtual Console

I do not own a Wii nor do I have any plans of purchasing one until the price drops to $150. I just wanted to make that clear as I do not know exactly how the VC is.

This is a business move by Nintendo to market obsolete games since their system is not going to be powerful enough for some of the modern games.
They need to exploit older titles to younger crowds for MONEY that is the thing.

The VC is nothing but emulators and roms the samething that everyone has been playing online for years. The only difference is now all of the sudden they think they should get money for it.

Nintendo is not being original with this at all it's the home programmers that made all of this possible. The game community online made emulation possible so Nintendo/Gametap came along to profit from it.

The virtual console again is not original on Nintendos part since the XBOX has been doing it for a couple of years.

I think everyone is upset because they want to play these games on WII but Nintendo decided not without a steep cost.
You know as much as I like the idea of what the VC can potentially do this article is pretty dead on. I can't imagine many people are going to be buying into the VC. $10 for what is in essence an ROM file that is DRMed to an account is not that good of a deal. At least with XBox Live Arcade there are incentives to some of the titles (such as multiplayer via XBox Live). But so far I'm not seeing any incentives to the VC.
Nintendo tricked you with the VC? last time i checked it was there if you wanted to use it.... nobody is forcing it down your wii
I do not like the situation or the systems price so I am not buying one for awhile. I just think Nintendo should have spiced up the VC with some updated graphics or something. I would be more interested if Nintendo would have went with Neo Geo or some retro arcade.

I had a TG 16 and the only game that I really played was Splatter House but it's not worth more than $2 to me.

Maybe Nintendo will go all out and add Atari 2600 games for $20 a piece.
One of the reasons I chose not to get a Wii. There is no value add of any sort. As someone pointed out when it released, the ROM for every single NES game would fit on 1 CD-ROM, yet they are charging $5 each. It is complete BS. Same reason I don't buy Namco's crap on XBLA, but hell, at least there you get achievements. There is no reason at all to buy most VC games, except for the TG16 games for those not blessed enough to have ever owned one. The TG16, more specifically the TurboDuo, is one of the 3 greastest gaming platforms of all time.
the cheapness of the cd with the roms is because it is not legal. Nintendo is a business and it makes money to survive. They arent forcing you to use its extra service.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']Finally someone else who's realized the ridiculous price gouging on retro titles.

You are one of the Enlightened.[/QUOTE]

Most here are "enlightened" but most didn't whine like a bitch about it. Some games are worth the money and some are not. Buy the ones that are worth it and don't buy the others.

I don't like the price of the PS3 so I don't buy the PS3. It's a simple concept really.
I hate the prices of the VC games, but I think they are trying to strike a balance between old and new games. Maybe if the VC games were too cheap than some people might just spend hours and hours playing VC games, leaving little time or desire to play any of the new Wii releases.

Even with that in mind though, i still think everything is overpriced by about $2.00 each.
[quote name='mietha']One of the reasons I chose not to get a Wii. [/quote]
You didn't buy a Wii because you didn't want to be charged $5.00 to download SMB?

Nintendo hasn't fooled anyone, most people just forgot that Nintendo also likes to make money and chose a pricing structure that they think maximizes profits. Are the prices too high for my liking? Yes. But then I just buy games I think are worth it.

When you pay for a game you already own, you pay for the convenience of having it on your Wii. If you don't like it, then dust off your old systems and play it that way.

I'm all for the idea of reducing prices and changing the way ownership is handled, but in no way were we "tricked." For now, I'm just glad I can enjoy the TG-16 games I never got to play, and the fact that I can play Toejam and Earl for less than the $40+ on ebay.
[quote name='Lan_Zer0']and the fact that I can play Toejam and Earl for less than $40+ on ebay.[/QUOTE]

And when we see more situations like this, these stupid arguments will stop about how the pricing is "so unfair".

When we're paying $8 to play Chrono Trigger or Secret of Mana, or maybe $8 to play Shining Force 2, or hell maybe even $6 to play Rondo of Blood, all this crap about how the pricing sucks will fly right out the window because the alternative can be as much as 10 times that to play these games.

Hell, just going by what Nintendo has in the pipeline, I will GLADLY pay $8 for Kirby 3, Kirby Superstar, and Super Metroid, considering they cost 2 to 3 times that on Ebay.

Hell, Gunstar Heroes can run anywhere from $10 to $20 and you won't be playing that in 480p over Component on the Genesis.

I may be one of the few people who IS buying a Wii solely for the VC, because this has the tendency to provide MANY games at a mere fraction of the Ebay cost, and in Progressive Scan to boot.
I payed 800 points for R-type yesterday. Why you may ask, because in my opinion it's a game I loved as a kid and played it for hours already (lost track of time).

All in all, instead of me spending time and more or same amount of money than what it would take / cost to just do it on the Wii that's already set up and works better than older systems then I'm a happy consumer.

Now ...

i mUstA ben twicked OmGz!!1!1!!!212!!one@!?
I only read the first page, but I trust Strell enough to say I agree with everything he said on that page and the rest of them. The article has maybe one or two valid points, but pretending that this was some sort of covert scheme to drain money is ignorant.
Wow. There are so many bad assumptions and skewed perspectives here that I don't know where to start.

First off, the reason that an N64 game costs more than an NES game is not based on any costs nintendo incurs. It's a pricing strategy designed to differentiate the platforms and position N64 as the premium games. Like it or not, the average Joe determines value by price. The consumers who haven't played these games before would be lost with a flat pricing strategy.

Do you honestly think that all companies price their products solely based on what it costs to make it? Sometimes, products can be made dirt cheap, but priced fairly high just to give the product an image of quality/value.

You CANNOT include PC roms/emulation in the pricing equation because these are ILLEGAL forms of aquiring these games. The VC is the very reason why ROMs are Illegal. So that nintendo has the right to sell their 10-15 year old games for whatever price they damn well choose, and people cannot steal them just because they're old. Just because you've been stealing inferior versions of these games for years doesn't mean Nintendo has to cater to your skewed perception of value.

I may not agree with Nintendo's choice to charge 500 points for Pinball and NES soccer, but I'll defend their right to do it, and fight pirates' theft of any intellectual property.

Aside from that, this is CAG. Does ANYONE seriously pay retail price? I got my points cards for $15, free, and $10 apeice.

Bottom line is, if you don't like the pricing structure, go buy something else. The wonders of a free market economy. You can bitch and whine all you want online about it, but don't expect people who are satisfied with the product to change their opinion just because of you. And certainly don't expect them to look on you any more favorably when you accuse them of being ripped off, and of being idiots for buying VC games.

Nintendo is a business people. Their one goal is to maximize profits. This is how they do it:


There are several factors in addition to this great graph that had to be considered, but it mostly comes down to them trying to maximize profits.


Yeah, but they never said they won't lower prices in the future. And then they got all the people willing to pay $10 a game to pay $10 a game, and the people willing to pay less, to pay less. It's the same way any other technology starts expensive and then the price is reduced. How do people not understand that things start expensive and after time the company reduces prices to sell more? Especially at CAG, you would think people would understand that COMPANIES SELL THINGS EXPENSIVE AT FIRST AND AFTER TIME THEY DROP PRICES SO IF YOU WAIT A PERIOD OF TIME, THE PRICE IS MOST LIKELY TO COME DOWN. THIS HAS BEEN DONE FOR AS LONG AS THINGS HAVE BEEN SOLD.
[quote name='dallow']

Granted, I already ripped a couple of my personal PS1 games, so the store is of no use to me anymore. But I don't know a single other person with a modified PSP, nor have ever seen another.


There were 65 people in line, at launch, for the Wii at Best Buy (me being one of them). There were 7 or 8 PSP's in line...all hacked and playing emulator games (all sorts).

Which, of course, isn't the greatest sample set, all things considered. But I think it at least shows that the hardcore gamers (the ones most likely to be DL'ing an overabundance of PS1 games) seem to have access to hacked PSP's in relatively decent numbers.
[quote name='pilferk']Anecdotally.....

There were 65 people in line, at launch, for the Wii at Best Buy (me being one of them). There were 7 or 8 PSP's in line...all hacked and playing emulator games (all sorts).

Which, of course, isn't the greatest sample set, all things considered. But I think it at least shows that the hardcore gamers (the ones most likely to be DL'ing an overabundance of PS1 games) seem to have access to hacked PSP's in relatively decent numbers.[/quote]

Thanks for that, I've always wondered if they were out there, as much as I read their comments on forums.
[quote name='jkam']I'm not so sure why everyone feels the games are so grossly overpriced. There are some things people don't think about:

Ease of Use:
I can get that Super Mario Bros. game for a quarter and it comes with Duck Hunt! This is true but you have to drag out and hook up your NES or buy one if you don't already have one that you have kept all these years. This isn't to say that there aren't people who still have their NES and 7 other consoles hooked up but there are some people who like to have everything in one little box or that got rid of their NES years ago.

The prices are bad in some situations and good in others. Getting Gunstar Heroes for $8 for someone who never owned the original is a good deal. I think other games would fall into this category like Super Mario RPG, Earthbound, and other rare or expensive games.

All games are worth more or less to different people. Some people would pay a premium price for Final Fantasy VII and others would tell you to get lost. So its hard to say the games aren't worth it.

Games we haven't played:
I'm sure almost every gamer knows there is a game out there they haven't played but always wanted to. I never played Super Metroid and I look forward to the opportunity to do so.

Slightly Updated:
I believe that Super Mario 64 looks a little smoother and runs in 480p. It isn't exactly an XBOX LIVE Arcade type of an upgrade but it is something. Same goes for the other games...480p.

So overall I think it might be something different to each person. I do hope they do look to do some original content in the future as well though. I would also like to see some unreleased games (Starfox 2 cough cough). The opportunities are limitless.[/QUOTE]

QFT. Whether you can easily emulate it or not, the fact remains that some of the VC games are an absolute bargain at $6-8 (and yes, some of the games are a giant ripoff at that price as well).

As for Genesis and Turbo Grafix 16 games; I belive Sega and whoever the hell is in charge of TG16 decide the prices for their games. So blame Sega for whoring out yet another Sonic 1 port (at least this one doesn't cost $20 like the GBA one).
Look, we're just not going to see the sub-$5 downloadable game anytime soon.* This isn't just the XBLA precedent, it extends to people paying two or three bucks for a 30-second ringtone, crap like that. Since that's the baseline price for these games, it only stands to reason that games for systems that are 'superior' (technologically speaking) to the NES are going to cost proportionally more.

Personally, I'm going to be very judicious about the games I get, not just because the cost adds up quickly, but because I'm still in the dark about what they plan on doing when memory space becomes an issue, because I'm not going to have the time to play my massive disc-based back catalogue and dozens of games from yesteryear, and because while I'm cutting back on my 'new' game purchases, I'm still going to have to devote time the Mass Effects and Metroids and Metal Gears coming soon.

Also, if a game or system is relatively rare (meaning it doesn't exist on a legal compilation disc...Sega), I don't see how an $8-$10 pricepoint is scandalous. It's all about being selective, just like, well, any good "cheap ass gamer" would be, right?

*--Price cuts months or years down the road? Sure...maybe...why not?
[quote name='jollydwarf']Look, we're just not going to see the sub-$5 downloadable game anytime soon.* This isn't just the XBLA precedent, it extends to people paying two or three bucks for a 30-second ringtone, crap like that.[/QUOTE]

I still think you're an obnoxious snivelling prat who overestimates their importance in the world...but I have to concede that's a damn good point you bring up.

Blame it on all the people who have "Goldigger" play when their phone rings. Great; as if I needed another reason to hate those folks.
I think the expensive ebay games are what will ultimately shutup a bunch of whiners about the cost.

I think some people *cough* ^^^^^^^^^^^ *cough* would pay double for Rondo of Blood on the VC, I'd surely plunk down $8 for FFVI, seeing as how I paid $80 for it back when I was 14, and plan on buying it again in Feb for $30 on the GBA. $8 Chrono Trigger? Shhe-yeah... $5 Bionic Commando? Mhmm...

I'm not buying every game that goes up there, I'm being just as choosy as I've always been, but I think that's what the service is for. I don't think Nintendo's expecting massive numbers for Soccer and Pinball. I think they're just being completists for the whiners who would complain otherwise.

And yeah, I'd probably buy Clu Clu Land, if only to play a working version of it, since every ROM I've ever downloaded has been massively corrupted and broken.

Anyone care to guess what kind of hell would break loose if SEGA ported Panzer Dragoon or NiGHTS to the VC? I think just about the entire ebay section of rare/collectible video games would shit their pants. In fear.
Two short points:

The second Kirby's Adventure is available for $5 on VC, I am selling Nightmare in Dreamland for $30+ on eBay. Same game, hell of a lot cheaper.

As I hit up IGN, I was shown an iTunes ad, advertising games. That you can buy for $4.99 to play on a friggin iPod. Like Tetris and Bejeweled. $5 is basically the floor on what people will charge for games.
people need to get this one straight!

It's clearly marketed as VIRTUAL CONSOLE!
hence a venue to relive classics, games from the past!

they are not going to start releasing wii quality games through it because that would be defeat it's original purpose!

now if they named it wiicade or something I'd have a problem with that, but since its not, I think people just are not happy with the fact they cant have one console that does everything for them.

VC still has a lot of life left in it since it's only 2 months old! gosh people are so unpatient.

if you all were expecting something better I think you chose the wrong console. better get your butt over to ps3 or 360.

as for pricing, dont forget the type of mentality we all have for coming to a website called cheapassgamer....
if these games were free then ppl wouldn't be bashing so much.

[quote name='Strell']I'm sorry, but the VC is totally a "if you don't want it, don't buy it" scenario.

If you want to pretend you don't know wtf you are doing for the sole purpose of bitching about a price that you know before purchasing a game, that is your own damn fault.

I think a lot of the anger regarding the VC comes from two kinds of people: 1) people who think the pricing sucks, and 2) zealot nerds who are harboring a lot of residual angst over their squashed dreams resulting from "the promises Nintendo made with the VC," which centers around the ideas that bounced tossed to and fro prior to the VC's full functionality being shown.

In other words, all these people who are up in arms about it from the second group - where the author clearly sits - had all these dreamy thoughts about the VC a priori, which included things like "it will have tools for indie development," or "it will spruce up the graphics," or "you'll be able to use characters from one game in another," or "it will include online multiplayer," or "it will harness the Wii's power to deliver 60 FPS," or "it's going to include (insert obscure game that dreamer can't live without apparently, even though it's totally subjective)." All of that was the work of lonely little boys on the internets, and while I'd kill for them to come true, that doesn't change the fact that Nintendo never rolled them out like delicious apples on the forbidden tree.

The pricing sucks. I haven't bought any because of the pricing. And it doesn't help that B&M stores - the only potential source of deals - are f*cking consumers with inflated prices (Best Buy sells the cards for 22.99, and I've seen them 29.99 at other places).

But you can't call this being "tricked." It's called being screwed with - there's a difference. And to justify this labeling with "Nintendo is in it for the money" is laughable. Of course they are. That was the whole damn idea of the VC to begin with - that it was a total cash grab.

There's every reason to be angry about the VC, but at no time is it being snuck under your eyes like contraband, unless you're just a damn fool that wants to piss and moan because you think that'll get mommy to make it all better.

Dumb article. It has the right idea but it presents it in about the worst way imaginable.[/quote]
Personally, I’ve paid the “inflated” price to play Gunstar Heroes and Super Castlevania 4 and I’ve paid it gladly. I just so happened to have missed both of these classics in their time and I find that paying $6/$8 to play them on the Wii is far more convenient to me than trying to track down the used carts and hauling my old consoles out of the attic.

While I hesitate to tell anyone that their opinion is wrong, I truthfully can’t see how any of us have been tricked. I think that most CAGs are adults cognizant of the fact that Nintendo isn’t overly concerned with us as individuals any further than it relates to their bottom line. This business model will either flop or flourish based on what we as consumers are willing to pay for. If you disagree, then simply vote with your wallet; don’t buy what you don’t support. It’s that simple.
Wasn't that a forced bundle with food though?

(Fighting gag reflex)

Um...yes, it was. Blech!*

*--Okay, the BK's not that bad. The occasional Whopper is tolerable, just not three in, like, ten days.
[quote name='1modernboy']If you disagree, then simply vote with your wallet; don’t buy what you don’t support. It’s that simple.[/QUOTE]

Too true. I don't think Nintendo 'tricked' anyone. They aren't a charity, they're a for profit company. Personally, I think their pricing is inflated, so I'm not buying. When harder to find games start hitting the VC, I'm in...but for now I'll watch.

Also - this is still new. Once Big N sees how sales progress, they may make changes (i.e., free point codes inside new games etc.) Everything is overpriced right out of the gate.
[quote name='jollydwarf']Look, we're just not going to see the sub-$5 downloadable game anytime soon.* This isn't just the XBLA precedent, it extends to people paying two or three bucks for a 30-second ringtone, crap like that. Since that's the baseline price for these games, it only stands to reason that games for systems that are 'superior' (technologically speaking) to the NES are going to cost proportionally more.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, got to say, I think that's pretty asute.
I started weeding out my classic systems. I simply don't have a lot of time to play games, plus trying to run a controller 12-14 feet across the living room (projector), plus our 11mo old grabbing at wires. ARGH.

I still have the NES/SNES, but the Sega CD combo (JVC X'Eye) went out, the Saturn got unhooked (I only had 3-4 games for it anyway), etc.

BTW NES & Genesis over composite video practically make my eyes bleed. Yuck. S-video enabled consoles like the SNES look great, but composite A/V looks terrible.

So I get 480p over component, no wires, and I can switch games instantly without digging through my pile of classic games.

So far I've played way more classic gaming on the VC than I bothered with in the past year. And I get to try some games like Gunstar Heroes. And I never did have an n64 of my own.

I agree that NES games are too much. Some Sega games are too much as well.

I'm still paying it, though, for some games.
Intellectual property laws in the US are BS.

If you can't make your money back from your IP in 15 years, then you shouldn't be in the entertainment business.

Expect to see more crazy pricing schemes and even RIAA-type antics as long as the Mickey Mouse 90+ year copyright laws stand.
Oh that's right, I forgot about the people who buy crap like $3 ringtones, and $5-$6 POS cell phone games.

These prices suddenly make a little more sense.
Guess I'll be staying away for a long time.
Will I ever get to play the lost levels on the Wi?
Mario allstars where are you?
[quote name='1modernboy']Personally, I’ve paid the “inflated” price to play Gunstar Heroes and Super Castlevania 4 and I’ve paid it gladly. I just so happened to have missed both of these classics in their time and I find that paying $6/$8 to play them on the Wii is far more convenient to me than trying to track down the used carts and hauling my old consoles out of the attic.

You'd be mistaken badly to think you can grab Gunstar Heroes for
[quote name='dallow']Oh that's right, I forgot about the people who buy crap like $3 ringtones, and $5-$6 POS cell phone games.

These prices suddenly make a little more sense.
Guess I'll be staying away for a long time.[/QUOTE]

Products like that are kind of like the roses you see at the gas station, or the candy bars at grocery stores. They're "impulse buy" kind of situations. In terms of programs from online delivery, they depend on the impulse purchase for some sort of value creation for the customer ("wow, I just bought a game that I can play right this second for $5!"). However.. 30 seconds later.. the fun runs out. Hell, with many ringtone and cellphone .jpg services, they subscribe you to a monthly service and the consumer wouldn't know unless they read the fine print. That's what you call deceptive marketing practices.

Now.. for these VC games. Nintendo, as with many other companies, took a look at online content delivery to formulate a pricing scheme. Why do people pay for overpriced games and features elsewhere? A little something called the "uneducated consumer." Nintendo (and Microsoft by the way) seek to blur the effects of buyer's remorse by removing pricing by currency, and instead opting to price by a points system.

The VC depends a little bit on the impulse purchase. However.. 3 or 4 of those impulse purchases add up. The VC has a broad target market, but among it are the "I haven't played a game in 20 years" crowd. Say this uninformed user goes onto the VC. They see a game they "think" they recognize, and decide to plop down the points for it. They play it for 30 seconds, and realize that they bought the wrong thing. These gamers stop buying VC games, and only the hardcore market supports it. Soon enough, they won't be meeting sales expectations, and the VC becomes less cost effective.

Cheap Ass Gamer is what you could partially call a consumer education service, and depends on the laws of free market econmics to provide us with cheapass games when supply theoretically exceeds demand in retail inventories, thus creating clearance prices for us. The XBLA and VC systems are sort of micro command economies, in which content prices disregard demand and pull a magic # out of the air. Hardcore gamers ARE NOT the majority user base for this medium of entertainment. Therefore, if the user base becomes alienated and disenfranchised from the service, it is no longer profitable for the parent company.

But.. it isn't going to go away. Especially in the case of Nintendo.. the costs of development, hosting, and delivering the content are so miniscule-while the number of uneducated or obsessive compulsive fans willing to throw away their money is high enough- they have no reason to restructure their pricing model. At least Microsoft lets you demo the thing first though, so you at least know something about the product you buy beforehand.

Yeah, I cringe at the thought of buying NES Baseball or any game that has been rereleased through multiple mediums in the past at $5 or above (then again, I've been an avid emulation enthusiast for years as well). However, Nintendo's a corporation that does what any corporation will do: try to generate revenue to increase shareholder value. Do I think they are creating a bit of dead weight loss due to overpricing based on convenience and the impulse purchase? Well yeah, of course. However, it isn't just Nintendo doing it. Blame the millions of uneducated consumers who place an inflated value on the convenience of online content delivery to cause median price points such as this. Sometimes, the market is just stupid (just look at SpongeBob TV plug and play games as an example).

OP, as a sidenote, I give you props for at least having the balls to speak your mind and post it here for discussion. I agree in some points, but you achieved the goal any author or journalist should aim for in his writing (and the length of this thread is proof, minus the chivalric knights ready to flame in the defense of Nintendo): thought provocation.
[quote name='Skylander7']
OP, as a sidenote, I give you props for at least having the balls to speak your mind and post it here for discussion. I agree in some points, but you achieved the goal any author or journalist should aim for in his writing (and the length of this thread is proof, minus the chivalric knights ready to flame in the defense of Nintendo): thought provocation.[/QUOTE]

I would agree with you on this point, if it weren't for the fact that the OP didn't disclose that he wrote the article when he posted it. If he was really trying to create a discussion, I believe he would have taken credit for his own work right away, rather than saying... "I know this probably won't be a very popular article here, but it might interest a few of you."
uninformed? how? they get a description, 3 screenshots, and two chances to back out before purchase... what else do they need? i only wish consumers got as much opportunity in handholding during a purchase. think of all the people that get upsold on some shitty game at EB/GS because the clerk told them that moto gp was a good game on the wii?
[quote name='Skylander7']Products like that are kind of like the roses you see at the gas station[/QUOTE]

If you're talking about the miniature roses, you're making the wrong comparison. People buy those to use the glass tubes as crack pipes.
[quote name='psunami']I would agree with you on this point, if it weren't for the fact that the OP didn't disclose that he wrote the article when he posted it. If he was really trying to create a discussion, I believe he would have taken credit for his own work right away, rather than saying... "I know this probably won't be a very popular article here, but it might interest a few of you."[/quote]

I've been posting articles from my site on CAG for awhile now. I've even given away an Xbox 360 bundle. I have a link to my site in my sig.

I guess I was hoping people would realize by now that it was my site and I wrote it. I'm not afraid to take credit for my articles, but I didn't think it was needed at the time. However as soon as the question was asked, I said it was my article.
[quote name='mykevermin']If you're talking about the miniature roses, you're making the wrong comparison. People buy those to use the glass tubes as crack pipes.[/QUOTE]
Well played.

Quick note - I've been checking eBay for a copy of Zombies Ate My Neighbors for the Genesis for about six months ago. Everything I've seen has been near or above $20 shipped, though the lowest I've seen was $9 for cartridge only. I'd gladly pay $8 for a copy I can play for the life of my Wii.

Nintendo's not releasing a stream of crap on the VC, they're releasing the games we're out hunting for on eBay and garage sales anyways. It's quick, it's easy, and it's comparable to what we'd pay out in the real world for the same game - except these don't require hooking up a dusty system and blowing in a cartridge in hopes it'll play.

It's wonderful. We've just all been spoiled by CAG and clearance sales.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']I've been posting articles from my site on CAG for awhile now. I've even given away an Xbox 360 bundle. I have a link to my site in my sig.

I guess I was hoping people would realize by now that it was my site and I wrote it. I'm not afraid to take credit for my articles, but I didn't think it was needed at the time. However as soon as the question was asked, I said it was my article.[/QUOTE]

Yeah. If there is one thing Grave has been with us its upfront about, its that he writes most if not all of the articles for his blog which is well worth checking out. Like I've said before, I don't think this is one of his better articles, but his top ten sega sequels that need to be made is one of the best indy game articles I've read all year.
[quote name='ascrackoo1']
as for pricing, dont forget the type of mentality we all have for coming to a website called cheapassgamer....
if these games were free then ppl wouldn't be bashing so much.[/quote]
You'd be surprised how far CAGs are willing to go to bitch about something. :lol:
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']You'd be surprised how far CAGs are willing to go to bitch about something. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Well gamers are one of the bitchiest subcultures on the internet.
[quote name='furyk']Well gamers are one of the bitchiest subcultures on the internet.[/quote]
True. Gamers in general are just bitchy to various degrees.
[quote name='mykevermin']If you're talking about the miniature roses, you're making the wrong comparison. People buy those to use the glass tubes as crack pipes.[/QUOTE]

I'm talking about the real ones. As for the crack pipes.. look at my location. They'll go as far as buying a cigar with a plastic cover and make a crack pipe out of it. However, they're usually buying the single packaged orange flavored blunts for other purposes.

Almost EVERY time I enter a gas station, somebody is in line in front of me purchasing a 40 cent flavored cigar. It never fails :)

On a side note.. they recently found a meth lab in a building at an elementary school about 30 miles south of here.
I just realized again how stupid this topic is.

Nintendo isn't tricking anybody. The prices are there, take it or leave it. If you think you can get these games cheaper, by all means, go crazy.

Don't see anybody making a topic "How sony has tricked us all with the $600 PS3" just because many think that is horribly overpriced..
[quote name='jer7583']Don't see anybody making a topic "How sony has tricked us all with the $600 PS3" just because many think that is horribly overpriced..[/QUOTE]

I would start one, but it'd probably be trolling.

Oh wait...
bread's done