How old are CAG's....Dont Lie

The only things different about this age thread and the other ones, is that this one is for CGA and it says don't lie.
oh now im gettin it......yeah im 16 and i live next door to a post office........i get trade happy but am left no
17 in August, and how many of these age threads exist? If the mods were to merge all of them, there would be an unstoppable uber-super age thread.

In comes a little Japanese man:

You know, we have so many young members, and when the music post came out, there was a lot of old crap, like classical music and other shit, I was just wondering if everyone was OLD.
28 and still mentally fresh out of high school.
Jeez - so far a low ratio of post-25yr olds! Where the nearing 30yr olds at? T'is ok, I can still wh00p all these "how the hell do I have so many games at age 14/15/16/17" youngins in any game still anyway :)

Or not~
bread's done