How Rockstar Screwed Us and Why Jack Thompson is Right - A CAG Editorial

[quote name='sparklecopy']Revenantae do you honestly believe in your heart that Rockstar in no way markets toward kids or markets to entice children? that they are defenders of truth justice and our constitutional freedoms? If the money from kids wasn't used to subsidize GTA R&D how would we get our games? Yes. the majority of video games are bought by adults but that study is skewed by overall games. Suppose a household with adults only had 55 games of various ratings including GTA. now imagine a household with kids and they have 5 games and it includes GTA. See the adult houshold clearly has more games and buys more games but they both bought GTA cause it is a mainstream popular game.[/QUOTE]
I'm not making a claim either way. What I am saying is, "show me the money.". You've made the assertion that GTA is marketed to kids. I want to see the proof. The only place I've seen ads are in game magazines, game related sites, and pop culture TV.

Now, you could certainly make the argument that children view these forms of media, and you'd be right. However, that doesn't make the ads targeted to children any more than the Tide commercial that runs during saturday morning cartoons is targeted at children. It's in a place where gamers will see it.
[quote name='Revenantae']I'm not making a claim either way. What I am saying is, "show me the money.". You've made the assertion that GTA is marketed to kids. I want to see the proof. The only place I've seen ads are in game magazines, game related sites, and pop culture TV.

Now, you could certainly make the argument that children view these forms of media, and you'd be right. However, that doesn't make the ads targeted to children any more than the Tide commercial that runs during saturday morning cartoons is targeted at children. It's in a place where gamers will see it.[/QUOTE]

Don't forget - GTA commercials do not run before 10 p.m. for the exact reason to not market to kids.
[quote name='javeryh']Don't forget - GTA commercials do not run before 10 p.m. for the exact reason to not market to kids.[/QUOTE]

Uhh, I know a lot of kids who don't go to bed before 12. and I saw GTA commercials at 3 pm the other day.

Regardless. if you think the government is trying to use this GTA thing as a smokescreen coverup, political manuevering, or a way to extract money from video games makers in new political contributions when bill #512 comes along (I can see it now, suddenly rockstar makes a lot of donations to a certain senators campaign - You know how washington works). I'm not stupid enough to think that the government has the peoples best interests in mind. The point of the fact is that video game makers forced the governments hand. In broad daylight the government is supposed to protect the people, their principles, and the moral value system (supposedely is the key term). Now the government lets a lot of shit slide. And I mean A LOT! of shit. Cigarette companies, Violent movies, suggestive music, the porn industry, etc. But when you rub their faces in it like ROCkSTAR did it you are just waking the dragon that doesn't really want to be bothered. Suddenly you have a huge spotlight on something that if left alone (ie without the hot coffee) would have been let slide. But now it's a huge uproar of righteous indignation that the Government can't overlook. Who's fault is that? Rockstar. It's like Icarus flying to close to the sun. If he had just stayed at the level of Daedulus it would have smooth flying but NOOO he had to goad the gods. Blame Rockstar not the Government.
[quote name='sparklecopy']Uhh, I know a lot of kids who don't go to bed before 12. [/quote]

Those kids' parents should be shot because they suck.

[quote name='sparklecopy']and I saw GTA commercials at 3 pm the other day. [/quote]

No you didn't.

[quote name='sparklecopy']Regardless. if you think the government is trying to use this GTA thing as a smokescreen coverup, political manuevering, or a way to extract money from video games makers in new political contributions when bill #512 comes along (I can see it now, suddenly rockstar makes a lot of donations to a certain senators campaign - You know how washington works). I'm not stupid enough to think that the government has the peoples best interests in mind. The point of the fact is that video game makers forced the governments hand. In broad daylight the government is supposed to protect the people, their principles, and the moral value system (supposedely is the key term). Now the government lets a lot of shit slide. And I mean A LOT! of shit. Cigarette companies, Violent movies, suggestive music, the porn industry, etc. But when you rub their faces in it like ROCkSTAR did it you are just waking the dragon that doesn't really want to be bothered. Suddenly you have a huge spotlight on something that if left alone (ie without the hot coffee) would have been let slide. But now it's a huge uproar of righteous indignation that the Government can't overlook. Who's fault is that? Rockstar. It's like Icarus flying to close to the sun. If he had just stayed at the level of Daedulus it would have smooth flying but NOOO he had to goad the gods. Blame Rockstar not the Government.[/QUOTE]

Look, no one is blaming the government for anything. A lot of people (myself included) just feel that it is not the government's place to get involved at all. Also, the government is not here to protect the "moral value system" whatever that means (whose? yours? mine?). The government is also not "letting anything slide" either. It's not their place to get involved in the first place. We live in a free country and we should be allowed to express ourselves in any way we see fit (subject to certain pretty well-defined limits). This includes creating and playing any type of game that we can dream up. If the industry wants to self regulate I'm all for it but the government better not dare take away the option to play GTA altogether under the guise of "betterment of society" or "protecting our youth" - it simply won't be tolerated in a free society.
[quote name='sparklecopy']Uhh, I know a lot of kids who don't go to bed before 12. and I saw GTA commercials at 3 pm the other day.

Regardless. if you think the government is trying to use this GTA thing as a smokescreen coverup, political manuevering, or a way to extract money from video games makers in new political contributions when bill #512 comes along (I can see it now, suddenly rockstar makes a lot of donations to a certain senators campaign - You know how washington works). I'm not stupid enough to think that the government has the peoples best interests in mind. The point of the fact is that video game makers forced the governments hand. In broad daylight the government is supposed to protect the people, their principles, and the moral value system (supposedely is the key term). Now the government lets a lot of shit slide. And I mean A LOT! of shit. Cigarette companies, Violent movies, suggestive music, the porn industry, etc. But when you rub their faces in it like ROCkSTAR did it you are just waking the dragon that doesn't really want to be bothered. Suddenly you have a huge spotlight on something that if left alone (ie without the hot coffee) would have been let slide. But now it's a huge uproar of righteous indignation that the Government can't overlook. Who's fault is that? Rockstar. It's like Icarus flying to close to the sun. If he had just stayed at the level of Daedulus it would have smooth flying but NOOO he had to goad the gods. Blame Rockstar not the Government.[/QUOTE]
are you talking about lobbyists from the gaming industry?. I dont think they have that king of money to waste, like cigarette companies do
[quote name='javeryh'] - it simply won't be tolerated in a free society.[/QUOTE]

Dude, this isn't a free society. We live in a guise of a free society. Can I go out saying racist remarks? How come everybody doesn't tolerate racism? Isn't that free speech? How come nobody makes incest or gang rape video games besides underground japanese? It's because we have Limits to what people do in mainstream life. Hey I'm all for adult games it's just that I want to be comfortable that I'm playing this game and not little kids.
[quote name='sparklecopy']Dude, this isn't a free society. We live in a guise of a free society. Can I go out saying racist remarks? How come everybody doesn't tolerate racism? Isn't that free speech? [/quote]

Yes of course you can. Go be as racist as you want. You have the right to free speech.

[quote name='sparklecopy']How come nobody makes incest or gang rape video games besides underground japanese? [/quote]

OK, I've never seen an "incest or gang rape video game" but I'll take your word for it that it exists :roll:. Why doesn't anyone make them here? I guess it's because there wouldn't be much profit in it. Game makers are free to make whatever they want though...

[quote name='sparklecopy']It's because we have Limits to what people do in mainstream life. Hey I'm all for adult games it's just that I want to be comfortable that I'm playing this game and not little kids.[/QUOTE]

No, you seem to want to dumb down society to the level of a child because of the off chance that playing an M rated game might warp some kid's brain. If someone goes out and carjacks and kills a bunch of people because they saw it in GTA then there are more serious mental issues at work in that person's mind than the effects of a game that any rational person can recognize as a fantasy.
[quote name='javeryh']Yes of course you can. Go be as racist as you want. You have the right to free speech.

No, you seem to want to dumb down society to the level of a child because of the off chance that playing an M rated game might warp some kid's brain. If someone goes out and carjacks and kills a bunch of people because they saw it in GTA then there are more serious mental issues at work in that person's mind than the effects of a game that any rational person can recognize as a fantasy.[/QUOTE]

OK now you have lost me. Now you seem to be on your high horse about what should or not be done. I want to Dumb down society? GET real. I love the way you twist it around. Do you work for FOXNEWS?
I attached the above link to display the genuis that is our body of government. So gun companies and their products are okay, but people who use them in an unlawful manner are criminals and are soley responsible for there actions. Video games however tend to make gamers violent and need to be regulated! How ironic! Parents are responsible for the games they purchase; period! Hey he's a question are there federal laws that prevent the purchase of dvd's or music. And I'm not talking about porn. Let's be serious for a second. This hot topic is here for two reasons; money & fame! But this time it's not Rockstar! This trial lawyer who derserves no mention wishes to make a lot of money! Politicans need the boost because it's that time of year(voting) in some parts of the U.S. or for future ambitions. Remember how movies, tv and music was bad and responsible for the tragedy that occurs! Now it's time for video games to take a licking! As for the big tobacco, the key difference here is that they lied about side effects of usage & they had a highly addictive ingredient. Granted anybody who claims that they didn't think smoking would harm their health is foolish in my mind, but it does not excuse the positions and lies that big tobacco did to this nation. Ask all the cancer victims who talk from the hole in their throats! "Hot Coffee" is not available by doing left, right, left, right, up, down, a, b, select, start. You need a game shark or pc download. What about all the racist little brats or moddiers who play halo 2 on xbox live. Where's government regulation there! Oh I forgot that's Microsoft's headache not America's. Well, not until one of those punks commits murder and blames bungie & the Master Chief!
[quote name='MaxBiaggi2']When I was a child, they didn't offer M-rated videogames for sale in stores, but there were R-rated movies in theaters. I remember this vividly because a friend and I had ridden our bicycles several miles to a theater one day but weren't allowed to buy tickets because we were underage.

If today's videogames are going to have an effective ratings system, it must be enforced by retail stores, meaning no underage kids can buy restricted games. If the government is going to get involved, I believe this is how they should do it, by enforcing the existing ratings system.[/QUOTE]
The difference is that the theater sells the tickets so that the person(s) who bought it can watch it while videogames are usually bought by a parent for a child in these situations. They can't control who plays the game after it's purchased while they can control who watches the movie at a theater, so it's not the same thing. The government's in it to control what kind of content is in games and to get money from fines from those that try to push it. Government enforcement is not what solves this problem.
I just found this article on CNN about an 80-something grandmother who is suing Rockstar because she bought GTA: SA for her 14-year old grandson and didn't know it would have explicit sexual content.

Click Here

The article fails to point out how clueless this grandparent is for buying a game rated M for her 14-year old grandson. Perhaps this is evolution at work right before our eyes? Why on earth would any parent or grandparent buy their 14-year old kid an M rated videogame?!!! And to think that she is concerned about the sexual content of the locked out mini-game...nevermind all the shootin' and drug running that goes along in the game.

In many ways, I agree with Cheapy's editorial about Rockstar screwing up on this one...but the bigger problem is the serious lack of parenting skills in the general public.
[quote name='sparklecopy']OK now you have lost me. Now you seem to be on your high horse about what should or not be done. I want to Dumb down society? GET real. I love the way you twist it around. Do you work for FOXNEWS?[/QUOTE]

Actually - you had a lot of shitty points in your argument. They also weren't clear.

You can be racist - but most people don't like it because it's fucking stupid. Just because you have the right to free speech, doesn't mean I can't turn around and call you a fucken idiot for saying something dumb in public. It's when I take it to a physical level where it would become illegal. I can walk around town shouting $$$$$$ - but it's not like it's going to get me any respect. In fact, I'd be an asshole if I did that.

Tolerance for racism? There's tolerance - no one is going to kill you over it and NOT get punished if they do so. Do I have to agree with you? No. Do I have the freedom of speech granted to me so that I may call you an idiot? Yes.
[quote name='sparklecopy']OK now you have lost me. Now you seem to be on your high horse about what should or not be done. I want to Dumb down society? GET real. I love the way you twist it around. Do you work for FOXNEWS?[/QUOTE]

If you support government regulation of the industry then you support the dumbing down of society. It goes like this:

1. Government passes "the video game bill"
2. In this "bill" retailers will get punished for selling M rated games to minors
3. Pimply faced teenagers making $5/hour don't give a shit and sell to whoever
4. Government hands down punishment
5. Retailers decide not to sell M-rated games at all because it's not worth the cost of monitoring sales
6. Game makers decide not to make M-rated games because they need to actually sell games to make money
7. M-rated games no longer exist
8. Society is taken down to the level of a child

See how this works? This is why any "law" passed will get struck down as an infringement on the right to free speech.
[quote name='SkyGheNe']Actually - you had a lot of shitty points in your argument. They also weren't clear.

You can be racist - but most people don't like it because it's fucking stupid. Just because you have the right to free speech, doesn't mean I can't turn around and call you a fucken idiot for saying something dumb in public. It's when I take it to a physical level where it would become illegal. I can walk around town shouting $$$$$$ - but it's not like it's going to get me any respect. In fact, I'd be an asshole if I did that.

Tolerance for racism? There's tolerance - no one is going to kill you over it and NOT get punished if they do so. Do I have to agree with you? No. Do I have the freedom of speech granted to me so that I may call you an idiot? Yes.[/QUOTE]

well can I yell "Fire!" in a theatre? I'm just saying fire. Can I say I wanna kill the "prez" even though I'm not taking it to a physical level? Is it appropriate? You guys seem to have all the answers. It's just words right? it shouldn't cause
any problems according to your logic that it's protected speech as long as nothing's done about it. Why don't you guys try it? let's see what happens.
[quote name='sparklecopy']well can I yell "Fire!" in a theatre? I'm just saying fire. Can I say I wanna kill the "prez" even though I'm not taking it to a physical level? Is it appropriate? You guys seem to have all the answers. It's just words right? it shouldn't cause
any problems according to your logic that it's protected speech as long as nothing's done about it. Why don't you guys try it? let's see what happens.[/QUOTE]

*sigh* you are comparing apples and oranges. Those examples are not protected speech under the first amendment. Anything and everything relating to GTA is.
[quote name='javeryh']If you support government regulation of the industry then you support the dumbing down of society. It goes like this:

I don't think anyone supports the dumbing down of society. It's like saying "I support cancer!". And if it were true. I'd say it's movie,music, video, cigarette companies that would be more likely to support the dumbing down of society. Easier to sell applejacks. "why do you like applejacks?" -answer "just because we do!" the stupidest marketing campaign ever.
[quote name='javeryh']*sigh* you are comparing apples and oranges. Those examples are not protected speech under the first amendment. Anything and everything relating to GTA is.[/QUOTE]

ahhhhh. sooooo there are limits. Good to know. where I can I find the big book of what is "free protected speech and what is not?" Who sets those limits? the MFING government. That's who. I feel like I'm on a foxnews debate where Bill Oreilly keeps contradicting himself but he sounds like he's winning cause he's louder and more self righteous than everyone.
[quote name='sparklecopy']ahhhhh. sooooo there are limits. Good to know. where I can I find the big book of what is "free protected speech and what is not?" Who sets those limits? the MFING government. That's who. I feel like I'm on a foxnews debate where Bill Oreilly keeps contradicting himself but he sounds like he's winning cause he's louder and more self righteous than everyone.[/QUOTE]

No. The Supreme Court decided on these limits, not the government (in the traditional sense of lawmaking anyway). The limits arose out of the checks on the governments powers. As for the big book of limits - it's not so big. Anything likely to lead to physical harm in a matter of nanoseconds and child porn are really the only no-nos. Regular porn is a gray area - everything else is free as can be - including movies, music, TV and videogames. Until the governemtn starts developing video games for themselves they should stay the hell away.
[quote name='sparklecopy']ahhhhh. sooooo there are limits. Good to know. where I can I find the big book of what is "free protected speech and what is not?" Who sets those limits? the MFING government. That's who. I feel like I'm on a foxnews debate where Bill Oreilly keeps contradicting himself but he sounds like he's winning cause he's louder and more self righteous than everyone.[/QUOTE]

When your free speech infringes on the safety of others - you better bet there's going to be hell to pay. If my daughter dies because you, being an asshole, shout fire in a movie theater - you'd go to prison for at least manslaughter and murder, excluding the fact that I'd sue and never forgive you.

We limit freedom of speech because the extremeties would hurt others and are are just that: extremeties, polar strengths which don't make sense when the middle of the road works better. It's to circumvent stupidity from occuring in public areas.

What sense is there in yelling fire in a movie theater? Do you think you're funny?

Go to hell in that case. You know what would be really funny? Tossing a cup of gasoline into your face, lighting a match, and then yelling fire.

At least that makes sense.

(that wasn't to you personally - but it was a stupid point: wondering why we limit life-endangering speech...)
[quote name='SkyGheNe']When your free speech infringes on the safety of others - you better bet there's going to be hell to pay. If my daughter dies because you, being an asshole, shout fire in a movie theater - you'd go to prison for at least manslaughter and murder, excluding the fact that I'd sue and never forgive you.

We limit freedom of speech because the extremeties would hurt others and are are just that: extremeties, polar strengths which don't make sense when the middle of the road works better. It's to circumvent stupidity from occuring in public areas.

What sense is there in yelling fire in a movie theater? Do you think you're funny?

Go to hell in that case. You know what would be really funny? Tossing a cup of gasoline into your face, lighting a match, and then yelling fire.

At least that makes sense.[/QUOTE]

Dude it was a hypothetical analogy. CHILL. I got to get off this talkbalk. apparently there are some people who can't distinguish theorems of relativity out there. At least with revantae there was adult conversation. Hope this guy isn't playing GTA and taking it literally.
[quote name='sparklecopy']Dude it was a hypothetical analogy. CHILL. I got to get off this talkbalk. apparently there are some people who can't distinguish theorems of relativity out there. At least with revantae there was adult conversation. Hope this guy isn't playing GTA and taking it literally.[/QUOTE]

That last part wasn't directed towards you in particular. It was a general note - I so edited that long ago - but the site runs slow.

At any rate - It was a horrible analogy and one that can't really be compared to what we are talking about.
I have been arguing this in way too many forums lately and I don't have time to make a lengthy post here at this time. So instead, I will quote the people from these many forums to try and explain to people how things in the game developing industry work.

First, a solid defense of Rockstar from your very own Revenantae:

[quote name='Revenantae']Now, I've heard a lot of people whining that "R* left Hot Coffee in!!!!1!1!" and therefore deserve to be castigated. Let me point out a few things, and give you an analogy that illustrates the absurdity of this.

I happen to be a programmer by trade, and I know a thing or two about adding and removing code. Depending on where a piece of code lies, and what things it ties into, snipping it out is not necessarily as easy as it sounds. In some cases, disabling a function is far easier than removing it, and when deadlines loom, you do what you need to do to hit the deadline.

Second, were not arguing about something left in that was obviously intended for use. Look at the MASSIVE number of codes left in every GTA since 3. If they give you codes for everything from tire size, to pedestrian weapon carrying, don't you think there would be a code for Hot Coffee if they REALLY wanted it to be accessible? There isn't, they didn't.

So now we have to look at the liability of Rock*. Let's say I film a movie (for direct to DVD of course) with some "questionable content" in it. When I take my film to the MPAA for rating, they tell me I'm getting an X, the kiss of death. So the MPAA and I work together to identify cuts and edits that could be made to achieve an R rating. (As an aside, this is exactly what happens in the movie industry). I modify my film, and ship it that way. Now, someone else gets hold of the footage I cut, and adds it back to the film, shows it to a lawyer and the lawsuits begin.

Is it really fair to go back and retroactively rate my film as an X? Yes, I did film the original footage, but I took steps to remove it from view. I did what was reasonable to be sure the average joe wouldn't see the stuff that would have earned my film an X.

Rock* did the same thing. It isn't, despite many people's claims here, reasonable to assume your code will be reverse engineered, put back into a state that changes it's rating, disseminated, and then screamed about so loudly that it's universal dissemination is unavoidable.

IMHO the press has a LOT to answer for in this one. If it weren't for all the "front page" coverage, I'd never have known the MOD existed. Neither would most of you. Neither would the precious children that Clinton and her ilk are working so hard to protect from it.[/QUOTE]

Next, I give you an account describing the workload required to completely remove a mini-game by BMKane:

[quote name='BMKane']In response to people saying that the developers are responsible for leaving the content in there, they didn't really have much of a choice. I mean, coding an aspect of the game out and removing its art and map assets entirely are two very different things. In order to completely remove it from the game files, they'd have to selectively remove specific animations, go through and find all the dialogue associated with it that is specific to that section alone, and remove it, take out textures, maps, triggers, and a nice chunk of code. It'd be a rediculous waste of time, compared to just changing a couple lines of code or script to bypass it. Almost all games released have random stuff squirreled away inside them, because the developers decided to cut it. They can't be expected to spend a ton of extra time--while on a deadline, mind you--just to avert potential problems that could occur as a result of illegal and/or unsanctioned hacking of their game.[/QUOTE]

The Coop defends BMKane's statements:

[quote name='The Coop']Wait...

I thought a lot of people knew this. I'm no programmer, but I know that digging something out of a game's coding is far more complicated than just going in and deleting it. You have to remove all parts of it... graphically, aurally, and coding-wise. It's a lot simpler to just add a few lines of code to skip over the event, than it is to go in and remove everything associated with that event.

Take Streets of Rage 3. In Japan (where it's called Bare Knuckle 3), there's a character named Ash, who is a flamingly stereotypical leather clad gay man (pointed toes and all) like something from the Blue Oyster Bar in the "Police Academy" movies. This character was "removed" from the US version for obvious reasons, as the shit storm that would have befallen Sega would have been massive for having a character so blatantly portrayed like that. However, Ash wasn't removed... he was "coded over". If you use a Game Genie, you can put him back in the game, and even play as him (though it does make the game very glitchy).

The point? There are likely many games that still have various original "ideas" buried in their code, as the programmers never removed them for whatever reason (time constraints, laziness, etc.). We've only heard of a few of them.[/QUOTE]

... and again:

[quote name='GA Jedi Knight']Question: Do you have any programming experience? Because it sounds to me that you don't. Programming isn't as simple as it seems. Programming something on the scale of GTA is damn hard, and fixing glitches is, quite frankly, much harder in some cases. Why? Because not only do you have to find the glitches in the game, you then have to isolate the code that is causing the glitch. That in itself takes up a lot of time, because sometimes what seems to be the problem actually isn't, and it's actually something else entirely. Then you have to find THAT and fix it. And fixing the problem is no walk in the park. You have to determine the exact reason the code isn't working, find code that won't have that problem, and also make sure the new code won't conflict with the rest of the game. And then you have to test it out again once it's been put in. Sometimes that new code makes a NEW problem, and you have to do the process of fixing the code all over again. One glitch can turn into many many many many hours, even days of work. Imagine how long it takes to fix every glitch, even WITH a team of people working on it.

And that's another thing. The whole team issue is that when you fix a glitch, you have to make sure that not only does the rest of the code stay unaffected, but also you have to work with the others in order to keep it from conflicting with the rest of the team's fixes!

That's only going over the glitches part. There's also making the code more efficient. Before testing, there is typically slowdown in areas of the game where there shouldn't be slowdown (specifically, areas of the game that work properly normally, but don't when you do certain things). Why? Inefficient code, mainly. When discovered, they go back and rework the code in an attempt to fix the problem. Sometimes they succeed, sometimes not. But they still do it, which takes time.

Testing is given a ton of time for a reason; you need every single minute of that time to make the deadline. It is an incredibly difficult task. We're talking about millions of lines of code here. Not something you can do in a week.

My point is, testing does, in fact, take up pretty much all of the time allotted to it. And whatever is left (if there is any) is usually too little to go back and attempt to do something like remove an entire feature. It would just take too long to remove, given that games these days have tougher and tougher deadlines to meet.[/QUOTE]

And FINALLY, all of these posts were validated by input from a QA employee (game tester) from Electronic Arts:

[quote name='Trenthian']as a game tester, I am priv to a lot of details about games that the common gamer is not.

Simply cutting all the code and assets assigned to the minigames could have caused so many problems with the game that its 1000 times easier just to make it inaccessable

EA does it all the time. If you think for a moment the levels that never made it into Medal of honor european assault arent still on the disc, you'd be mistaken. the code is still there, even if those levels are incomplete. Just removing them would have delayed the game for testing another 2 months.

so yea, I would also like to say that the ESRB is not going to change the rating. Because rockstar followed the nessecaryh and laid forth guidelines to correct a matter of taste. [/QUOTE]

In summary, Rockstar is not guilty of any kind of deception. They made use of a common practice within a VERY stressful industry. In game development, time is your biggest enemy and every shortcut you can take is ESSENTIAL.

Unless you go in and MODIFY the game's code, Hot Coffee is INACCESSIBLE. There is no cheat code or easter egg. You cannot access the mini-game in question without modifying the game itself. And once you do that, Rockstar is no longer responsible for its content.

Case closed.

(Also see: Team Ninja and the DOA nude skins issue.)
[quote name='sephfire']
In summary, Rockstar is not guilty of any kind of deception. They made use of a common practice within a VERY stressful industry. In game development, time is your biggest enemy and every shortcut you can take is ESSENTIAL.

Unless you go in and MODIFY the game's code, Hot Coffee is INACCESSIBLE. There is no cheat code or easter egg. You cannot access the mini-game in question without modifying the game itself. And once you do that, Rockstar is no longer responsible for its content.

Case closed.

(Also see: Team Ninja and the DOA nude skins issue.)[/QUOTE]

That's like saying it's justified to have a picture of a big fat cock overlapped by a picture of the mona lisa. See, the cock is obscured by the mona lisa and the only way you could find out is if you cut open the painting and looked at the layer underneath. Imagine if this mona lisa is sent to everybody who wants to buy it and is hanging in their houses, schools. etc. Is this right? I don't think so. The mod is just a more elaborate way of unlifting the veil.
The minigame is still on the disk. The difference between the DOA and nude skins was that someone made his own skins and released them. Really, im glad that Rockstar got caught on this. They shouldnt try to slip one under the ESRB's eyes because guess what, if something even more offensive had been slipped in. There would be much worser reprecussions than this.
a lot of people really need to get off of that whole "let the parents be parents" and "there are worse things in the world than video games" and "these are just politicians grandstanding" and all the related comments of that nature.

it's just like what Jack Thompson alluded to - if you truly want to sit back and let things go as they are, watch what happens WHEN there is a high-profile video game-related tragedy. as soon as the link between a kid and a game is made, just watch how fast the poo hits the fan...

game makers WILL be sued and a lot of them will lose a lot of money
laws WILL be passed and a lot of games are just going to disappear

and there's nothing that we can do about it! so, to say that Thompson is just a blowhard lawyer is just being naive. he's out there trying to help us all before we end up with something we all don't want, whether you see it that way or not.

rockstar, the ESRB, and EVERY other game-related developer/organization had better get their acts together soon, or the government is going to get their acts together for them...
The whole point is this: if you take the product Rockstar (or any other game company) sells you and you go in and modify it in any way, that company can no longer be held legally responsible. They aren't responsible for modifications from outside parties.

It's the same thing as if you downloaded some other random patch for a game and it ended up causing everything to malfunction and crash in the game. The developer isn't repsonsible.

Is Rockstar morally responsible for the ocntent left on the disc? Pretty much. Legally? That would be NO.
[quote name='MrNEWZ']That would be an EIDOS Title, actually.
Good article otherwise.
-Michael[/QUOTE]Well, at least they are on the same continent. Thanks.
[quote name='sparklecopy']That's like saying it's justified to have a picture of a big fat cock overlapped by a picture of the mona lisa. See, the cock is obscured by the mona lisa and the only way you could find out is if you cut open the painting and looked at the layer underneath. Imagine if this mona lisa is sent to everybody who wants to buy it and is hanging in their houses, schools. etc. Is this right? I don't think so. The mod is just a more elaborate way of unlifting the veil.[/QUOTE]

This might be the worst analogy I've ever read - no, wait... it definitely is. I could seriously care less if there were 50 big fat cocks "hidden" behind every picture in my house. I don't want to see them. I don't need to see them. I don't see them. So why the hell should I give a shit if they are there or not?
This game is already Rated M for Blood, Gore, Violence, Language, Strong Sexual Content, and Drug usage, so why is this such a big shocker? The fact that they're making such a big deal out of 1 year by changing it from 17+ to 18+ is rediculous. You can beat someone to death with a dildo or cut someones head off, yet showing cheesey sex scenes is so objectionable? These people are totally fucked.
It's that double standard. The media and the unknowledgeable senators and stupid parents, all paint the picture that this game is played by 5 year-old kids. No attention is being placed on the M17 rating. It's simply "think of all the little kids who have seen this!" It IS ridiculous.

I wouldn't worry too much on lawsuits. The videogame industry has deep pockets. If history is any indication, the music industry and the movie industry, as well as the television industry, all went though the same thing. In the 80s it was kids pretending to be superman jumping form windows, in the 90s it was gangsta rap. In the 2000's it happens to be hot coffee.

Ten years ago people paid close attention to movie ratings and to what their kids could and could not see. That perception has faded a bit. Now we see kids at Best Buy pick up a dozen R rated movies, a few unrated versions, an explicit lyric CD or two, and no one bats an eye at thje register. Just be glad he didn't throw in a mature rated game. But that will change. The same pattern will follow. Senators blame games, games become stricter standards, nothing changes in society, people still kill, rob, etc., public cries for action, senators find something new to blame, games lose focus and become ultra gore bloodbaths - everyone is happy.
[quote name='CheapyD']*article*[/QUOTE]

[quote name='javeryh']This might be the worst analogy I've ever read - no, wait... it definitely is. I could seriously care less if there were 50 big fat cocks "hidden" behind every picture in my house. I don't want to see them. I don't need to see them. I don't see them. So why the hell should I give a shit if they are there or not?[/QUOTE]

well apparently a lot of people do care. I care. How about instead of a cock it was a message saying "Javeryh is a spaz". It's hidden why should you care right?
[quote name='sparklecopy']well apparently a lot of people do care. I care. How about instead of a cock it was a message saying "Javeryh is a spaz". It's hidden why should you care right?[/QUOTE]

Right - why would I care?

And, don't forget, the painting (Mona Lisa) should already have a very clear warning that it has sexual themes and should not be viewed by anyone under the age of 17 (to keep your analogy accurate).
[quote name='Backlash']Right - why would I care?

And, don't forget, the painting (Mona Lisa) should already have a very clear warning that it has sexual themes and should not be viewed by anyone under the age of 17 (to keep your analogy accurate).[/QUOTE]

Why would you care? You'd care cause someone would crack the code or unlock the secret message embedded within the painting/game and annouce to the world that you were a spaz. It's hidden but someone is gonna find out.
[quote name='sparklecopy']well apparently a lot of people do care. I care. How about instead of a cock it was a message saying "Javeryh is a spaz". It's hidden why should you care right?[/QUOTE]

um, I still wouldn't care and I really don't understand why I should. If every copy of GTA shipped with hidden code that included .jpgs of my penis I still wouldn't care as long as it has an M rating - which it already does.
[quote name='javeryh']um, I still wouldn't care and I really don't understand why I should. If every copy of GTA shipped with hidden code that included .jpgs of my penis I still wouldn't care as long as it has an M rating - which it already does.[/QUOTE]

alright whatever dude. I don't know why this thread has turned into why the government should regulate video games. I thought the original topic was how Rockstar screwed us over by saying "we didn't have sexual content imbedded" and then confessed thereby losing the video game industries credibility by proxy.
Being that I'm gay this doesn't bother me. Bush already used this and iffy election resorts to win the election. Bush just bash gays saying we are destroying the world and social will fall, and the majority of the assholes in the country agreed with him.
[quote name='sparklecopy']alright whatever dude. I don't know why this thread has turned into why the government should regulate video games. I thought the original topic was how Rockstar screwed us over by saying "we didn't have sexual content imbedded" and then confessed thereby losing the video game industries credibility by proxy.[/QUOTE]

That's the point though... Rockstar didn't "screw" anyone - they shouldn't have to disclose to the ESRB that there are unused portions of code on the DVD that may or may not be accessed in 18 months by some lonely nerd that depict cartoon looking characters made up of 15 polygons and jaggies in sexual situations. It is inaccessable without serious modifications by the end user and it is already rated M. End of story. The rest is just a huge overreaction by tightass conservatives that really must live on a totally different planet than everyone else with half a brain. Last time I checked our entire species continues to exist due to sexual intercourse and reproduction - yeah, lets censor that stuff but random murders and gratuitous violence are of no concern. Fu
[quote name='javeryh'] The rest is just a huge overreaction by tightass conservatives that really must live on a totally different planet than everyone else with half a brain. . Fu
[quote name='javeryh']- they shouldn't have to disclose to the ESRB that there are unused portions of code on the DVD that may or may not be accessed in 18 months by some lonely nerd that depict cartoon looking characters made up of 15 polygons and jaggies in sexual situations. [/QUOTE]

They didn't have to disclose anything. They could have just said "NO COMMENT" but the fact of the matter is that they said they absolutely did not have sexual content em. then they said they did. That's perjury if it were a person. And rockstar wasn't even in a trial yet nor were they under oath. So it's stupid of rockstar cause most companies like philip morris would be like "we cannot discuss this matter until we have investigated or it's under review" and stall. Rockstar was just plain dumb
[quote name='sparklecopy']They didn't have to disclose anything. They could have just said "NO COMMENT" but the fact of the matter is that they said they absolutely did not have sexual content em. then they said they did. That's perjury if it were a person. And rockstar wasn't even in a trial yet nor were they under oath. So it's stupid of rockstar cause most companies like philip morris would be like "we cannot discuss this matter until we have investigated or it's under review" and stall. Rockstar was just plain dumb[/QUOTE]

I think I agree with you there. I still don't agree that the hidden content is a big deal though, in large part because the game was already rated M. If it had been a kiddie game then that would be a different story, though the gov seems to be acting like this hidden content was in fact on a kiddie game.
I also agree with you that Rockstar should have just said no comment. But aren't we still looking for weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq! So as dumb as they were to say anything, our government and it's officals say stupid, incorrect and sometimes false information all the time. Also, I do not side with Rockstar or it's enemies. But the key issue is did they commit a crime. Only time will tell. But the government & advocates need to stop with the BS! The Hot Coffe was edited out of the playing version. Case closed in my mind. And I noticed some people have said that if there was copyright infringement why didn't Rockstar do anything legally? Easy, don't bite the hand that feeds you.
[quote name='blade2kx']But the key issue is did they commit a crime. Only time will tell. [/quote]

I can tell you right now - they certainly did not commit a crime of any kind.

[quote name='blade2kx']And I noticed some people have said that if there was copyright infringement why didn't Rockstar do anything legally? Easy, don't bite the hand that feeds you.[/QUOTE]

um, I'm not sure what copyright infringement has to do with this at all...
[quote name='javeryh']I can tell you right now - they certainly did not commit a crime of any kind.[/QUOTE]
Actually, negligence is a crime.

In Rockstars case, failure to disclose the hidden content can be considered criminal negligence.
[quote name='Quackzilla']Actually, negligence is a crime.

In Rockstars case, failure to disclose the hidden content can be considered criminal negligence.[/QUOTE]

Negligence in this sense is a tort, if anything. However, I assure you a million times over that Rockstar is not liable for any kind of negligence whatsoever. You need an act, a duty, a breach, a cause and damages. They don't even come close.
[quote name='javeryh']I can tell you right now - they certainly did not commit a crime of any kind.

um, I'm not sure what copyright infringement has to do with this at all...[/QUOTE]

I think what he was trying to say was that the copyright infringement was by the modder who unlocked hot coffee. By using a mod u are infringing on the copyright. That's the first screen that usually pops up when you load most games, You know, the FBI WARNING. He's asking why didn't Rockstar proceed with legal threats against the original modder like how TECMO sued the hackers for Dead Or ALive nude skins, and the reason is that since rockstar knew the hidden content was there they didn't want to red flag it with a frontpage court action against the modder cause they knew the trail would lead back to them.
[quote name='sparklecopy']I think what he was trying to say was that the copyright infringement was by the modder who unlocked hot coffee. By using a mod u are infringing on the copyright. That's the first screen that usually pops up when you load most games, You know, the FBI WARNING. He's asking why didn't Rockstar proceed with legal threats against the original modder like how TECMO sued the hackers for Dead Or ALive nude skins, and the reason is that since rockstar knew the hidden content was there they didn't want to red flag it with a frontpage court action against the modder cause they knew the trail would lead back to them.[/QUOTE]

ah, OK... although it's probably a tough one to prove but I'm sure a scary letter from Rockstar's counsel could have at least gotten him to stop distributing his code... well, on second thought, I guess it is arguably a derivative work but I'm sure there is a fair use defense in there somewhere for "education" or whatever... either way, it probably wasn't wortth it for Rockstar to go after him until the damage was already done and even then it might not be a winning case...
[quote name='loserboy']sparkle-
Let's assume that these games are marketed to children...there are certain things we should do about it...and there are certain things we should NOT do about it.

Censorship is one of the things we should NOT do.
Banning or limiting the manufacture of these games is something we should NOT do.

Educating children and parents is something we SHOULD do.

Believe me when I tell you prohibition of ANY FORM has never worked. Did you drink before you were 21? Did you? You probably did, most of us probably did. Why? It was against the law. What country has one of the largest teen alcohol problems in the world...why it's the U.S. of course, because teens CAN'T drink here. But in Italy where a little wine with dinner is a normal, nightly occurence, no such problem. In France, where the vin is not taboo, no problem. Here where you MUST BE 21...HUGE PROBLEM.

The solution to any problem has never been banning, prohibition, or censorship. The solution is education, informed decisions, and responsibility.

Raising children is WORK. The parents must look at the label. The grandparents must look at the label.

GTA:San Andreas :Strong sexual says so right on the label. The end.[/QUOTE]

That actually is kind of the problem the grandma did look at the label and while it did mention ESRB Descriptors: Fantasy Violence it did not mention simulated sex. While I realize it seems just a bit goofy to say yeah to violence and boo to sex. The ERSB rating was pretty clear about what she was buying. and 'getting it on to climax' was not on the label.
I don't usually post in the forums except to enter in contests. I ordinarily visit the site to check out late and great deals on games. However, I just wanted to take a minute to offer my support to Cheapy D.

I have been saying the same thing about Rockstar since the bad publicity for GTA: SA started. There are people and studios in the game industry that just want to make fun games without all this drama. My point is that Rockstar is hurting the entire industry with their actions. The result will affect more than just Rockstar if America gets on an anti-games bandwagon. Studios like Bethesda or even small ones like Breakaway Games will suffer. So good luck to you, you're going to need it because it's a viewpoint that most gamers don't like to hear.
bread's done