How scary is RE4?


When Doom 3 first came out, I played 4 or 5 levels of it but after a while I just couldn't take it anymore and stopped playing. In Half Life 2, I played up until I met these guys:


I hated how those things moved so fast. (Luckily I only borrowed both that game, and Doom 3.)

I've never played any game in the RE series before. How scary is RE4 compared to Doom 3? I've been debating buying this since the TRU sale... mostly because of all the GOTY awards and praise RE4 has recieved and I just don't want to miss out.
The first few levels have a "creepy" feel. But nothing really jumps out and says "boo!" The game turns much less atmospherey and more actiony as you move forward so stick with it. Worth playing for sure.
it's definitely scary, but this is coming from a guy who's scared off by series such as RE and Silent Hill. the awful control scheme in those really made it scary because it was hard to run. in FPSs at least you have awesome maneuverability and can run backwards. that said, i love RE 4, though the scary segments make me not pick it up for days at a time.
If you couldn't make it through Doom 3 you probably won't make it through RE4. RE4 wasn't as scary as the first resident evil, but there are a lot of parts that provide a good scare. Definitely rent it if you're not sure if you can handle it. It's probably my 2nd favorite game of this generation so be sure to give it a try, I just don't think you should go out and buy it since you probably will be too scared.
[quote name='sevdustflyer']If you couldn't make it through Doom 3 you probably won't make it through RE4. RE4 wasn't as scary as the first resident evil, but there are a lot of parts that provide a good scare. Definitely rent it if you're not sure if you can handle it. It's probably my 2nd favorite game of this generation so be sure to give it a try, I just don't think you should go out and buy it since you probably will be too scared.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I thought about renting it but decided not to because I could buy it for only 9 bucks more. Decisions, decisions... Maybe I should just suck it up and be a man.

Oh yeah, I've always wondered, was I the only person a little unnerved by those goat things that made strange noises and came from all sides in LoZ: Windwaker?
[quote name='jacobv']

Oh yeah, I've always wondered, was I the only person a little unnerved by those goat things that made strange noises and came from all sides in LoZ: Windwaker?

Hahah dude if you were scared of wind waker just forget about RE4.
RE 4 was so amazing because at least for me it was more intense than it was scary. I admit I jumped a couple times, but it was more the feeling that I was feeling the danger of the game so to speak that kept me so engrossed and coming back for more. Plus it all has a very creepy/eerie environment and feel to it that adds to the intensity.
[quote name='sevdustflyer']Hahah dude if you were scared of wind waker just forget about RE4.[/QUOTE]
I wasn't scared, just a little unnerved... that's all. :)
Haven't played eighter Doom3 nor HL2, but RE4 is scary in mind playing. Its the story what creeps you and some visuals.
The scariest RE was the first one, which had really a freaking twisting plot.
But, if i remember HL right (the first one) it will be equally scarry. So if you got scaret, you should not play it.
Even if some people say RE4 is not really that scary, but there are parts (in the later game) there are scary if you listen to particular noises.
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']RE 4 was so amazing because at least for me it was more intense than it was scary. I admit I jumped a couple times, but it was more the feeling that I was feeling the danger of the game so to speak that kept me so engrossed and coming back for more. Plus it all has a very creepy/eerie environment and feel to it that adds to the intensity.[/QUOTE]
That's what I would say. The game has alot of tense moments that will get your heart racing but there isn't really anything that will scare you. Except for maybe those guys about mid way through the game that don't die unless you shoot them in the right spot.
I'm a total pussy when it comes to scary games. As far as GameCube, Eternal Darkness scared the piss out of me, and yes, even those little demon bastards from WindWaker pictured above bothered me (they're grinning at me with all those teeth).

As a confirmed horror/survival pussy, I can assure you that if you too are a pussy, you will be scared by RE4. That is assuming that you do these things the right way: play only at night with lights out and all background noise minimized. If you're an incredible pussy, you might be able to get away with playing during the day, though I think that's cheating.

I don't know how much sniper ammo I wasted in RE4 headshotting the chainsaw dudes from afar, but I know it was a lot. I didn't want those creepy fuckers anywhere near me.
[quote name='dothog']I'm a total pussy when it comes to scary games. As far as GameCube, Eternal Darkness scared the piss out of me, and yes, even those little demon bastards from WindWaker pictured above bothered me (they're grinning at me with all those teeth).

As a confirmed horror/survival pussy, I can assure you that if you too are a pussy, you will be scared by RE4. That is assuming that you do these things the right way: play only at night with lights out and all background noise minimized. If you're an incredible pussy, you might be able to get away with playing during the day, though I think that's cheating.

I don't know how much sniper ammo I wasted in RE4 headshotting the chainsaw dudes from afar, but I know it was a lot. I didn't want those creepy fuckers anywhere near me.[/QUOTE]

Well, so far, it seems the chainsaw guys bother the most amount of people. There's ways of avoiding them right? I guess I could always check GameFAQS.

I've decided to bite the bullet and finally give the game a go. I mean, what's the worst that could happen, right? Oh, and cheating or not, I'm playing RE4 in broad daylight!
Yeah the chainsaw guy's are dangerous and scary you will get beheaded in a sec that's what amkes them so scary .
Great game! Go and buy it!

But anyways, about this game being scary, I would say in some parts it was. It does have some parts that guys come from out of no where and start attacking you which can give you a nice jump, but the reason it was a little scary when I played it was because I turned out all the lights and hooked up my speakers and put them pretty loud so I could get the full effect.

The game is an awesome game and I would highly recommend buying it, you may get a little scared, but playing it with some friends always helps.
man, i get so into games i get freaked out during RE4 and doom 3. all zeldas too, i get sucked in, so thats why i only play on saturday morning, early afternoon. i swear, it has to be light out. so yeah, RE4, scary. but adventure/shooters, im a slut for them. NFL2K5, anytime.

cant wait for MLB2006 though
I love scary games, and I can only play them at night with my surround sound up (for the full expirence). I rather play alone, but sometimes its fun having friends over watching you play. I already played through RE4 PS2/GC almost 10 times through combined.
I thought the chanting monks were a little freaky, too. It's not just the chainsaw. That dude that you need the thermal scope for is not fun, either.
The only part that really scared me was the Chainsaw Guy. He was fast, and could kill you with one hit. Plus you can hear his chainsaw in the background, but never quite knew where or how close he was.
Well, I finally got around to purchasing the game yesterday and I've made it a little bit past the bridge after the graveyard and church. So far, the game is pretty creepy but nothing has sent chills down my spine or made me jump yet... which, to me, is a good thing. Strangely, I didn't think the Chainsaw guys are all that scary. In fact, the lady zombies or whatever they are scare me a lot more with those noises they make. Anyways, it's definitely an intense game and I was very relieved when I could afford some better firepower (especially the rifle) because that pistol just wasn't cutting it!
I don't remember anything being scary, but it's very creepy, especially the first third of the game when you're in the village.
The villagers, with them speaking Mexican, kinda freaked me out until I got used to it. Oh yeah, the fuckin' crazy bitches with chainsaws freaked me out, too.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']Joke, guys. It was a joke.[/QUOTE]

Oh man, I get jokes! HAHAHAHA.

...anyway, yeah, there were a couple scary parts (the Regenerators had to scare you at first, guys...or what about Salazar's right hand goon? c'mon!) but for the most part, the game focuses on being "intense" instead. You're certainly afraid for your life, but never terrified of the game itself.
[quote name='everyone']chainsaw guys[/QUOTE]
I was watching this video of someone playing the Hunk side quest minigame. When the chainsaw women come at him, he shoots them in the face, runs up to them, and breaks their necks. Is it possible to do that as Leon as well?
i havent played HL2 ( i should though since i do have it installed) but i have played DOOM3 and that game does have its scary parts (cheap but scary) and re4 is BY NO MEANS SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyone who thinks RE4 is scary needs to get out more

theres only one classic RE scare in the game otherwise i would just consider this a very very very very very intense game. multiple enemies coming at me at once made me sweat not scared
[quote name='capitalist_mao']I was watching this video of someone playing the Hunk side quest minigame. When the chainsaw women come at him, he shoots them in the face, runs up to them, and breaks their necks. Is it possible to do that as Leon as well?[/QUOTE]


each character has their own special move (leon has 2)
[quote name='jacobv']Well, I finally got around to purchasing the game yesterday and I've made it a little bit past the bridge after the graveyard and church. So far, the game is pretty creepy but nothing has sent chills down my spine or made me jump yet... which, to me, is a good thing. Strangely, I didn't think the Chainsaw guys are all that scary. In fact, the lady zombies or whatever they are scare me a lot more with those noises they make. Anyways, it's definitely an intense game and I was very relieved when I could afford some better firepower (especially the rifle) because that pistol just wasn't cutting it![/QUOTE]

which version did you buy the ps2 version or GC?

the chainsaw guys during the game arent scary. when you beat the game, play the mercenaries missions and the chainsaw guy doubles in SIZE & SPEED and hes holding a chainsaw with 2 BLADES!!!!!!
that is intense
I agree and think the game is more intense than scary. Now, if you want a scary game go try Silent Hill. Never played it myself for fear of losing sleep for a week based on what my friends who have played it said.
How many games out there have a chainsaw guy come out of no where and try to take out your head?

The first time the regenerators appear you better run if you are low on ammo :O
[quote name='Ecofreak']I agree and think the game is more intense than scary. Now, if you want a scary game go try Silent Hill. Never played it myself for fear of losing sleep for a week based on what my friends who have played it said.[/QUOTE]
Agreed, Silent Hill is to put it lightly, very disturbing. Can you imagine what goes through the mind of the people who create this game?
I'm on level 1-3 right now (the end of it) and I've had a few scares... it's my first RE game though and I'm a wuss. I'm not sure if it is scary-scary or even-the-weakest-enemies-are-strong-and-ammo-is-limited-scary. For an activity I do to relax, I find myself getting stressed and tense playing... I love it though...
[quote name='undyingforce5']which version did you buy the ps2 version or GC?

the chainsaw guys during the game arent scary. when you beat the game, play the mercenaries missions and the chainsaw guy doubles in SIZE & SPEED and hes holding a chainsaw with 2 BLADES!!!!!!
that is intense[/QUOTE]
Haha, a chainsaw with two blades? Interesting. I would be more scared of them if they were faster, that's for sure. Oh, I bought the GC version.

[quote name='javeryh']I'm on level 1-3 right now (the end of it) and I've had a few scares... it's my first RE game though and I'm a wuss. I'm not sure if it is scary-scary or even-the-weakest-enemies-are-strong-and-ammo-is-limited-scary. For an activity I do to relax, I find myself getting stressed and tense playing... I love it though...[/QUOTE]
Hey man, you and I, we're in the same boat. First RE game.. wuss... I just started level 2-1 and I think it's "even-the-weakest-enemies-are-strong-and-ammo-is-limited-scary" because the villagers are always surrounding you in large numbers causing panic. Before I run out of shells, I feel pretty safe with the shotgun but when all I have is a pistol, they just won't die. But yeah, I also found myself a little stressed out and extremely tense when I'm playing. I don't like feeling that way... but it's strange... it's hard to stop playing once you start.

Now I'm starting to dred meeting these "regenerators" everyone is talking about.
Haha, you guys are making me want to play through the game again!

BUT I do have the PS2 version with all the extras sitting on my shelf unplayed.....hmmmm.....
I tried to play though a second time but I didn't get very far. I guess it was special enough to hold my attention for the first play though. :lol:
bread's done