How the internet beat up an 11 year old kid

This kinda reminds me of when that 14 year old girl forged a fake ID, snuck out of her house, caught a bus downtown, snuck into a after hours 21 and up club and then got dry humped by Akon and everyone blamed Akon for it.

This "but their kids," excuse only goes so far. How many steps must a kid take before you hold them responsibly for their own actions?

The funny thing about this thread is you can really see whos parents tried to instill certain traits in their kids. When I was a kid my parents would rip me apart for doing stupid shit...and yea it sucked at the time but now that I am a adult I can look back and allow me to grow up an idiot.

Also, come on, its the a month they would have moved on to another fad. Take your lumps and learn from them. This is a pretty tame punishment when we all should know how dangerous the web is. She could have easily been set up to get raped or killed or someone really taking advantage of her. If the worst is 4chan (who most people dont give a shit anyway) makes fun of you for a while then let it go.
[quote name='masked lemon']Prank calls and sending the police to her home is not too far, IMO. The girl threatened to turn them into brain slushies. That is a threat.

DV8, you are taking this way too seriously. It's as simple as this; girl fucks with 4chan, girl gets fucked with back, hard. That's what happens when you fuck with 4chan. It doesn't matter if you think it is right or wrong.

I'm done with your petty argument. Go bother someone else.[/QUOTE]

Dude, at the age of 31, how can your mental faculties not process that 11 year olds say stupid shit and no adult in their right mind takes them seriously? The only concession that can be made here is that the inbreeders on 4chan are not in their right mind...which I'll give you. But it's at the point where you're essentially defending them, like your unprofessed love for 4chan is struggling to burst out. You keep preaching this "don't fuck with 4chan" message that everybody is supposed to know like they were given a copy of the nerd handbook when they bought their computer.

I don't care what 4chan's reputation is. They found enjoyment out of harrassing and terrorizing an 11 year old child. I don't care what she did to "provoke" them. There's no defending that. Like I said, if an 11 year old walked up to you talking shit, saying he could beat you up, would you kick the shit out of him just to prove a point? This is the same principle.
[quote name='masked lemon']I'd like to know what the hell 11 year olds you know that watch Jeopardy.

Actually I loved watching game shows with my grandmother at that age when I would spend lots of time with her in the summer. That's neither here nor there though cause I sucked at Jeopardy unless there was a sports question from more recent times. By that I mean anything that was from like 1995 to 2001 (I was 11 then).
n8rockerasu, you realize a huge part of 4chans user base is in the 13-20something age range, right?

Like I said, if an 11 year old walked up to you talking shit, saying he could beat you up, would you kick the shit out of him just to prove a point? This is the same principle.

This isn't even close to the same thing. And regardless, I would hope their parent was around to give them a smack back to reality.
[quote name='dannyox718']That second link is INSANE![/QUOTE]


I'm geniunely surprised anybody would let their child run around a public area and bite strangers.
I still find it hard to believe there are people here condoning this sort of behavior:

(Taken from Encyclopedia Dramatica)


There are worse pictures than these out there. I won't post them, because she is 11 years old. Again, this child should not have been allowed on the internet unsupervised, and she deserved the prank calls and harrassment she recieved for trolling her so called haters. She is an attention loving camwhore, and her age only makes things worse. How on earth can you be offended by people trolling her, but not offended by her actions?

I blame the parents, and their insane lack of parenting. Consequences will never be the same.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']Seconded.

I'm geniunely surprised anybody would let their child run around a public area and bite strangers.[/QUOTE]

damn that second one was awesome and the kid fucking deserved it. i dont know whats up with parents these days if i ever pulled some shit like that my mom wouldnt whup me in he store but i knew it was coming when we got home.

tha reminds me of a time on the bus where this chick with some kids got on. her one youngest child was standing on the seat hopping around generally being an annoying ass child. the bus driver asked her a few times to sit her child down but the kid kept doing whatever she wanted so as luck would have it the bus had to stop short because of a car in front of us lol.

it was like human plinko the kid jolted foward hit the back of the seat in front of her then fell backwards hit the seat she was standing on and then hit the floor. funniest shit ever.
[quote name='masked lemon']
I blame the parents, and their insane lack of parenting. Consequences will never be the same.[/QUOTE]

I believe the dad is pissed and because he's THAT embarrassed via his 11yr. old. His bad.
[quote name='dannyox718']That second link is INSANE![/QUOTE]

Agreed also. Wow that was awesome and the woman deserved for letting her child do that shit.

Video wise.......Why does this sorta remind of boxxi?
[quote name='Rasen']I am reminded of two jokes from[/QUOTE]

See, this I'm fine with because it's a lesson for the PARENTS. The kid going around biting strangers is a fucking idiot, but it's not like the guy started shoving the kid or threatened his life. I'm sure the kid had no clue what HIV was. But the parent received a good scare of why they should pay more attention to what their child is doing...even if they don't care about the wellbeing of others.

Masked Lemon just doesn't get it. Regardless of what the girl did, who the fuck harrasses and terrorizes a child? You want to prove a point, go after the ones responsible...the parents.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']See, this I'm fine with because it's a lesson for the PARENTS. The kid going around biting strangers is a fucking idiot, but it's not like the guy started shoving the kid or threatened his life. I'm sure the kid had no clue what HIV was. But the parent received a good scare of why they should pay more attention to what their child is doing...even if they don't care about the wellbeing of others.

Masked Lemon just doesn't get it. Regardless of what the girl did, who the fuck harrasses and terrorizes a child? You want to prove a point, go after the ones responsible...the parents.[/QUOTE]

If you think about it, they did go after the parents( if not intentionally). She lives with them, after all. Any more focused attacks against the parents (that twist to avoid the girl) would have to target their workplace, their bank accounts.....wouldn't that be more harmful overall than making some oversexed, lying (15 yrs old my foot), attention-loving brat cry and eat lots of pizza?

Also, as someone else pointed out, the majority of 4chan folks are 13-20, which means they're pretty much children themselves. Children picking on children unfortunately happens all the time, and is pretty much cliche.
Something else to consider: in that joke/anecdote with the biting child and the mother, what do you think would happen the next time the kid bites/tries to bite someone? His parents will smack the shit out of him.

Going after either the child or the parents, the child is going to end up crying one way or another. But one way, the child and parent are yelling at each other, and the other way, the parent and child are comrades in arms against the cruel world.
masked lemon nobody is defending this brat. We simply don't wish such ill revenge. It doesn't change the fact that the videos of her misery are hilarious of course but the actions taken against this family are way out of line... but yes still very amusing if I feel like an ass at the time.
[quote name='SEH']When I was 11, I played with action figures and rode bikes with kids in my neighborhood. Now, 11 year olds "sext" message each other and talk about partying (I'm sure those 11 year old parties are insane).

My how the world has changed (for the worse).[/QUOTE]
You have no idea. My girlfriend babysits occasionally and at one house there is an 8 year old boy and 12 year old girl and the things that the 12yo girl says are insane. The kids at her school are more sexually active than most adults...

And are people really shocked about 4Chan because of this? 4chan crossed the line when they started the trend of trolling dead Firemen facebook pages saying things like, "Died in a fire huh? Theres only one place a fireman is needed in the afterlife".

I'd be ok if we shut down the internet.

Also, my biggest annoyance is when people talk about 4chan like it's this all powerful entity controlled by an intelligent hive like mind that you should never attempt to fight against. I know some people that type excessively on /b/ and they are the nerdiest, ugliest guys that think they are extremely intelligent and good looking. It really killed all that "fear" when I found out they were /b/ people...
[quote name='masked lemon']The actions taken against here are also greatly exaggerated.[/QUOTE]

Since you ignore all of my questions and continue to defend the actions of /B/, can you explain this. Why would you say in one post, "Don't mess with 4chan because you'll regret it" or something to that effect. And here you say "the actions taken against her[sic] are also greatly exaggerated." So which one is it? Will they are they completely humiliating this ELEVEN year old girl or are they just teasing her? If you really can't tell the difference... well I've already stated what I think of you as an individual.

Please do us all a HUGE favor and piss them off as much as this girl... then tell us how much they exaggerate.
The real world is not a safe and fluffy place. Under no circumstances should an 11 year old girl have access to a fucking webcam and Youtube in the first place - if her parents can't monitor what she's doing on the internet, that's their problem.

Yes, it's messed up that she got trolled HARD by 4chan. Don't act like you're top shit if you can't handle the consequences though.
[quote name='DV8']Since you ignore all of my questions and continue to defend the actions of /B/, can you explain this. Why would you say in one post, "Don't mess with 4chan because you'll regret it" [/QUOTE]

I can't speak to the rest of what he's saying, but "Don't mess with 4chan because you'll regret it" is not a defense of their actions. It's like saying "Don't steal money from the mob," or "Don't feed the troll." Right and wrong have nothing to do with this. It's common sense that you don't piss off people/things that can hurt you unless you are confident in your ability to hurt them back.

But again, the girl didn't mess with 4chan. She messed with people who then forwarded it to 4chan.
[quote name='JJSP']The real world is not a safe and fluffy place. Under no circumstances should an 11 year old girl have access to a fucking webcam and Youtube in the first place - if her parents can't monitor what she's doing on the internet, that's their problem.

Yes, it's messed up that she got trolled HARD by 4chan. Don't act like you're top shit if you can't handle the consequences though.[/QUOTE]


Also, she has a new channel on youtube already. Doesn't seem like she's scarred for life to me.
[quote name='DV8']Since you ignore all of my questions and continue to defend the actions of /B/, can you explain this. Why would you say in one post, "Don't mess with 4chan because you'll regret it" or something to that effect. And here you say "the actions taken against her[sic] are also greatly exaggerated." So which one is it? Will they are they completely humiliating this ELEVEN year old girl or are they just teasing her? If you really can't tell the difference... well I've already stated what I think of you as an individual.

Please do us all a HUGE favor and piss them off as much as this girl... then tell us how much they exaggerate.[/QUOTE]

Why do you continue to defend the actions of this girl? She is spreading child pornography through the internet. Do you not understand this?

No prostitutes were sent to her house. No real damage was done besides pizzas being delivered to her house and child services being notified of what horrible parents this girl has. She deserves to have her computer removed from her house, which has not been done. She deserves to be taken from her shitty parents, which has not been done.

She is still posting youtube videos on her webcam in her bedroom. Her parents have not learned a single thing, and neither has she.

I do not go to 4chan. I am not a /b/tard. But I know enough to leave them be. They wouldn't bother with me, however, because I would not provide them any lulz.

I told you before I was done with your stupid argument trying to defend a child pornographer. Why don't YOU go to 4chan and tell them how you feel?
Okay so we need to clarify some things. First, stop putting words into my mouth. Second, people can find analogies for anything so there's no point to them.

Here is my position in plain English I think even you could understand.
Girl: Dumb as a bag of rocks
Parents: Horrible horrible parents
4chan: THE group of people who took this TOO far.

Is that simple enough for you?

Oh and massive 'lulz' at you saying she's a childpornographer. She takes obscene pictures but the PEOPLE (See 4chan) that CONTINUOUSLY distribute them share no part in the blame? The whole "Well, if she didn't take them, then I wouldn't be able to share them" argument is a horrible way to justify your actions.

You've said yourself they took it too far... then you also said they did everything right.. now you're saying they didn't really do that much. Have you looked into politics?
Well, I think we can agree that the girl is dumber than a sack of rocks at least. Her father took away her webcam, and what does she do? She uses a friend's webcam instead.

Smart asses think I'm locked up or something because of the media. Retards. What do they think I'm in a witness protection program or something? I gotta death threat. What do the police usually do when this happens? Absolutely nothing. Took me down for a statement. I'm using Tina's computer now!

Stop h8n on my, you cotton pickin ninnymuggens!

While 4chan went beyond what is acceptable, they clearly did NOT go too far, if the first thing she does it do it ALL OVER AGAIN. (Also, she claims she got death threats, but a representative for the family says they didn't. I'm inclined to believe the representative.) She may have been crying before, but on the other hand I've seen girls cry on demand.
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[quote name='DV8']Okay so we need to clarify some things. First, stop putting words into my mouth. Second, people can find analogies for anything so there's no point to them.

Here is my position in plain English I think even you could understand.
Girl: Dumb as a bag of rocks
Parents: Horrible horrible parents
4chan: THE group of people who took this TOO far.

Is that simple enough for you?

Oh and massive 'lulz' at you saying she's a childpornographer. She takes obscene pictures but the PEOPLE (See 4chan) that CONTINUOUSLY distribute them share no part in the blame? The whole "Well, if she didn't take them, then I wouldn't be able to share them" argument is a horrible way to justify your actions.

You've said yourself they took it too far... then you also said they did everything right.. now you're saying they didn't really do that much. Have you looked into politics?[/QUOTE]

1. You really care way too much about his.
2. Upon reading more about this, I found out that not much was really done. Perhaps you should read more about it, instead of bitching and moaning about how horrible 4chan is for trolling a child pornographer.
3. Pot. Kettle. Black. I didn't say anything about 4chan distributing her pictures.

Instead of bitching and moaning at me like I had any part in this, can you explain what 4chan did exactly that was "TOO far?"

Edit: Here, I'll even help you out. Read this article, and read her mother's interview also. The link for the interview is on the ED page.
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Might as well throw in my 2 cents. But its pretty much just proof of human nature and how we are all stupid. The fact that this is spanning multiple pages on CAG alone and of all of us calling each other idiots for having opinions proves that. Plus shes an idiot because shes 11 and everyone giving her crap is an idiot for having nothing better to do than rag on a 11 year old. I think Einstein said it right.

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

I feel like I've lost a few IQ points already just reading through these posts. Might as well go full lobotamy and watch Jersey Shore.
[quote name='JoeJohn']The girl is just crying for attention. Sadly she is getting the wrong kind.[/QUOTE]

If she doesn't seem to care, why should we?
[quote name='Rasen']If she doesn't seem to care, why should we?[/QUOTE]

because she's eleven and we know better

anyways, everyone who is arguing in the above threads, please stop. If you want some ego-stroking, let me do the honors. You all have really good points and truthfully, you're all saying the same thing (i.e. THIS TYPE OF SHIT SHOULD NOT HAPPEN) I can tell you're all very good at reasoning and stating your points of view. Your intelligence lifts my hope for the humanity somewhat, especially after watching these videos. No sarcasm, I promise.

I'm just asking that you realized the truth in each other's opinions and embrace the differences. If we all think the same way, life would be terribly dull.
[quote name='Msut77']Is ninnymuggens a word?[/QUOTE] At first I thought she was trying to say something else and then censored herself, since she started with "cotton-pickin,'" but then I realized that's giving her too much credit.
[quote name='dannyox718']because she's eleven and we know better[/QUOTE] She's 11, and she acts like a particularly dumb 17.

I'm not Jesus. I can't love everyone regardless of how stupid they are and how little I know them. Also, I'm a BIG fan of the Darwin Awards.
Jessi was placed under police protection and brought to a safe house soon after it went viral. She came home today, but she's not online: A court order has barred her from using the internet for at least three days.


but a good thing came out of this

Though Leonhardt says Child Protection Services is in fact involved in the case. "Something we never wanted!" Leonhardt's husband shouted from somewhere in the room when she told us this over the phone.
[quote name='Rasen']At first I thought she was trying to say something else and then censored herself, since she started with "cotton-pickin,'" but then I realized that's giving her too much credit.[/QUOTE]

It's actually "cotton-headed ninnymuggins", and it's a quote from Elf.

It baffles me that there are still some people in here who do not comprehend the mental capacity of an 11 year old versus that of a 20+ year old. People are posting quotes from her like you can actually believe what she says. It doesn't excuse her actions. It just means she doesn't actually understand what she is saying. I wouldn't be surprised at all if she doesn't know what her "brain slushy" line even means.

Whether or not you believe 4chan went "too far" in trolling her is a matter of opinion. The various remix videos at least show some creativity and are something that can be ignored. But not having anything better to do than prank call an 11 year old is lame no matter how you spin it.
She probably deserved. From what I've glanced, she's a stuck up teen who thinks she is more then she is. So she got put in her place. Nothing of value was lost.
[quote name='AvidWriter']She probably deserved. From what I've glanced, she's a stuck up teen who thinks she is more then she is. So she got put in her place. Nothing of value was lost.[/QUOTE]

really? I think we all died a little by witnessing such an event.:drool:
[quote name='n8rockerasu']It's actually "cotton-headed ninnymuggins", and it's a quote from Elf.[/quote]

"Cotton-headed" may be from Elf. "Cotton-Pickin'" is from the girl. In fairness, I will allow that she probably misquoted. Like I said before, I don't give her much credit.

Whether or not you believe 4chan went "too far" in trolling her is a matter of opinion. The various remix videos at least show some creativity and are something that can be ignored. But not having anything better to do than prank call an 11 year old is lame no matter how you spin it.

How about this spin? Children picking on children(remember, 4chan is mostly 13-20) If our little diva is any indication, the "better things to do" involve having multiple boyfriends and posting naked pictures of themselves.

Also, what part of "Brain Slushy" do you think confused her? "Brain?" "Slushy?"
[quote name='Rasen']How about this spin? Children picking on children(remember, 4chan is mostly 13-20) If our little diva is any indication, the "better things to do" involve having multiple boyfriends and posting naked pictures of themselves.[/QUOTE]

I guess I should be grateful that by the time I was 20...hell, by the time I was 15, I had advanced beyond picking on an 11 year old. By God, I must be a prodigy.

[quote name='Rasen']Also, what part of "Brain Slushy" do you think confused her? "Brain?" "Slushy?"[/QUOTE]

I was more referring to "glock". Not exactly common vernacular for an 11 year old child.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']I guess I should be grateful that by the time I was 20...hell, by the time I was 15, I had advanced beyond picking on an 11 year old. By God, I must be a prodigy.[/quote]

How about when you were 13? And I doubt some slutty (let's be honest, she is) 11 year old who pretends to be 15 didn't mouth off to you like that when you were 15.

At any rate, I see what happened here as more a problem of the internet than of people. It's always easier to pick on people anonymously and not-in-person, and the internet helps enables this. Put another way, I have little faith in people, and believe that it's usually the thought of consequences that keep them doing bad things. Especially for something like a single prank call. (Given the number of people on 4chan, if they all did things multiple times, the family would never have a second's sleep).

I was more referring to "glock". Not exactly common vernacular for an 11 year old child.
Neither is claiming to be bi. Either way, she knows what a glock is, she did the whole trigger finger-whatever you call it when you pretend you've got a gun in an empty hand.
You have your opinion and I have my opinion and neither one of us is going to convince the other person otherwise. So you can 'finally' stop responding to me. lol I'm gonna go have a beer and beat my wife now kthnkx
If you say so pal. I respond with facts and articles, and you resort to lol's and immature comments, yet I'm the immature one.

Good day, sir.
I really hate to revive a perfectly dead thread but I will anyway. I feel it's worth it. :]

Anyway, this video still cracks me up when I watch it. I didn't realize "backtrace" was a word that people actually used. Apparently, some software still uses it... I was installing IE7 and I stumbled upon this:

I hope consequences will eventually be the same again. :[
bread's done