How the Wii can sell 100 million consoles


CAG Veteran
I'm tired of the gaming industry not knowing what to do to please the gamers.

Do they not know what to do or are they just lazy? Here are 10 things they should do.

1) Get the past games onto the virtual console already, but don't just have the old games with nothing new. How about this....You include a full fledged hacking program with each game, so you can design your own version and levels for all the old games. You could have people redesign zelda, mario, donkey kong, metroid, battletoads, final fantasy 3. Then let people sell it.

2) Offer gaming classes on the WII, even for a price, to show you how to do some stuff for these old games.

3) Sell a snes,nes, n64 cartridge kit and also a game writer for each of these systems. That way you can design a game, put it on a cartridge, then sell it to people. They would make a ton of money off the blank cartridges and the cartridge writers.

4) Make another battletoads game.

5) Translate the japanese only games and put them on the wii. I want the final fantasies and secret of mana 2, and also tales of phantasia.

6) Make a mario game thats 2 players at the same time. Is it too much to ask for? We waited 10 years for one.

7) Make another Super Mario RPG, not a stupid paper mario.....mannnnn. This time make it 2+ players.

8) Redo all the zeldas and make them multiplayer.

9) Have online tournaments, for cold hard cash, on the wii. How addicted will people be when you add gambling to the mix. Online gambling is forbidden, but not online skill games for cash.

10) Add a free wii universe, that's much like second life, so that people can find buyers and sellers for all this garbage.

Forward this to 1000 people and then send it to nintendo.
[quote name='Steve95358']Forward this to 1000 people and then send it to nintendo.[/QUOTE]

I don't know 1000 people.
They just need to get more games on the system and have a decent online service.

So far I'm only interested in Umbrella Chronicles and Smash Bros.

It's only the first year though, so maybe there is going to be more interesting stuff next year.
[quote name='Steve95358']6) Make a mario game thats 2 players at the same time. Is it too much to ask for? We waited 10 years for one.

7) Make another Super Mario RPG, not a stupid paper mario.....mannnnn. This time make it 2+ players.

8) Redo all the zeldas and make them multiplayer.

9) Have online tournaments, for cold hard cash, on the wii. How addicted will people be when you add gambling to the mix. Online gambling is forbidden, but not online skill games for cash.

10) Add a free wii universe, that's much like second life, so that people can find buyers and sellers for all this garbage.

Forward this to 1000 people and then send it to nintendo.[/quote]
This was when I realized you weren't really serious.
You people are funny. You have no vision and you really misread my intention. I loved nintendo since the nes, but the gaming industry is just too slow to develop ideas? Except when it's to make you buy expensive extras to access multiplayer (4 swords and crystal chronicles).

My ideas aren't original and people on the internet have made some really awesome things.

1) They have online games that you can play for cash and it's popular.
2) Someone made mario 2 into multiplayer.
3) There are tons of rom hacks and there are tons of mods for games. Having nintendo let gamers do the same is a good idea. Making it easier and funner than coding is a brilliant idea. You ever hear of quest of calatia?

Yes I was serious about my post. I guess people don't want to be creative. They just want first person shooters all day all night.

Thanks Cochese for the compliment, if you weren't being sarcastic.
[quote name='Steve95358']I'm tired of the gaming industry not knowing what to do to please the gamers.

Do they not know what to do or are they just lazy? Here are 10 things they should do.

1) Get the past games onto the virtual console already, but don't just have the old games with nothing new. How about this....You include a full fledged hacking program with each game, so you can design your own version and levels for all the old games. You could have people redesign zelda, mario, donkey kong, metroid, battletoads, final fantasy 3. Then let people sell it.

2) Offer gaming classes on the WII, even for a price, to show you how to do some stuff for these old games.

3) Sell a snes,nes, n64 cartridge kit and also a game writer for each of these systems. That way you can design a game, put it on a cartridge, then sell it to people. They would make a ton of money off the blank cartridges and the cartridge writers.


#1) Hacking capabilities, or full-fledged game editors, would have to be specifically created for every game. Simply put, you would need anywhere from three to five programmers to put in the extra manhours for each individual game and testing in order to make editors. It also depends on how robust you want them to be. If it's akin to the one found in Excitebike where it allows you to construct stages with preset items, it would take only moderate time. If you want someone to be able to create their own sprites, palletes, backgrounds, and various effects (think a modifiable SMB1 akin to most of the ancient hacks from the mid-90's), that would take weeks of work. Problem here is that you are seriously detracting from new projects by devoting your staff to additions to older games that may or may not sell (or work). That's a very risky gamble, business-wise.

#2) That would be wonderful but you would need for all of the game editors to be based entirely on what is alraedy pre-existing in the game. Essentially, the more creative freedom you give the players the harder the programmers have to work in modifying or creating a whole new editor for them to use, perhaps even from the ground-up. Whatever may be made from teaching these classes is potentially lost through the amount of money spent on the programming efforts, not to mention potentially low-sales.

#3) Much harder than you think. It takes even talented programmers with special compilers and interfaces a good amount of time and patience to create even an NES game in a reasonable amount of time (ie: less than a month). Once again, here the programmers would have to create such a rich backend (think akin to RPG Maker series, Shooter Maker (SFC), or Fighter Maker) that it involves a great undertaking by Nintendo's part. Also, you have to consider the whole concept of Time vs. Reward. The difficulty with these "Maker" types of games is that unless most of it is already laid out for you (see Drawn to Life), you have to do almost all of the work yourself. Try telling a casual gamer that it may take them 12 hours of work to make a complete town and a sidequest in RPG Maker, or 15 hours to construct himself and a friend in Fighter Maker and give them unique movesets. That's a lot to ask of a person.

...there are a plethora of other reasons why your ideas, while certainly fascinating and fresh, are just not feasible for most companies. Long story short, Nintendo and other companies would have to spend a great deal more on something that the casual gaming audience they are targeting doesn't care about.
[quote name='Steve95358']You people are funny. You have no vision and you really misread my intention.[/quote]

You mean we don't have your vision, right?
Well I was about to flame until I read number 4. I would love to get Battletoads on xbox live though, screw the wii...

[quote name='Steve95358']
4) Make another battletoads game.
Re #1: I can't WAIT to be able to play "Super KKK Brothers" on my Wii like I am able to do on so many emulators.

I'm sorry, but your list is absurd as Microsoft's claim of user-created microtransaction-based DLC many years ago for the 360.
bread's done