How to Balance a Lot of Deals


Ok, so i'm trying to get an Xbox soon, and i've got a number of things i want for's tough to balance the deals (i just recently found this site and the fact that i've payed full price all my life is now bugging me).

The Things I Want:
1. Xbox 360 Pro (i need the harddrive...if i can get an arcade and harddrive i'd go for that too)

2. HDTV (around 26-32"). I like Sony, and i'd like it to be under $500...should be easy

3. Guitar Hero World Tour, preferibly with the new guitar

4. Xbox Live

5. Gears 2/COD:WAW...i want some multiplayer FPS that everyone has (the main reason i want a 360 is most of my friends play it)

My Tools:
1. Christmas, my parents can get me a fairly nice buy for that (probably TV and maybe something else)

2. $150 cash

3. Gamestop trade-ins (i'm planning on trading in around 25 PS2/gamecube games...should net me a decent amount)

4. My Birthday (comes around January 28, another decent gift...less than Christmas though)

Ok so what should i do?

Best Buy has a nice 360 deal for Black Friday...but nothing that will really save me money. And i don't have the cash, it's gonna be a lot in Gamestop money. I can give my parents the gamestop cash so they can buy me birthday gifts though...maybe.

I hate being a gaming much cash >.< Oh and sorry for the super long post...this is probably too annoying for anybody to answer. I'm new here so i'm not sure.
Okay, let me see what I can help you with. First, you can get Guitar Hero World tour from the link below for %$59.99 with free shipping and an extra guitar. (use coupon code WORLD2X)

I know that there are some decent deals on a 360 for Black Friday. Just go to the Black Friday link below to read more about it.

Target should also have some decent deals on COD:WAW and Halo 3 if you are looking for a online FPS.

What Games do you have that you were planning to take to GS? Odds are you could get more for the games putting them on goozex or making a tradelist here on CAG.

Damn that was a long post.:)
i actually think for Guitar Hero i'd prefer this:

is it a decent looking deal? i already have GHIII for PS2 but i wouldn't mind having the free tracks, the ability to download Dragonforce songs, and playing with friends.

i also really want the touch slider...even if it's a huge gimick >.<

and do you think those 360 black friday deals are worth it? getting out on black friday can be pretty tough from what i hear...or should i just use my gamestop cash for the 360?
Sorry for not having a link, but somewhere on Black Friday you can get GH:III and a Les Paul with the 360. I know it's not World Tour, but it's something.
[quote name='Shadowboi']
My Tools:
3. Gamestop trade-ins (i'm planning on trading in around 25 PS2/gamecube games...should net me a decent amount)[/quote]

Unless the games selling for $17.99 or more each, don't even both trading them in. The ones they sell at $17.99 will net you about $5 each.

Stuff that sells for less than that at GS, you're better off selling on craigslist in a bundle(price around $2 each, which is double what GS would give you). This way you get more money than trading in and have more for the 360.
[quote name='Shadowboi']it)
3. Gamestop trade-ins (i'm planning on trading in around 25 PS2/gamecube games...should net me a decent amount)[/QUOTE]

I hope you're not taking them to Gamestop without trying to get rid of them on CAG first. Gamestop is going to laugh in your face and then offer you $10 credit for all 25 games.
The black Friday deals are definently worth it. Black Friday is always crazy and hectic, but the deals are pretty good, especially for buying a new system. Circuit City and Target both have good deals on a 360 and you would save some money compared to buying it at GS. The best deal for you would probably be the Arcade 360 with a 20 GB HD and extra controller for $200. Just use your Gamestop credit to buy your live, a few games and maybe some MS points.
[quote name='deadbodyman11']The black Friday deals are definently worth it. Black Friday is always crazy and hectic, but the deals are pretty good, especially for buying a new system. Circuit City and Target both have good deals on a 360 and you would save some money compared to buying it at GS. The best deal for you would probably be the Arcade 360 with a 20 GB HD and extra controller for $200. Just use your Gamestop credit to buy your live, a few games and maybe some MS points.[/quote]

The only problem there is with the whole new Xbox thing, installing games, and demoes...will i have space on a 20GB drive? I really think i'd prefer the pro...

And @everyone against gamestop...why? From what i've seen with their extra 40% trade-in deal it seems pretty decent cash, and easier than sending them to people. A lot of old games seem to be going for around $5, then you factor in the extra 40% and it's got good potential for games i no longer play.
[quote name='Shadowboi']And @everyone against gamestop...why? From what i've seen with their extra 40% trade-in deal it seems pretty decent cash, and easier than sending them to people. A lot of old games seem to be going for around $5, then you factor in the extra 40% and it's got good potential for games i no longer play.[/quote]


The reason we're against trading games in there is because they rip people off with the trade-in prices. You think you'll get half of that $5 they sell the game for? Wrong. They usually give about $.80 for those $5 games(less if it's sports games). So that extra 40% will just net you an extra 32 cents(so you would get $1.12 instead of $.80)

Meanwhile you could do a post on craigslist selling them for $2 each and get nearly double the value that GS would give you. I know from selling on there in the past, if you sell them that cheap, people will buy them. This not gets you more for your games, but also means you're not just limited to buying the 360 at Gamestop.
The 20 gb hard drive should be enough for most of the things that you would want, unless you plan on getting like 20 demos to various games and saving them on there. Although there are plenty of deals on the pro model for black friday as well.

And the hatred against gamestop is well deserved. If they sell your game for $5, they will give you about a $1 for it after all bonuses. Seriously, sell your games on Ebay,craigslist, or make a trade list here on CAG to get rid of them. You will get far more money if you do that instead of trading them in to gamestop.
ok...they do not rip you off that much, take a look at this thread

for example, Animal Crossing, an old game that i don't even play any more will trade in for $6. That's not half bad. Then you add 30% since i'll be trading in a lot and an extra 10% for the edge card and that's $8.40

Not a bad deal at all.

Sure, they then sell it for more...but does that really matter to me?
bread's done